f TH U R SD AY. MAY 1. 1930 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS '! ■ " . - * N O T IC E PAGE T H R E F ... ?' OR H E A R IN O OF F IN A L GUNM AN’S BLUFF Maddlaoa—-w e’re going to break la ACCOUNT the door." Notice la hereby given that the un (C o n tin u ed from page 2) Luke Maddlaon, »landing on the deralgned executor of the la»t w i l l ' and tealam ent of W. t Mourer. de I " , " ' wwra . ceaaed. h a. file d h l. account for the ,n * * “ « I * « « ! ’ h# ceaaed. haa file d hl« account tnr t h » ! 1«’ “ : * h* n »he queation waa repeated final aettlement of «aid eatate In the he had an Inspiration. heard the words and gaaped H I» w ife County Court for l-ans County, Ore WS8 there -the one perron In the gon, and that Saturday, the 17th day “Can you tall me If M r Maddlson's . world who must not see him ! of May. 1189. at the Court room of flat la occupied — la hla servant w i t h h e r h e a rt h e .iin e « n o « , aald C o u rt In tbe County Court 't h e r e ’ “ w i t n n e r heart beating a little House. In Lena County, Oregon, at | faster. M argaret passed down the ten o'clock la the forenoon, haa been T h * tone of the man changed. s ta irs W hen aha reached the street by aald Court fixed aa the tim e and "W ho are you. and why do you *he found that tha d riv e r of the place for hearing objections thereto. .u -.w n/dtee a taxi, sad for final aettlem ent of said eatate j ’ r>Dt 10 kno’ that C“ r aammoned which was draw n up behind the — F L O Y D L. M O U R E R . | L “ ke ” ■< ott without explanation. H K J ) tX#R N — M laaesola N o . 18. I I Executor of the last w ill and testa He m ight have told the man who he ,ender- <: ■'Ho you were held up and robbed | FO R H A L E OR T R A D E —«prtag fteld Veara la Laae oounty— A l Farm ers laat night a fter bragging that you lota. W ill consider Bugeae or Me- m eat of W F. Mourer. deaceaaod. was. bu, waa chary of confiding "la anybody there. miss," asked a t alon. Eugene, or at ray place.— Renale R iver property la exchange L. L. R A T , attorney for estate could lick any man on earth band« , in servants, and It waa p a rtic u la rly ; police officer. Oeo W N eff M I A 17-34 M 1-8-16 undesirable that he should betray hla I . ’ Tea. I th in k there la! At least »he !• O. Box 1*1, Hprlngfleld _____ down?" T R A IN S C H E D U L E “ Hut ha didn’t give ma a chance He N O T IC K T O C R E D IT O R » i presence In London to anybody but Inspector thinks so," . . N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S Springfield Stops made me put 'em up." Notice Is hereby given that the u n -iJack Nolle» la hereby glvea (hat (h e ua Ton'd better get Into the eah. N O R T H deralgned waa on the 4th day ot derslgned haa been appointed execu- And then a thought struck him and ! m'es. said the officer. T arqpoee M r. It r .x of the laat w ill and testam ent of ifc_ ----------„ ------------------------------ g A p ril. 1*30 appointed adm lnlatrator ot N O T IC E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T No I t a t 3:64 A M »top to d . t r a l . j ¡ . „ e , jfcobaon d ^ .^ by t h e ' he ,he Dumber of hU OWn ,U t the astata ot H a rry It M anville, d a In tbe County Court of tbe Stete of agara from K lam ath Falla and County Court for I-ane County, State He » » 'te d fully five minutes llstea- reaaed, by the County Court of I-ane “Do you often have case« lik e thia? Oregon, for the County of Lens. County. Oregon A ll peraona having of Oregon A ll persons having claims log to the faint buxx of th» call, and beyond "About every o ther day. W e r e one cla im * agalnat the eatole ot aald In the M atte r of the Relate of Annie against said estate are hereby notified tben tbe operator said: No. I at 4:11 P. M. Knox, Deceased, H a rry It M aovllle ahould tile the o f the F lyin g Rqnada." lo preaent the same, w ith proper t Notice Is hereby given that C E. Bus connections at "» ™ aorr7 sir. there Is no reply I Bugeae for I vouchers to the undersigned at the same. duly verified, w ith the under Apparently It was q rlte usual fo r algnrd at 180 Kaat Broadway, Eugene. Kenyon, executor of the estate of traina leaving 1:39 P. M. and 7 P. M > office ot Donald Young. 