f Try tho Horna P rin t Shop F trat L 8PK 1N0H EM ), LANK COUNTY. OKB(M)N."" t H U R 8D A \\ TWRNTY-HKVHNTI1 Y KAK. Program !e Given For Health Event M . M E Z 10 GIVE G R I B » U tK Teacher Hired By Board M rs. W. Walker X n o fA e r LOGIE AIRPORT Ethel Fulop Chosen Quooni Mre- Mabel Riddell to Teach in Sidney Ward as King-for Orade Soheol Building; More BaocaJaureate Sermon, txams. Afternoon Program. Clam Room Needed. Petition for Pionie. Senior Day Program, Circulated of the school board Kt he I Fulop haa been rhoaen to and Graduation Exercises for sented to take tha pan of quaes la lha May rated Monday night to employ M rs Commencement Week: Jun­ Day Health program, which Is being Mabel Riddell to teach la one of the Needed to ior-Senior Banquet May 23. sponsored by. the Woman s Clvie club grade school# of this city, Tha large for Heavy “ TM Ir P. T.A, Officer People's Paper“ L IV C N g W n P A P M I « A UVC TOWN IJ .M IE D W mw Lane County Council Selects Springfield Woman to Serve Special Election w> Secretary Next Year Good Future Soon for Spring» and Will be Pre- fioid Airport “Where Red Mrs. W. W. Walker, of tbts city, Council; Money and Airways Moot* Say« was selected as secretary of the Lane Ot-avef' Runways County i'arent Teachers assodatloa Department o f Commoro« Use. nt tbe third' awe. Ona* meeting ot the Specialist. and which will ba participated la by enrollment la tha achoola laat fall Connell, which was held nt the T: I » John K. M ei, professor of poll all achool children la tha Bratlnla * nd tk" expected enrollment of even To rala» (2.000 for Improvement of M. C. A. In Eugene on Saturday ot Springfield has an airport, tirai erlrnre at the University, will and Lincoln achoola on Friday, May “»ore students neat fall, lad tha tha Springfield municipal airport, a last week. The other officers elected property Improved, which w ill servo ba the rom m m rem ent apaakar at Iba IS. Tha program will ba held on the - ,,o®rd fo employ a second additional special election la being asked for In are- president. Mrs. Earl K. Johnson, her for many years, is tbe opinion high school on the evening of June lawn In front of tha Brattaln achool ! teacher for the cooling year. ,S petition circulated this week by the of Vaughn; vice-president. Mrs. Gals M according to an announcement Sidney Ward will play tha role of I H out been decided Just where airport committee. The petition ad Oood. of Eugene; treasurer. Mrs expressed by W illiam ltockensle. de­ made thia week by W E Buell, prin­ King, and ljtV»rne McPherson will I »•>» will teach. Boms changing In the dressed to the council calls for a E'hol Parker, of Elmirs. Tbe retiring partment of commerce airport speci­ cipal at the high school I)r Mes be the herald. | Lincoln and Brattaln achoola will be special election to be held In con­ officers are; Mrs. Paul Brattaln. of alist. who lays out and makes tke addressed tha Men'« Brotherhood on The complete program la as follow. mBdo brfor* »*»•• opening of tbe junction with the achool election on Springfield, president; Mrs. Kirk, airport ratings, told members of tha the World Armament question last term next fall and two more room. June 16. By voting on the two ballots vice-president; Mrs. Karl Johnson, local commutes before leaving the Address—Mweet Spirit of Spring winter and those who heard him will be fitted up for class rooms. at tbe same lime expense of the secretary; and Mrs. D. O. Ogilvie, city last week. If his suggestions are Patay Padmore urged that he be aertired to deliver Mrs. Riddell I n teaching at the twin election w ill be but a few dollars. treasurer. carried out on the Springfield p o rF lt another lecture In thia city. Tha Hong— Wsicoma. Sweet Springtime , achoola at Hayden Br'dge thia year. Now (hat the Springfield port haa Professor Harold Tuttle, of the will be rated “A2" or “A2." professor la one of tha moat popular 1 Upper grade, of both schools. She la a graduate of the local high been laid out by the department of University school ot education, de­ sp.