THURSDAY, MAY 1. I MO THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Pwbilahed Every Thursday at SpringtteM . Laae Coaaty, Oracea, hy T M t w iL L A ja r r r t R- * maxby . fr < m » d ita r. WAIL ALdacmpTIOR hAT« to Agvawch-—• • W.n Three Mogtha F - --------------- HAd to-«U C»»" then» are l i a s more Lum bar manufacturers aaaoclatloa at need In thia comm unity and it should have 10« ’o,er* •’»«•»••rwl now than there their annual convention i0 ' Chicago per cent support In order that It may be succeaa- J he r#,u on Friday He aurcetda K. L. Car- '" ''- » » • » .« a n . . a r ^ x s a i s a r iP tm tv* of Minneapolis. Minnesota. I k ..™ » o n e . union munlclnn. " iT m * * ." ' Before the campaign is over he should be able Th" «o nnu o u u .h . h , . . . U n i. °',* r , h * p ™»**»“» «ear. toe RELIEF FROM CVR8E OF CONSTIPATION A B atlla Creak physician aay«, -T ’ou ■tlpatlou la responsible for mora ni Ite r y than any other can ee," Uu> Imm ediata re lie f has I h x - i i round. A tablet called Retail Order­ lies baa bean discovered Thia tablet attracts w ater from the system iato the la ty . dry evacuating bowel nailed Mr. Dtonn lia» served Io Ih r capa­ the colua. The w ater tooavqs tito dry f c t Ä s a £ » . . ? . » city o f vice-p re.Idan( and «ja» M » director of the national aaaoctallnn forming a habit or ever lacraaelng U a duaa. Stop sufferlag from c o n a tlp a tlo a . fh e w a. R e ta il o rd er lie a( night Meat to y bright. Oat M tor M e today m H M W P ft « tMw« Store. A ■ap tlat Ch»(r Kntartsleed T he choir of the t|aptla| church was entertained last nlghi at the home of M r. and Mrs M arvin Chaae A social tim e was enjoyed following their re gular rehearaal. >BRUC SIDE LINES Q lrla Attend Tea , This is the business record of John Smith, who is now forty-one. 1 He started work ou a newspaper, and while he 1 was there, he pieced out his income by selling real estate. Then he transferred into the bond business and sold insurance on the side. Several member» of th» oirt» league at the high school attended the lea given at the U niversity high school In Eugene Friday by the members of the O lrla league of that school. He is now selling wall-paper, which, according to him, is such a poor job that he has to carry samples of floor wax and a patent attachm ent About forty per cent of the accidents to m otor for radiators in order to keep going. cars a t grade crossings in the state of Wisconsin John is honest and hard-working. His com ­ 2 Classas W ater, Not Too last yeap w«re caused by m otorists driving into plaint about the meagre returns from business Cold, Help Constipation caused a friend of mine to make an investigation. the sides of trains, some of which were standing It revealed the following facts: One glass of w ater Is not enough— take ! glasses a h a ll hour before still at the time the accident occurred. Approxi­ One of the men who started on the newspaper, breakfast. You get quicker and bet­ i with John Sm ith is now part owner of the p ap er] ter results by adding a tittle simple m ately one-half the accidents occurred at cross­ and has an income of more than twenty-five glycerin, saline, etc., (know n as Ad- le rik a ) to one glass. ings where there was absolutely no obstruction thousand dollars a year. HOG WILD to view. ”NOR OIL COMPANIES" Correct egrbyretor adjustm ent would save the Real estate has steadily advanced in the city where John Sm ith played with real estate as a I side line, and a num ber of real estaters, no older or sm arter than John, are now very well-to-do. Both the. insurance business and the bond average car owner the price of his automobile business has prospered in John’s old town, pro­ license, teMs show made by the engineer depart­ viding autom obiles and comfortable homes for several men who were formerly his colleagues. m ent a t the Oregon State College. “Simple ap­ As for wall paper, I myself happened to b e , paratus for making such tests is available but riding with the sales m anager of a wall paper has not been put in general use by garages,” says ' company a few days