PAOS TWO UNO FIELD NEWS THURSDAY. AKKU, 17. 1“30 " '" 7 ^ had not dismissed hla servant It "M O N T A N A M O O N " Mountalna, >00 miles north of 1 WOI OUld be. easy to creep back to hie IS L A V IS H P R O D U C T IO N 1 * “«"*••• A U r«» P«« of the extra fla t one nlffht, pack a bag. and fade - «'Mat MI recruited from the cowboy» ca»t W wa» away into a Continental limbo. But The w ill probably hla a lllrlto r had the key o f ' T " * Fox M Ml ilk m a id P employed on the ranch whose trieb» preaeut he flat. A new hope awakened ’,ua“ Craw f,,rd »«'«lay. Friday ____. mul In the way of riding unruly hors»», H ulbert had an apartm ent In 8 t Sal unlay in ■ M ontana Moon” a in us I c- lassoing calti» e tc , are »«Id to p U y James' afreet. He was a bachelor i al romunce of the west. The story Is »n Im portant part In the production. an original by Sylvia Thaltierg and and acceaalble. The story concerns a New York S p u ¿ s ' F r ~ “i s : x ~ \ : “ ,■ ' w — - - F n m k Butler, and was director by debutante who vialta ber father's ex C O N T IN U E D N E X T W E E K Malcolm IK. Clair. Mlsa C raw fo rd s tensive holdings In Montana acd Hajrnea, wn A m a rk a n crook, in a ' brou«ilam ¿>he saw the machine * \ v •». Londou hotsl lobby. Danton M orell J «urn at the M arble Arch and come - v * ’ h,>r* ’ * ha “ W • • ♦ ♦ e e e e e e e a a a a a supporting cast Includes John Maca falls In love with a cowboy. The frtend of M argaret's brother, «ex 1 slowly aloug by the aide of th e curb . ' 7* * ° by bua' 111 ,a k * a t , x * • THURSTON ♦ Brown. Dorothy Sebastian. Ricardo conflict hei ween their luv» and the matching them, and wonders If — * ■ Cortes, Benny Rubin, C liff Edwards, disparity In Ih e lr social posinone - - Gunner ^ g t o x r o h"m ^ ^ v e n a In-’ • " Connors comes to nlghl. tell him * ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ « « ______ ___ a fte r seven ------------ * uvl“ l'»«‘>r in Mr and Mrs. Bert Weaver. A W i K arl Dane and Lloyd Ingraham. forms* the dramatic situation. year». That nl whose head was turned toward his to Junction City last Tuesday and a t­ the first pictures to be film ed with b * F “ i i “ * that be bad been companion. As they oaaaed she ( her by the arm. The Hotel Elite has taken over Ihn S ™ “ ■ - tended the funeral of Thurm an Berry out the use of a rtific ia l socenery. afl Buss Cafe and w ill run a dining room "W h a t s tu ffF ' he asked eternly. I And then he saw (h e flat case ahe an old tim e rrt«ndK the exteriors scenes holng taken on a in connection w ith the hot«! rooms They give special rales on board and i 18,000 s l ^ i d Cb?h M addlSon* l k d o j * ft M a a t ” mT’ U’ r ‘OU* W h at «»fried under her leather coat. M r. and Mr». Brown have moved cattle ranch to the San Jacinto A 8» r - • — . / A fte r the wedding M argaret asks th a t the wedding Journey be post- It was her husband . . . 1 ~nr * . * i jU dld' yo“ poor a,m P " ¡ M r . and Mrs. John Endicott, Mlsa SmUh and Mlaa Ooldla Starr attended ......... ” ................ ........ relaxed. He watched the taxi r e c it e ¿: j w - » ank Campbell .p e n t last like a man In a dream, too stunned at Elm ira, week s & - - evpn to think. H e could never r#»- %•- i > . n» ber to let him draw It H e Is »mated alB oa‘ «“ believable past. She was of member that Journey back to la m ' wurk had •om® d’ n‘ al to bo refused. and by M argaret say- the •■batance of d ream a • beth He had crossed W estm inster T h o r. - I l l r tog ahe w ill keep It la revenge for H « » « n t gaily to a rendowoux w ith Bridge when he saw a newsboy w ith e u 1 1 be “ K a a U r Program i ^ X ^ a ^ X v e » ^ ? H e ¡ a ,a lr h alr^ « *'• on the f o llo w ,., p placard: Daring W ee. End Rob- f'oUowH wanders to the Thames embankment. ’ ‘f teraooa- and « * » delighted to find W ry. H e stood dead g , „ B< at o n i T . w H c o m . "" tryin g to guess w hat the trouble is. ' bow ,p r t"FV »■» hla step. H e had the contents bill, and then he felt . w ... Luke regains consciousness two hardly ta le s hla place la front o f the to hla pocket and dropped a penny * ’ W aa* or * nd Oeorge Hays « t o g to t o d i c S . * b i ? 