Try the Hom e P r in t Shop F ira t THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Large Audience H eart C antata SIGNS NEW TEACHERS TÜESDAÍ. MERCHANTS. AS IN DAYS OF OLD COMPETE WITH FIST ON STREET CORNER Gravel R unw ays Will Stop Planes\ "Th« People'« Papar" U lve n e w s p a p e r IN A LIVI TOWN AIRPORT LAID OUI n EEOERAL E m m Sunday School Room" and Bal­ An exhibition of fisticuffs which cony at Methodist Church ttracted and greatly amused all the Airport Manager Returns Mon Soveral Hundred Young People Filled to Overflowing Three New Teachers to be in 2 2 ’” * J? 10011 placa Tu'’•da’, day After Inspecting Cali­ Expected in City Thle Week Faculty N « > t F .H i i wb* n ° * o rr’’ Ke“ “ « " and Julius fornia Flying Fields- CUlty Next Fall, Lincoln Fulop. Springfield a two leading dry *Th© ftn»»t musical program William J. Mackenzie. Airport End for County Convention ocnool to Get Another Man « * * merchants, became engaged or Specialist of the Department of Sunday School Workers: I pr,"," ," ' ’d by ,u<‘al «•»•»< in this city." Completion of the graveling of the Teacher: Corvallis Woman " " ‘•ngled •» Fourth and Main streets. Local Churches to Entertain* M o ïd V “ * * * • wyoM of Commerce, at the Spring- ____ _ _ morning after they had Competition between the two mer- present runways at the municipal Gets H- 8. Place. field Port Today making | heard the flprlngflrld choral society .chants became so strong that they airport Is all that la needed here now Class A Rating Plans. Keveral hundred young people are Present the cantata. The Redemption , Thr»»e “ • • teacher« for Bpring- went back to first principles to settle to get many of the Pacific Coast «averted to come to thia d ty on , »" ■ ««Parity audience at the Metho- , f*"ld •e r« elected Tuesday ______. ____ aviator« to land their planes here for a night at their differences. m e a y for the openln« events of the •**•* « hurch on Runday evening All of * 1,1 » • • t in « of the local school .... ............ The exact cause of the argument — — elath annual convention of the U u e ,ba l,M«l church«« ¿(«continued their board Tw,’ -" f ‘ hem will teach In the 1» not known hut what one of them i here T “"ada’r >»r Lee at t b . loe.l ./ -In -r t Omwty Council of Religious Kduca • » • " ! “ « aervlce« Runday to enable IJn,w,n ««'hool and the other one will did or did not aay to the assessor Inman. * C° » tlon which will he ln ««salon here on ,ha,r member« to attend the musical *’’* a" * !* “ * d '« the high school about the other'« stock la supposed after he and George Hammond, etu- m ^ c e " wh”/ Friday, Saturday and Runday program, and the crowd which do<',",on 'he matter of select- to be the cause. Fulop emerged from ‘l o t at the «b o ol. had returned from , he order, o f^ h ' l,nder The aeealona will be divided Into »“ "»cred could not be seated, even ln< * coacb • ' " '• high school was the combat with a black eye and a JZM mile automobile trip Com Eu- of the departmZn7” r * n l “ Cret4rT gene to Glendale. California, during M r I f a r i J I ? aerona" “ ca- three «ectlona. adult, youth and the after the Runday school rooms In the n°* r* ach"d • ' the meeting, although ■ • “ re nut a complaint for aaaault children's group«. and each group hack part of the building had been applications were considered. More against Kennett, who Tue«day wan con- ............. port. itg • I I I hold aeparale meetings for dla thrown open and the balcony had consideration opr,n* fined »14 In Judge Walker's Justice field between Medford and Glendale, freed?,m and talked talked with with manv eawae.S ‘ a a - httZdlrd», and possibili- • I l l be made next Monday evening court after he had pleaded guilty. cuaslona of Ihelr particular problem« , tilled many of fleas the a coast tl^« a i "* l •hd program« , • No, 8(v, n ,„ r Mon, y flyers about the local field and about W7>en when the