VAUR h i * THURSDAY. ARRII. 17. I W W ork of remodsllng the F laaery drug store Is now nearing completion. T he a u lire front has bean rebuilt and small modern show windows have been Inatailed They are floored with oak and all o f the hack fram e work Is or oak Many windows In the la a a r aide of the show windows permits the public to see what Is In the wtn- Principal Events of the Week Assembled for Information of Our Readers. Mias Hasel Bartley ot M cM innville has H m chosen by the Linfield stu- d n t body to reign over the feaUvnl m May I a* May queen, Bnlldleg perm Us Issued la McMInu- vtlle darts« tba first three month« of tba year totaled $15*24. figures at tba offtca of tba city recorder reveal. Thia la considerably lower than the aaaae period last year when more than I1M.M* la building permits were le­ aned during a sim ilar period. much more light Into (he Interio r of the store. On the outside the lower part o f the front Is covered with n inn colored tile and a deep bine hor- i der A ll of the woodwork end the I iloor wee also painted a blue to 1 match tha tile border. On the In te rio r of the building tha Montana Moon," at the Fox Me walls end celling have been kalanm- accidents on Oregon highways during parachute jumpers, who w ill be look- Donald this waek end startin g today ' MAY HEALTH PROGRAM Ined. the shelves rebuilt and repaint- the six year period from 1*24 to 1*2» ' Ing for the twenty lucky persona who ed a grev color, and new light flxtarws TO BE GIVEN MAY 16 SPRINGFIELD HIGH GIRLS Inclusive, according to figures compil­ w ill grab them out of the a ir nt the s e s a w v f been w w ii l hung iu ilg ( Pert «81 O t lill have of the floor ed by T. A Rafferty, chief of the «tate conclusion of their earthw ard des­ Mey 1« was the date derided upon WIN HONORS IN TYPING covering h a . not arrived yet. traffic squad. Recorded accidents dur­ cent. for the May H ealth Program, at h ing this period totaled 170.07». Ore­ The Jean A rthur doubles, for that meeting of the Springfield The Springfield high school girls H ealth Nsvdleeeaft Club to Meat gon was one of six states in the Union la what they « d a ily are. w^ll each U n it at the home of Mrs C. O. W il­ who went to Juuctlon C ity Iasi w •<•«. showing a reduction in tha number T he reg ular semi-monthly meeting hold two free tickets to any showing son on Tuesday evening. The pro­ to compete with a learn there in a The government land office at Rose of fatal accidents during the year, of "Young Eagles" at the Fox Mc­ gram w ill be given at the B rattaln typew riting contest walked away with of the N o ed lerrafl club w ill be held bnrg sold I t tracts of grant land tim Raffety declared. Donald Eester Sunday Monday, and school and w ill he held on the lawn honors both In the b-g oners a n . ml at the home of Mrs. W II Dawson bar la tea counties for a total ol »115.- Ben O slen of Albany recently pat Tuesday, and the Charles "Buddy" (his afternoon Assisting Mrs Dawson 47417 The largest purchase was by In front of the building It w ill con- vanred division an end to the fishing career of a three Rogers doubles wtll present a mer- us hostess w ill he Mrs W F W a lk e r the F ru it Orowera' Supply company ol ] - slst " •» ww w v w rs e w s numbers ae eases asm« m i by n 4 IH 7 BIULJ* of v several the stud Angellne Sevensen w rote 70 words and Mrs George Carson foot gartersnake that he saw running chandlse order, good for »1 at Palopa. . rta from ,.ach of arhool, lf) San Francisco, which took «to acres per m inute and made 4 errors Ver- for corer with a ten inch eastern to the ten persons who are fortunate la Josephine county, near the Cel if or­ city. The blue ribbons w ill be given nice Haw ke wrote (1 words and made brook trout In Its mouth. Clelen. with enough to h« at a landing place of ate line, tor lumber for box shooka. to those students winning them at 5 errors They competed In the ad­ at least six other Albany people look­ the daredevil parachute Jumpers he meeting. 