TUURBDAY. MAY 8, 1930 THR 8FRINOFIBLP NRW« " u ir « .. ’ .... 1 N O T IC E Qassifi (BUYWtì m SELLN g Ä S I I F O R B A IJ 6 - l t lnch body F ir. ld-tach »ad « lo o t Old Urow th Blab Wood. (>d8 * “ d Maple Telephone Spr. 11» J. Prank Toby M It NOT 1C I TO CRSOITORS N olle« la hereby given (hat the aa deralgaed wa« on tbe 4th day ot A p ril, l i s t appolated adm inistrator >t the eatate of H a rry B M an ville. <«. •■»•••d. by the County Court of I .an a CoBhty, Oregon A ll persona having rla lm s against the estate of aald lla r r y II M anville should file the same, duly verified, w ith the under ■i«ned at l«0 Hast Broadway. Eugene. Oregon, within six months from this date. A p ril 17th. It.10 HANH U EK TELH oN , A dm inistrator _______________ A !2 *« M 1 * 4 8 111 N O T IC I TO C R E D IT O R S Notice Is hereby given that the un­ dersigned has hern duly appointed Adm inistrator of the estate of Bessie N. Arnold, deceased, and any and nil persons having claims against the said estate are hereby required to present said claim s, duly verified as by law required, at No. 717 W iliam e tta Street. Eugene, Oregon, In I-anc County, w ithin six months from the data of this notice. Dated and firs t published May I, 1 *8 *. Data of laat publication. May 2 *., 1*8*. H. E SLA TTER Y, Adm inistrator of the estate of Bessie N. Arnold, deceased. Address Is P. O Box 6*4. Eugene. Oregon. M 1 8 15 23 2* C IT A T IO N In the County Court e f the State ef Oregon, for the County of Leno. In the m atter of tbo eatate of Prank M Vernum . deceased To Mra. W B. Hughes, and to all the unknown hatra at law of Prank M Vernum . deceased, and to a ll persona whom It may concern G reeting: la tha name of tha State of Oregon you aad each o f you are hereby cited and required to appear In tha County Court of the Btate of O re­ gon for the County of Lana a t the C o urt room thereof, at Eugene. In I-ane County, Oregon, on the 10th day of M ay. 1*30. at tan o'clock In the forenoon of said day, then and there to show cause, If any of you have w hy a license should n et be granted to Prank E B lair, adm inistrator of the estats of P rank M. Vernum . d e to sail a ll of lota three (3) fonr (4 )( five (6 ). sis «•», seven <7>. and eight ( I ) In Block six (4 ) In the T ow n of Ixiw ell. I.ane County, Oregon the same being a ll of the real estate belonging to said estate, for cash and In one parcel, at private sale. This citation Is served upon you by publication thereof la the Springfield New«, a weekly newspaper of general circulation printed and published nt Springfield. Lane County. Oregon, pursuant to aa order of the Honorable C. P. Barnard, Judge of the nbova named Court made and entered of record on the 5th day of A p ril. 1*30. ordering the citation Io be published cnee each week la said paper for four successive weeks and the ftret publt- c a tk n »hall be w ith the tasua of A p ril 10th. 1*30. and the last publl ration w ill be w ith the Issue of May 8th. 1>3I. W itness The Honorable C. P. Bar nard. Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon lo r the County of l.ana. and tha seal of the Court hereto affixed this 6th day of A pril. 1*30. W . B D IL L A R D . County C lerk By Eva L. Duckw orth. Deputy A 10-17 24 M 1-8 e - -« . - r B U S IN E S S Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN D R U 0LE8S P H Y S IC IA N 156 F irth Phone 1*5-W Phone lt d Stroet S P R IN G F IE L D Plano Moving SPRSNOPIELD TRANSFER W IL L IS B E R T S C H . Prop, • f f l c « R O D B N B O U O H O ARAO B 581 M a la Stroot Long D itta n e» H a u lin g a SpeelaRy DR. N. W. EMERY D I N T 1ST Sutton Bldg. Phone Retldenoo Phono 158-84 Springfield, Oregon Uennral L aw Practice I. M. PETERSON A-ttorney-at-Law C ity H a ll Bnlldlng Springfield, Ore. D. W. Roof JKWEI.BR Rapddrlng a Specialty »wusam. or»«» ser results ) PAOS ». 