880 W ilia m from that number." the Squad to be called to bnlldlngs Oregon, w ithin a ll raontha from thia Annie Knox, deceased, has filed his ette street. Eugene. Oregon, w ithin : Luke made a alow way to the M a ll w h w , aapected burPh Brown and be forced. A 24 M 1 8-16 22 to preaent them w ith the Hate of laat publication. May 31. vouchers to the undersigned at the M r* R>,ph Brown, hla wife, are de- • • • confidence. Resenting the sudden 1139 low offices of E. O. Potter. 631 M in er fen«»«"'* 'n favor of said p lalotlf! • H E HLATTBRY. M argaret Maddlson was preparing »®l*ure. he tried to shake o ff the de- N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S A d m ln latrator ot the eatate of I Notice I» hereby given that Birdie Building. Eugene, Oregon, w ithin six and against the said defendants for the sum of Nlnety-alx Dollars Sixty- for bed when the street bell rang, talnlng hands, and In the n«zt la* lleaale N. Arnold, deeeaaed, L l«h has been appointed adm inis­ months from the date of thia notice. Dated at Eugene, Oregon, thia 3rd nine cents ( * * * < * ) and Nine Dollars she opened the door of her room and slant was flung violen tly to the floor. Addreaa la I*. O. Box 514. Eugene. tra trix of the estate of J W lah. Forty cents (8 * 49) costs, which exe j ||gtene• . h»n . . . b«lo . w ; «he . . . . . ! fics ll» beh,n'* h h U i. eoaL M 1-8-16-23-21 Lane County. Oregon E D N A B Y A R N E L L . me as Sheriff In and for said County her &><*• ncB,,y A ll persons A d m in is tra trix of the estate of A. having claims agalnat said eatate are of Lane, State of Oregon. 1 h a v e ) man's voice and a deeper one, and 'H e ’s got a gun.‘ said a voice.. C IT A T IO N required to present them, with the L. Y arnell, deceased. In tbe Ceunty Court e f the E late of proper vouchers, w ithin six months T he pistol was passed to Inspector A 719-17-34 M 1 levied upon all the right, title and In-i then somebody safd: terest of the said defendants, Ralph Oregon, for tbe County of Lane. “ You had better go up and tell the ■ Gorton. from the first day o f May. 1*30, to the SUMMONS Brown and Mrs. Ralph Brown, his In the m atter of the estate of F rank said a d m in istratrix al the law office lady. I must see her . . . Scotland - j can explain the gun." saM Luke. w ife. In and to t$e following descrlb M Vernum , deceased. of L. 1- Ray, In Ihe M in er Building, In tb« C ircu it Court of the State ot ed real property, to-w lt: Y ,r d - " I dare say you can." Gortoa To Mrs. W . B. Hughea. and to all Kugene. Oregon. Oregon In and for tbs County of An undivided one-fourth (U ) In ­ the unhaown heirs at law of Frank M Lane. She sent her maid down to find opened the autom atic and detached B IR D IE L. IS H . terest In and to: V ernu m , deceased, and to all persona fM’ l T FOR D IV O R C E A d m in istratrix of the estate of J. Beginning In Section * Tp. 31 S. R out what waa the m atter, and In a the magcxlne. whom It may concern. Oeorge O rv ille Cox. P la in tiff, va. W lah. deceased 3 W eat. at a point 41.7» -halns north few minnttles the g irl came bach, G reeting: la the name of (he Slate L. L. RA Y , A ttorney for estate. “ Loaded— you'll get a ten stretch Cora Cox. Defendant. and 38 88 chains East ot the South „ lngpector frora Scotland for this, rav lad. Fan him , one of you. of Oregon you and each of you are M 1-8-16*33-89 1 *7*° Cora Cox. Defendant. . j Ix>u are hereby required to appear west corner of the H W. T ay lo r anu hereby cited and required to appear In w ife D. L. C. No. 48 N otlf. No. 77*. Y ard - n>ada“ He wants to see you he may