« •»AGB »IX * 1 ITIE SPRINQPUELD NKWS RELIGIOUS COUNCIL MOTHERS ARE INVITED CONVENTION READY TO ANNUAL MEETING ON U. OF O. CAMPUS (Continued from Page 1) COUNTY WIDE CAMPAIGN FALL CREEK MAN HOLDS FRANK MAXEY VERY ILL TO INCREASE MILK AND STATE COUGAR RECORD AT HOSPITAL IN EUGENE s I .. butter USE STARTED Bud Klntseley. of Fall Creek, con F rank Maaoy, of West Springfield. Queen o f the States Benton Happiness with Others Miriam Rice. Happiness In Christ. DeLtllian Olson SATURDAY AFTERNOON. Methodist Church. 1:30 Worship—Abounding la Happi neaa TVough Prayer. 3:00. Solo. Herbert Pate. Sptingfield mother« who have any sons or daughters attending the Uni­ versity of Oregon are now receiving Invitations to sttend the snnusl Mothers- Week-end May 10 and 11. which ia also the Junior Week-end 1 for the entire student body. The mo­ thers will have their meetings, they I will be banqueted with their sons and daughters, and will have a pro >:1S. Recreation Irene Brownfield. mlnent part In many of t!«e activities S A T U R D A Y E V E N IN G of the Junior Week-end itself, which 3:00, Banquet at Christian church. includes the campus luncheon on 50c per plate. Friday and the canoe fete that even 7:30. AH meet at Methodist church in ink- regular session Mrs. Walter M Cook, of Portland. SUNDAY MORNING. president of the Oregon Mothers, will Church and Sunday school of choice. preside st the executive meetings, SUNDAY AFTERNOON. ^ M la a Hales Moser Hannlgan of which will open Friday noon. May 10 Methodist Church Immediately following this, the Asso­ Ferrysburg. O io , crowned Queen ol 3:00 Abounding in Happiness Through annua) Festival of States at S t ciated Women students will entertain the Pvteriburg, Florida.. Courage. the mothers at a tea in Hendricks 3:3# Saw solo Vincent Monterola. hall. A mass meeting for all mothers 3:45. Christ and this Generation. will be held In Guild hall at 4:00 Doroteo Ines. The banquet, at which mothers will REBEKAH LODGE PLANS CHILDRENS CONVENTION. be the honor guests, will be held on FOR CAFETERIA SUPPER (For Boys and Girls under 13.) Saturday evening at Gerlinger hall. Miss Neve Workman. Superintendent Many prominent people from »11 parts Flans were made Monday night at FRIDAY EVENING of the state will be the speakers the regular weekly meeting of the 7:30. Combined departments meet st A special vesper service for the Rebekah lodge for a cafeteria supper Christian chdrch mothers will be held at the music to be given in the I. O. O. F hail on SATURDAY MORNING building on Sunday at 4 00 o’clock. Friday evening. May 16, by the local 10:00. Meet at Baptist church. The following Springfield mother« Rebekahs and I. O. O. F. lodges Mrs. SATURDAY AFTERNOON. have received Inviti^lons to attend Clarine Putman was named general 1:30. Meet at Baptist church. the meetings st the University: Mrs chairman of the arrangements and SATURDAY EVENING. Mary E. Beals. Mrs Grace Brattain, program committee for the event by 7:30 Combined departments meet at Mrg Editb Cox Mrs. Rena Bdmtston. Mrs Zells Cantrell. Noble Grind Methodist church. Mrs. 'John Frans. Mrs. May L. Her assistants will be Amy Love, Week-day Bible school Demons­ Hughes. Mrs. Cora E. Inman. Mrs. I. Mrs. Stella Findley, and Oswald Ol- tration. D. Larimer. Mrs. Ella Lombard. Mrs. son. Entertainment which will con- SUNDAY MORNING Katie MTMullln. Mrs J. C. McMurray. sits of stunts, games, fish pond, and Sunday school of choice. Mrs. Lena F. Neher. Mrs. W. H. Pol- fortune telling, will be taken cars of 11:00. Juaior church at Methodist , lard. Mrs. Maude G. Potter. Mrs. J. by a ladles committee consisting of church. Rogers. Mrs. Ida P. Swarts. Mrs. Elsie Mrs. Carrie Jarrett. Dorothy Girard. Willis, Mrs. C. O. Wilson, and M rs., and Amy Love Doris Girard will SUNDAY AFTERNOON Jeanette Withers. have charge of a randy sale to be 3:00. Meet in Baptist church. given by the Progressive 