8tote prohibition opera tires partici­ ing on. killed the snake at the Roaring vanced division and wrote an aver­ pated la 12S arrests for liquor law vio­ river fish hatchery near Albany. The Additionally the Hobl “ Young These blue ribbons are given to age of <5.5 words w ith an average ol lations daring the month of March, T h e average for Junction snake had seised the tront In a pool. Eagles" w ill drop several thousand students who have all of th e ir teeth 5, errors according to a report filed with Gov­ The fish was restored to the pool and heralds over W illam ette street fol- who have been vaccinated and who Cltv were 47 words and 1* errors. I ernor Norblad by George Alexander, In a few minutes was swimming about, lowlnig the desceta of the stars. In have complied with certain other Ir. the heg'nners class Barbara ? state prohibition director. Fines were front of the Fox McDonald w ill be health requlrementa designated by Adams. Ixm delle W l.llam s, and Vlolst apparently nainjured. Imposed In the amonat of »15.845. with drawn a large circle, reachlnig from the county health unit. Itunte were the contestants. T h e ir ' According to the Jackson County Jail sentences aggregating 7S5 days. the sidewalk Into the street. In event Mlsa Beth Konkel, president of the averages were 4» words and 12 errors. Central Civic council plans are under any one of the thousand heralds Lane County Health Unit, waa the Junction City typists In the same d l-j Two more dens of rattlesnakes, con iurni Oregon UiPaUB . , _ . __ . . __ —— way to pivwvsvo preserve «vi for »uu southern ta m in g a total of 71. together with the historic relics of the Jacksonville dropped d" >PP<‘.d , from frOmi the . Hobl “ ° b‘ t "Young “ Y. T “ principal Pr ‘*‘cipel speaker » I*« k e r at et the the meeting meeting vision areraged 40 words and 17 awe museums. Funds Funds for better housing 8 " P “ e d’ ln’ ,de ‘ he c,rcle' n ‘ her« Present were Miss G ario , new mistakes. see scorpion and a number of ot non- museums. Spoclnlly Priced for for better hoimlng who re. poisooous eaaket. were found near the collection and for hire of a care­ every person standing on the side . L a „ e county hea„ h BUr„ EASTER SELLING w alk In front of the theatre when cently «acceded Mlsa W illiam s Canyonville. making the third to be taker are required. The museum In­ ODD FELLOWS SELECT the dodger lands on the pavem en t., . located In a weak. M cKinley Hunt- cludes the old Beekman banking ... .____. „ . ... The officers of the local u nit are CONVENTION DELEGATES 1 #rouP I»**"««*", all alien $5.9« w ill be given an Easter ticket to see „ ..... lagton discovered the dens. The nests building and contents intact, the first Mrs. C. O. Wilson, president; Mrs. "Young Eagles.' were blown out with dynamite and bank established la Oregon, as well 1 group I lata .................. $3.9# Abble Wheaton, secretary; and Mrs. Members of the Springfield Odd the rattlers killed. aa a big collection exhibited in the L. K. Page, financial secretary. The Fellows lodge last week elected El 1 group C oats Card Club to Moot $12.9# A recent school election both nt famous old time U. 8. hotel building following new com m ittee heads were mer Pyne and Oswald Olson delegate« Ilorence and at Cushman and held and another collection housed In the Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Rebhan and chosen At the m eeting: Mrs. W e lte r (0 (he Grand Convention of the order to consolidate the two high school dia- | first brick bonding erected In Jack- Mr. and Mrs. I. D I-arlm er are to Scott, supplies; Mrs. Thatcher, music, which la to be held In Portland on twlxtw * O Florence CVS_____ ___ _JI| . «_ • A s> . .... . tricta — resulted favorably. X SS sonville In l» 5 t. still Intact. Jointly entertain the members of the and Mrs. Van Valxah, publicity. May 20. 21 and 22 42 8th * “ Ava - W est. Eugene, Ore. voters doing so unanimously and the The several Irrigation districts In 500 Club at the Rebhan home tomor- Refreshments and a social gather- The convention w ill also Includa a Oon’t forget * • give 8. A H. Green Cushman district polling a still heav­ Rogue riv e r valley are turning the row evening Cards and refreshments Ing were enjoyed a fte r the meeting. gathering o f the Rebekah t.-leg->tes Stampa ie r vote, sod with a m ajority lor con­ flood and natural flow of the streams Wtll be the principal events of the The next meeting w ill be held a t the Three were selected from tha local solidation. Plans fbr a new high school Into the canal system to conserve all evening. i community hall on May 1*. Rebekah group last week building will now be made. available water. This js a purely pre­ The famotis Oregon caves—gener­ cautionary measure against a predict­ ally conceded to be ene of the major ed dry season. attractions of the state—era to be John Bilbeau. 