after hearing Jo h n ’s story. “ understand your business is a poor business,” the report. ! I said. “ Does anybody ever make a really g o o d , | thing out of it? ’’ Visits w ith Parent»- Kenneth Oe- Laasua spent the past week end here visiting w ith hla parents. He came up from Cottage Grove on Friday ami returned to hla work there on Tues­ day morning. I l you cAonot read «Uh comfort and pleasure have an ey» exam ination n o * . COOL. REFRESHING, THIRST QUENCHING U n lik e other remedies. Ad lerika acta on B O T H upper and low er bowel and removes old poisons you never thought were In your system Adler- Ika stops GAS and sour stomach In 10 minutes- Relieves constipation In 2 hours.— Flanery'a Drug Store. Drinks Every known Soda Fountain Drink served fresh, cold and de­ lectable. M ak in g Good F G G I M A N N ’S M i" W k « r » th« 8ervtce in D ifferen t” ► Said he: "0!$ Adrian Meeker is the best answ er You can’t blame the college students for not to that. He worked for us as salesm an for twenty being enum erated in Eugene when dad and years. Hard territory his was, too. The other day m other had given them in to boost the census in he retired with one hundred and fifty thousand dollars and*took his family out to California.” the old home town. We wonder what the census So it seems th at each of the businesses which director will say when he finds them enum erated John Smith tried on the side has been very good to the people who stayed with it on full time. , in both places. J. C. Penney told me the other day about a young m an who m ight have been one of his first What we call the height of civic enterprise is for a little city to stop a crew of Mexican section WE HAVE A COMPLETE STOCK OF USED CARS Priced from $50 up WHY NOT HUY A GOOD, LQW PRICED USED CAR FOR THAT FISHING TRIP hands and enum erate them in the city’s census report. Since Will Rogers says he has accepted Gererwvr A. W. NOR BI. AD an offer to be enum erated in Oklahoma we have been thinking it would be well if this city had im­ ported a band of gypsies. MORRIS CHEVROLET Co. 924 Olive St.. Eugene. Oregon fo r W atchful waiting is a job for a chaperone NORULAD GOVERNOR COMMITTEE KENNETH D . KAI SER. Gr» 7 CÄttrsM« SAMT’EL POWELL. 5rrfvx»r> IT »OTT» 7 D liU I9H Mrs. G / . Frankel, M n. M H. Lamoni, S i m l t r y By Albert T. Reid WE SHOULD VOKRY A5OUT FREE DOM O f THE SEAS, m THE FREEDOM O f THE BACK LOTS THAT CONCERNS US NOW. Telephone 627 2Og-I I Multnomah Hotel A T w .l.r » 4 7 l : PO R T tA N D .O R FO O N (Faid A4vcrtfarmrnr) A A statem ent from H A R R Y L. CORBETT Republican Candidate for Governor FOR MOTHER ON HER DAY Sunday M ay 11th “ I aspire to »lie office of governor because I should like lo be of serv­ ice Io the stale in which I was born, which my ancestors helped to de­ velop and in which my children w ill live uflcr ine.” “ I w ill enforce the law * w ith sincerity and justice and w ill appoint no man to enforce a law who does not ob serve the lew .” ’ Artetyle Mother’s Day Chocolates $1.50 P«r pound A rtatyle chocolate cover­ ed dainties of the highest possible q uality In this ex qulsltely decorated all- sllk box m ay be had In one, two and three pound sizes. A gracious thought and a keepsake forever, ttuld only at R e ta il Stores I I Flanery’» •RU< » to « Fheae IS • I w ill use ceaseless vigilance to prevent waste in state expenditures. I w ill be ready lo spend a tax dollar for fo r lt f convinced ,hat ,h« «»«»e w ill receive full value “ I believe In the steady completion of our highway sva- lem. 1 shall continue to oppose Interfering with the duties of the State Highway Commission for the purpose of lo ? rolling. The stale w ill pass the peak of its road bond r » « ^ men! In 1932, and I hope thnt greater aid may then be given our program of market roeds.8 8 ‘ “ I f elected. I w ill not be obligated to make anv annoint ment in return for political support. ny ‘•PPOlnt- “ J w,.i! m ,k E * verX "PPolntment on the basis of merit. O,.,, ‘^These ’ w 1 w ork for ,he 8re*M r development and welfare ef things I shall taka upon myaelf aa a l e r l o a a