board has Its regular A large gathering of all delegatea | Much commendation 1« due this monthly wanton. ihe ships they are building there. t, dcveloned t V “ 1 i* * MB<'ken’ w Will be held at the Christian church «r" uP of dtlaena of twith Springfield Ml«« Marguerite Mlllhollen. of WEEK-DAY RELIGIOUS field w;,.. stated Mr. Inman, and SnrlnJiuiA ^ • ’* ’“ * * “ * on Friday evening, commencing at “ “ d Eugene who have devoted a great Corvallis, was selected to teach Eng. SCHOO'-. DEMONSTRATION many of them had circled the field, ' the city a a n>° r ^ T b l’’ wln <*r * 7:1R. when the odd Fellow«' band ol i ie a l «* «heir time during the past H»h at the high school to fill the i bu, decided no, ,o M t down their f j r X Rugene w ill play j three months to rehearalng a musical vacancy caused by the failure of ATTRACTS AUDIENCE The Program Mrs Baker to accept a renewal of he- valuable ahlpa because they did not The A °T thre*‘ TeaM- . program «Urli as was given Sunday Many Springfield people turned out The program for the three day 1 nl ,m limb. ---------- They were both greatly Im W K. Harnell. W ilfred Cook. Vellle who r«coramead h:m. He haa had treasure chests for the Filipino etu---------- dents this yqar The Springfield ! Pressed by the practicability ot such m o n « ¿ L .c t no‘ , w,’ h to ,n,raa‘ “ F 10 oo Song aervlce. Pruitt, and Dallas Murphy. considerable teaching experience and children decided to carry out the 1st- • large plane. : a - u »blch would not he approva4 "Abounding Through i*rayer." The other groups were composed i la now employed at Goshea His se­ the runways e o n . . . . . . the local ,h* depar,m* nt- ■■ other eltlea Rev R E Clark. bought riv five . i 1 One of o, the of the ladles' octet. Mrs. W. C. Reb- lection Is In keeping with the an- ter one and they have bouaht m ol, o ^ L ' d° " e ln ,h ” O "« o *. Piano solo, Norma Kinser. hau. Mias Wilma 8cotl. Mrs. W P nnunced desire of the board to re­ cheats and filled them. They have f'eld haa been graveled ’ " I now go ahead afta« also made two maps o, the Philippine length, but the gravel h: lt:M . The Field of Work, DeLllllan Tyeon. Mrs Dallas Murphy. Mrs d uce the teaching load o, each not yet the government plan. Oleon and Prof. H. 8. Tuttle. Arah Hoyt Rae, Mrs. Potter. Ml»« 1 teacher, which ha« been quite hlga Islands and have made scrap books been smoothed out. The other run Mr. Mackensle came to SpriugfleM showing onr na“ ve vegetation and ways have been staked I I : I t . Discussion. here the past year. Agatha Beale, and Jule Pollard out and from Ashland, and will leave Ute to- 11 00 (mack, place to be announced. mala quintet. Paul Potter. Dallas Miss Eva Phetteplace, a graduate the manner in which we live and bladed, and are awaiting a coating d*y for Albany. He le Inspecting all Executive Committee Meeting Murphv. Ixureace Mofrttt. Walter of Eugene high school and Monmouth dress. Ona o, these scrap hooks ot gravel to make them Drat clast the airports on the airway line frofli H A Tl'R D A Y AFTERNOON shape for all weather use. Many Ooeeler. and Alfred Free«; a mixed normal school, waa .elected to teach waa «,‘ac* d <» aach “ f these cheat«, Lx,« Asgeles to Bellingham. Washing­ the second grade at the Lincoln- T " * Program was featured through- Christian Charch—Adults. pUots have declared that they woald quartet W ilfred Cook. Mrs. Rae. Mrs. school next year. She la a sister of ° Ut ’rl,h th* rec*ta*|ou o, Biblical rather land a ship on the local field ton As a result of his rislt many ‘Children at Baptist church; Youth Baraell. end Alfred Prase cities are changing their plans for Dr. Cart H. Phetteplace , nd „ a r * r ' ea and P1« ^ at Methodist church. See special | without «any gravel when It Is dry, airport development so that they win programs.) as the graund is smooth and firm daughter of Mr. and Mrs H. ______________________________ ERRORS LOSE