7 d » y wS 5 h « S X “ bX ' i when “* “ w “ _______ from hla trem bling hand In the new t- “ ° ' <” '*N* ,o “ «»mouth last Friday on a heavy beard and the hospital peo- “ 'tc brongham approach and .boy's bov-. palm, n .im bualneaa. pie call kirn Smith, a name which he ca‘ cb‘ng the g irl a signal, stepped t o ) H not look Inside the new»- ' „ M r* ' * * * * * he W ,M and * » • R a|Ph decides te keen h» a .« - 1 toe the side ' Me dar®d decidea keep and see w what hap-1 »Me o f the road as the paper until he was in a quiet street Bonney, ” “ * * • returned r * ‘ «r “ *’d to Eugene last 8at- Sat- pens. The nurae comet Into hls stopped. then he road: | urday a fte r visiting In Thurston for room with the announcement that a ; ___ ... friend wishes to see him. ‘ a sh e »“ excellent sptrlta. D A R IN G W EST rw n »«versi day». END ROBBERY A messenger from Connors calls at 11 8 a rre a t ldea w >8t yourself be M r. and Mr». H a rry H a rb lt, from L i hospital, gives him O S 00 and the aeen ln ■ certain kind or car ” she Dexter, visited th e ir mother, Mrs. Bearded Man and P retty G irl Rob address of a Mrs Eraser. With whom saM -Y o u don’t know w hat I m ean ’ be id to take rooms Benlah H a rb lt. last Bunday. Taffanny's of £30,000 Diamond 111 het you don't. M argaret In the m eantim e has a Clifford W eaver and Mrs. Necklace. enrtord M ra M ary They crossed Into Hyde Park, made telegram from Part» signed “Lake," - 1 - M cElroy, of Salem, spent the week which »he doubts as genuine. Danten k Slow m-ogress near the edge of the A daring robbery was com m itted a" d ,n Thurston. M o rre ll calls on her to try to get sidewalk, and be found him self en­ She w a s lth l" a ft* n,oon a‘ Messrs Taffanfty*» 81m Endicott returned to Portland w in e money. She tells him that she joying the neve, has given all the money back to ber older 'He» h e ' — * ’ * h° ” *" At abo«’ a fte r visiting hls parent» hero for husband's ftrm . which Is allow ing har J very / . . grotty, . * though 8:50 a well-dresaed woman walked several days gn allowance ta Mva on. She believes nad '" ou«ht. T h * l * w l e Lyceum players are put- , ,nt ° * * • •*>«» «ad naked to be shown dfanf Y tv V a k a s S a . V I . ____ i a _ **Y\»W v r a ts ms Do you see that fst th a t L ake has gone to hla favorite waat * ° ’B* pf* h’ r>,d WhBst the as- ting on an e n tertain m en t nt the hall yeeort to Spain and Intends to Join there? That's the Hparrow Ton him there. slstsat's hack wan tam e d , ahe must on Wed needs y evening. The proceeds to keep sway fro m U a ' W h ile M orroll and M argaret are broken a glass rose w ith a rub­ are to be divided wKh the high H e started a t the nam e talk in g Gunner Haynes Is announced. W hen he came echooL R e admits that he la a Jewel thief T e a mana Bird?