V' THITOHDAY MAY 1 !•«« MANY STU D EN TS GET AW ARDS FOR W R ITIN G A T LINCOLN SCHOOL Many Register For Swimming Lessons at CoHege Tank T W O C H IL D R E N H A VE J O IN T B IR T H D A Y PARTY B A P T IS T C H U R C H W O M E N ENJOY C H IN E S E D IN N E R moved luto town from their home east of thr city. Mrs R. 1». Mortensen and Mrs. Members of the Ladles Mlatlon Has Pneumonia—The small son of Harry Olllette entertained at a Joint circle of the Baptist church enjoyed Fifteen scholars at tha Lincoln birthday party at the home of the a Chinese dinner In the church pai- W V. Briggs, of West Springfield, la School have pa»«ed the Palmar pan L IN C O L N S T U D E N T S H IG H | former on Monday afternoon for lore on Wednesday afternoon The confined to hit horns with pneumonia manshtp U ’da which entitle them to Red Cross and University to IN INTELLIGENCE TESTS Louise Cowden, daughter of Mra dinner was prepared and served by and Is under tbs care of a local Offer Swimmers an Oppor. the large atudant certificate*. and ------ — Mortensen, whose tenth birthday was Mra L. H Randle, wife of Rev. physician. Barer*! of th a n have already paid tunity to Become Official Life Several stndente at the Lincoln l on .Monday, and for Harold Ohletta. Handle, of Cottage Orove They both their fcea for the certificates and Saver«! Daily Lessons Start school passed the Intelltgeoca quot son of Mr and Mra. H. L. Gillette, spent some time la the mission fields hare received them Those who are Monday Afternoon. tent testa which were «H«n them whose tenth birthday was on May I. of China until (hey were driven out entitled to the certificates at thia some time ago by Professor C. L. The afternoon was spent with two years ago. time are: Doris Worley. Carl 8taven Seventeen atwdenta at the Lincoln Huffaker and Mias Katherine Knee- ■ games and refreshments, • o n . C h a rle s S tee le. HOsell Adam». school have signed registration cards Rev Randle made a »hurt talk on following were present: June Faye Hoiveraoo. Irving Darts. Ruth and are going to take part In the land with very high soerSe, neconl Chinese cuatomi following the dinner. lag to Laurence Moffitt, principal of g , , , , j , aOnlne w ith er.. Sadie Gott, S tra tto n . m ie n „ Moacop. B eatric e Ufa saving lessons which are to be 8ea¥ay Harold Carson, Vertin Phaey, Clara Barnes, »offered at the University swimming the school. He dM not mention names. M oves In to T o w n — M r and Mr». but stated that the parents of the o ,|,e, „ . Bnhbv Rod'nbough. LaVarte ■then Halt, and Faye Stratton. Lum Anderson and family have children could eee the averages made MeJ11era<)n. M erit. MplUgna. Dale T h . following atadeata have passed ( chapt .r of t h a R f d (>OM, by their children If they cared to j Keberlsoa and Louie* Cowden the primary teats sad are ..fitte d UnlTeralty offlciatoi call at hta office. the altvnc »tec primacy hetteea. J ^ ' - T h e h(gh „phool students will be P R IM A RIBS M A Y 16, 1930 The bast grade In the school waa P O R T L A N D O F F IC E R S Apgar. BUly Jhuar. Hasel Collin». P earl, |oM all about the Instructions and made by a student la Miss Cryatel Fie tehee. Shirley Meet. Bonney Find teste at their assembly today, and A R R E S T IN D IA N C H IE F ley. WUiarft F iona t . Bobby Heigh. many of them are expected to alga B-yan'i reom The score was 111. which waa the score usually made ON S P E E D IN G C H A R G E Shirley Haack. Frances Oram. Jean­ the application cards. by a 14 year old child The student ette i£«««ner. Hallie Lowery. Wlnt V O TE FOR The application cards are also be­ A feature article la the Saturday fred Ijyune. Dorothy Jean Stewart. ing presented to women's organli*«- eras actually 9 years and 11 months. Three of the students had aver­ morning Oregonian told of a chase Dave Smith, Alberta Keeler. Beryl tlons here. ages above 131. which la considered and the final arrest of Chief Hail­ Robertson, Dorothy Mulligan. Violet T h o s e who have already signified excellent. Scores anywhere from 134 stones. native Cherokee Indian, by Steinmeta. Frank Stuart. their Intentions of taking part In the three Portland officers last Thursday Those who have