Try the Hom e P r in t Shop F tret thespringfield news "The People'« Paper" L I V I NEW SPAPER IN A LIVE TOWN THURSDAY, ARRIE 17, J »80 to Hold M usical Jamboree ^ ■ O f f E R Creamery Opening Friday Pleases A u d i nee FINE E M MUSIC Sm all Ship Takes A ir in Trial Hop W U N E SERK Proprietor« of Local Creamery Lincoln School Offers Play; Dealre Public to View the Inman School to Build Glider; Disturbances Bother Audi- Pre-Eaater Prayer Meeting Held New Enterprise. F ok Brothers Test Theirs •nca and Musicians. Tuesday; Annual Sunrise County Chamber of Commerce Sunday. I The las, »'age of , he wnrk , hf Standard Oil Company to Build Breakfast to be Held at Meth- ____ Meet» Here Friday; P. M. An almost full house turned out at odist Church; All Churchae fraam ery plant are be- •he high school last Friday night to Gasoline Station on Spring- Springfield« locally built airplane Brandt. Dairy Specialist, to Preparing Easter Programs. r"f “ »«”• , sd tod .y preparation hoar the Musical Jamboree program, i Is a success. Tills was the opinion of field Airport With Latest Speak; Civic Club to Serve _ _ • U*» °t» " house to he held there which was well presented and equally W ill V i a i t C ream w rw n,‘ “r who <*th«rwd at the airport Equipment in Servicing Air- Dinner; IH ^ V ie ft C r e a m e r y . Sunday afternoon to witness the de- All or the church«. In BprlngfiaM 'OB,',rrow Everything «III be well received by those who wer« not Planes. are planning special Kaeinr program» w'’r,,u,« »rder end »omeone who I annoyed and bothered by the dla- All plans have been completed and "’OB8’rB,,OB8 <»« »hip which Is said turblng nolaea created by certain ! exerythlng Is In readiness for a sue- , The construction of a modern air­ Practical mono- group« of local unruly school cessful meeting of the bane County ' , 7 , U ” ‘ Ot Ore« °B plane service station on the Spring- ----- 8 7 " r* 1 n” mbar" o - ' - the , Chamber of - Commerca h er, tomor- 7 J rn 7 MacManlman. chief rhlef pilot of Held airport by the Standard Ofl eat of the play presented by the U n- row evening at « 3 0 o'clock The Inman 8(,hool waa at the control« , coin school augmented by others al- meeting has been designated a dairy of ,h * “hll> He took off several times j «canted at a meeting ready In the balcony made It next to meeting, and the dairy Industry In "nrt m"d’ " * " rBl l«"dH»SS to test the M 0,6 clty “ »ncll. The new unit mpoaalhle for the people sitting Lane county and the state will be the ’'*r,oug •’•’»troto of the machine. No when completed will be the This evening at 7:00 a prayer meet very here to hear the musical program, topic of The dairy meet- m*J° r <‘b*n*’“8 w«r« fr>«nd necessary latest and best equipment In Oregoa Ing will be held at the Methodist *7 "T*** *’ yery dlfMrul» for the Ing idea has been worked out to " »•» and P,eted Jnne’ I to the coast, and successfully operat­ ance In ,h . audience place on the program which was 7„ 7 7 1 . " T * ' nm ,n *"d MbcMbb' ed a creamery at Lahewiew for many The Standard OH company Is tak­ Other numbers on the Program have been flliert h- j > r C H R IS T IA N C H U R C H » man came down to the building where years before moving here. Emory were the Girls' Glee club. Which sang »ho i. ¡1 and” . 7 7 * ° ' W‘ " b"‘“ Saturday ing tha lead In the country la tho Morning Program ! Pylo has spent some Tim won for to attend th. m eeting ™ and took It out on the atroeL promotion of aviation, and Its —-ml with T Th k - Pipers' Bong, which • *S. —Bible school classes meet in creameries In California studying J them the first prise at th e E u gen e, „ clara room« Here they mounted the wings and *rd h00* ,B U8ed b3t *1] aviators, 'heir methods music feat, and Gypsy Fires, which Cr»»m«ry ProAicts at Dinner turned the prop over for the first ln comlB« to ’he Springfield airport 10 00 - Scripture reading and pra er. Most of the machinery la new and 'hey will u« . |n their competition at Th* d,nner W,U Prepared by the time. The ship was at the Geld tbe rn’n r>*nV will also give much dw- Quartet: Mias Wilma Scott. Mrs Dal of the latest type made It Includes Forest Grove. They also sang Vene- i m<‘mb*r" ,h ® Springfield Women's shortly after 7:00 o’clock. 