I TIHTIHDAY. MAY 8. 1989 THF Hl'RING HKI,L) NEWS LOCAL PEOPLE ATTEND CHILD AND GREAT AUNT GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY HAVE BIRTHDAYS SUNDAY RECEPTION IN EUGENE TOWN AND VICINITY PAGE FIVE """ ' A’ Friday from her son, Major 8. L. Van ¡M RS VAN VALZAH GETS RADIO FOR MOTHER’S DAY Valxah, of the U. 8 Medical corps, stationed at' Denver. The radio Is a Two birthdays falling on the same Mrs. A. B. Van Valxah la the Mother's Day gift from her three Tim fiftieth wnddlng anniversary day and representing four genera­ possessor of a large Kolster cabinet sons, the Major; Gerald, la Portland; Flab on Coast -Mr. and Mra. Floyd From Mabel— L. O Parts, of Mabel, radio which she received here on and Robert, la Medford. «I Mr anil Mr* II C. IMppel, o t Bu­ tions of one-fam ily were celebrated gen», parent* of Or Ralph Olppel, ot here Hunday when Mr. and Mrs. Ira Flanery, a».*» W. N. Dow spent Sun­ was a visitor In this city Saturday. Medfird, formerly of Hprlngfleld, was Vnung entertained at a large birth­ day fishing at Florence. Visita Friendo—Handy Peterson, of observed In Eugene Hunday, May 4, day dinner at their home In honor Visits from Creewell— J. R Scott, Waltervllle, spent Saturday with of Mlaa (Horta Jeanne Hill, 8 years « ib it reception al the home and a of Creswell, was a business visitor In frlenda In thia city. fi mlly dinner al Ihe Eugene hotel In old. and Mra. Charlea Haya, of Port­ land. her great aunt, who was «0 on | lh" 0,1 the evening. From Mareóla— Mrs. C. 8 Williams pr«m Mpreola—C. O. W etsel. of of Marcóla, visited with frlenda In Among (hose attending the affair Hunday PLUMBING A group of Intimate frlenda and Marcóla vlelted with friends while In this city on Saturday afternoon. were at« children and several friends, HEATING Including Mm Marie Foeter. Mlsa relatlvea were Invited for Ihe dinner Hprlngfleld On Monday, SHEET METAL Spends Vacation Here C. L. Chase Alice Olppel. Mlea Minnie Olppel, which was eerved at a table which Vielte Friends Mrs Lee Stevens, | of Portland, Is spending his vacation had as a centerpiece a large birth slater of Mr Olppel and all from day cake, with six yellow candles In Iof W altervllle, spent Saturday here with hie brother, Kenneth Chase. Ran Francleco; Mlaa Thelma Kay. a ihe center and «0 small pink ones on Springfield visiting her friends, niece. from San Francisco; Mtaa Recovering—Mrs. A. T. Fraedrlck In Springfield Electric Supply Store Transacts Bualnea* — 8. W. Rich- Bdlth Olppel, a granddaughter, from the outer edges. Is recovering at the Pacific Christian Phong 197 First Door South of Rodenboàgh Garage Mrs Hays Is a slater of Mrs. Young, ardson, of Thurston, was In Spring- hospital following a major operation. Han Francisco; Mr. and Mra. Ouy Olppel. the formal a son of Mr. and The other guests for the dinner were field „„ Saturday mornlag to tran- * 8pwnd. Sunday Here— Mr. and Mrs. Mrs Olppel, from Sacramento; Mra. Mr and Mrs. Arthur Rli^e and Miss sact business matters. Lawrence Stevens, of Wendllng, spent L It Murphy, a daughter from Agnes Hays, of Portland; Mrs. John Sen .Born — Mr. and Mra. C. E Sunday here wlsltlng with frlenda. Bcotta llluff, Nebraska, Mra. Oalay Kotier, Mrs Sibil Hill and sons, Watson, a daughter, from I'ortland. Billy and Jamas, of Bugene; and Mrs. Keeler are the parents of a baby hoy Registers a t Springfield Hotel — born to them at their home here on Mlaa Hilda Harris, of Halem; Mlaa Mary Mattison, of Santa Clara. A. P. Boyne, of Portland, was regis­ Hunday, May 4, 1*30. Edna Olppel of lx » Angeles, a daugh tered at the Springfield hotel over ter; Or. Ralph Olppel and his family; WILLING WORKERS CLUB Joins Staff at Egglmann’*—Audrey the week end. Harold Olppel, of Bugen«, a son; HAS MEETING MONDAY Oknlele Is learning the confectionery W a lte rv llle Resident V ialta — Law ­ and Patricia and Hteve Olppel, AT _____ cuslness -• Egglm anns, where she grandchildren. The Willing Workers 4-H sewing will he -nployed during the summer. rence Millican, of W altervllle, spent Saturday visiting friends In Spring- Mr and Mrs Harry Whitney, and club of the Junior high school met Marco.