“ ha stammarod ber hroded ham m er he the wom an T h e high school had a general l^ , ***, fbund fc" “ d not onfy Ä a Vornan gnd Just out of prison, but L ake had and fcoked f u t ilit y ta th e d t r o c O e a hack, «nee triad to da him a favor and be »he todimued. a vaI ua^®8 diamond necklace had eg day la s t Tharoday. •he todloated. wants to return It If possible. He was w alkin g ^ ’ “ W>* a r* d H # fl* w ,a u T h e Thurston nigh school bass ball He saw M r. Bird. He asks If Danton M oroll Is C friend of teams motored to Santo C lara M at hut the WO- “* d toe Woman as she hers, and alao why her husband has w ith * » a r r g ro tty 'g irl, F rid a y and defeated the teams there. ___ __________* “ « t o r t o g s m otor ear H e was to « ber. man w h g rs m e at Now go on w ith the story. ftam edlatato «truck dawn by ber com herself on one a f the park (mnlon. w ho le described aa n man ha dM n o t rooogntse *T should be a little worse than la - of great height, w ith a fair, weto As the hroaqpbam turned Bad came - " * pertinent. And yet. Mrd. Maddlsoh. trim m ed beard, dressed to a gray 1 U U A I back on to« o th e r side of the road, j I have a very deep Interest to your she said suddenly- m iR .« . husband*, affsfrs. I have m any b ad , “T h a t*, me!* groaned L ake M .d d l «aalltles. but disloyalty la not one e f . C avalrv h a ero o s 8on- * Bd Blmoet swooned them Your husband w ent ont of hls 5^. * ^ b a rra c t‘ 1 “ »P« F«« - can u riv a r way to w arn me. nt a moment when u . F o r « quarter a t an hour he sat he knew the police were coming Io |sbrnaa L * n “ t°» - and w atched hls tea growing cold, grrest me. I f ever there le a white . hls mind vacillating between horror . . I She nodded. and wholesome man, th a t man Is ... and amusement. He. Luke Maddlson L u k e Maddlson I ought not to have ~»n ° try you 0,1 * was a thief, a gangster, an active asked you the question and I could saj(, *’ th,S ¥ery m y ‘ «rlous e m em b er of an organisation whir*-, had not very well expect a satisfactory was w aiting for » them, " * * " • ’ T a " " r' T h e car w a s «raitinw k .. m - a 1 ' answer. The only thing I am anx­ closed light car of English make . ’ ra th e r weI1: he had bought have you any Thpre J J f ndance " a r* a’’ ‘ '8 engagement ring ove- the ious to know Is this Idea where your husband is? without hesitation she stopped the , _ „ J ’ ’ J 00" ,e r ,h a t ,lart been ‘Do you wish to find him ?” she I brougham and gave the d river In- 100% " , ” * ” ” * p|p,®’ " - ' , '‘ ««!" * Challenged. struct long. Kolng to the police and betraying ALL H e shook hls head. "H ere It Is, get I n ” Ì ! " a"8oc,at®" n rre r occurred to h'm TA L K IN G “No, but I ’d like to know exactly PIN G IN G ! Luke sank Into the d river’s seat ” ° Dly ° n* th ln * ,0 be donp is. I have a very special 1,110 lne a r*v e rs seat and that wag , aw . „ where he Is. reason for asking this. Is he In Urn- X M ^ X g hart Wrl" Pn FRIDAY SATURDAY "No. he's in Spain at this moment. **“ ’* dooy bph' " d bpy but I ’m afraid I cannot give you the b , ' r‘‘ '"i*., Street’ t h e X n ’ a u h “0 ” address. 8he Bald' PUI‘ “ P and H was a r m Here it is! The Shoe You Admired in the April "Ladies Home Journal" O r maybe you saw it to " W e m s 'i H e m e CempsnJon" or “ M cCalTt'*! O u r national ad on our famous IJ 98 shoes fo r women eppeart to the $ Q " O Q S Vr VZ e F S ¡ r w r “ T 1* * ■ W V i . * ; H e r a l d I t doeen t nmttsc where you the ad . . . yon can see the shots themstlves. rig ht now . . . nt the store I J. C. PENNEY CQ FOX McDONALO “T M Fiass« Sound X tV ; >n<*"h ,n a Spain. Was It. though’ W U* a - P •» - . « « „ that he “M r. Morell— is he in Spain? Par- .