-nh.re on the University facultlea °» lh" « “«” «> • " « »« Approved Work Only to be Done j school and of the Monmouth normal commerce the city la being called on livered the main address at the meet­ anil ha. been b en elvd with requests tandanta. Tbe Springfield airport committed I achool, and has bad several years to develop tbe plan. W ith the money ing. Ills subject was "Strategy In the to deliver commencement addrennet Song by primary grade.. teaching experience. She la the widow raised by the special election two Parent-Teacher Teaching.” A general expects to profit by the mistakes Address Io the Queen Flora i made by other cities and spend only thia spring. The local high school of Gl„nn Kiddle, form«. • Springfield gravel surfaced runways will be discussion followed the addresa. money on Improvements that w ill ta fortunate In being able to .ecure Bartach. hank employee, who died laat winter. built, and If any money Is left over The business meeting waa held in Queen's reply. Rthel Fulop him, thinks Mr Buell. Roy P. Qulney, of Goshen, waa other Improvements on the field will the forenoon and a luncheon waa . comply with department of commerce airport regulations. Such a program Tha entire commencement program given a con'ract at the laat meeting be made. served at noon by the Eugene Parent- should have the backing of every this year will be handled by the Cantata of Healthland Children of to teach In the Lincoln school and Need Hard Runway for Heavy P la n e t Teacher council. The addreas was progressive citizen, who can give his seniors themselves, with the excep first, second, and third grades at the Mlsa Margaret Mllhollen, of Cor­ In order to get heavy transports to given In the afternoon. support with the full knowledge that lion of the ad dree, by Dr. Mat. ac Brattaln school. vallis. waa employed to teach In the I Representatives t c p T B C U K U T C B U U IU l the d ito 1 U M 1 O C I« * L i. I from aaeocla- land bare It la necessary that tha tlocs Dance of Fairies and Brownies, high school. cording to Mr. Buell. st Latham. Camp Creek. Fall * BO M y bltodl/ pilots know arhat sort of runways we ....................................... * _ . _ ! hut spending it It wisely according to M The three naw teachers fit! the Mulholland, Raaealauraata Speaker i First grade Lincoln school. Creek. Vaughn. Elmira. Santa Clara, airport practices known. Milkmaid dance. Olrla of the fourth I vacancies on lha faculties of the have, otherwise they do not teal Ilka River Road. Junet'on City, Lorane. i the . beat The baccalaureate services for tha . taking chances. In order to operate graduating class will ba bald at tha and fifth grades at tha Brattaln loc'»l schools now and provides for Springfield and oil of the Eugene ! Lajr‘“ « out Bn airport requires a * any type of plane throughout tbe understanding of geometry and trig­ expansion next fall. The only post Methodist church on Sunday even­ school. groups we, a In Dance of the Gnomes. Second to be filled Is that of athletic director winter months on the local port onometry as well as a knowledge ot ing. Juna 1. Rav. Ralph Mulholland, • at the high achool. Tha board la now graveled runways must be Installed. aerial navigation. Most anybody can pastor of tha Baptist church will de­ grade at tha Lincoln school. The airport committee haa decided BRIDGE DISMANTLING take a given tract of land and figure Hart tha addresa and tha program Health Song. Boys of tha fourth negotiating with an Individual to fill , to make surfaced runways tha first MAKES SLOW PROGRESS out where the longest possible run­ this position. w ill consist of music by lha high grade at the Brattaln achool. I business In development of tha field. Clap Dance. Second grads at the arbopl orchestra, under tha direction DUE TO RUSTY BOLT8 ways might be laid out, but there are As the city gets a percentage of tha other conditions. Whan It comae to Lincoln school. of Ernest McKinney. local pnsaenrer receipts conttnuona W ork of dismantling the old bridge laying out four landing areas 500 feet Dance of tha Bevan Jumps. Four A The high school examinations will operation Is desired. ____ _ _________ __ . river is _ pro- wide that must not closely converge across the W illam ette be given on Mondny and Tuesday o( grads at the Llnooln achool. If tha tax Is voted the Improve- * greasing much. more, slowly than It Tha Blanking Dance. Five B grade nt less than 40 degrees and -«»'-g aaroa weak and Wednesday will ba meats will be made Immediately as had been expected, according to O. Into consideration 7 to 1 climbing a t tha Llnooln achool. set aside for (he high achool picnic. It is felt that the field Is now losing N. Pierce, bridge contractor In ratio as against obstructions outside Tulip Dance Sixth grade nt the Thursday. June 5. will ba Senior business by not having hard runways. charge. The fact that the bridge has of the airport, then that Is another Lack of Bunday Schools in class day, tha day when they will Brattaln achool. The petitions being circulated the not been painted for many years had story. Maypole Song. The achoola. Lana County Toitf by Dr. their aspirations and habits to under­ Inst tew days are being signed freely caased the many bolts and pins to Maypols Dance. Sixth grade at the Long Runways Affordsd classmen to carry on. The week win Tuttle; Offers Remedy. , and R is reported