Try the H om e P rin t Shop Firat TWENTY-SEVENTH YEAR. THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS “The Ptopla's Paper" A LIVE NEWSPAPER IN A LIVE TOWN _______ SPRINGFIELD. LANE COUNTY, OREGON. THURSDAY, APRIL 24. 1930 SPRINGFIELD CENSUS REPORT 2359 School* to |HiCH SCH00L IO PROGRAM H sts' ual- Pla? r!r Sunday * WILL BE S lim y " " , i H ' C onvene in L tty a •/■ ■ '» •« 1 students ENTER FOREST GROVE music tournament H ighway Cleanup Will Be M ay 10 C in GUN IS 504 SINCE LAST COUNT Local Team Upset3 Dope and Many Delegates Expected to : TwWlty-t"° musicians of Spring- Attend Annual Gathering of ' fleld hl’ b 8cho°' win Iea,re this after State Organization Seeks Local Takes Game Here Tuesday Large Choral Group to Sing ' noon for Forest Grove, where they Woman to Organize and in Last Half of Ninth. Workers on May 2, 3, 4 ! will compete In the annual sta te high Cantata “The Redemption,” Direct Workers Here. Increase is 28% Which is Good Sunday school- i n k e r s from all S“ mU!" C tournam ent’ Tbe tr l» Not only did the Springfield high at Union Service at Metho- Healthy Growth; 100 Found The Oregon Federation of Garden made a ',Tom(lbl1^ and the dist Church; Many Fine Solo ba8etba1' team UP8et ,he dope , parts of Lane county are expected ■ to be Unemployed; Chamber ' return to s PrllVSf:cld clubs wants some Springfield organi­ Do . . bucket in their game with the Uni- !to attend the three day county con- *“ " " Parts Included in Concert. to Make Check for Missing zation to assum e the responsibility verslty high school nine on Tuesday. | vention of P ro testan t Sunday schools ! bat,,rday night. Next Five Days. A packed house is expected at t h e ! ’’,7 , ‘7 7 7 " ° appea8ed a «™ thful | known as the Lane County Council j The entrants will he Eldred GHspy. for the Highway Cleanup work In stun ©nt bony, one which v»_s. changed _» « at . i of - Religious Education, which will i who wiI1 play Serenade, a violin the last m inute from a disappointed meet here Friday, Saturday and S un-| 8ol° ’ Alfred Frese, who will sing a group to a mad cheering crowd when day, May 2, 3 and 4. Final details of ! bass soI° ’ In the N orthland; and the the local boys brought home two the three day program are now being ! girl8’ glee club and Quartet. The glee scores in the last half of the ninth j prepared by Miss Mary Harding, of cIub wil1 slng the son& GyP«y Fires, inning, to win their affray with the • Eugene, who is secretary of the ■ and tbe Quartet will sing Swing Low boys from the U niversity school by county association. The local arrange- Sweet c b a ri°t- H arry L am j, of the University 3 t0 2- m ents are being handled by a com- The members of the glee club are school of music, has been secured as Springfield ball sw atters did not j m ittee consisting of H. F. Gillette» first soprano: Leola Gates, Dorothy accom panist and met with the local j have a difficult time in making a ' H arry Chase, and 8. G. Moshier.’ Potter, Vernice Hawke, Hazel Wil singers „ . Tuesday . . night , at the final P° lnt the flrst innlng' and they They rep resen t each of the three son- J u nla May, Eva Louk, and. Helen rehearsal. Lamb was selected to fill were successful in keeping their op- protestant churches in this city Mersdorf; second soprano: Doris the position leli vacant by Winifrid ponents from chalking up a score j N on-Sectarian M eeting Chase, Blanche Bates, Jessie Beals, Tyson, who was forced to give up her j until the third Inning when the local The three local churches3 Beuah Richardson, Ruth B ettis, and are and to | Daisy part due to illness. boys went wild and the spectators, 1 be Joint hosts for the convention, Tomseth; altos: l e l a Squires" Methodist church Sunday night when the Springfield oratorio group mekes their first public appearance at a union service of the three local churches, under the direction of E r­ nest McKinney. The choral group is composed of a large number of local mugicians. and is augm ented by several Eugene vocalists. They will sing the cantata "The Redem ption.” who uad been so pleased with their the meetings and other gatherings Evelyn Buell,' Jule Pollard, Emma r eam s showing agalnst a team which will be divided between the several T rlnka- Nellie W right, and Lela ^een rate<^ t0 defeat them by a ¡churches. j Maxwell. 