have another.” tbe County Court of tbe State of Ore­ and answer the com plaint filed N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S In two minutes L uke was »«arched gon for the County of 1-ane at the agalnat you In the above entitled salt which said point Is In the middle of l on a m atter of Importance." Notice Is hereby given that L. L. within four weeks from tbe date of the present channel of the Coast Fork "Is |t M r Bird?" she asked. and everything token from him. C ourt room thernof. at Eugene. In chains i 11 la n e County, Oregon, on the 10th day Ray haa been appointed adm inistrator the flrat publication of this summons River, run thence East . *.36 .v not B,rd but ■ stranger, w ho; "W here did you get this m o n ey ** of May, 1*30. al ten o'clock In the o f the eetate of A rth u r H artm an, de­ In the Springfield News, which first n — . . « a - k . i — . the k . center „» Introduced him self aa Division»« In asked the Inspector ____ ________ ___ ______ West 17.6 chains to of the ceased. by the County Court of I*ane __ date Is A p ril 17. 1*39; and you are forenoon of aald day. (ben and there spector Gorton. | " It was given to me— "began Luke, t< ilin w cause. If any uf you have County, Oregon Alt persons having J hereby notified that if you fail "so” 'to present channel of the Coast Fork "I'm sorry to bother you at th is -a n d there waa a ro a r of laughter. why a license ahould net be granted claims against said estate are re- i appear and answ er said- complaint River, thence np the center of the to F rank E ltla lr, adm inistrator of qulred lo present them, w ith the pro- | w ithin said period of time your default present channel of said . riv e r „ to the „ . tim e of night, Mrs. Maddison, but we "W h a t Is t h is * ' said Gorton, eg- alx months wilt be entered and the p la in tiff w ill place of beginning, all In Lane County ). the eatate of F rank M Vernum , de- per vouchor», w ith in State of Oregon. haTe B report 8ent ,0 » • ,he 8er’ am lning som ething In his hand. ceaaed. to sell a ll of Iota three (1 ), from the 34th day of A pril, 1*30. to j make application to Ihe Court for the T h a t morning, before he had left on Notice Is hereby given, that I. the vant of M r. H u lb e rt, the solicitor four ( 4 ) ( five (6 ). six (31. seven 17) the aald adm inistrator at hla law of ; re lie f prayed w ithin said complaint, undersigned S h eriff as aforesaid w ill I believe he Is your husband's soll- h.'; expedition. Mrs. Fraser had given and eight (8) In Block alx (8) In the flee In the M iner Building, Eugene. : to -w lt: | T hat the m arriage contract now sell the above described real property ' c)tor?** Tow n of I-owell, la n e County, Oregon Oregon. him a little blue covered book. L L. R A T . existing between you and the plain to the highest bidder for cash at the aame being all of «he real estate She nodded and drew a quick "A d riv in g license, eh? Yon werg public auction at the Southwest front A d m in istrator o f the estate of Ar- t iff be forever dissolved Honorable belonging to said estate, for cash and not by any chance d riv in g a car to- th u r H artm an , deceased C. P. BArnard, County Judge of I^tne door of the County Court house In breath. In one parrel, at private sale. A 34 M 1-8-16-33 County, Oregon, made, dated and en Eugene. 1-ane County. State of Ore­ “Is anything wrong— I mean, w ith day around Bond street, w ere you?" This citation Is served upon you by tered an order on April 19. 