23 Rebekah C ouncil O ffic e rs drill team. Mary C. Harding is president of WILLAMETTE COUNCIL the Council this year. Dan Spores Is vice-president and Mra. F W . Page is I uecretary. BACKS S. S. GEORGE IN SKIFF LETTER CASE pOT LUCK SUPPER ENDS ------- BAPTIST READING DRIVE A campaign to Increase the con­ tlliues to hold the state leadership In sumption of milk and milk products (he uumber of cougar to he bagged by In Ia n s county was launched at a one hunter In a season Imst week he meeting of representatives of pro­ . brought six cougar pelts to Eugene ducers and consumers of milk held and collected 360 from the county ia the chamber of commerce rooms bounty for hla services lie will later in Eugene last Monday night The collect 335 for each akin from the first step In the campaign will be a ! state which will net him 3150. or a series of essay and poster contests total of 3310 for the ala rats. to be held at once In the schools of He has taken IT of the wild cats so far thia season The county pays a the county. The plan adopted for the campaign 310 bounty and this added to the stats was worked out by a committee 1 bounty will have netted the success­ from the Lane county dairymen's as­ ful hunter 33*6. sociation cooperating with a similar coulmlttee from the Eugene chamber of commerce. The county agent and the home demonstration agent as­ sisted the committees In organising the campaign. The county school superintendent and Eugene superln J tendent are also cooperating in the campaign. Funds tor the prises In the con­ tests have been furnished by dairy organ I sat ton a. milk distributors, creameries, the Western l-ane cheese factory, tile hanks of the county, and by Interested Individuals All schools ln the county will be divided Into two divisions. Division one to Include all schools of the first cuasa; division two to Include all other schools Each division will he divided Into three sections as fol- own: 1. Grades 1. 3, 3. 4. 6, and 6 to compete In a poster contest, the sub- Ject to be 'Why ChlWreu Need Dairy Products." Nine prisas will be swarded, rang- Ing from 35 00 to 31 00 for best posters In earh division. 3. Grades 7. 3. and * (Junior high school) to compete In an essay con test on "Health Reasons for Including Dairy Products In Our Diets." Nina prises to range from 34.00 to 31 00 will be awarded In each division. . . 3. . Grades . . . . 10. 11, and . . 13 (Senior X J i n « T -T h lv . the orivi _____ contest The W illam ette Council, D istrict1 «.«teat wherein they the. have the tha prlvl- nrtvl- The superintendents of the three Winner, of the reading conteat '•«» bolh h“‘ 1' h “ d •C0D<> divisional groups are Bra Dell Mur-1No *• ot the American Legion went phy, youth; Neva Workman, child- on record kt a meeting held at which the members of the Baptist mlc reasons for Including ds.lry pro- Ten; and K. M White, adult. They Toledo Sunday as approving of the church have been carrying on for the ln i past several months, will be honor the programs in the various churches State Commander. In the trouble guests tonight at a potluck supper 31.00 to the best sssays In each The district presidents are George which arose between Jilm and Mrs. which the losing team will give at division. For division ons the contests will William. WaRerville; Earl Downing. A. C. Skiff, of Salem, representing j the Baptist church. open May 5 and close May 16; fori Junction City; and Mrs. Mary Gates, the Salem chapter of the American The contest Is a nation wide affair, 2. the contest «rill open on Creswell Laurence Sunkler will be War Mothers I according to local members of the division . , organization. . . ' . ■> ..i,,.. Qn Msv 12 A copy of the resolution has been . . . ___ . . ... ... May - ,n<1 on *»' the convention song leader. reading team, and is organised with Ru,eg for aU contesls have been Local P uoplc to E n te rta in it’ t ^ thZ iL