'argf, score> chan8ed suddenly to a j The m eetings will begin on F riday! Ernest McKinney is the musical howling mob as the local boys over-1 evening with a large union meeting, director at the high school and will ZZ °u this vicinity which is to be carried on in conjunction with a state-wide The population of Springfield campaign to be conducted Saturday, is 2359, or 504 m ore people May 10, at which time an effort will 7 W7 cn tlme an effort w111 th an ,n 1920, according to the be made to cleanup all of the major ' . . ° highways of the entire state. They ! a n n o u n c e n i e n t of Joseph Koke, ask th a t some organization ln this j d i s t r i c t census supervisor, to- clty select a woman as chairm an to day. A substantial gain in all organize the work around Spring- precincts of the city is noted field. over 1920 when the total was The day has beeu officially pro­ 1855. In 1910 it was 1838. claimed by Governor A. W. Norblad, The enum eration was made ln and bus been endorsed by C. A. How­ Springfield by Mra. C. E. W heaton ard, sta te superintendent of pub'ic „„x i~ r> , ~ ------ ------- instruction. A very extensive pro- ' * 7 , 2 ? ' r, a " d has been com gram has been mapped out for the 7 ’ eVera‘ day"- Tabu,‘ tion day by the garden club organization ! X * ! d' Str*Ct 8UPerT‘8° r It will beg.n at 8:30 Saturday morn- ! Z lth th v 7 7 a 8 a tl8 f’ ed ing when the workers are asked to ! . ° f 0,8 Springfleld enum erators and thinks they made a signateu. * V*r ‘° U8 P‘aC88 *«*<*»* - u n t . ° T U Tn J " * men t0 ! Saturda> ’ ,nt() ^ grQ a t upg e s wiR . j accompany the singers, The choral group was sponsored 100 Out of Work sponsored [ mitted 7 the high 5e niversity The workers, who are being re­ by the Springfield Lions club and score two runs. The enum erators found 100 people adult section will m eet at the Baptist ' are Vernice Hawke, Jule Pollard, cruited trom tbe Boy Scout troops, has been practicing th eir musical unemployed In the city, which Is Game N ever C ertain ta e Y. M. C. A. clubs, tbe Chamber church for th eir group discussions; Blanche Bates and Lela Squires, program, which will contain seveial about the same ratio as has been re- The game remained alm ost every­ All of the students who are enter- of Commerce organizations and other other selections which have been body’s game from then until the last the children's departm ent will con- ported from other places. vene in the C hristian church, and the J ing the state contest won aw ards at interested people, will be divided added to the cantata, for the past of the ninth inning Comparative Gains when Spring- into groups and wiU be beaded by p‘‘oples' sro uP will m eet a t ! the Music F est in Eugene recenty. three months. The pastors of the ' j ‘ field ran In two scores, winning and The following table shows the the Methodist church. A cafeteria leaders. Each group will be alloted The members of the glee club have three local churches have Joined by ending the game at the same time. I population by precincts and the gain discontinuing services in their res-j John Lynch showed much better i dinner will probably be served at all secured light sleeveless coats to a one mile section of the highway on over 1920: pective churches Sunday night so | control in his pitching than he had noon and the groups will retu rn to wear over their white dresses, giving only one side. A nother group will Unem­ Precinct 1920 th a t a union meeting may be held ln the previous games, and despite th eir various headquarters for the them a very distinctive appearance. work across the load from them. 1930 ployed afternoon session. The work will be confined to tbe 1 ......... 