T l 11'ns r>A Y, .MAY 1, 1930 M cK E N Z IE T H E SPKJNOFTKLD NEW S PASS C A IN S L A S T M IN U T E M ESSA G ES EA R LY T O U R IS T FAVOR U R G IN G LU M B E R T A R IF F W A N T E D A T W A S H IN G T O N T h« number of autumutillva now croaalag the M rK cn ale Pa*« d ally has A request for many last minuta already M ounted (a fleuras highnr than has been hot>ed fur by Ih r In («(«grama to b» sent to th r raprasrnt tmv'e haan advocating “ Wsu.htn.ton urging the p a. dividual» who , saga of Iba ta riff measure now ba- a year-ground tru ffi? ovar tba ('astad a mountains het worn. " now • * ’“« •» f|(l desks of th e eongrassmen w ithin a A p ril 15 „ Yoncalla Resident Hare— M r* Bam • 11 tl period ut 41 boor«, the (am ber In- Legion, of Yoncalla, spent Monday A p ril 1* 31 A p ril 17 .. S* duatry apeak* w ith a voice that ran ' visiting lo this city. 17 A p ril I * .. It 4* be heard ” _____ >3 From Rail C reek— M r and Mra. C. A p ril I * ..... ... 2« T he above paragraph I* quoted ' 3« 54 F W arner, of Fall Creek, were Tuee- A p ril 20 «0 7» 13» verbatim from the letter sent by tba ' day visitors In this city. A p ril >1 ...... .. 17 27 44 committee 23 40 A p ril 22 ____ 1* W a tte rvllle Psopi* H e ra — M r. and Totals PAGE F IV E Mrs E. E Potter and three children | of V /a lte rv llle, were v is ito r* In this ON S t R E E T H E R E F R ID A Y city on Monuay. Vialta F ria n d *.— Hubart Htevlk, of Fall Craak, spent Saturday here v is it­ ing w ith bis friends. E n te rta in s Vlsits from Portland— M r. and Mrs. Al Cannon, of Portland, apent the weak end here visiting at the h o m e ' S p rin g fie ld of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Doane. Sella Farm — M r. and Mrs 8. H. P itkin have sold th e ir farm home northeast of Springfield and w ill move goon. T h e ir present plans are Indefinite. R R. B a p tis t T O H A V E H IG H A E R IA L The tallest and largest radio aerial to be erected In thia city Is now be­ ing built for the Kodenbougb ga'age at the corner of F ifth and A streets. A 5» foot tow er Is being constructed on the top of ihe garage, amt an­ other single Pole has already been erected on the top of the building back of the Egglmann store. The a e ria l w ill he fastened to the tops ot the tw o and w ill he several f«»t above the power tines and other di*- turbin e factor*. I t is expected that much better reception w ill he avail­ able when the new aerial la com­ pleted. S U N D A Y SC H O O L T O H A VE W . C. T , U. Members of the Bprtngfleld W . C. T V - “P*1 wer* entertained Tuesday 0 ,l«rnoon a t the bom«- of Mrs. B e rt i *, “ h * 1481 W alnnt street, Eugene, A short program and refreshm ents were enjoyed by the women who at- tended. Injures H and —M ra. Mauds Uladpey had to have her hand lanced last Thursday when an Infection began (o bother her. R O D E N B O U C H GARAGE C hu rc h M ulboilaud, pastor. “T ile Cry of Caln as t'sed Today” is the subject selected for 7 :M on | Sunday evening “A Prisoner's M ed i­ tation” Is the theme fo r 11:00 u m. Bible school at 10:00. R EFR E S H M E N TS SUNDAY Members of the Red team of the . Airplane contest being staged at thd Baptist church for the purpose ot increasing membership la the Bunday 'school, lest to tha Blue members, and they w ill provide a treat of ice cream and cookies for e