40, a trapper and completely renovated and lighted w ith ­ m iner in the Coffee creek district, a in the next few mcaths, according Jo remote section of the south Umpqua an announcement by M ajor John D. territory above T ille r, committed sui­ Guthrie, assistant district forester. cide and attempted to cremate his The caves are in Josephia county, body in an abandoned cabin. He had 52 miles southwest of Grants .’ass. been suffering fretn a leg infection. Gas Schlrmer of Keating was seri­ ously Injured at a mine «boat five miles from Keating when a charge of dynamite exploded. Schlrm er set the charge, aad as It did not go oft be went back la about an hour and a b ait to Investigate IL The dynamite exploded and Injured both eyes. Easter Hats Coats and Dresses 8th Ave. Hat & Dress Shop rr~ \ I h e best way to cook is now Planting of 200 experimental acres of garden lands in the Salem district from the state fair grounds north to airplane to herald Gervais was announced at Saiem by c onald easter show the Associated Seed company of H a rt­ Aa a pre-Easter feature In con- ford. Conn. Only vegetable and gar­ den seeds will be produced. The ex­ >:i w l’ h the opening of "Young periment presages development of I F gies," w ith Charles "B u d d y ' Ro- I more than 10,000 netes of garden land a t th e Fox McDonald on Easter In that vicinity. j Sunday, down‘ own pedestrian« In Approximately $400 000 will be avail­ Eugene who scan the skies at noon ’ un­ able for the prefer lien of for. at lands this Saturday w ill witness an In Oregon 1930. according to usual sight M D a report prepared by F. A. Elliott, stale forester. Thia money will fl- nance a personnel ot more than 400 men and provide for Improvements and equipment. There are approxi­ mately 10.500,000 acres of Oregon land under the jurisdiction of the state for­ ester. A total of 752 persons were killed and 24.355 were Injured in ir a r r ic Tw en ty tiny parachutes, to which w ill l»e a ttarh ed ten m iniature Bud- dv Rogers and as many Jean A r­ thurs, w ill come floating down from the ?kies T h e m im ic movie stars w ill drop from a Hobi Airw ays plane, which has been chartered jo in tly by the Fox McDonald and the Eugene Fulnps store, and vauable prizes w ill be held tigh tly In the hands of the the easiest way N e v e r in history did foods smack of such delicious flavor as when they were taken piping hot from the gradually-receding heat of an O ld Dutch Oven. N o w never in history have foods prepared in this same matchless manner been so easy to cook . . . so easy, in fact, that they c o o k by th e m s e lv e s w hile you are out of the kitchen. I t ’s the Westinghouse F la v o r Zone Range that has revived the unforgotten goodness of O ld Dutch cooking . . . and at the same tim e combined it w ith modern automatic control that makes the world s most delicious cooking as simple and pleasant a task as can be imagined. W hen you ins* • II a F lavo r Zone Range, you h a v e m e r e ly to place cold foods in the oven . . . set the clock . . . adjust the therm om eter to the right tempera* ture . . . and spend the rest of the time as you please. M ere is a price­ less gift to both you and your fam ily. r* l, MW Svsriss- w M . is. r atiia |. «MM Q s WS.C m » f —nt ,*« >0% «• «VMf- " ■/«« « s /«% »• r-'Wv- »<1- •• '** I W «.S rwm- ««» .< M Iws, Westinghouse W IT H THE electric range A U T O M A T IC FLAVOR ZONE i tig«* f. 7/ someone would only invent the Telephone!” Travel was a serious matter in by­ gone days. How those who went away, and those who were left at home, longed for an invention that would transmit the human voice« N o w , travelers h a v e high-speed, low -priced voice transmission. 100 m illion inter-city calls are m ade io a year over Pacific Coast telephone lines. © JUST RECEIVED Complete stock» of the new models are now on display in our stores. A small down payment will place one of these beautiful new rangea in your home fully installed. COME IN AND SEE THEM TODAY Mountain States -T e w t PATTNCM ’ Power Compnay OVBN