1*30, gon. on the 30th day of May. 1930. at M r. Maddlson?” publication thereof 'n tha Springfield L u k e ’s heart sank w ith in him. And directing this summons to be pub­ ten o’clock a. m. of that day to satisfy News, a weekly newspaper of general N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S “ No. m a'am , It's not serious— In fact then he heard one o f the detective's the said execution together w ith In lished In the Springfield News once circulation printed and published at Notice Is hereby given that the un­ It may be nothing at all. But this say: Springfield, la n e County. Oregon dersigned has been duly appointed each week for a period of four sucres terest and costs thereon. Dated and firs t published April vatot of M r. Hrflbert says that he i "T hat's the fellow ! H e had a heard pursuant to an order of the Honorable executor of the estate of Sara Hold- slve weeks; and that you appear and within 17th, 1930; dated and last published had an enquiry from a strange man this afternoon. 1 saw him d rivin g C. P. Barnard. Judge of the shove red go. deceased, and any and all answer the said complaint against the 1 ' " “A . w^ k " ,r; ” " of th* f lr " Mav 16th. 1930 named Court made and entered of peraona h a v in g 'c la im s tonight as to w hether your husband's j wtth a woman In the p ark.” H . L. B O W N . record on the Sth day of April. 1*30. said estate are hereby required to publication of this summons. H e whispered something to GortoB S h eriff of Lane County. State of fla t was occupied— he also said that H E SLATTERY. ordering the citation to be published present said rlalm a, duly verified as you had the key of the f l a t ” and the Inspector nodded. A ll the Attorney fo r the p laintiff, snd my Oregon. once each week In snld paper for four by law required, a t 868 W illam ette A 17-84 M 1-8-16 M argaret nodded. T he key had tim e Luke was thin kin g rapidly. T h a t successive weeks and the first publi­ street. Eugene. In I-ane County. O re ­ residence and post office address I» cation shall be with the Issue of gon. w ithin six months from the date Eugene. Oregon. been in her possession since a few simple explanation o f his was no A 17 34 M 1-8-16 SUM M ONS A p ril 10th, 1*30. and the last publi­ of this notice. days a fte r Luke's departure. His man U n g e r possible. I f he i'“d a re d hlm- cation w ill be w ith the Issue of May In tbe C ircu it Court of tbe State ot Dated and f lr & p u b lls ^ ^ A pril had brought it; It was at that mo- self to be Luke MaddUon. he must S U M M O N S FOR P U B L IC A T IO N Oregon, In and for Lane County. Hth. t»S*. 34. 1*39. also explain what he had been doing W itness T he Honorable C. P. Bar Ira C. Gates and N ellie Gates, hus men In her desk. Date o f last publication. May 33, In the C ircu it Court of the State ot nard. Judge of (he County Court of 1*30. band and wife. P lain tiffs, against “I understand M r. Maddison is since he disappeared. The reallxatloB Oregon for the County of Lane the State of Oregon for the County George E. Campbell. Mayme Cam p abroad ?" F R E D L. BEA R D . i of that came w ith shocking empha­ of la n e , end the «cal of the Court bell, his w ife; W illia m H. Hlckox E xerutor of the estate of 9ara Leslie M. Baty. p lain tiff, vs. Bennie "Yes. he Is at Ronda,” she said sis. And he knew that below. M a r­ Mae B aty. defendant. hereto affixed this 6th day of A pril, Holdredge, deceased. or his unknown heirs at law . If To Bennie Mae Baty, defendant garet waa w aitin g and would ro* deceased; ---------- Hlckox, the wife quickly. "You can have the key.” 1*30. Address: 868 W illa m e tte street, above l im ili* l: W . B. D IL L A R D . or widow of W illia m H. Hlckox Inspector Gorton hesitated. Eugene, Oregon. cognise him In spite of hla moustaclL You are hereby required to appear County Clerk and all other persons and parties H. E. S lattery, Attorney for Exe­ “ I'd ra th e r you came w ith . us. Ahead of him was the open door and answer the complaint filed unknown, claim ing any right, title , By Eva L. Duckworth, Deputy. cutor. madam I promise you there's not 'h e leading to the hall T o the rig ht th« against you In the above entitled estate, lien or interest In the real A 19-17 34 M 1-8 A 34 M 1-3-16-31 Court snd cause on or before