TW ENTY-SEVENTH YEAR. SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON THURSDAY, ARRIL 17, 1930 —f—— - ■ ■ 1 ■■ » Don’t Let Her Join the Great The Easter Parade E a ster P arade NOWADAYS IS USUALLY AN AUTOMOBILE PROCESSION w ithout experiencing the joy of possessing exquisitely fra g ran t P erfum e Ketels’ Drug Store In New Store M ain, n ear F ifth This Big Garage is at Your Service In our large and adequate q u a rte rs we can turn out your repair work quickly. We have the space and the skilled m echanics to give you better service th an ever before. A fireproof garage with plenty of storage space and wide e n tra n ce s is the best insurance you can buy, eith er when leaving your c ar here for repair or storage. Wm. Rodenbough Garage Cor 5th and A Sts. Phone 95 If you have filled your tan k with Violet R ay G as­ oline you can keep well up w ith th e procession on E aster or any o th er day. Spring tim e finds you m aking increased m ileage w ith your car, but if you use Violet Ray you will get th e m axim um m iles for your dollar. Our service sta tio n is equipped to handle every need of your c ar from gas and oil to engine over­ hauling. Phone 44 lK St. Garage A N D S E R V IC E S P R IN G F IE L D S T A T IO N OREGON ‘Lest You Forget’ Business Cards " . I - . " J No. 15 »H Easter Apparel Office Form s For the Family L etter Heads S tatem en ts H and Bills WOMEN’S MEN’S AND CHILDREN’S Envelopes COATS, SUITS BOYS’ CLOTHING APPAREL AND DRESSES B lotters SHOES FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY T ickets M enus, etc. At The Willamette Press Golden Rule R u le r 8 o f L o w P r ic e s 10th and Wiilamette EUGENE New Schaefer’s Building 4 ¿P at Applied./ur—Serial No. 21761) « 4 4 A 1 ihe World Color Prtg. Co., St. Louu. "Bo.