18 O P N E A R IN O O F P IN A L ACCOUNT Notice Is hereby given th a t the un­ (Continued from page 3) dersigned executor of the last w ill and testament of W. F. M burer. de­ the Yard and naked for Sparrow, did ceased. has filed his acoount for the fin a l settlement of said estate In the you? la ha a pal of yournT’ “I know him ,’' said Lake. County Court for [.ane County, Ore­ gon, and that Baturday. the 17th dky M r. Connor smiled pleasantly. Principi! Events nf thn Wnnfe o f May, 1*30. a t the Court room o f 1 "And then you tried to get him on said Court, In the County Court AuemMsd 1er Informati«! House, In Lena County. Oregon, at the phone — what was the squeal i tea o'clock la the forenoon, has been shout? Don't trouble to answ er me: •f O bt Madera. by aald Court fixed as the tim e and T know. I never trusted yon from the place for hearing objections thereto, Drat. Sm ith— T don't trust 4 entra­ and for final settlem ent of said aetata The ils n a " P L O W L HOURBR. e 3-Se-l Despite his aching heed, L a k e ' Bsec^lor of the last w ill and testa­ could not bnt smile. ment cf W. P. Mourer. dev'eased. L. L R A T , attorney for estate " I shouldn’t thin k they trust yon a - A 17 3« M 1-8-11 great deal, do they, Connor?" ehoat three miles from Vernonia e8 "Not much ' NOTICE TO CREDITORS Ha then cut the pack In two, and i the age < MM>- He reached hie ldOCfe Notice Is hereby given th a t the un- birthday June 4, l» » t. 1 derslgnrd has been appointed exacu- all the tim e hia eyen w ere on Lake. Albany'» spring outboard m ater [ trlx w ill and testam ent of "So you know tha Sparrow? T h a t’s peter Jacobson, deceased, by the good. I'll bet you know Danty, too." I races w ill be held May 30 cm the W lh County Court for Lane County. State lamette river. It waa announced i f "D anty Morel!?" he naked. 'o f Oregon A ll persona having claims W hy had D anty gone oat of his | member« ot the American Legion pool. against said estate are hereby notified (o present the same, w ith proper mind? W hy had he forgotten that T w en ty thousand trout Dngerlindl vouchers to the undersigned at the Danty was the confident o f his «rife ware planted In a closed area a t the office of Donald Young. 8(0 W ilia m — that his one desire. In seeking head of the Metolius river by the state e tte street, Eugene. Oregon, within environm ent In fish commission, according to word re­ six months from the date of thia freedom from the which he found him self had been to 1 ceived a t Redmond. notice Dated the 17th day of A p ril, 1*30. expose the conDdence man? F rank Crabtree, 3d, Brownsville^ N 1C O LIN B M A R IE JAC O B SE N . "Knows D anty, too." Connor’s died in a hospital at Eugene from in­ Executrix. D O N A L D YO U N G , attorney for estate voice was adm iring. "And Pl ColeaT' juries suffered when the automobile A 17 24 M 1-8-15 Luke nodded. in which he was riding ran through "Yea, Coles, that's his s e rv a n t” a barbed w ire fence. N O T IC E OF S H E R IF F 'S SA L E ON Connors smiled broadly. Rapid headway la being made by E X E C U T IO N "P I Is his servant, all right. You the Fraser-Mercer company on the By virtue of an execution Issued seem to know the whole darn shoot. construction of the bridge spanning out of and under the seal of the Clr cult Court In and for the County ot I I'm tellin g you. Sm ith, that a man the Rogue riv e r 00 the Oregon Coast Lane, State o f Oregon, upon a Judg­ that knows Danty and the Lew lng highway a t Gold Beach. ment rendered and docketed In said i gang, and calls at Scotland Yard to Court on the 18th day of October, i According to Superintendent Soltm 1*28. In an action wherein Cottage I see his friend Sparrow , isn't a good sky c f Crater Lake national pa.k, • Orove Adjustment Bureau, a corpora­ fellow to have around this houae." | crew of 30 men will equip at Prospeet tion. Is p la in tiff and Ralph Brown and . Then he added: Mrs. Ralph Brown, his w ife, are d e -, "That's why you are not going to and s ta rt to cat and burn pine beetle fendenta In favor o f said p laln tlD Infected trees In tbe park. and against the aald defendants for | be around the bouse.” W . M. Andres, a farm er of tha North H e looked up at one of the men the sum of Ntnety-atx Dollars Sixty How ell P ra irie district near Salem, nine cents (3*4 4*1 and Nine Dollars ibaughtfully, suffered the loss of bis rig ht han d Forty cents (3 *4 0 ) costs, which exe -w h e n Is high tide?" cutlon was directed and