four estate described In the complaint slightest danger, but we do not Ilk » ' little room he bad used as a dream (4 ) weeks from the date of the first In this suit, defendants searching houses unless there is a Ing room. T he w indow was rig h t publication of this summons, and If To George E. Campbell, M aym e you fall so to appear and answer Campbell, his w ife; W illia m H. H lc k ­ representative of the owner present." above the firs t landing of the f i r * "W h a t do you expect to find? I ’ll escape. L u k e had a horror of flreg, said eom plalnt. for want thereof the ox. or his unknown heirs a t law . If he p la in tiff w ill apply to the Court for Is deceased; ---------- Hlckox, the w ife come with pleasure." she said. and It was his amusement to plan ihe re lie f demanded In said cotn- or widow of W illia m H. Hlckox; and "You can w ait outside in your car. out how he would escape from * *1 plaint, to-w lt: fo r a decree dissolving a ll other persons and parties unknown DR. W. N. DOW Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN the bonds of m atrim ony now existing claim ing any rig ht, title , estate, lien madam W h et do we expect to find? , burning building If he could get to D • n t i • t between (he p la in tiff and defendant or Interest In the land In the com­ W e ll, there Is a possibility that the that room. I t did not seem posstbl* O R U Q L E 8 S P H Y S IC IA N and divorcing the p la in tiff from the plaint In this suit and hereinafter man who called up Intended burglar- F irst National Bank Building Somebody spoke from the landing defendant, Hnd such other and fu r­ described, defendants: Phone 43 Sprlngflsld, Oregon Ing the fla t, and we want to be on outside. I t was the h a ll porter, who ther re lie f as to tha Court may seem 166 Fifth •tre a t In the name of the State of Oregon: OlEce houri, 8 A. M. to 6 P M. the safe side." had called to discover w hat the com­ equitable. You are hereby required to appear S P R IN G F IE L D Evenings by Appointment Phone 196-W She w ent upstairs and finished motion was. This summons Is published once and answer the com plaint of plaintiffs The tw o detectlveg eaeh week for four successive weeks filed against you In the above entitled dressing, and then accompanied the who w ere guarding the door turned In T he Springfield News by order ot Court snd suit w ith in four weeks from Inspector to the street. A car was th e ir backs fo r a moment, and In that the Honorable O. F. Sklpw orth. Judge the first publication of this summons drawn up. w ith two or three men sit- Instant Luke Maddlson leaped H« of said Court, which order bears date Ben. Fhoas I t * Plano Moving In T h e Springfield News, to w it: On the 18th day of A pril. 1930. and the or before the 16th day of May, 1930; ting In the back, and she was Invited was something of an ath lete; had 8PRINQFIELD TRANSFER date of the firs t publication of thia and If you fall to so appear and an­ to the seat w ith the d riv e r. played for his fifteen at college, and W IL L IB B B R T 8 C H , Pro». summons la A p ril 17th, 1930. swer, for want thereof, plaintiffs w ill They came very quickly to the en- had nothing to learn about the art o f O. E. P O T T E R , •M e w RODBNBOUOH GARAGE take Judgment and decree against avoiding a tackle. H e dashed through A ttorney for p la in tiff, residence and you as prayed for ln th eir complaint, trance of Luke's flat. 688 M ain Strowt No, I'll come up w ith you. I ’ve the door of the dressing room, bang- post office address, Eugene, Lane to w it: Lon« Distance H aulin g a Specialty County, Oregon. T hat th e ir title to the land therein only been In It tw ice, but I'l l pro- ed It shut, and shot the bolt as the A 17 24 M 1-8-16 descrlhid. to w P : Beginning at a Residence 128 C 8t. 228 Main St. bably he able to help you find your I weight o f tw o men was flung against ” c point 13 chains and 28 2-3 links N orth way about..” 