passed the second Instruction are Thelma IJ pea. Echo down to SO are considered good by PRESBNT COUNTY TREASURER morning as the Indian was rktlng his primary testa and who are eligible Tomseth. Eugene Ma Loeb. Rena Boyd. the examiners. One of the boya in motorcycle at a fast rale of speed the Junior high school had a score for the gold atar primary buttons Juanita Wilson. Violet Oakes. Lavina of 130. This put his mental age 5 thtrough the streets of that city. REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE are: Alberta Keeler. Frank Stuart. Webb. James Gott, Norris Stewart. Chief Halletones will be remember­ years above his actual age. Beryl Robertson. Willard House Harley Duncan. Dlsque Smith. Carter ed here as the Indian who appeared Leona Ware, Billy Dow. Shirley Hartman, Norman Gerber. Marjorie In programs In the local schools CASEY S E R V IC E S T A T IO N Haack. Hallie Lowery, Lois Evans. Mattison and Allen Sneed. about two months ago He travels Frances Oram, Bobby Pollard. Hoy The purpose of the life saving In- IN S T A L L S F R IG ID A IR E over the Cnlted Stales lecturing and Daniels. Mabel Conklin. Bonnie Find structlons, says Laurence Moffitt, A new modern Frlgtdalre has been exhibiting tribal ceremonies. Thè , ley. Winifred Lyons, Emma Lou Strat- who has been selected to organise Portland Judge delivered a lecture to ton. Jane Apger. Hazel Collins. Pearl ,j,e v o rg here, is to teach swimmers purchased by the Casey service stat- "Sarvice with Experience" the speeding Indian and fined him tion for use In the refreshment stand Fletcher, Violet Steinmeta. Ray I how to save the lives of others by Moore. Dave Smith. Dorothy Stewart, I breaking holds which a drowning at the station. The Frlgldatre waa twenty-five dollars. The fine was suspended. Louisa Smith. Dorethy Mulligan. Os-1 person makes on a person attempt- bought from the Springfield Cream­ ery company, local dealers and waa car Farnsworth. Bobby Pugh. Shirley |„g to rescue him. and by teaching Vote 44 X «RAUE SCHISKA for County Treasurer Keet, Ethel Hall, Clara Barnes, Verlin , people how to carry a drowning per- ' installed Saturday. It la a four-hole GEOLOGY CLASS S T U D IE S (Paid Advertisement) Posey, Beatrice Carson. Ellen Moacop. 1 Ron v a lla swimming In the water. unit and will enable the service LOCAL ROCK F O R M A T IO N Ruth Stratton. Margaret Haack. Irv-1 Thoae who do not know how to station to handle four different Members of the geology d a is at | lng nfivia. Faye Halverson. Etesell RVim are not eligible to try for the flavors of Ice cream. Adams. Charles Steele, Carl Steven- life-saving swards. George Carson, owner of the sta­ the University of Oregon visited I son. Faye Stratton. Doris Worley. T w o C e rtific a te s O ffe re d tion. has also announced that here­ 8pringfleld Monday for the purpose Mary Smitaon. The contestants will be divided In­ after only Ice-cream products made of studying the rock formation along A second se t of writing specimens to two groups, those seeking the at the Springfield Creamery will be the river banks at the east end of the 1 have been sent to Portland to be Junior life saving certificate and sold at the stand, which Is equipped old bridge, and also at the top of the Judged and the results will be known those desiring the senior certificate. to serve light sandwiches and all height at the south part of the town here shortly. The class was accompanied by Dr. The women and girls will be given confections to motorists. Edwin T. Hodge, who recently re­ Instruction in the pool in the wo­ turned from Africa where he bad FrVE H U N D R E D CLUB men's gymnasium, and the men and C O T T A G E G RO VE BALL made an extensive study and com­ M E E T S A T DePUE H O M E boys will be given Instruction In the C A M E IS PO S TP O N E D parison of the geological conditions pool In the men's gymnasium. there with those found In this state. Applicants for Instruction for the Mr. and Mrs. DePae and Mr. and Inclement weather caused the Two university students digging Mrs. C. Wilson entertained the mem Junior certificates must have a work- postponment on Tuesday of the high bers of the Five Hundred club