r» TT'» T IH ItHDAY, A ltltU , » 7 ,1 (»30 T H E g l ’ ftlN O W lC tD f t g w a MISS BERNICE JACOBSON SURPRISED A T SHOWER Ml»« Itxyutra JninbaoB was a guest »tolled v l i h h l, ftohl »n Monday. Ä s r i Ä PAGE F IV E GIRLS AT HIGH SCHOOL MRw ITL Ap i ; £ ™ E N TE R TA IN S BR,DGE D ’SM ANTLING W IT H P A R T Y ^ O R SISTER PROGRESSING RAPIDLY Cl VEN EXA M IN A TIO N S TO D ETER M IN E H EA LTH A oonyrlet« /arel record of r l r T P 5 -- « - - • ' f . fo-altb " 7 , and ’ ........... physical .. — toodlUoc * - ¡every g irl now »nroUed I d i Pfcatte- n au J Jacobson. Í T h a bouse waa decorated 8t r "»»««** »« bool w ill aoo« a surprise p arty al her" h o m '" ’ r u Z the day evening In honor o f the birthday - of of her slater. Mrs F rank Boot wh, the oldA "b ^ 2 ! “ h U *'"! ionn-|i be d u iin g tbe next few days. Several • f Wood’ n». was „ visitor |n HPr iug place, T h e two women are sto len . rill n o r I n * N ziw uaa «».a *u _ Jr o i ® p U *t‘ d n d tiled file d io » nffVx» d a and in rh the office g.* of fam ily. Game«, conversation and re­ In beautirtil spring flowers, and (be i coinpbd. workmen are now busy putting pene­ field H jlu id u y . OM Iee. Painted T he surglcel room ! guests enjoyed an In fo rm al erasing •hd g irl» advisor, M ra. W illia m Baker freshm ents oecopled the evening. tra tin g oil on tbe bolt threads le re­ »her»- |t «an h * referred to a t any ' » f game«. Mr«. Alice C o l played < Ur. W C Itebhan's office waa The guetta present were M r. and Shop, H«ro Saturday- Mrs. W. I l J«ne by those preeona who have any Mrs. P. H arrington. Ida Adams. Edhh move paint and m ake It peeetMe to I s t r h i r , nf Full C rte k . was a shopper painted Tuesday while ha waa out »everal t>btno »election«. D ainty rw- loosen them T ha actual ta m in g of ‘ tolling, Tha equipment In Dr. I freohm ent* were served a fte r the necessity of investigating such In ­ L axtoe. Daisy Pugh, M r and Mr» the bolts w ill be started neat w ee*. I b Hpr ngfleld Haturday afternoon. ' - «ou w rj n.» uuni w h i oe wee«, formation. I'hettnplace'a office were also paint social t l m f E. Casteel, Mm. Root and M r and according to O. N . Pierce, contractor Viatta Physiols»- Maurice H illa , oi •*d w hite on that day. Students In the women'» physical Mr«. ». Taylor. Taylor. Mias Jatohson w ill be m arried Io I |B tbarge Ja»par, cam» lo »pi Mprmdflaia Saturday __ — — —- ...___ ___ June to John Saunders, of Eugene education departm ent a t the Unlver- •"*........ . uanetu Haturday »» . . . J t to i» r consult /U ia illl x with llk . * a toral ___a . phyalclau '.. ’ * ® t f t .r Sunday— M l« . Maude •Ity have ",^‘lWftfv'vrod th«4r larwicn« A fte r the steel hAg been Tho»e present at the «bower were r- / Gorrle rh». week end here from U orrle aiuml «pent the led it w ill be »eat to Rorttead fo r re- M r and Mr« George M< Claln, Lena and hare already completed « tabula- ^RUGLESS PHYSICIAN Penara Man H e re —Clarence Ek of Port lend vllstlng her mother. Mr». C. B elle H arder. Mre. Stella Baton. E ra tlon of the w eight,-height, and habits OPEN9 OFFICE H E R E ,abrlc* ll °t» then used la erecting l ’eu«ra, visited friend» In Springfield I Uorrle, Hr She wee arcompanlel Billot. M r c John Mairwartng. M r K and of each girt student her?. The cards,! _____ another bridge east of CreewelJ. on Saturday. hare by Blery Fay and Dnrld Eng Mra T. O. Bandera. M rs Gladya Which they have filled out", also con- ' Dr. Josephine c Brawn, o f h r t - •end. alao of Portland. Baxter. Grace M ay. Mra. Allee Cog. alna a report of the condition of land, bae recently opened an office In Prom W .M e r v lll» - M m. Lee » e v e n s at morrow— Morrow— IT P r o » M m - Spend , ------ W . . . eeken . . . n o d a< Abble H M ra Abbie Haw ka. Mra. Eileen 'h r students eyes, a history of th e ir 8prlngf1eld where she w ill n rrjtie e of W alterv llle . wae a visitor In thia 3d-Inch Fast Color previous health, and a notation eg to her profession of a druglea« physi­ city on Haturday. vrinta _______ ___ Bulb Halsey, and children. Fred and Evelyn, spent tha Mlaa Bernice Jacobaoa. a ll of Spring- the posture o f the ln d l0 i4 .n i cian. Dr. Brann has graduated from j week end at M orrow, !a Shsrman V o n c a ll. Paopla Here — M r. and The county health officer. Dr. the Chicago Chiropractic College, and field.