68 M R. 61 J A D M IN IS T R A T O R ’S N O T IC E of the middle SE. corner of the Rob­ DR. N. W. EMERY The Inspector sen» one of his men This was no moment for caution. e rt E. Campbell and W ife don. land In the County Court of the State of cl. No. 69. In Tp. 17 S Rg. 3 W est of to search the a p artm en t; and then H e flung up the window and his lege D E N TIS T Oregon In and fo r the County of Full Auto Equipment W . M . nnd running West 429 feet, suddenly he sniffed. went out almost In one motion. IB Button Bldg. Phone 20-J . In Lane. re the eatate of Jerry L ""S an Æ n ™ n " Æ h e ^ e second h« dropped Into the l4tdy Assistant R esidence Phono 163-M Deceased. bp forever quieted as nftalnst all ot here, and smoking It recently. darkness. H e had calculated welL To whom this mn.v concern: you; th a t you be forever barred and M argaret too had smelled the faint ■ T h e steel platform of the fire escape Springfield, Oregon You are hereby notified thnt by or estopped from claim ing any rig ht. . fragrance. A t th a t moment the de- clanged under his feet. In another In­ red of the above entitled Court duly tltle . estate or Interest therein ad tectlve sent to look In the kitchen FRANK A. DE PUE stant he was flyin g down the steps given and made, Roy I-angan. the verse to th eir title ; and for such A T TO R N E Y A T LAW and was over the w a ll before the General I-aw Practice undersigned, « a s duly appointed ad other re lie f as shall he by the Court came running back. m ln lstrato r of the above entitled deemed Just and equitable In the "T he wlndow'8 been forced," he firs t of the detectives had reached N O T A R Y P U B L IC estnle; that all owing debts to Ihe premises. I. M. PETERSON said. the head of the escape. snld estate should pay the same to Attornoy-at-l-aw This summons is served hy publi­ Eprlngflald Sutton Gorton nodded. Evid ently he ex­ A man was lounging ln the mews; me. nnd all having claims against the cation thereof once each week for Oregoi, Building City Hall Building he turned w ith a shout aa L uke snld estate shall present them to me. four successive weeks In T he Spring pected to hear this. w ith vouchers nttached. at the law field News, a newspaper printed and "W hich Is M r. Maddlson's room 7“ dropped. But L uke was oft lik e the Springfield, Ora. "Look here," snld a man to the fore office of m y attorney. H. E. Slattery. published at Springfield, Oregon, by M argaret pointed. A key was al wind. Hla long stay ln the hospital man builder, "can you give me a d efi­ 717 W illa m e tte Street, Eugene, Ore­ order of Hon. G. F. Sklpw orth. Judge ready Inserted In the lock. T h e de­ had throw n him out of condition, nite date on which thia houae w ill be gon. w ithin six months from the date of said Court, made on the 16th day tective turned the handle. T he door but he had *11 the technique o f the of the firs t publication of this notice, of A pril, 1939, and the first publica­ completed? You see I'm getting m ar­ which Is A p ril 19. 1930. tion thereof was made on the 17th did not move. I t was bolted on the runner. Aa he emerged from the n a r ­ ried when It It ready.” ROY LANOAN, day o f A p ril, 1980. inside. row entrance of the m ew * he aaw • jn W S L B R Adm inistrator. “Right," aald the foreman," you can A. E. M7HEWLER, "Out you come son! It’s a c o p !" . cab passing and leaped on the ran» H. R. S lattery, Attorney for Adminis­ Residing In Eugene, Oregon, A tto r­ R a p tu r in g a Specialty leave It to me. I ’ll see that the Job He turned to the gfrl. nlng board. trator. ney fo r P la in tiff*. (BUYING 02 SELLING GfTBTSUUS; « U S IN E S S D IR E C T O R Y l Walker-Pool« Chapol Funeral Directors D. W. R o o f M ptW preK l, tlTtJO P Is spun out as long aa possible.” A 10-17-34 M 1-8 A 17 *4 M 1-8-16 "Tam'd better go downstair*, Mr*. TO CONTINUED