GAME be working toward sUnddrdlsed and >:•**. fh>ng Rervlce and there le no danger of rock par- Phetteplace. who llvs on ronle 1. EASTERN S T A R M F M R r p « federal , ¿cognised airports. FOR SPRINGFIELD’S A eblft will h . med. at the Lincoln MEMBERS 1:*#. Abounding—Through Purpose. tides damaging the plane. Rev. Rnrl Horaell. ATTEND DISTRICT MEET , .. _ , „ HERE FRIDAY school next fall when Mm. Roberta 1. I t Solo. Herbert Pate. —■ will he given the first grade, taking METHODIST MEN ATTEND 1 9 « The Workers In Tralaiag, Fro,. M * rrora Proved costly to the Sprlng- Many members of the Cascade PAUL BUNYAN STATUE the place of Mrs. L. K. Page, who W O Beattie. I f,* ld baseball team here Friday when resigned, and Miss Phetteplace «rill chapter o, the Eastern Btar. together BROTHERHOOD MEETING MAY BE LOCATED ON l:M Dtecueelon I th* ’' ,oa' 'be game to Eugene high leech the second year students which with their Worthy Matron. Mrs. W. Eleven members of the Men s Bro­ C. W right, went to Eugene last night NEW BRIDGE TRIANGLE I 0« Bualneaa eeeeton and awarding * la,r,r" " f a r making almost twice aa Mr». Robert» now b u . therhood of the local Methodist o, leadership Training Credits , B’ ,n5' hH’ “ ,halr opponent«. The to attend the district meeting of the A huge statue o, the mythical Paul church motored to Lebanon Monday ° rd* r of the Eaa,ern » I « - Mrs. Ellaa «•me started of, with an error by aiwtx, w . _________ BATVRDAY EVEN!NO ELECTRIC SHOP beth Tipton. Grand Worthy Matron of Bunyan and his huge ox ‘.‘Babe” slml- evening to attend the meeting o, the «0* Youth Banquet. Christian John Lynch, who took a banted to ll TO HAVE MODERN HOME Ore«°n' and C«ri Tipton, grand sU[e U r to the model which was exhibited 1 D*atrlct Brotherhood «raa held there. church. BOc per plata. Table for I and overthrew first base right at the _______ _ deputy . _ _____________ _ Or- • ' 'be I-ane County Wood Products 8 Pr*n«tield had the largest repre- j opening. The final score waa io to ervlslng for the Rainbow Intereetad adulta. Springfield Electric Supply c m - d’ r tor OlrU. both o, Portland, and Bhow ha,d recently In Eugene, may ’ • “ '•'Io n ot u r city In the district, Methodist Church— All Departments. «. naú «ras lha second defeat for the J local team this season. Pleasant H ill W»ny Is the name ot the new electric Mra- Wllllnma, of Junction City, the some day be permanently exhibited acc°rdlng to Dr. Emery, rice-prest- 7:18. Song Service. defeated them In Ihe opening game ■hop which M A. Pohl and CUrence «rand organist, were present for the on the triangular piece of land at dent of 'be local group, 7 NO Invocellon. Rev Mulholland. the west approach o, the new Spring- The meeting, which was also the 7 IB Play. In His Strength Coburg •nd they took the game here with Cooley are opening In the Laxton “ •* * !“ « field bridge. If local people care to ''n al meeting ot the season for ‘he Week-day Bible rise« Directed by [ I ’nlveralty high oB Tuesday of last building, between the Rodenbough week. garage and the Springfield bakery have It. This Information was re- " r«a“ l**tlon. was addressed by Pro- Misa Ere Dell Murphy. Cooking Club Meets Tonight • The local team Is taking It very The front ot the room has been par­ vesled here this week ln a letter re- '• " • o ' A. R. Sweetser, of the Vnlver- 1:10 Week-day Bible school demons Members of the Cx>klng club o, celved by W A. Taylor, president o, j who «•▼• an Illustrated lectura r * y? 61". Th’‘y h" ra "o «ames titioned of, and several shelves are trallon. Mias Goldla Smith. the Christian church, the organ!««, built along the walls to hold the N «0 Week day Hlhle sc h o o l T h . 