499 for the presentation of the program the fact th at he was heckled a great 521 19 The annual banquet will be served 2 ........ roadside between the traveled part 338 511 to tthe largest possible audience. deai by the University high team 14 at the Christian church on Saturday I o f tbe road and the fence-line border­ 3 ........ 474 595 32 Program supporters, he pitched a b etter game evening by the women of th a t church, ing on the py. No WOrk 4 ......... 499 732 35 1. Overture—H arry Lamb, accomp- than coach Gould expected. after which a joint m eeting of all the will be done on any private property anlst. All atten tio n at the school is now delegates will be held in the Metho­ w ithout the consent of the owner, 1855 2359 100 The E ntreaty — Bass solo and centered about the game tomorrow dist church. and then only under the direction of Chamber to Recheck chorus—Alfred Frese. ; afternoon with the Eugene high I Plane Flies Over and Lands at the section leader. Sunday Program Incom plete 3. W atchm an, Tell us of the Night, squad. They lost their first and only i In an effort to add a few morn Local Airport; Shinn Pilots Full details for the Sunday pro­ The m em bers of the girl scouts, - nam es to the census the cham ber o f Ladies O ctette—Scott, Rebhan, sam e to date with the Medford boys, ' gram have not been worked out as . , Own Ship Saturday. camp fire girls, high school girls or- commerce will use the next five days P otter, W right. Murphy, Rae, a " d the victory yesterday has put yet, but there will be a large gather ganizaiLons and civic clubs will allotted for a recheck of the enumer- Pollard, Beals. added life into the team here and ing ln the afternoon, preceded by a M aterials for a glider to be con- Male quintet—Murphy, Potter, they are determ ined to win another basket lunch at noon. A union s e r-!fltructed by ‘he Inman School of Fly- aerve a lunch to the workers at noon, atlon here. It Is not believed th at In Lane county the work will be many person were missed but an ef- Moffitt, Frese, Gossler. Kame. The University high team has vice at the Christian church will • in* ln ‘his city arrived here Tuesday Unto Us a Child is Born—Tenor been ra ted higher than the Eugene probably be held In the morning. m orning and actual building work centered around the Pacific highway, fort will be made to make sura th at solo and chorus, Dallas Murphy. hiSh group by those who have j The program for the adults include started soon, according to Lee A large portion of the work will be everyone had been counted. Mr. Koke Bass Solo, Frese. ( wotched them in action. good music, helpful devotlonals, con- lnm an. m anager of the school. The C om m ittee5 ¿ 7 Uar,den C lu b P 8 call,n* "P °n the mayor and cham- ent InHartoH . n ______ ' which ha8 appointed the , her of commerce to make this check 6. A Man of Sorrows—Mrs Barnell. The lineup for the game Tuesday structlve addresses and pointed dis­ shinm shipm ent Included all of the m ater­ following women on a com mittee to on the five days allotted, after to* 6. Arise, Shine—Chorus, solos by which was used without substitution cussions. The young people’s pro­ ials excepting the wood, which will handle details for the 1 F rese and Darnell. • was: day: Mrs. iday. Anyone who has not been gram will Include music, recreation, be furnished by the Ford-Nelson F airest, Lord Jesus—Duet, Frese John Lynch ............................. Pitcher. devotion, a rt study, songs, games, planing mill in Eugene, which re­ Jessie Honeyman, Mrs. Jam es H. j counted should report the same to and Murphy. Freem an Squires ................. Catcher stories, pictures and construction cently completed a glider In their Gilbert, Mrs. E. B Miles, Mrs. O. R. ¡either Mrs. W heaton. Mr. L rrim e- or Gullion, Mrs. George R. Reiter, and i to W. A. Taylor, president of tho 8. In Those Days—T enor solo and J ack Hulett ..................... F irst Base. work are Included in the program l own plant. Mrs. A lbert R. Tiffany. cham ber of commerce. quartet Cook, Rae, Barnell and Lloyd Mattison ............. Second Base. for the sm aller ones. commerce, In In the next Work Done on Ship day of two. Ralph Cole ....................... Third Base. Frese. O ther cities in the county are ap The local committee, consisting of Ted Barber, head of the Barber 9. A Lowly King—Bass solo, Frese. Don Bettis ................. Short Stop. the superintendents of the Sunday pointing com m ittees and are mak- Springfield has claimed a popula* Flying Service a t Bend, and brother 10. Blessed are They—Contralto solo Dorman ................ r- Left i tion of 2.500, and while the census H e rsh ev Chase T n m Uo.h . ^ie'd. : schoois of the local churches, will ' of Clayton B arber of this city, landed ihg plans for the clean-up work. Mrs. Rae, and male quintet. j does not come up to this mark there „ ', .. en e r Field, have charge of the entertainm ent his ship at the local airp o rt on Mon- 11. Suffer Little C h lld re n -T e n o r i Douglas Keable ............... Right Field. ! plans for the d e b a t e s . They w ill, day morning, afte r having flown the FORMER RESIDENT DIES j are sufficient people living Immedl- solo, Veltie Pruitt. AT EUGENE SATURDAY 7 ' X adJar,M,t t0 th ” C" y " m lt’ i also handle the housing problem for ‘ ship across the pass. He spent more 12. H osanna—Mrs. Rae and chorus. the community well above this WEDDING ANNIVERSARY those who come from such distances than a day here and the local school 13. The Son of Man is to be Cruci­ figure. i th a t it is not practicable for them Curtis M. Hayden, 70, for many did' some repair work on his plane. OCCASIONS SURPRISE fied—Mrs. Rae, Mrs. Cook, Mrs Cottage Grove Grows to retu rn to th eir homes every even­ The local m echanics also built two years a resident and business man ot FOR ELDERLY COUPLE ing. The Cottage Grove census figures Rebhan and chorus. windshields for him Springfield, died at his home in Eu­ 14. Jerusalem the Golden — Duet, shows 2,472, or slightly more th an Mr. and Mrs. Joe G erber were Mr. Barber was very enthused over gene Saturday. This waa the fortieth Springfield’. The two cities made Mrs. Rebhan and Mrs. Potter. anniversary of his arrival in Oregon NATIONAL GUARD UNIT the local field and the plans for its 16. Could Ye not W atch—Alto solo, pleasantly surprised at th eir home about the same gain during the last south ef Springfield on Monday night GETS RADIO LICENSE developm ent as outlined by Mr. In­ from Indiana, where he was born in ten years. Mrs. Murphy. 1859. man. He also praised the local ships 16. Thy Will, Not Mine— Frese, Mur­ when a large number of their friends The Springfield unit of the National declaring th at he would soon place He is survived by his wife, Georgia ' j a c k H F N n C D m ru i.-ro phy, male quintet, chorus and gathered at th eir home and sur­ Guard has been granted’ an am ateur an order with the school here for a C. H H ayden; ayden: one one son, son W W l ilbur lh iir r HENDERER QUITS C. Hay soprano obbligato, M ts . Barnell prised them on the tw entieth anni­ radio tran sm ittin g license and has sister ship to the small monoplane | den* F ortland; one daughter, Mrs. POSITION W ITH POWER 17. Crucify Him—B arnell, Rae and versary of their wedding. The even- Ing was spent w‘th games and listen- been assigned the call letters W7EJ. recently completed for Dalton Shinn Hazel R. McKay, of Berkeley, Cali­ chorus. COMPANY ON MAY 1 ,n lmP’'omPtu program, after The license was received here last and also for one of the two-place fornia; five sisters, Mrs. Mattle 18. The Ressurection—Rebhsn. Frese ln< women's chorus and mixed whlcb Iigbt refreshm ents were pro­ week by C. A. Swarts, commander train in g ships which they are using Jould, of Winston, Missouri, Mrs. ! Jack H enderer has announced th a t of the unit. Dana Miller, of Lincoln, K ansas; Mrs, he will sever his connection with th« here for student instruction. quartet. 