« Man Visite—John Down- field. Mr. and Mrs Levi Neel were among Monday after school at the home of of Ma'cola' ,p e "‘ T“e* lnara,t<,n for ,h ’ ,r “ • Diemleeed from H o a p lta l-T h e small t ,;ii; board, stated that the atate fair was group of her friends at a May Day to be advanced also and that the party-at her home here on Haturday tendance at the national guard camp son of Mrg Egther T h ic e g , who ou. Halem fair would be held the week The afternoon was spent with games this summer, when they will seek to d(,rwent . maJor oparat,on at the win trophies. • ! pnc|f |c Christian hospital in Bugene. after the one here. and refreshments. Those present for , ♦ / dismissed I*»« the affair were Mildred Tuhy. Shirley , Breaks A rm -lrv ln g Davit, aon o f , “The Store of Service" Vlalta Son — A. M Rlrhardaon, of Smith, Pearl Hllterbrand, Marjorie Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Davis, received a Given Medical Examination A. M 334 MAIN STREET SPRINGFIELD Swleshome, spent Saturday In Bprlng- Jollff, Howard Frits, Lawrence Chase I broken arm while playing on the Richardson, of Walton, was In this I » . « I., field vlsltllng his son. Emery Richard­ Mildred Morgan. Clifford Hornber school grounds at the Lincoln school c|ty Fr)<, #y Iagt wgek t# rgce,ye g son. who la employed at the power ger, Woodrow Bates, Zelda Gay and | on Monday afternoon. Irving la In A . b 1 * 4 . ■•».W...1 a w n. I . I . a a( g ■ com iste medical examination boose. Stanley Rolley. the 3A grade. local physician's office. i. 18 E X P E R T SER V IC E DODD M. MILLER I Specials this week Fulop’s Department Store PRINTS—-Special 19c SILK UMBRELLAS Special $2.98 KED’S TENNIS SHOES Special 98c Fulop’s Department Store e i Mra. C. Attends Bridge Luneheei E. Kenyon. Mra. C. E Hwarta. and Misa Bdna Hwarta attended a bridge , luncheon riven by Ute Eplecopel guild of Bugene on Tuesday after­ noon Pennsylvania People Here — Mr and Mrs. C. B. Waite, of Lock Haven, Pennsylvania, were guests the first of the week at the home of Mr. and Mra. D. B Saltsman Mr. Waite Is connected with the American Rail­ way Express company. MOTHER’S DAY M ay 11 Remember Mother on Mother’s Day with Flowers. They have In them Romething that ties up the heart-strings and expresses deepest ap­ preciation. Delivered anywhere. Kirkland’s Floral Co. Eugene-Springfield Bridge Phone Springfield 86W Moved to Our New Location 134 FIFTH STREET. Phong 197 V&stinghouse stinghoi] Electrification Appliances ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES Apparatus ■ : W iring.- - FISHING rny SUPPLIES VESTINGMOUSE ELECTRIC Springfield Electric Supply Formerly Ilenderer’s Electric Al Pohl Clarence Cooley Medford People Here — Mrs. Johr Kent and her da> ..hter. Thelma, of Medford, spent Saturday and Suaday hgre >t th# home of Myg j R W’ooda. Signs Painted — The outdoor bill­ boards of the Fo8ter-Klelaer adrer- , 'l*’nF company located next door to the Mountain States Power company, were given a coat of green paint on j Monday by the comrany painter. Junior Prep Suits . < : ; .w ith 2 pairs o f trousers q675 Recovering from Illness — Adda I Klemenschnelder, an aunt of Mrs. Welby Stevens was taken suddenly III on Sunday afternoon, but it now convalescing at the ranch home ot Mr. and Mrs. Stevens, south of the city. Local Couple at Beaches—Mr. and O. H. Turner motored to Waldport Sunday and spent the day digglnb clams on the ocean beach. The day was very windy, they report, but said that there were large crowds on all ot the beaches all day long. New Aaalstant—Miss Clara Jones of Springfield, will assume the duties of nurse and assistant to Dr. W. C. Rehhan when Mrs. Carroll Oroshong leaves the latter part of May. Miss Jones began learning her new duties on Monday. To Spend Week End Here— Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Jarvis and their daughter Betty Jane, will spend tthe coming ' week end here as guests of Mr. and ■ Mrs. Eugene Kester. They will all motor up to the doctor’s summer homo on Saturday. Portland People Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Frank Curtis, of Portland, ar­ rived In Springfield late Saturday to spend a few days visiting nt Ihe hoirie of Leonard Lepley, who is a brother- in-law of Mrs. Curtfs. They are on | their way to Medford, where they plnn to make their home In future. Smart Graduation Clothes Guests at lilt * —Mr. and Mrs. John A. Smith, of Black Diamond, Alberta; Mrs. John Lnke, Vancouver, Wash­ ington; Mrs. R. Buchanan, Portland; S. O. Sellick, Roseburg; and Anthony Sherman, of AIbnny, wewe all regis­ tered at the Elite hotel over the week end. Graduation Day be as jure of yourself as you are of your diploma. Prepare for the event by judiciously shopping in J. G Penney Company’s clothing department. We have here the right »uit for every voung man and every occasion. Young fellows will be as enthu­ siastic over the smart style and fit as their thrifty parents over the sensible savings. Spends Sunday at Summer Home— Dr. and Mrs. Eugene Kester spent Sunday at their summer home on the McKenzie. The doctor reports that Ills new dnm Is now completed and that It will not he washed out hext whiter by the high wnters ns It xna In thn p a st He will stock the pond with »rout. that take high honors in style and economy FOX-REX Buster Keaton in Free A Easy J.C. PENNEY GO. J R