at the >“g knowledge of the side nod back school baseball game which waa to In the same rock bed Sunday at the DePno home Friday evening. The strokes and be able to ewlm five have been played with the Cottage old bridge found petrified shells and guests played 500 during the evening lengths of the pool (100 yards). Ap­ Grove team. No definite date for the worms which are thought tc be more and enjoyed refreshments before de­ plicants for Instruction for the senior playing of thia game has been set as than a million years old. This Is tome of the oldest fossilised animal certificate must know the aide, back parting. yet, but It will probably be May 30 Mr and Mrs. W H. Adrian were and breast strokes, and be able to aa the boys have another game life yet discovered in the United States. winners of high prise, while Mrs. W. ' 1» lengths of the pool (200 scheduled with the University high R. Dawson received the consolation yards). team at Eugene on Friday of thia Seventh Qradecs te Picnic prlae. ! , Saturday Last Day to Regitter week, and two more games are on The members of the 7A grade at Those present at the party were The classes are, limited to 30 each. their Het for next week. They are Mra. Maude Bryan. Misa Crystal Th« registration wllf cloqe on Satur- continuing their dally practice every the Lincoln school will have an after­ noon picnic at Riverside park on Bryan, Mr. and Mrs Welby Steven», d . r May 10. and registration, ca» be nooa~ ^ r m lte rrlday If the weather perm'’« Th" Mr. and Mrs. W R. Dawson. Mr and » a d e «1 the Red Cross office In the 1 members of the class have all been Mrs. W. H. Adrian.. Mr. and M rs..court house or by seeing Mr. Mof- present for the past twenty days and CUfford Wilson, and'Mr. and Mrs. F. flU- The certificate of registration D A IR Y C O U N C IL D IG E S T For the first time In th« history of the Weal a Weaterw must be obtained and presented at man— Ra b a Williams of Oregon— la Vice Chairman W A V A IL A B L E FOR SC H O O LS this entitles them to the »l<-nle A. DePue. the Republican National Committee. During the peat Ma Several other classes have had simi­ This « i f tthe final meeting of the th® pool when taking first lesson, months he baa served aa acting Chairman of the National Many copies of the Dairy Council lar attendance records and have spring for this club The next meet-i A fee of ten cents will be charged Commit lee. He baa given 23 yean nt unselfish service to lng will be held next fall at the W. each time for girls for the usa of digest, a compilation of reports on taken picnics. Oregon, its citizen» and its worthy enterprises. His tervica scientific researches regarding dairy suit, towel and gymnasium facilities. has bi'ta without salary or financial remuneration of any H. Adrian home. kind. To re-elect him means that Oregon keepa Its im­ Conducting Two Sales They are requested to bring their products which have been issued by portant place In affairs of the Republican National Com­ Mrs. Wanda Barnea la working at M RS. W . H . PO> LARD W IN S own cap The b° 7" * re * sked to brlns i the National Dairy Council, have been mittee and that citizens of the state w ill continue to have the received at the office of Gertrude the Kennett store this week during B A K E R Y GUESS C O N T E S T Hve cent’ for the U8e of * t0’,el benefit of Mr. Williams* influence In Washington, D. C. I Skew, home demonstration agent. the absence of Mrs. Grace Baxter, _____ each time. ¡and may be obtained by school child­ who Is conducting a sale at Myrtle The five dollar merchandise prize ----------------------------- ren who are to compete In the essay Point. Mr. Kennett Is In Ashland, offered by the New Home bakery to .T W O B IR T H D A Y S ARE IN S P IR A T IO N FOR 1» A R T Y conte8t wh,ch ’» beln* sponsored by where he Is conducting a sale for a the person guessing the nearest to P«ld Adv. a lle a n e Commuta», Mary A. Berry, Secretary the milk producers for the purpose of store. P o r ta r BM a, Portlend. Or* th e total of wrappers in the display The birthdays of Mrs. W. F. Increasing the consumption of milk window at the bakery was wop by "If you haven't a doctor,” said