-and Alice H ealtt. Pearl Ray­ by burn. and Mra. M ollie W illiam s, ot Oregaon. and the nurse, Mlaa G avin, from the Llndlehr College of N a tu ral I M re B W Hallara, of Yoncalla, apent county. They | . f , «pring fleid Haturday hr re w ith Mre. K atie automobile shortly a fter the program Eugene. have taken testa of tbe lungs, heart. Therapeatlca. She has established at tha high school F riday avenlag and B o llen . *nd skln condition» of most o f the her office a t 1SB F ifth street. •1 E. BBO returned home late Sunday night. girls. The few rem aining girls w ill PRISCILLA CLUB M EETS W anttlina Resident H a r e - M r s John be examined F riday morning. ■ Downing, of Wendllng. wa» a visitor A T SNODGRASS HOME ( A ll of thia vital Inform ation »rill ** EASTERN STAR MATRON ---------- In Springfield on Saturday of laal M em hera of the Priscilla club were k* P* "tr,c t,jr «'«nfldentlal except APPO IN T8 C O M M ITTEES entertained by M r . Riley Bnodgre», 1 “ ,“ Un<'M • • » « » * student Is found Mrs. W C W righ t, w orthy matron Fall Crash P eopi. H e m — M r and « a 1.00 ocloch luneheon a t her fr0In * » » • «»m eat or Mr». C. E W arner, of M l c reek, of the Eastern Star. made the follow ­ home hem on Friday afternoon „ J * ' - ‘ h elr p , '‘ent« • ' « bo noti- were visitor» In Springfield on Men ing appointm eats a t the a e e d n g on Following the luncheon the guests T h * Inftwm atlon w ill alw ays Tuesday n i , ht for d„ „ , et day were entertained w ith a series ot „ , T * 11,ble ,nf ‘bo Porento. states lag 1« be held Io Eugene on April 30: guessing games M m. John S r . v . y B“ ll',r «»’ bough th a t la not the H arrisburg People H a m — Mrs. W . »table arrangements. Mrs. C. E Whea Give Flowers In Keeping with Eugene. M m John P arker. M m. Nor- ’* * ’ purpo,o of t»1« «xam lnatloas. * Hope and bar daughter. M artha, Ion and M ra Paul Brat tain ; serving. the Holiday Spirit. man How ard sad Mrs. A. J. M cK y Th” purpo*o tbe w ork la tn o f H arrisburg. were vtsltore tn Spring Mlaa Anna U o rrle and Mra. C. H. won the prlxcs. provide the faculty adH so r of L *. Easter Li W — Hydrangeas field on Monday morning. I’hetteplnoe. M rs C. A. »w arts. Mra. Cut Flower«— Potted T h . la d le , present a t the m e e tln . O,Mrfu, lnfor“ o- Levi N eet. and Mrs. W. C. W righ t were M m . Joha Tomseth M m Dlbb- °D th* * ’ 'b a rg e e which can bn Portleeder VlaMa H ere— M ra Jeanie Plante the com mittee to •oo- M m John P u ^ . r M r . W m T * i ■ *""< **» » < - M eien er. of Portalnd, arrived h e r. will constitute Vary Specially Priced »•rve a Into supper tor the Masonic Htaarm er, Mm. S e a v e , M r . M cK y I T . T * cU®»« <» ynaterday to spend some Urn« visiting M m How ard and the h i t L meeting oq A p ril 33. • t the home of M re Zells Cantrell 'I £br Easter Vietta at A ltu m e- -John Fltag»rald left Stud ay for Alturaa, where he w ill •Pend two weeks H altin g with hla al»ter Sad other relatives J* * * e e R m id ent Cadte- -M a rk Seb­ ring. of Jasper, waa among the many • h e Halted la Springfield on Friday Eeansat u n flaoday for LaOraada • b e m he to leaaeaetlag hoalneea. Ute non. n r k . motored as far as Portland with fcim and returned that evening. Oo *» Montana—Mr. and M m W II- ttom Haadcock le ft Springfield Sat- • M a y for Mlaaouia. Montana, where they have apent tha past several sum mer seasons. Laavan fe, North o .k .t a - Frank T rin k a le ft Springfield Tuesday for D lc k e n ^ n . North Dakota, where h l. home I . located He h a . been .pend ing some tim e H altin g bis son. C alifornia People H e r . — M r and Mrs. c . E Brown, whose home Is In «h. nrl'»lf b*We Siindn» to • nil M m s Z m o T d d ' ‘ t * J ? 