faob FOUR THUKHDAV. MAY X, l»30 The way to get even with those eastern fel­ CANADIAN RANCHER WEDS RELIEF FROM CURSE lows who deny us a lumber tariff for our prin­ COVNTV ACME NT TO TEST FubUabed Bvery Tfcanday at cipal industry is to go into competition with RUST R ESISTANT GRAINS OF C O N STIPA TIO N SISTER OF HOTEL MAN SprlngfleM. Lane County, Or« con. by them in their own lines of industry*. Population i -------- T H g W ILLA M R TTC PRESS T e .t» to determ ino (he beat rust is increasing to such an extent on the Pacific Te" ’ t0 ‘,e'"rn,,n'' ,h* b««‘ »«■« A quiet wielding wua auleniiilaed A list tie Creek physician aayg, "Con H. E M A X K T , Bdltor. to ast that there is a market for nearly all kinds ’ "•‘(•««•a or whe.it and oat» here Saturday s w u ln g at » 10 o’, lock .tlp a llu u la responsible for more than any other cause" of product. When we Quit sending our moitov * U1 ** ion,,nu'‘’* •«»l" ’hi» y«»r in at the apartm ent of Mr. and Mrs. A. misery But limned late re lie f h a . linen u ««vond rlasa mailer, February 14. IMA, at ih« east we will have more of it at home. COBn,3r b> 8 F letehvr, eonnty T. Brewer, at the E lite hotel, wjieu found A tablet called Resell o rd e r poatofflc«. Sprtnru< Store Brew er, and Mr, bm n li la a caule rancher In the Canadian province he has lived In the past 1« y e a r.. He lived In tlrvgon for many years hafore »olng io Bageda and was wolkhnowti }' In the northern part of the stats. T he couple left Springfield Monday evening for Salem, where they w ill | W ® H / N D L K nothing but the Spring. «pend a few daya visiting with a bro. J Whilst thia idea is new to the west it is logical ! j , . * * " * * * 5 r* ,m ,n d *ra d e * m ilk. Iher of Mr Sm ith They w ill also cooperation if air transportation is to take its . i * ne , rod ------------------------------------------- child’s nature that changes the child's now-a- 2^aBI’ Gutter and buttermilk -lu r e now a -, E llie Cafe. Springfield M B «pend a few daya In Portland before place like we expect it will However, it is already i . F 8 sterlnK rod And it is not the sparing going to Cauada where III«»)’ being practised to seftne degree on the inter- ° f but the U8e of il that spoils many youngsters t l O H T H G RADE E X A M IN A T IO N S make (heir home mediate landing fields such as the one at • • • The regular uniform .ta le eighth Cottage Jrove and near Brownsville — where grade exam ination , w ill be given In N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S i districts where there are p up il, who government money made some of the Im prove-1 Nolle« I . hereby given that I. 0 « r ments. have compiled with the legal re iruilo Humphrvv. have h»«n npp USED CARS Priced from $ 5 0 op W HY N O T BUY A GOOD. LOW PRICED iJMED CAR FOR T H A T FISH IN G T R IP MORRIS CHEVROLET Co. 924 Olive St., Eugene, Oregon Southern Pacific Telephone 627 JUST A FEW EXAMPLES O f w hat Carl Olson, Agant H m Orwfen Pr»w think« e f la r r y L. C orbett Phon« 65 Republican Candidate for Covernor By Terry GQkison " H e (Corbett) says that t h e state will be ad­ vanced more by hard work than oratory.’*- - Crass Valley Journal. "Searching through all of the utterances made by candi­ dates we find in the Corbett platform a gem to consider." — Klamath Falls Herald. mom iNyreADow having one CAKE and FOR H A V E M Y 9 IR .T H 0 A Y PARTY — TEN C A K E * ANO O N E CANDLE 7 W HY NOT yW ith Mr Corbett Covernor there should be no pyramid­ ing of bond issues, but there would be ways and means devised for legitimate, safe development." — Malheur Enterprise. I HAT» REVOLVING OOOR5 b il l l a d D • y o u c a n V h a m ' bm W mmh TO TOU’RB M AD WMBN The sanest platform that has been issued by any candi­ date in this generation is the one put forward by Harry L Corbett, republican candidate for Covernor. If there ia any bushwah’ in it we have not been able to locate It and Gazette3iTmc- UnuSUal thing for 8 candidat« ''--Corvalll« ♦ a » o /mtatrr « ikM» AM*f 1. O ffiff I Day oom- M n U i.r'n day. u P ’ity o v itha! Harry t Corb«n was fh« only senator In the I yz 7 legislature who refused to accept the extra pay which the legislators voted themselves should not work to his disadvantage in his campaign to procure the repub­ lican gubernatorial nomination.”— Ashland Tidings. 9 av a.nd F G G IM A iN N ’S “Should Oregon entrust it; gov­ ernorship to him • Corbett) it will b e in mighty good hands — Sheridan Sun. T E N CANDLSS MM. on Mot MoMtor'a California Vacation PINKY DINKY ta Candy. your cessive amokin< by yaunR men is also a serious ! Th^ min. 11' question from a physical standpoint we must hi U a eease» l 0 grow— no matter admit, and it should be discouraged »h at his years— that minute he begins to be old. • • • On the other hand, the really great m an never “We do not obtain our prosperity from taws I ° but infurt our prosperity with laws laws. ” it we can injure Bt H ah ty 'three, did his — editorfel —“ ■— * ‘ writer in - The fWiconian That greatest work after he was seventy. says an ™ —-• Titian, - th« the celebrated painter, lived to be should be a thought for every legislator to post 1T,tian in his hat hand and keenly analvze this situation n,nety 'n,ne- painting right up to the end. ?nhl L VOtmg f° r 9 new mea8” re or » change in Goethe passed out at eighty-three, and ftnish- an old one. ed his Faust when he was seventy; Commodore • ’ • Vanderbilt Increased the mileage of his lines In ‘ he “Relieve |t Or Not” column might be from J.2® 5? more than 10.000 between his listed 3 weM drilling machine pounding away at 8eventieth birthday and his death a t eighty-three, the comer of Eight and Willamette streets Laplace, the astronomer, was still at work Kugene’ .when death caught up with him at seventy- • • • el« ht- He the auto- E X 8r° Win8' " " " "ur' ,h* t he ? £ Z X S S ’ »■ • " ,.n e .„ keep h,m.e „ that — —■ — ____ a ttitu d e of m ind, he is stil 1 y o u n g . way your [" foF Harry L. Corb«t» A »«y Fald Adv, » |