delivered to whan a powder charge which he he« “Four o'clock." me as S h eriff In and for said County of Lane. State of Oregon. I have Connor nodded. Again hia eyea fell gone to Investigate exploded. F ire which started ln the varnish levied upon all the right, title and hi- - on Luke. tereet of (he said defendants, Ralph room of tho H . L. StiD Furniture com­ "Yon a good sw im m er T ' Brown and Mra. Ralph Brown, his pany warehouse at Salem resulted OS "F a ir.” said L uke coolly. w ife. In and to the follow ing desrrtb " W e 'll give you a dip tonight," aald ■ damage to the building and contents ed real property, to-w lt: Put him In the cooler, | estimated In excess of »5000. An undivided one-fourth ( U ) I n - ' Connor, GUNMAN'S BLUFF N O T IC E to School Teachers— I f you "F O R S A L B OR T R A D to —Sg rtagfleM wish a nice place to room and lota. W ill ooaaMer Bngeae e r Me- board come to H otel Elite. W e also Kensle R iver property la exchange have two houses on P street for P. O. Box 1*1, BprlngflaM re n t; one Is a furnished bouse.— T R A IN S C H E D U L E A. T . Brew er. m Bgrleggleld Stepe NORTH N O T IC E OP P IN A L S E T T L E M E N T „ . In the County C otst ef the State of No. Id at 8:8« A. M. Ring to detrain Oregon, for the County e f Lane. from K lam ath Pall« aad In the M a tte r of the Estate of Annie beyond Knox, Deceased. No. I a t 4:11 P. M Notice Is hereby given that C. E. Kenyon, executor of the estate of Bus connection» at Begene for Annie Knox, deceased, has filed his trains leaving 1 :3 * P. M and 7 P. M. final account ln the m atter of said SOUTH estate In the County Court for latne No. 7 a t 12:47 P. M. County, Oregon, and that Monday, the 24ih day of May, 1*30, at th e hour No. IS at 10:0* P. M Plag stop for of teu o'clock a. m, In the County passengers to K lam ath Palls and Court House In Eugene, lam e County, Oregon, has been fixed as the tim e beyond. and place for the hearing of objec­ Bus connections a t Eugene tions to said account and for the trains leaving 11:46 A. M. via filia l settlem ent of said eatate. Any kiyou line. and all objections to said account ! and the final settlem ent of said es- i tale must be filed with the Clerk of ! N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S aald Court on or before the date ol , Notice la hereby given that Bee said hearing. The date of the first trice Wassom. on the 30th day o publication la A p ril »«th, 1*30. April, 1*30, was appointed adm lnlt C. E K E N Y O N . tra trlx of the estate of M ary I. E Executor of the Estate of Annie H u rlb u rt. deceased. A ll persons hav­ Knox, deceased. ing rlalm s against said estate are A 24 M 18 15 22 I hereby notified to present them duly verified as hy law required to said adm in is tra trix at the law office of N O T IC I TO C R E D IT O R S A lta King In the Court House. Eu . Notice la hereby given that Birdie gene. I> n e County, Oregon, w ithin L. Ish has been appointed adm inis­ six months of the firs t pubflcatlon of tra trix of the estate of J. W. lah, this notice. Date of firs t publication deceased, by tha County Court of being May 1st, 1*30 Ixuie County, Oregon. A ll persona B E A T R IC E W A S SO M , having claims agslnst said eatate are Adwrtnlstrntrtx required to present them, with the A L T A K IN O , A tto rn ey fo r estate. proper vouchers, wtthtn six months _________ M 1-3-16-23 2* from the firs t day of M ay. 1*30, to the SUMMONS said a d m in is tra trix at tha law office of L. L. Ray. In the M iner Building. In the C lm u lt Court of the State el Eugene, Oregon Oregon In end for the County ef B IR D IE L. 18H. Lane A d m in is tra trix of the eatate of J. tereet In and to: Harry, S U IT FOR D IV O R C E W. Ish, deceased. Beginning In Section • Tp. 31 8 R. Connor carried on a legitim ate I f . George O rv ille Cox. P la in tiff, va. L. L. R A T . A ttorney for estate. 