0" " ' * r* p e r,." b^om ^H T Hrown . P arent., before driving to Tillam ook. ----- -------- --------- NEW SCHOOL OISTRJCT TO ORGANIZE FRIDAY The w t MANY GROWERS S I G N E D VEOETArBLE CONTRACTS A new union high school d tu rlc t wae formed tn the I-ow ell district at Turoday w a. the last day for the a meeting of the Lane County Bound­ farmer» living In Lane county to ary board The d H trtct Includes six contract with t h . Eugene Fruit aurronndtng districts and has a valu­ Oroworg- aseoclatloa for their v»gw- ation of l i . M « . 000 which la tha tabla crop for tha eomtag aasaan highest vainaUoa of any union high than 10« «crear* of —m t U i »choot dlatrlct In the county. • ‘«■M *w at that tima Thu An organisation m eeting to select »to acreage a t poare to m a oomm'ltteu df rtva m em bn serve •c ré a i o prunas JOOP eevwei aerea; and. ai — n • M to I verve ” f — — — -'Oiv an« at •a a school board Until the aonusl 1 « a r r le a 40« ecsM It la too early te school election In June w m ill u ho held datarmine vary much about tha forth­ nt the Low ell poet office F riday night coming vegetable crop, says cannery at o'clock. T h e group selected official., but they anticipate a very • H I organise and elect offclerg. heavy prune and cherry crop. SENfOR CLASS SELECTS "SECOND C H ILD H O O D ’ F O R ^ A N N U A L play First rehearsals for the senior class play at the Springfield high school were started last night a fter school by M ra W R Baker, director of the play. The aenlor com mittee — haw — selected "Second nrcono Childhood'' Childhood" for tar ' ' h,,lr " n e i, a re *ra Both mental and pey- p air of the prune d ry cm and other irhologtoal, and „ will be given to ail machinery to now under way In pre-™ * tar the fru it and vegetables paration for , which w ill toon be brought to tbe ' “ Attend S ilv e r Tea Mrs M yrtle Egglmann and M rs Bert Doane both attended the month- ly stiver lea given In Eugene T uesdar “ fternoon hy tbe Ladles of the Grand Arm y. M m . Egglmann la president of the organliatlon. 1 " el‘ bor,‘ " ‘ "’ • « * •• pUn- ’” ' 1 for ,h * P«*»»'»!«». according to • o o o o e e e e e e e e a ♦ te “ r \ B aker ™ e d a . , m em ber, are L ............—__ , *. ♦ ♦ UPPER W ILLA ______ M ETTE already busy rcpnlntlng the Interior n ,r* a®Jr repnh A A A A -a- a *, w ■ « • » • T «nd the lighting ays Mrs, t . F. K ahler aesls'ed bv Mrs ( lem which to to he purchaaed by the E W Drew and Miss Leta W heeler Falla an,| the schools there aro tak school hoard and the student body Ing th e ir spring vacation at this i-ntc tnl >cd the Pleasant H ill Wo- Jointly w ill be Installed and working time. men a club on Wednesday afternoon, at that time. April 9 T i e afternoon was spent In An added feature of the senior QUllt'ng Mrs. O. R, Jordan w ill en­ m o ll tar am?"* * K”<" , ho,ne ‘‘««ked meal for 40<- go to the Buss Cafe No play this year w ill be the presenta­ tertain the ladles at their next regular In the E lite Hotel building A 24 tion of football, basketball and baae- meeting on A p ril 23. T h e meeting w ill hall leitera to thoae who have won begin prom ptly at 10:Oo o'clock and N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S them thia year Thia ceremony w ill a banket dinner ,w ll lbe served at Notice Is hereby given that iho un.I be performed Just before the play noon. Miss G ertrude Skow w ill be starts. W illia m Raker w ill return A n r iH H « ’ *" ,h * 4,b h ,. • .l 9 ?° ■p’M’ ,“ ’ «