a T Lesion th" lnte,ulo,, ol " taken < ! tr*m came ’ lth", * few polnU ° f ■ net and the Rich ance of the controversy appearing In winning th© state championship and * Toung Ruler- will be awarded the the Sunday Oregonian of April 20,h. they are m,k ln g a strong bid for the MRS. EGGIMANN INJURED Sunday school wh'ch hse the larges, >«’ <• ea well as In other leading bonorg h| according to Rev. IN AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT papers of the State of Oregon, percentage of young people i0 at- daily ---------------- ------- s - d at other t'mes, relative to cer- Mulhoiianu. tendance. The deci-don will be based tele coreesnondence he»ureen Mr S ’ Mrs. C. F. Eggimann Is still con­ upon the number young peop’e. g George. Commander of the Amevi MYSTERY OF GOODNESS fined at the Eugene hospital where the m lea g e covered and the sessions can Legion for the Department of SUNDAY CHURCH THEME ,he fr<>® »'‘o«k *nd attended. Cregon. and Mrs. A. C. Skiff, of body bruises about her shoulders as Salem. Oregon, representing the j S’ lem Chanter of the American War Rev. Veltie Pruitt will preach on a result of an automobile accident Mothers organization: and the theme “The Mystery of Oodll- In Eugene last Thursday afternoon Whereas: An exnlanation of all In­ __ ____ __ with ___ ___ cidents In ~ connection said ____ mat- i ness,” at the evening church service Mrs. Eggimann and Mrs. Bert Doane ter was made, and said matter given at the Christian church Sunday even- were traveling west on Sixth street careful consideration: and Ing at 8:00 o'clock. A m ged quartet when their light coupe was struck by Whereas: It is the unanimous | composed of Dallas Murphy, Mar- a heavy county truck, causing the orinion of all members of said D(s- ^ricT^onnVi'present’ at" said m a tin g Jorle Moahler, Jennie Murphy, and , occupants io be badly shaken up that Mr. George was correct in the Gerald Morrison will sing "When and bruised. Mrs. Doane was released stand which he took In his letter to i Lf>ye CaIlg - by Ralrd. at thte even- from the hospital after an examlna the said Mrs. Skiff; over which said tlon revealed no Injuries. controversy arose; that If the Ian- K Mrs. Eggimann was driving toward guage In his letter to Mrs Skiff was At the mornlnlg service the choir either ill-advised or misinterpreted w)|) g|n)5 ..Wake the Song." by Excell. Monroe to get her husband who liad gone out there earlier in the day on . V . « 5 " , S.n h „ a fishing trip when the accident oc- Oregon by apologising to her. and and the members attending the Sun •h s , Ip ’hi« reaper, he exnressed day 9Chool convention will have curred' frankness and sincerity; that In writ charge of the opening exercises. The George X ^ n ™ " ’ “ 7:00 FLYING ROCK BREAKS figs'»* f” - Chrt"” a" Knd— *vp end «erests of th e ' me«-l -on a ch af- i T,e g lr n A ngH isr'r > n* r 1 »C ,eristic S l’ nd w h ich Is r°spon s< hle in a la rg e m e a su r e for h is h lg h lv -uc'-essf'i! administration, and that h» acted with no intention to reflect nnv d ish o n o r upon any mother within the State of Oreron. or upon any organization of which they might be a member: ¡¿"¿- xts *« 'merlran Legion. Department of Oregon, go on record as apcrovlng Commander George’s action In thia op*'rp n”, '*er. anrt Be It Further Resolved: That a '•on” of this resolution forwarded to the executive Committee of the American leg io n of the Department of Oregon. Done at Toledo, Oregon, this 27th j day of April, WILLAMETTE COUNCIL* WINDSHIELD ON AUTO LOCAL PEOPLE ENJOY LARGE PICNIC DINNER A rock which is believed to have thrown by some person went through the windshield of the Ken­ A large number of Springfield real neth Tobias car Sunday evening as dents gathered at the farm home of ret"” d” from co'ttage Grove . . . ,« n « a -u ....» ' ------------ | Mr and Mr* U' ° fcihaney and gtruck Mra Toblaa between the Tuesday evening to have a potluck i eyeg rendering her unconscious and . ? • N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S Notice Is hereby given that Bea­ trice Wassom. on the 30th dav o| April. 