-Now understand” she said Pa81‘port! And » “ bout a don me. Mrs. Maddlson. but » 1 have droppfn(f passport It was impossible to reach a reason for asking you the .................................... ‘ one ques­ rapidly. " I ’m g „ing , n to see my hue- ' ? ^ « " ‘ ries. where every tion. I have a doubly Im portant rea­ band. I f he makes a fuss I shall ex W° man * h° ’“ “ ' '* the ,ro " son fa r ask'ng the other. M orell Is Her were closely scrutinized. If he pect you (o help me. If he doesn’t the kind of man that no decent wo­ fuss, we’ll drive quickly away for man should know— Albem arle street, make for Vauxhall Bhe walked to the table and press­ Bridge and Tooting Common.” ed the little onyx bell push. T his tim e Your husband?" he stammered. he smiled. She gave him one quick look of “T h a t means you’re going to turn suspicion. • m e out, and I don't blame you. I'm "T h a t Is what you tell the fla ttie afraid I ’ve blundered this Interview , If there Is a fuss.” which I Intended should be very dls- creet and diplomatic. I p articu larly . W h " at a l * a flattie was she did not ex- Wished to know where M r Maddlson P ® " / an' L wa* * one before he could w as- __ ' as* ber. H e kept the engine running " I have told you ” according to her Instructions. She -A s far as Danty M orell Is con- w a" / ° " e some tw enty minutes. Pre- gerned— " he began - | * * ’ t y ,0',k ln « out- he saw her tu n , »he pointed to the door. the c o rn -r from Bond street and walk . . . __ . w ’ P apparent unconcern toward him ' I am not prepared to discuss m y a . . u ___ ... .. . . . ’ sne stepped Into the car, a man W e n d s -^ v e n w ith the crim inal ac- ln hlB ghlrt.HleeTP1, ,Jarted gualntances of my husband,” she said. corner n ,.w a( h,.r apd gr)ppp d ___ her and she hpard him chuckling as he by the arm. She tried to ___ wrench her w ent down ,he stairs as though a t a self free, and before Luke realized very good Joke. what he was doing he had struck • S • her assailant and sent him tum bling M argaret walked slowly along the Gecraor A. W. NORBLAD to the pavement. asphalt path. As she did so she saw D riv e !” she snapped, and mechanl- 'H ats o ff to the P a s t.. n c a r coming slowly along the tan on ra lly Luke sent n 1 7 m'!<'han,‘ the Other s’d . of the road. It w a , an iorw ard ® ,PaP R e ta in . . . . G o v e rn o r NORBLAD Coats o f f f o r the Puture!” ele ctric brougham containing two peo­ They crossed Oxford street, down ple: a beautiful looking girl, fashion­ St. James’ street, through the park, a b ly dressed; by her side, hls face and were over Vauxhall bridge before h a lf hidden under a broad-brimmed he realized what had happened. Btetson hat. a bearded man o f s trik ­ "W hy did that fellow grab you?” ing appearance. Ahead o f h er was he asked. w a lk in g a stout man, and by hls side 'M y husband— I had a row a ra th e r p retty girl. As she over­ him ." she said calm ly. And then: w ith took them she heard the stout man I knew Connors w a , wrong. •a y : hadn't had my wits about me ___ “T a k e a look at th a t swell wom an! started that husband story, I'd have T h a t’s Jean O urlay, the blggeat crook been h a lfw a y to Holloway»" In London, m y dear.” H e saw her look at every police­ Those ahead of her she recognized man they lney passed, 0„ out t of the corner ot S i the Bpai-row and hls companion, 1 her eye and hls h e » w k . . » . v 7T „ a . ... m « .. ” ‘J , X '*T^ , " Constructive Progressive D ynam ic NORBLAD /• v G O V E R N O R C O M M IT T E E KINNBTM D. HAI,'SER. G e.7 (k O n u . »AMUEL POW EU, iw r o e a W 'm .» ', DiOtin, Mra O. J. Ertokil, Gto/rw«. Mr». M. H. Lamont, SftnUrj «>M«faarv»nt 20S-11 Msltaoouh Ho«M I A Tw wwM Ti i PORTLAND. ORIGON gUSA4v.riw .,| ALSO: ALL TALKING PKtVIEWTHLkSbAY ---------------- . J r i e n r i CHARLES ROGERS SU NDAY BRINGS One of the Greatest Ep(e8 of the Air Ever Filmed. • •• With the Htar of “Wings" Ky the Director of "Wings" And the Author of "War Birds” • •• Watoh the Skies Saturday Noon