1 Tlded- The local m ilitary unit has several The people Agnes Chapman, of Engene, Miss Ella Mountain 8 tates Power company present spent s o m e , 19. Ascension Hymn—Chorus. T rain er Ship Motor Ready 20. Adoration of Angels (Finale)— tim e examining the large num ber o f : m em ber» whQ a re Interested In this The m otor in the trainer ship Hayden, of Ix>g Angeles, and Mrs. j after the first of May, a t which tlm a Indian relics which the couple have ' brancb of communication and they Incldetital soloa, Barnell and which broke some time ago due to Hulda Conley, of Donna; and one ' he will assum e a position as shop and at their home, and which have been will begin work at once. Only code faulty assembly at the factory, has brother, Charles Hayd<>n, of Spring- ' Boor man with the Req car agenejf fi. Murphy. acquired during the many years Mr. m essages will be sent from the new been re-assembled and was broken in field. in Eugene. He has been employed G erber has been employed as agent station, and those Interested claim on Tuesday afternoon. The funeral services were held with the local company since 1917 FOUR SfTUÔENTS ENTER for the K lam ath and later the that this sending will not Interfere Dalton Shinn took his small ship from B ran stetter's funeral home on in th e capacity of service man. with the regular radio reception. STATE TYPING CONTEST Navajo reservation in Arizona. No announcem ent has been mad* Into the air Saturday for the first Monday afternoon a t 2:30 o'clock. T heir friends presented them with yet of a successor to H enderer. Aa Rev. W. H. Davis officiated and in­ time. It Is a single place machine, so Four Springfield typew riting stu-1 a beautiful vase In honor of their ÔÊÊRHORN RESIDENT term ent was made in the Ixturel “PPolntment will he made from the dents will go to Corvallis Saturday anniversary PASSES ON WEDNESDAY he was forced to go alone without Grove cemetery. office at Albany before May 1. _____ the aid of an Instructor. Both Mr. morning to compete In the annual! Those who surprised them David B. Farnham , resident of the ' Mr' ,nm an and J w V h a s * b e e n '^ H o ^ l J accuracy in their daily work. returned to Eugene, where he made Clarence Cooley and A L. Pohl ' T T * ,8 i n” * Rter th ' 8 d <-trlct for some tlm e 8er'OO8ly his home until moving to the Walter- club worker. was a visitor at the purchased the electrical equipment ville d istrict w here he died. LIONS TURN ATTENTION and the only thing tbe firem en could ! Lincoln school on Friday of last week and business of Jack H enderer last TO BRIDGE APPROACH Saturday, and wil, soon open a w , ^ C U r ^ ^ t h ^ h t ^ M r^ a t which tim e he spoke to the stu­ do waH to prevent the blaze from F rig id a ire Installed dents ln the seventh and eighth spreading to o th er buildings nearby. The new Frigidaire unit which th e Dr W N. Dow and Jack H enderer ! S X - T i " ' X e ^ , grades, telling them of the recent Only the fact th a t there was no wind Egglmann Candy Kitchen pnrehaeed trip which he made to the Eastern saved several oth er buildings, says some tim e ago arrived here last week t ? : v x : 7 h e \ z . m,x e . t / ’X " ! i ens . Rarase and ,he 8pr,n’ ' cHx r “ B' 8a,em- and coast and som ething of th e work Jesse Smltson, fire chief, who receiv­ and was set up and used Wednesday work with a sim ilar com m ittee from j Cooley has been employed by Hen-1 T h Z fu n eral win h . h m z v m which 4-H boys and girls In other ed a badly burned rig h t hand while for the first time. It Is equipped to parts of the United States are doing. using chemicals to prevent a garage take care of six different kinds o t He also diacuMed the work which from burning up. One side of the ice cream at onp time. The purchstse the club membera fn I^ n e county garage roof was deaetroyed. was made from the Springfield okf 1. O. O. F. ar« expected to carry on during the George Gilmore made the late run Creamery company, local Frigidaire ¡erected a naval radio station. cemetery at Eugene. coming summer months. with the chief. agente. Glider Materials Arrive at Airport i w111 be hTT*6 u»«. ’I""'* ’®n Spr'n* »