that sentiment Is become so badly corroded that a bring their school year to a close on Brattaln schools The Springfield airport, as laid ou5 unanimous for Improving the field. great deal of time Is necessary to re­ Addreas and presentation of Blue Friday with the annual commence­ by the department of con move them. Ribbons by Mlaa Bath Konkal. specialist, win have two ment program. All of tha students pho have been I * ' W ' P r ,*e* of Leaburg. was The first section of the top portion arena MOO feet hmg and two lOto Th« annual Junior-Sector banquet vaccinated. bad their taeth examined • l' rU d prMlden‘ ot the Lane county waa taken down Saturday and Mon­ feet long, w ith no obstructions bat Is being arranged by a committee of and taken care of and who have com-, of education at the day. The workmen are working from pole lines. It In not believed that the Junior class, under tbe direction piled with certain other requirements ! C,° " “ r “ * ‘00 ®f 0* nT* B‘ l«>n- the west side and will take It down on Friday. Saturday and more than 500 feet of pole line oa of Nellie Stuart. Tha banquet will will ba presented w iu tha blue rlo- this lch city ..brou<‘ L l .°° young p"”pl" ,o In sections ns they come across the _ Sunday of last week. Mrs. Allen _ . . . . the end of twe landing areas should ba given May >2. j Mrs L. K Page la general chair- river. The top can be removed with- • v i» . bona for their efforts. Wheeler, of Pleasant H1IT, Is the new Program Similar to That Held oat danger to the bridge, said Mr. be eliminated to make the port free Graduates Are Listed mBn of lh * health program. She la vice-president, and Gladys Chase, ot from all obstructions. Thirty-eight atadenta at tha high bo,n« •••tated by tha teachere at Last Year Decided Upon by Pierce, as the floor of the bridge will Eugene. was sslected secretary- achool will receive their diploma. b®‘ 1» “ »• Lincoln and Brattaln achoola. Land la the haste for all airports, rest on the false work until It Is taken Representatives at Meet. treasurer. Kenneth White, of Mar- the Improvements axe man "»»I» and thia spring. They are Ralph Hughes, to pieces. aola. It In charge of education and Beaste Stewart, Frank Msrsdorf. ODDFELLOWS TO ADOPT A program very similar to the one Only the steel lB the floor of the ca be laid out to comply with «»«"4- publicity. Rev R R. Mulholland, of Brrnlce Burkkalter. Mildred Mycoff. JUNIOR DEGREE WORK (he Baptist church In this city, w ill used last year w ill be worked out bridge w ill have to be shipped to ards. Springfield Is fortunate In the location of tke hili on tke south side Jessie Porter, Freeman Squires. Ruth have charge of the young people's for the observance here of Memorial Portland to he strengthened, he of the port. In any other place it Bettis, Minute Keenan. Clifford Darr. W h a t baa been characterised as work for thb next year, and Neva Day, It waa decided last night nt a stated. Helen Crandall, Faye Fisher, Jessie . one of the most progressive stepe Workman, of MArcola, will handle meeting of representatives from 12 The rebuilding of the bridge over wc '1 have been a haxnrd, bet ns It Beals. Beatrice Hdmunaon, Audrey ever to be taken In Oddfsllowshlp | ,he children's work. civic and fraternal organizations the W illamette east of Creswell w ill is no tending areas beads toward IL Smith. Nellie W right, Maxine Posey, 1 will be taken In Portland at the 75th which unite annually In the observ­ not be as much of a task as the dis­ The Springfield airport land repre­ The convention passed n resolu­ ance of this day. Bmma Smith, Londelle Williams, annual convention of the Oddfellows mantling ot the old one, according to sents an ideal condition, with tke tion agreeing to cooperate with the Vernlce Hawke. Elms Lnnsbery, and Rebekah lodges, which will con- The program for the day w ill be­ Mr. Pierce. The pins and bolts can exception of the two 1800 foot run­ American Sunday school association Ralph Cole. Claire Thurman. Ethelyn vans In Portland on May 1». for a gin with a parade forming on Mate all be polished up and made to fit ways. They w ill allow ctesslflcatioM In tke work In the rural districts Stark, Audrey McFarland. Qdentln four day session, when the oonven- street and marching to the Laurel easily before they are used agate, as "A3" and possibly "A2" the air­ The selection of member, of . board OroT, c. metery. where a short pro­ Thurmaq. Ronald Abrams. Fred tlon adopts the Junior Degree of he added. port specialist Indicated, since there of mn„ r lpeech m Buell. Gerald Morrison. Rh-hard Oddfellowihlp as waa authorised by of c°n«tol am . deferred to a later are no hazards once the transmte meeting of officers. I M . . . . . Prochnow. Evelyn Buell, EVerett (Be Sovereign Grand Lodge In 122» , w ill be held before the sounding of GIRLS’ LEAGUE ELECTS slon lines are put underground for • The decision to unite efforts with the salute and taps. Squires. Jnle Pollard. Joseph C ran -iT M a degree admits boys from I t to NEXT YEAR’S OFFICERS distance of 500 feet. Otherwise aa s dall, Thayer McMurray, Jesse Ham 12 years ot age. and will be under the American Sunday school asso­ Members of the city council and “A l" rating would be granted. ner. Nellie Banker, and Jack Jackson. the supervision of the grand lodge ciation waa reached after an address the mayor w ill head the procession Faye Persons was elected presi­ All Make Mistakes of Oregon. The Junior Degree w ill be had been delivered by Dr. Harold to the cemetery. The order of the dent of the Girls' League at the high Nearly every city that has gone Tuttle, of the department of educa- , parade as well as the program at exemplified by a sped si degree staff AUTOMOBILES USED FOR school on Wednesday. Others who Into airport construction has fatlea Wednesday even I" t May 21, at l,on Bt th* University, in which he the cemetery will be worked out and were elected for the 1930-31 school short In some specification which win BIBLE SCHOOL PARADE i on the I. O. O. F. Temple. In Portland, i <’ "o,ed ■ome " f the findings made In | announced Inter. year are Myrna Bartholomew, vice- deprive It of a government rating, survey conducted by Miss De The members of the Four L and president; Eunice McFarland, secre­ j the airport specialist pointed out scene of »»«> the convention, Almoet l«0 Springfield school the «1»" •<» »• OI Lillian Olson, a student. The survey the W. O. W. were asked to take tary-treasurer; Junta May, social I here. The fact that he had passed no children were taken to Eugene last Members of the local Rebekah showed that tltere were 194 school charge of cleaning the cemetery plot promoter; and Dorothy Hotter, re­ Friday afternoon to participate In the lodge have elected Mlsa Dorothy ' airports In California where thou- districts In Iuine county and that where the exercises will take place porter. la n e County Week day Rlble achool Girard, Mrs. Carrie Jarrett, and Mrs. t sands of dollars had been expended only 68 of them had Sunday achoola, The Lions club and the Masonic The retiring officers are Vernlce on them proves out his assertion. The parade and program. The heavy rain Lily Kiser as delegates to ths con- and that only nine of the districts ledge will Jiandle the transportation, Hawke, president; Audrey McFar- i seriousness of this la Indicated la whclh fell that afternoon prevented ventlon. had more than one Sunday school. and the National Guard unit will land, vice-president; Junta May. r e - 1 tbe children from marching down the The Oddfellows delegatee are El- He recommended three means of make arrangemerts for end fire the porter; Myrna Bartholomew, secre­ that he believes tke future w ill sad main streete, but they were taken In mer Pyne and Oswald Olson. only student Instruction on govern­ overcoming this. The first was to salute and taps. tary-treasurer; and Bernk-e Burk- ment approved airports and a re­ automobiles under the dlreotlon o fj . . . . . __ expand the work or the Week Day Boy Scouta will gather materials halter, social promoter. Lum Anderson, chief of police, and BOILER REPAIR WORK striction of air mail and passenger Rlble schools, the second to adopt for wreaths, which will he prepared Mayor Tyson. carrying on unapproved airports. NEARING COMPLETION the Vacation Rlble plan, and the by the Auxiliary organisations. They It waa also necessary to change the The * lrlw rt ’ p* * B,l’ t Is not advle- third to provide deputation teams w ill also see that a flag Is placed on TO ADDRESS CIVIC CLUB |n< anjr c,ty t0 gpen(j money on • meeting which waa to have been held The rebuilding of the steam boilers to go out from the stronger church each veteran's gr/ive and that alT outdoor In the city park to the Meth- at the local power plant of the centers and cowdnet meetings where port which, because of tbe terrain or flags In the city are flying at half- Mre. George P. Wlnchell. of Eu­ odist church, which waa crowded by Mountain atates Power company will there are no churches. other natural conditions, prevents n mast during the parade. gene. will be the principal speaker the many children present from all he completed within tke next ten fleM being government rated. He ad­ Many other prominent speakers at the meeting next Tuesday of the parts of the county. days If no unexpected trouble Is en­ had parte on the three-day program, vised one soutnern Oregon city to PERKINS BUYS BUSINESS Women's Civic