SpnagfleM. Laae Coaaty, Oregon. by TH E W IL L A M E T T E PRESS __ ___________ ». B maxey , Bditor. f e t . r U » , .evnnd d a « m atte,. February 14. IM S . at t h . - ________ KMtofllc«, Springfield, Oregon. In order to discommode summer tourist trern.» as much as possible It Is renorted t h a t t h K,TE TA,L CAUSES DEGREE STAFF given a ------------- ’ K ,b * b , h lod»« Monday „ „ l a g tract for reconstruction on the McKenzie high U C u L D,STURBANCE way will not be let for several w e e k s vet *Fn HERE LAST SUNDAY 6:30 DINNER FRIDAY ,or ,hB regular m onthly aoetol taeet- ---------- , lug Of tha lodge, which w ill ha bald spend a lot of E ffo rt" and' mo n et h ^ 'a u rn .U n '' kuAno"”*r lnaU“‘* ,,f • boy. Mrs. I*earl I. d a r k , M r.. W a a tU K. Monday. A p ril I I . a | g M „ ctock Harnee, M r . z .ll. C antrell. M l«. tourists to our state and nut o f f m . r hiTV.L. * ca“ *"a « ’«•'•»•rsbla trouble construction until thev arrice so t h a t g * a -v * ,h * c,*> '*«bth»g systnm happened F»i«h Drury, and Mrs. Alice L o r.lt T o n s il. Rem oved- Ren l ‘e c o ..I, of tours may be traveled ' ° U r d e ' h* l# ,n 8 p r" '« '< -w Sunday, when t h . Jointly entertained the m em ber, ot M A IL SUBSCRIPTION RATE ,17‘ .........>1 >♦ M onth.___ «<’ Slagle Copy .Sc t h v h s d a t . A P R IL 17. IM O The cantata has been prepared through com munity cooperation. It deserves yo~r s u p S and encouragement. »upporc. l v m b b r in d u s tr y needs your support • • a lighting system .w itc h « . In the power l h . degree . t a f f of the Rebekah lodge house were autom atically thrown out al . C 3 0 dinner a t the lodge room , Following the several times during the lightning on Friday evening. dinner the rv fu la r work of the do* »torm in t h . afternoon. W. C. Mi-Lagan and other men con < rre s ta ff was taken up. necled with the power plant are not * ur* Just what did cause tha trouble. hut , r * ,ncllBa. night the L e w i. Lyceum players, who will present a coinedy-drataa playlet H I . Perfect T w in ' end several other went out on th e ir porches saw tha ■peclally acta. second riaah burn the cloth. The Lyceum players are appearing bred F re .e , who was smong those here tonight at the Lincoln school watching the kite tall, stated that ha auditorium without any financial saw the cloth aflam e twice and de­ guaranlee. The school children have clared that It seemed as though the been selling tic k e t, for the past We „ k entire top of the pole was afire. He In a contest whereby .« e h child w ill was surprised, he states, when he receive « free ticket a fte r selling a »aw the cloth s till hanging from the certain number. The program . t e r t , w ire unburned a fte r the first fire. at S 00 o'clock and the tickets ere T he Sunday afternoon storm struck I Sc and 36c. w l,h mu<>h more fury In the upper M cKanale d la trlc l than It did t X W .lte r H Ile . .n d the districts «round Those conversant with the lumber business i 'o T a r i f f T in th,e price of ,um^ :nth” ^ p p i rniu^ n f1' ,,U, n>ere,y means that Oregon saw- L 1 31x 4 I t m ils will sell lumber where it is now sunnlierl L-N from Canada (Canada sells nearl^ « S c h to “THEREWITH TO BE CONTENT" the country as Oregon cuts). In the note-books Lumbering goes hand in hand with farming in - ‘¿ S Ä Ü i ? Srn g°in e„Many ° f the smaU farm e™ work L S in ^ i h , . u e_ . «m e in the sawmills and ail benefit from The b e “ t I t e in r 7 iA i ir g.n n o b h f ua ” K' Ve n°lhing much c ^ a te prod',ce the sawmills experienced f sholdd th a n , * hat 1 have n»ysclf wIT t h ' lumbering is at its best the farmers wen t h i extremes o fd..X yt»i proved Pre ,ty Ja’ p’r ,nd Low' 11 «“port hall having get the maximum benefits. . n d . . i T“ 1* “1*8 of m ental pleasure and pain: f»n*n Unless strong support is developed there are and so I believe, each in his own wav, does al- ° ' L C0MPANY PAINTS f f i i l 50 ’Umber ^ ‘nK kept on the free list m C h i l e 8ryMm Schwab money than I - ^ r S t ^ h a T ^ X T u i w.th R0DEN^ H GARAGE e v e e l " ^ 1 50 Proposed schedule lost. It behooves faiT ?e^',alT iS and. P a s s i o n a l man. as well as T h e y Wil1 CO8t m o r e t o p»|nrere from the Standard Oil farm ers and m anufacturers to send wire« ind a e r v T f h a n ’ n * 18 . t d a \ O tters to W ashington urging the passage of ‘ he any moi£ h i u X T * ' bUt f Char!k? enjoy» them ('omP“n' week finished paint ag 11.50 per thousand board feet tariff on lumber. any more he is going some. all of the woodwork on the exterior A roof over his head. It will be a wider and °f ,h*‘ w r .« e • • n steeper roof thiin mine, and more rain will run “ ,h* corn*>'' of Plf’h *nd A “ reel» orr it. but the rain that runs off mine will be A bri«ht r**” ' » • • - M m M O u„n ’ ♦b For1Iuhave learned, in whatsoever state I am 'leveV ,u m « ” 00“'" 1 A<“-nha re therewith to he co ntent.- I K ? ¿ 'I,.° A\ “ "J and lower bowel removing p o is o n . L h i h neVer J"1* ’ W* e 'here, and Nnk m .,C,° URe<,v 5r° Ur ,t o m ,c b trouble. Z r what y °u have tried for atom a-h and bowela. Adlerlka w ill I Flanery'g Drug store " Water comes to Rest-Haven abunda n t . A "M em o rial P ark"__ auchaa R e .t Haven — la nothing more or lea« than a cemetery planned and developed In accordance with the latent and mont Helen* tlflc Id ea, of cemetery management and con atructlon. Aa Rest- Haven grows, and re »Pond, to the effort« and attention of the landscape engineer« now working on It, the Park w ill become a place of tranquil beauty and enduring charm — one of which every citizen w ill he proud. FR-« IVINO — has come to d S e i Iah