1 arheduled • he Chamber of Commerce, from H . J. on Pl"“ '« * “ d plant life In Or-gon. until next Tuesday, when school. The tlon which prepares the Friday lunch­ of the W illam ette The next meeting will be held Ir Sep- W’ork o, the Church. Dr. H. A they will meet (he Cottage Grove ag stock o, fixture* and electrical ap­ eons for the Lions club, will have Cox, secretary xregallon here. Coach Cotter Oould pliances which they will carry. They a social gathering this evening at the Valley Lumbermen’s association, in I ' “ mber. Wheeler. which he says that It lB Oliver Bar­ Those who attended the m eetlrg took the team to Eugene Tuesday • III also have two enclosed shop 1 :1B Dlacuaslnn home ot Mrs. Bud McPherson. A evening to play a practloa game with widows for display purposes. Much short business session will be held rett's wish to have the statue per­ from Springfield are Dr. W. H. Poe SUNDAY MORNING. of the work la being done by A. J a fraternity team manently exhibited In some place In lard. W illiam G. Hughes. L. K. Pago. Sunday School and church o, choice. first, after which those present will 4chnetsky and Major M. B. Huntly. the Pacific Northwest. 8am Bartholomew. Frank Bartholo­ Junior service« at Methodist • “ Joy a program and gamea. Par, of the letter reads as follows: mew. Dr. N. W. Emery, W ill Maybe, church. SENATOR JOHN B. BELL ' "We understand that it Is Mr. Bar­ Her. C. J. Pike, Harry Wooley, R. L, BUNDAY NOON. PASSES AT PORTLAND rett's hope tha, his statue can be Drury and George Brown. Basket lunch ln Christian church erected In some place in the Pacific for those who care to bring their own John R. Bell, «tat« senator from Northwest through the efforts of lunch. Linn and Lane countlos. died at the lumbermen and other Interested eltl- SPRINGFIELD CHILDREN SUNDAY AFTERNOON Veteran« hospital at Portland yes­ aean. Christian Church— Adults. terday following an operation per- TO MARCH IN PARADE We have heard several suggestions (Children at Raptlat rhurch; Youth .. u u i f° rm"d ° n Mondalr a“ d from which Springfield Student» Win Two Pollard, Blanche Bates and Lela to the effect that the triangular tract At least 180 Springfield children w ill • I Methodist church. Bee special he did not succeaafully rally. Senator Places and One Honorable Squires. of land at the west approach of the march In the Lane programs.) county World Bell had been III tor some time, and The girls' glee club did not win Mention with Four Entrants new Springfield bridge Is Ine-lly lo­ Friendship Day parade In Eugene and 1:00. Song aervlce. certificate, but waa given firs, honor- went to Portland where he hoped that at Forest Grove Tournament; ■able mention, which la equivalent to cated for the erection of the statue, take part In the program to be held 1 08. Abounding—Through Persever- an operation would Improve his con­ due to the traffic over the Paelflc Immediately afterward In «he city ence. Rev. George Cromley. Girl» Lauded for Conduct. dition. foui^h place In the contest. The and MrKenxIe highways, and the park back of Skinner's Butte on Fri­ I 18. Muele by Ssnla Clara choir. He leaves his wife and two child­ members of the glee club which sang Springfield high school students ' Gypsy Fires are firs, soprano: Leola fact that Lane county la the center day May 2. The parade will start at I SO Youth and the Work at the ren. John Bell. Jr., and Helen Bell of the lumber Industry In the W II- 3:(M) o'clock __________ added new laurels to those already Gates. Church. Rev. L. H. Randle. and __ la being sponsored Dorothy Potter. Vernlee They were all with him at the time lametta valley, both from the stand- by the Lane County Wee’ k-da"“ Bibb» •o n In the music fest In Eugene a Trent Oírla' quartet. of hit death. Hawke, Haael Wilson, Junla May, point of production and timber re-1 school workers. It will Include repre­ 1:10. Discussion. Mr. Bell •» a head of the Ijtn e few weeks ago when they went to the Eva Louk, and Helen Meradorf; sources. 