1030 was appointed adminls- •ratrix of the estate of Mary I. E I Hurlburt, deceased. All persons hav- Ing claims against said estate are hereby notified to present them dulv verified as by law required io said administratrix at the law office of Alta King In the Court House. Eu gene, I,ane County, Oregon, within six months of the first publication of this notice. Date of flrat publication being May 1st, 1330. b een FISH HOOK HITS EYELID; POINT PIERCES SKIN and Iowa Carlton, all to be slightly cut by flying bits ot glass. Mrs. Tobias was soon revived and la not suffering any 111 effects from her experience. According to Mr. Toblaa. he was driving along at a moderate rate with no other vehicle In sight, either In front or behind, when he heard the crash and felt the glass shatter. He stopped at once and Investigated, but could find no explanation for the accident. Dayton Thompson, of Thompson's ANN DILLARD MARRIED resort, on the McKenzie River, came IN ENGENE ON SUNDAY to town Friday to receive medical i care for one „( b|s eyes which he The marriage of Mias Anna Dillard had Injured while on a fishing trip to Earl T. Hulbert, of Eugene, was Some angler’a line had caught hla solemnized last Saturday evening at eyelid while casting a fly and the 3:15 at the Methodist Episcopal' hook penetrated the flesh of the eye- church In Eugene by Rev. Roy Leslie | lid and slightly scratched the cornea Smith, pastor. Mrs. Hulbert Is the j Hla Injury was painful, but not seri-1 daughter of Mra. Mina Dillard, of | out, and his eye sight will not be this city. The couple will make their BEATRICE WASSOM, Administratrix. Impaired, declared his physician. home at 640 F street. i ALTA KINO, Attorney for estate. II 1-H H 2 28 Is critically III st the Pacific Chris- I tan hospital In Eugene Mr. Maxey Is a brother of Mrs. I F Weight of this city and has been In the hospital for (en days. He was first believed to have been suffering from rheumat ism, bul doctors later decided that hs was having trouble with his mala blood arteries. His life was despaired of on Monday morning, but he la now nhowlng signs of Improvement Roth his mother from Ran Diego and hla slater from Oakland, are slaying with him T he Qiiulity of Our Meat« lire consistently the Best while our prices are always low. We have Stall Ei-rl 8h«er Beef this week anti we know you will he pleased with the delicious flavor Phone 63 And leave the rest to us INDEPENDENT MEAT CO. PRATT HOLVERSON Phone 63 4th and Main St«. E. G. STUART CLOSING OUT SALE W hat an opportunity in tha middle of the eaaeon! You can buy standard merchandiae, new styles at cloaing out prices. Suits, coats, drosses, lingerie, cor- sets, sweaters, hosiery and everything in the line of dry goods. Hurry! We will not be here much longer. Si E B R O A D W A Y , E N Q E N E , O RE. HHMZ/Wz GOLD SEA L CONGOLEUM SALE « automobile, ' Mr. . Toblaa, . Robert * Toblaa Those present were Dr and Mrs. W. H. Pollard and family, Mr. and Mrg l ,. K. Page, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Oantz, Mr. anC Mrs. W. E. Buell and ' family, Mr. and Mrs. Will am (1. ' Hughe.-, and family, Mr. and Mra. W j A Maybe. Mra. A. B. Van Valzah, Dr. and Mra. N. W. Emery, Clayton Kirk- land, Wllmg Scott, Lucille Holman, Glenn Martin. Fay Parsons, and Mr. D IST R IC T N o 3. A M E R IC A N and Mra. M cE lh an ey. LE G IO N . D E P A R T M E N T O F ______________ OREGON THURSDAY. MAY I. l»30 S IX days to bqy g e n u i n e Geld Seal C o o - goleum Rugs a t sp\*cial prices. These are the origintd labor* saving floor-covering», backed by the faxnoua Gold Seal Q n a > antee. A ll the newest patterns in the most up-to-date and colors. Come earty whfls Wright & Sons