3 W est, at a point 41.7* rhalna north ’ _ ., , , _ Corn Cox. Defendant. and »8 84 chains East of the 8 o u t h - “ n p ro flu b le busln* “ - H e w“ ■ M 1 8-16-32 3« T o Cora Cftx. Defendant. weat corner of the H W T ay lo r an« dealer In certain bnlldlng m a te ria l., I-ou are hereby required to appear N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S and answ er the com plaint Died w ife D. L. C No. 48 N otlf. No. 77*. and barges came regularly but nt rare which said point la In Jhe m l d d l e j f totorvnla to this w harf and w ere un- Notice le hereby given t b i t L. L . against you In the above entitled suit the present channel of the Coast Fork „ — ix Ray has been appointed adm inistrator w ithin four weeks from the date or R iver, run thence East » 1 5 chains ,o* ded H « bought and »old scrap of tbs eatate of A rth u r H artm an , de­ the Drat publication o f thia summons thence North 13 *0 chains, thence I Iron, cement, any commodity which , ceased, by the County Court of Lane In the SprlngDeld News, which first « . . . .. .s o e r e W e n t 17.6 chains to the center of the offered an Im m ediate p ro fit. The County. Oregon. AU persona having data Is A o rll 17. 1*30; and you are present channel of the C o a s t F o r k w harf couW and waa h |re)1 for , claims against said eatate are re- hereby notified that If you tell ao to R iver, thence up the center of the I qnlred to present them , w ith the pro­ appear and answer said com plaint present channel o f said riv e r to t h e : lee- per vouchers, w ithin six months w ithin aald period of tim e your default place of beginning, nil In Lane County , A tew paces from the door o f the from the 24th dev of A pril, 1*30, to w ill be entered and the p la in tiff w ill State of Oregon. ! s ittin g room they came to another, i the said adm inistrator nt his law of- make application to the Court for the Notice Is hereby^ given, that I. ^he i L,uke could not help wondering If flee In the M iner Building, Eugene. re lie f prayed w ith in said com plaint, undersigned S h e riff aa aforeaald w ill to-w lt: the little cham ber into which he Oregon. T h a t the m arriage contract n ow , sell the above described real property L. L. R A T . bidder for cash at I [ •«. was thrust had been used before . (or i existing between you and the plain ,0 htgheat a„..tfcw«at fvnet , . K A d m in istrator of the estate of A r­ t iff be forever dissolved Honorable f pub,,c_ ______ _____ the fr ;u5‘ ,o" * L t ti ' * Southwest 2?“ ^ the “ me ',ur’>'” e- 11 h ,d n° »'n do w a j thu r H a rtm a n , deceased A 34 M 1-8-16-28 C. P. Barnard, County Judge of I^ n e door of the County Co“ r t ho“ ’ * 'J1 but In other respect was curiously Euxene Lane County, B u te of Ore- . County, Oregon, made, dated and en gon. on the 30th day of M ay. 1*30, at l,ke • Prison cell. It m ight have tered an order on A p ril 10, 1*30, N O T IC I T O C R S D IT O R S ten o'clock a. m of th a t day to satisfy been employed for the storage of directing this summone to be pub­ the said execution together w ith in ; coal, but there was nothing tn It now. lished In the SprlngDeld N e w t once Notice Is hereby given that the un­ tereat and ^ coat» ' ’« ^ thereon. . ’ ^ n h i t s h e d A o rll not 1 h r i ° f »tool. In the llgfc* dersigned has been duly appointed each week fo r a period of four «urcea- Dated and D rst published A p ril , . gfvn weeks; and that you appear and 17th. 1*30; dated and laat p ub lish ed , of the man a electric torch he saw executor of the estate of Sara Hold- w ithin May 16th ,’ 1*30. th a t the walla w ere of brick and redge. deceased, and any and all answer the aald com plaint persons having rlalm s against the four weeks from the date of the Drat H . L. B O W N , whitewashed. Then he heard a holt said estate are hereby required to publication nf this summons. S h e riff of Lane County. S tate of gh(>t and he ,e ft >lone wJth the „ E SLATTERY. present aald claims, duly verified as Oregon. 