the Mrs. W H. Pollard, who guessed the Walker and Mrs. W. R. Dawson, both and milk products. The pamphlets number to be 1865 The contest ended of which fell on Thursday of last contain much valuable Information tourist at the hamlet Inn, “what hap­ on May 1 and the. total number ot week, were observed with a social and can be obtained at Miss Skew’s pens when anyone Is taken seriously gathering at the home of Mr. and office In the public market building III?" wrappers In the window was 1745. "Oh they Jaat die a natural death.. The guesses ranged all the way Mrs. Walker. The guests enjoyed an in Eugene. from 100 sp to 12.000. according to evening of cards and conversation, Carl McKee, proprietor of the bak­ followed by delicious refreshments. ery. The contest was sponsored In Prizes for cards were awarded to conjunction with the giving of Sperry Mrs. Dawson. Mrs. W. N. Dow, and and Hutchinson 8. H. green s'amps. P r■ W. C. Rebhan. A stamp was given for each wrapper ( Those who were prc’ -nt fc« the in the window. The bakery will con- occasion were Dr ■ nd M-a, W. C. tinue to give stamps with purchases Rebhan. Dr. and Mrs. W. N. Dow, ! at the bakery or for bread wrappers ' Mrs. Alice Lorah, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. brought to the Lane County Pre- Dawson, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Flanery, mium Parlor at. the McMorran and Mr- and Mrs. W. H. Adrian, and Mr. ’ and Mrs. W. F. Walker. Washburne sfore in Eugene. GRACE SCHISKA For County Treasurer R e -E le c t R alph E. W illiam s R e a n M Ie a * N a tio n a l C o m m itteem an Vote 13X BREIERS REMOVAL SALE Starts Friday Morning S. P. D O ES W O RK ON EA ST B R ID G E APPRO ACH I u Workmeq have been busy this w eek strengthening the east ap- proach of the railroad bridge across the W illamette river. The work con- sists of bolting large 6 by 6 timbers to the uprlgbt pillar supports forming th e trestle. They are fastened hor1. xontally with the ground and serve to steady the trestle when heavy trains, which vibrate a great deal. pass over It. The debris which had accum ulatef around the bases sup- porting the trestle has also been cleaned away. B a p tis t C hu rch , Bible school at 10:00 a. m. A souvenir will be presented to every mother In attendance at the morning service at 11 a. m., and a special to- ken to the oldest mother Young people's service 6:30. The young people are giving a program to which all mothers are Invited. 7:30. The young people of Cottage Orove are to give a pageant called Two Masters. FO R M E R R E S ID E N T S ARE G U E S T S A T P A R TY H E R E Why, of course, you’ve heard that C. J. Breler has leased the Lara way Building, next door to Newberry's store. Breler says The evening was Y u , 8e' n ,Th°"^ '"T'ted fo' tbP even,n" were 3nd H Mr. 5 ” C. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Ward, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Hurd, and Dr. and Mrs. Dlppel. SALE •" v x “ Move Nothing—Sell Everything” Whatever you do, be sure you come to Breler’s Removal Hale, for the store is full of bargains. F U N E R A L S E R V IC E S H E L D FOR IN F A N T SON M O N D A Y Funeral services for the Infant son . of Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Fraedrlck. who died at the Pacific Christian hospital In Eugene on Saturday, were held on Monday afternoon, Rev. C. J. Pike, pastor of the Springfield Methodist church, was In charge of the ser- v I om , and Interment was made Ip the Laurel Grove cemetery. The Veatch funeral home had charge. GOLD S E A L CONGOLEUM At 9:30 Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Chase enter­ tained at their home . at Chase Oar- . , , ¿ atUrday eT,”" nif ,n honor of Mr*. Ralph Dlppel, of Med­ ’ 3 ford, who were here to attend the J golden wedding anniversary o f his !’ lr e " " Williim», Ralph E, Dep’t rST SIX day. to buy tfenu/n« Gold Seal Coo- goleum Ruga at «pedal prices. These are the original utw^. saving floor-coverings, badBed by the famous Gold Seal Guar­ antee. All the newest p a tten s in the most up^iodate d e s is s andcolocs. Com ecari/wM to r Prices range ns low as S 5 .2 5 for 6 by 9 ft. Rugs Wright & Sons