1 sirable publicity and help promotn las Murphy and William Mclx-an equipment for tea making, paateurls- tian Love Song; the girls' quartet C<’ |C C’Ob ” Wl11 ** f‘‘8tared •»« the the field In other ways. G lider Enthusiasts Busy Communion eervieg and regular offer quartet. Ing milk, making butter, cottage consisting of Vernlce Hawke J „ i. ' * * P ro4* h mBd* *» the Spring While the crow i waa watching the In the absence of the mayor, W. C. in« cheese and lew cream. 1« . cream PWIard. Rlanche Bates and L^ia field Creamery, »“I and w»I will «l»e many small ship demonstration at the mtuii- MrLagan presided at the meeting. 10 JO —Children's program. Easter was made at the plant for the first Squires, sang Hoppy Song and Swing 7 ” * fr<”n P‘ rt* ° f ,be rount» r ,P«1 «®M- another group of aviation The application of Bud McPherson Welcome, by Mayetta Moon Song. • 'me U ednesday night, and the Ice Low. Sweet Chariot. " ° 1>p'',r,un,‘y *> «®e and enthusiasts gathered on on the Hie j ~ «o vacate M Chariot. niisiit» T ” taste ------- — the ----------- -— " " were «wmrreu the S Cireei street through in rough property Jesus U vea, by the Sunbeam class Machine was completed and opera! ' ........................................ Banjo Duet« Draw Applause raptured hv ra’*** Ur'" ‘ b*'“* ra"n" Br"’ta,n PrT’P®I-ty northeait of the platted °n his farm land In the north Irene M .n l.y ?r7.m - - " ’7 " ' \ mer7 M“ d ° ‘ Thl" ™ — b- dBd Pau, > » * ot the Cty was granted. Resale Stewart and i!" - ................« ............... ........ products which w,U be fee .Rrattoln. who was helping the Fox i __________ j ______ cream, butter and toothers, living east of Springfield. LIGHTNING SETS OFF Savior, by which they have s girls. Glimpses of Gallele. exercises G rim e'h , _rO,T 7 7 ' 7 . nK Mr- for • ,h,W A»«” * * O lbsoi a . ,bJ Tb*-'*ddr* « ot .he evening and ">»"«• FALSE FIRE ALARM ON by the Imval Scout class The Lilies, i so he d" ' ,,rrt" " Harmonica King, played Pagan L o re " ‘ bBr w»' Im madd Immediately A glider will be hunt by the Inman! SATURDAY AFTERNOON exer.lec by Alice Neet. Teddy Llpe. ed when (he wvwthar Song and I Lova It tw., annular " ^ 7 tb’ The people present "chool. says Mr . Inman. The cost of and Marian Thompson Go Forth and hecume. tar It. two warm enought to warrant numbers, and was d i e d h . c k T - 7 new Treamery to ------------- ' f 1'l« nln,n« phiyed phiyed a Joke on the In- the flying devices la too high, he! Lightning Tell the Story, by seven primary encore ' b" Ck fOr " to rt all of rtie'new modern machln .thinks, and he also heUevee that It SprlnKflald flr® department Saturday children. Blossoms of the Cross, by | Rred McKinney accompanied the will be good for the studenta If they *‘' * n'n« at Just 6:00 o'clock and Ruth Stratton, Thelma Llpes. Edna 'Korean», and played two piano solo» m Co,'nty ( h»mber of Oom. have an opportunity to assist In the caused many would-be helpers to get Severaen. Julia Pedersen and Lets , drenched In the rain. I« «mra^rised of rt-gularl-r building of one. Peterson. mew. each of the A regular alrplnne motor waa pur- The local city hall, where the fire 11:10— Easier Sermon. Seeking the I Tb.. i, > . 'Chamber o f commerce groupe and chased for use at tha school last equipment 1« kept, is connected with Risen Lord. Pastor. Invitation. Easley I •Choo. n r e j ' ’: k i 7 m . 2 L,n: ° ,n O,her u n m n laafon s-to b sn e week It "dH be mounted on a stand 'be power plan, by a magneto switch offering, benefit aged ministers. Clos­ cum's Country's tor*’i r P,*ra Sl<> roU"’y Tbe mPet *o«®'her In differ- ,n d be used for trouble shooting and ing chorus by choir hlch sounds a gong In the holler Concort Will bs Presented on .1 program 7 h ! ? ^ e v nr? 7 a m.',R,e’ ‘° Wn* W,‘ h m"n' h "nd dl’ <™" ° ' hPr , ™in,n<' In connection , room of the power plant. Whenever Sunday Night Sunday After Easter; New schedtded for thè >**n ’OPlC ° f re,‘1 ,n ,'‘r*’ 1 “ » ’he ’he school. there Is < 10 RaslerCsnlala. Joyous Bells fire and It is desired *o acneduled for the same evening, but county as a whole. _____________ ______ Accompanist to Secure. have the whistle blown, the fire chief of Raster, by Carrie II Adams, given were consolidated and both presented The Springfield delegatee In this 1 by the church choir, under the direc­ sounds the gong and tells the power The oratorio being sponsored by a, the high school. organi»,ion are F B Hamlin. W K tion of I*rof Veille Pruitt. company where the fire la. They The funds received will be used to the