17-34 M 1-8-15 i knowledge th a t tn Dve hours It Attorney for the p la in tiff, and my by law required, at 854 W illa m e tte street. Eugene. In Lane County, O re ­ residence and post ofDce address Is ■ ■ ---------------------- — would be high tide, and that. In hia gon. w ithin six months from the date Eugene. Oregon. SUMMONS am 'able way, M r. Connors had plan- A 17-24 M 1-8-15 of thia notice. In th a C ir c u it C o u rt e f th e S ta te o f ' ned "a d ip ” fo r him. Dated and Drnt p u b lls M k A p ril Oregon, In and fo r Lana County. . . . . S U M M O N S FOR P U B L IC A T IO N »«■ Date 1M0 of laat publication. - M ay »2. '"ban d °a n d 'w “ d « " in tlf te ? "g a in s ’ . In the C ircu it Court of tho State of 1*30. George E. Campbell. M aym e C am p notepaper on the floor of Luke'» Oregon .'or tho County of Lane F R E D L. BEA RD, Leslie M Baty, p la in tiff, vs. Bennie bell, his w ife ; W illia m H. Hlckox. room. She picked one up, read I t | Executor of the estate of Sara or hia unknown heir» at law . If 'an d gasped. T ne date had been w r i t - : Mae Baty. defendant. Holdredge, deceaaed T o Bennie Mae B aty, defendant o r^ w ld o w 7 f “ w i1 H a m °H . Hick’ J *•» ‘ °P * nd “ began: Address: 854 W illa m e tte street. above n am etl: Eugene, Oregon. and all o ther persons and p arties! Mv dear H u lb e rt, I am tn a You are hereby required to appear H. E. S la tte ry , A ttorney for Exe- and answ er the com plaint filed unknown, claim ing any rig ht, title , most t e r r i b l e - the above entitled estate, Hen or Interest la the it was In L u k e ’s w riting. It was CUtOr- A »4 M 1 1 1832 against you In Court and cause on or before four estate described In the com plaint ' 1n this suit, defendant». Luke who had been there that Dl* ht (4 ) weeks from the date nf the Drst T o George E. Campbell. M aym e | She found another sheet covered w ith publication of this summons, and If you tell ao to appear and answer , Campbell, his w ife ; W illia m H . H ick- smudged «rritlng; this also eras ad- sald com plaint, for w ant thereof the. O1 or htg unknown heirs nt law . If h e ' dressed to the solicitor but the p la in tiff w ill apply to the Court for deceased; ---------- Hlckox. the » •? .- . «■ the re lie f demanded In said com i or widow of W illia m H. H lckox; and three scrawled crawled lines were unread- plaint, to -w lt: fo r a decree dissolving | aj| „th e r persons and parties unknown , able. had * - ’ He - •---* deliberately crossed DR. W. N. DOW the bonds of m atrim ony now existing claim ing any rig ht, title, estate, lien them out. E vidently he had sat down between the p la ln tlD and defendant I or interest In the land In the com w r„ e a ie tte r t0 H u lb e rt had D e n tis t and divorcing the p la ln tlD from the i pia |nt In this suit and hereinafter F irs t N atio n al Rank Building defendant, and such other and fu r-d e s c rib e d , defendants: made two attem pts and t ie n han Phone 43 Springfield, Oregon th e r re lie f aa to the Court may seem j „ ,he name of the State of Oregon: . changed his mind, Office hours, t A. M. to 5 P. 84? equitable. You are hereby required to appear, it was so like L uke; he could n o t' Evenings by Appointment This summons Is published once 1 and n ,e com plaint of p la in tiffs J reglgt |he teInn, ailOn o ffcte jg . , n Tp. 17 S. Rg. 3 W est of . . . P Oregon In and fo r the County of and running W est 426 feet. rir,vlng a car thia aDernoon when F ull Auto Equipment South 30» feet. East 426 feet, a n d ' TID annv's was robbed. H e gave one | Lane. Lady Assistant In re the estate of Je rry Langan. thence north to the place of beginning; of the shop assistants a punch In Deceased. he forever quieted as against a ll ot tbe jaw __.. you: that you be forever barred and To whom this may concern: ''But that's Impossible Thia m an" You are hereby notified that by e r­ estopped from eU lm ln g any right, "Ah, you've read about It In the red of the above entitled Court duly title , estate or Interest therein ad­ FRANK A. DE PUE given and made, Roy Langan, the verse to th e ir title ; and for such papers— a bearded man. T hat's rig ht, A T T O R N E Y A T LA W undersigned, was duly appointed ad­ other re lie f as shall be by the Court madam, he's taken o ff his beard thia m in istrato r of the above entitled deemed Just and equitable In the N O T A R Y P U B L IC afternoon. Johnson— th a t the o fficer estate; that all owing debts to the premises. — saw him driving w ith a g irl around T his summons Is served by publi­ said os la te should pay the same to Springfield Sutton mo, and all having claims