club. An attempt Is countered. Meat of ths werk of re- which tnchtded a youth banquet on abandon Its location Just acquired an LOT; MAY BUILD SOON ' also beteg'tnade to have some of the an airport and start over In a new lining the large boiler has been com- Saturday evening anti a basket din­ MANY SEEDLINGS ARE ..... .. state officers of the Women's Clubs place. PLJANTED BY LUMBER C O plft*cd and the entire work will be ner on Sunday. The lot between the First Nnttewal federation to be present at that time, • _____ ' finished when the bricklayers com- It la evident that if a city ever Rank and the Rlvett building on according to Mrs. Van Vslxah. The Booth-Kelly Lumber company ' plete the construction of the dividing expects to get anywhere with Its NEW LIGHTS, SCENERY, Main street has been acquired by Reports will be made by the mem­ airport that It must comply with de has recently completed the planting wall between the bollere. Many thou- TO BE USED IN PLAY George Porkltis, local contreetev. He bership committee, which has been partment of commerce rules. of 20,000 seedlings on some of their sand bricks are required for thia wall announces that he expects to erect conducting a drive to secure more cut over land In eaatem taine county. ' and almost as many were needed to Industrial Possibilities Seen The stage at the high school Is a modern three story building on the members. This committee Is headed The species consist of Pondoea pine, line the Inside of the boiler. The Industrial possibilities of tha being completely remodeled and a property If suitable tenants can ba by Mrs. Paul Brattaln. Port Orford cedar, ash, Scotch pine, - The women will also discuss plans Springfield airport located on a rail­ modern lighting system Is being In­ found for the ground floors. and Chinese elms and larches. This . DR. MARCY TO PREACH Mr. Psrktes traded Eugene proper­ tor the May Day Health program, to road greatly Impressed Mr. Macken­ stalled for the presentation of the marks ths third year that the plant­ AT METHODIST CHURCH senior class play, Second Childhood, ty for the lot here, which Is con­ be given Friday, May 16, and the zie. He thinks planes w ill reach ing haa been carried on by this lum­ which Is to be given on May 16. sidered one of the best building annual rose show, the date for which great production In the east, and be ber company. Mr. N. O. Jacobaon, shipped In parts to the west In car­ Dr. M. A. Marcy, superintendent of Completely new scenery has not yet been determined. will he sites In the city. who had charge of all the plantings, the Southern Oregon district of the used for the play, states Mrs. Baker, load lots, Just as automobiles are Robert Vitus, of Eugene, owned recently stated that the survival of Methodist churrh. will preach at the shipped. The assemhlylng plant must Plano Reoltal Given who Is directing the production. The the property for many years and the first two plantings was almost TllO evening services In the Spring- Mrs. Clara Tuttle Fenton presented necessarily be on a railroad, and also students have been nusy for two made the trade with Mr. Perkins. 96 per cent. field church Sunday. Dr. Marcy will weeks now repainting and making a class of twelve of her piano pupils on a flying field. Few airports In the also conduct the quarterly business new scenery for their comedy play. In a recital at the Eugene Bible Uni­ United States meet this requirement M eeting N ig ht Postponed Former Resident to Return — Ed. meeting of the church here May 22. The Progressive 22 degree staff ol versity on Wednesday evening. Ths and In time airplane manufacturers The stage and light work Is being For the morning service Suaday done by members of Glenn M artin’s the Rebekah lodge will hold Its re­ program consisted of piano solos by w ill be looking for Just these condi­ Soule, who le now In Portland attend­ ing school, will return to Springfield H at. Pike's skbject will be 'ThfOrtna- manual training olaaa, and boys In gular drill on Thursday evening. the members of the group, end seve­ tions, he pojnts out The Springfield airport, located w ltk hlk mother after school Is oat tlon ” Sunday school Is at 9:45 and Bt-nest McKinney’s physics class. They have changed their meeting ral numbers played on two pianos. H e will be employed by the county the Epworth league will meet at They are dbtfig the work as a part night ffbm tha second Friday of each Mrs. Fenton has n clans of students "Where Ran and Alrwayn Meet“ In fortunately located In this respeeL ta Springfield. 1:20 I d the evening. again. ot thalr regular class work. month to ths seoond Thursday. f RefigiwB Council Beck Officer! A t Meeting Memorial Plane Made Laet Night