8tate Music Tournament at Forest 1 NO Duet, Mrs. Lulu Kent and Mrs. county abstract company at the time sentatives from nearly every com­ second soprano: Dorla Chase, Blanche We are calling this to your atten­ munity In the county. Drove last week end and won two Irma Ogram of his passing. He was a Mason an Petes, Jessie Beals. Beulah Richard­ tion In view of the fact that we un­ places and an honorable I:SB. Installation and Consecration Elk. and a veteran of the Mayor W. P. Tyson and Lum An­ mention son, Ruth Bettis, and Daley Tomsath; Rpanlsh- with four entries. derstand that you are Interested In derson, chief of police, will have Servloe Mr. H arry Benton. American war. altos: Lela Squires. Jule Pollard. beautifying this ground and that a ‘‘barge of the local children during Paul Frene won (he state champton- YO UTH C O N VEN TIO N Emma Trlnka, Nellie Wright, Evelyn Funeral announcements had not committee has been appointed by vou the parade. Children who are going "hlp for hats aolo work, after com­ (For Youth over 12 yean.) Buell, and Lela Maxwell. been announced thia morning. to represent the Chamber to handle to march In the parade are to meet piling with a group ot 2« singers Theme— Abounding In Happiness. Conduct Is Lauded this work, cooperating with others.'' at the Lincoln school at 1:00 o'clock from every part of the state. In the Mias Era D. Murphy, Snperlntsndent. A compliment »as paid to the man­ HOLY SPIRIT IS TOPIC Paul Bunyan Is the mythical char­ tomorrow, where cars will be pro­ Northland waa the title of the gong F R ID A Y EVENING , ner in which the Springfield girls FOR SERMON ON SUNDAY acter In the early development of the vided to take them to Eugene and re­ which Frese sang to win Ihe state 7:10. Meet at Christian church In re­ conducted themselves at the tourna­ Oregon lumber resources. He, to­ turn. A special parking section for championship and a five dollar bill gular seaalon. The sermon topic nt the Methodist ment by the dean of women at the gether with his large blue ox, has the Spi ¡ngfteld care will be set aside SATURDAY MORNING. church on Sunday morning will be which was awarded with the certifi­ Pacific University. She told one of been the subject of many art pieces In Eugene and each driver of aa cates to each winner ot first place, Methodlat Church. "The Holy Spirit." Rev. C. J. Pike the faculty members at th» Unlver and also of a humorous book. Girls' Quartet Wine 10:00 Abounding In Happiness • I I I he In the pulpit. Topic for the automobile w ill be asked to f k « slty that she had never had a better The girls' quartet was awarded the Through Consecration. dovm the names of each child la behaved group of girls at any time evening service will be the question, Quest Soloist at Recital third place In the class B group 10:10. Plano tolo. Norma Kinser. hie car, thus assuring that all w ill be staying at the women's dormitory What ProgreasT The church choir Mrs. W. C. Rebhan was the guest brought back after the program le They chose to alng Swing Low. Sweet 10:46. Talks: there. Ernest McKinney, director of will sing two apeclxl numbers at the soloist at a recital which paplle of over. Chariot, and were In competition with Happiness In Work. Earl Chap- morning service. the musical groups at the high school Mrs. Arah Hoyt Rae gave at the quartets entered from Oregon City, also complimented the girls on their The Sunday echonl meets at 1:48. McMorran and Waehborne auditor Tillamook, Oreaham. and other equal­ Happiness In the Home. Clinton and the Epworth league has their Lenburg Man Hara—A. W. Frasee, conduct while In Portland, where Ina In Eugene on Tuesday afternoon. of Lea burg, spent Wednesday mora- ly large eltlea. The members of the (OeaUnnad oa Pare •) they went before returning to Spring- program at B:M. Mra. Rae direct* the choir ef the lag transacting baatneax la Spring- quartet are Vernlee Hawke, Jule field. ALFRED FRESE WINS ST A ^ E MUSIC PRIZE choir of the lfethedlet eharah here, 'field. «ml