against the cation thereof once each week for the park." Oregon Building »aid estate shall present them to me. four successive weeks ln T he Spring Again speech died on her lips. w 'lh vouchers attached, at the law- field News, a newspaper printed and "They got her to n ig h t M r. Oorton office of my a torney, H. E. Slattery. published at SprlngDeld, Oregon, bv Is p retty certain »he'll put up a Four Scotsmen had dinner in a 717 W illa m e tte Street, Eugene, O re­ order of Hon. G. F Sklpw orth. Judge gon, w ith in six months from the date of said Court, made on the 16th day restaurant. When It came to paying of the D rst publication of this notice, of A pril. 193a, and the Drst publica­ squeal— I mean to any, she’ll te ll who her eompalnon was. Prom a ll ac­ they disagreed. F in a lly they decided which Is A p ril in, 1*30. tion thereof was mads on the 17th counts he’s a man who has been seen day of A p ril, 1*30. R O Y I/A N O A N , that the w a ite r should be blindfolded, w ith h er a great deal the peat year Adm inistrator. A. B. IV H EE1 .elR, and th a t the firs t one he touched Residing In Eugene, Oregon, A tto r­ or two. H . B. S la tte ry . A tu r tie y for Admlnla should foot the bill. ney for P lain tiff». trator. TO ■■ CONTJNURD T h e y are s till a t large. A 17-84 M 1-8-18 A 10-17-34 M 1-8 »• D IR E C T O R Y " ! Walker-Pool« Chapol Funeral Directors OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST Total fire loesaa la Oregon for the month of M arch. 1*30, was 8241.317, or 38*37 more than In March a year ago, according to a statement tsaae« by tbe state fire marshal recently. Medford sportsmen are making aa effort to lim it tbe catch of eastern brook trout in Fish lake from 16 to Id . Over 1000 fine trout were taken from tbe lake In one Sunday by 100 anglers. The Farmers' Co-operative Cream ­ ery company, with headquarters hl Payette, has autborlxed tha erectlem ot a creamery plant la Union county, presumably at La Grande or Unioa. A bea egg. broken open for some- one's breakfast by Mrs. S. Huovlaea la a restaurant In Portland recently, revealed a small egg, about half tho usual also aad with a hard shell, 1» ■Ide the outer covering. Corry county sent to the state treas­ urer a cheek for 8*10*. covering Ito O n t half taxes for the year l»8d. Curry to the Drat county in Oregom to rem it its Drst-half taxes la full to tha state treaanry department. A rthur T . Yeaton. for more thaa «1 year» a resident of Salem, aad o w : * ' of soma ot tha W illam ette val­ ley'» Dnest early day horses, celebrat­ ed hie 90th birthday anniversary at hie home ln Salem a tew days ago. A left to the Jaw of Henry Ramsey, young puglllst-road w orker ot E nter­ prise. la the eighth round of a box­ ing match on a card at Enterprtoo, resulted fatally. The blow, delivered by H erbert Thompson of W allow a, broke Ramsey's Jaw. The Fort Rock district ot the Doo- chutes national forest, once considered valueless tor grating purposes be­ cause of a shortage of water, w ill provide forage for 18,130 sheep thto year. A tew years ago only two flock« were pastured ln the dry area. In tho coming season every allotm ent w ill bo occupied. Reclamation of the ir ld district for grating purposes was made possible through adoption of stockman of a system of hauling w ater in tanka mounted on trucks. T H E M ARKETS Fortland W heat— Big Bend bluestem, |1 .1*54; soft white and western white, 31.64; hard w inter, northern spring and western red, 31.02. H ay— Alfalfa. 320 per ton; valley timothy, 320.60021; eastern Oregoa timothy. 323.50024; clover. 317; oot hay, 317; oats and vetch, 317.50018. B utterfat— 33 0 37c. Eggs— Ranch, 21024c. Cattle— Steers, good, 31C 75011.1*. Hogs— Good to choice, 310011.28. Lambs—Good to choice. 18.76 0 9 .8« . Seattle Wheat — Soft white and wester» white, 31-06; hard w inter, wester» red and northern spring, 31-05; B K Bend blaeatem. 31-18. Egg»— Ranch, 15028«. Butterfat— 38c. Cattle— Choice steer», 3* 00 010.36. Hogs— Prim s light, 3 1 1 3 0 0 1 L id , Lambs— Choice, 3 *0 1 0 . Spokane Cattle— Steer», good, 3 1 * 1 3 0 IL * « . Hog»— Good to choice, I1 8 .7 6 0 U , — Medium 30 P-6O0J» b