Springfield Lions club and which aBrnell, and J. A. Seavey. They are ln H then sound the large siren. was to have been B A P T IS T C H U R C H presented at the { 7 7 7 1 ” "k'h' 7 ' <' f"» hare been the accompanist. The oratorio will be presented on Last Friday. ( »heir Instructions, sounded the sires Congregational hymns: My Savior's CENSUS INFORMATION and the cltlxens turned out to see the Further Improvements Mede Lore. Gabriel. In the Cross of Christ Sunday, April >7, at a union church NOT YET AVALIABLE Springfield high school base ball f,re U8t 88 “ started to rain. In the Conbey. Choir numbers; Christ service, according to Ernest Mc- The entire floor of the fountain room’ . 7 7 7 » " T r', "nU ,n Tk„ , fcl 7 ~ team me, defeat last Friday at the meantime Smltson was at the cl tv Arose. Awakening chorus and Make Kinney, enndv iLrl ,0Unt8ln BBd ™ Spr,B*f,eld bands of Pleasant Hill in the firs, ha" trylB* frantically to call up ibZ It has become necessary for tbe a Joyful Noise Unto the Lord. Duet, candy parlor h a . been covered with re"8U8 «mmpleted here this week league game of the season for bo7h P'8B‘ “» '°c«»e the fire A f t « So Thou Llftes, Thy Divine Petition, singers to secure a new accompanist, the *im llnol8U,B' This Is another of 8nd pmP'<’F‘*‘>« a, the district census teams. Defeating Springfield high 8eTeral “’’""ccessful attempts th« and the changed date will give that Norton Pengra and Wilfred Cook the im provement, which Mr Eggi- ^ « “ne have started conn,- school bv a score of > » meant t i l t rb'«f ^ » p e d on to the fire Truck ' Sermon theme; The Cornerstone of person an opportunity to acquainted with her work. our Confidence. on, where the fire waa located. 7 3 0 —A life service play will be | pr.n«-o,ed by the World Wide Guild UANE PIONEER PASSES Several cltlxens were grumbling Olrls of the church. because It took too long to get th« AT MARCOLA ON SUNDAY - - » - - = ™ The title of the pageant Is The truck out after the siren had sounded, Country Cousin, directed by Mrs. but, says Smltson. ''How were we to "" .................... . " ■ Irish. 31, » » " " « n .« “ ’1' "" '• a x r"""" r Rice. go to a fir» which we couldn’t locatef" resident of Lane county since 1909, ’■ arrives. team ln a preliminary game by n died at the home of her sou, C harlea,! M E T H O D IS T C H U R C H Pa«Iu-k • — — ------ ’ core of 1$ , o n . Both games were Hat Largs W hits Rabbit P° “' k 8uP»»ar Success played at Pleasant Hill. b r o t h e r h o o d t o talk • :46.—Sunday school for all ages. at Marróla on Sunday evening after week’s Illness with pneumonia. Mrs Tom Jackson. 1246 Fifth street at "he M .son k • Tbe »* Or'‘R ,be ^ 8 « m e were 11 00.—Morning worship. Sermon POLITICS AT MEETING * 7 Tbur8d,jr fr>r, both made on errors by the Sprlng- topic. Did H e7 Rev. Pike preaching. ' Mrs. Irish was born In LeRoy. New h»s purchased several large Callfor- the potluck .. IfX ' f,,“d Politics will be the discussion topic Special choir m usk and solo, Hosanna York o„ May 23. ,343 sh e moved B'8 w n„e rabbits, and -II. heg'n r X accordlng to W. E. at the regular monthly meeting ot by Mrs. W. K. Barnell. with her family to La Porte, Indiana Ing them at her place here. She has ladies totomrinr","« "th"’ * ’^ f° ro tb# j BueI’' 8nd wer® "<* ">a<1e by hits, 1 P" Ch'‘d 'he Open‘"» the Men’s Brotherhood of the Meth­ The Crucifixion, by Stainer a can­ where she met and was married to purchased three does and three bucks Cards were enjoyed ÏÏLÏ*.'h for her starting stock. One of them C. A S ^ ir i . SM " b,i ’ d,d “ »®a. odist church to be held Monday tata directed by Arah Hoyt Rae, Eu­ Charles L. Irish. He died In 1922. Svrarle. S,d Ward and Carl but I. expected B, Imprare T f , ^ evening In the church basem ent which she exhibited about town yea- Olson Mr. and Mr». Irish moved to Kan- gene. will be presented Sunday - a fillr C0,nm,ttM lB cb* W ha. more practice. Freeman Squires The principals of the three local «as shortly after their marriage and | lerd>y wal«ha 13 pound«, evening nt 7:30. of the affair. received the ball for Springfield. schools will give short talks after lived at Wichita for 14 years, coming Jack Hulett played first base. Lloyd which there will be a general dts- to Oregon In 1906. They moved to SCHOOL STUDENTS SEE Mattison played second, and Ralph cusalon of th e‘various candidates and Marcola In 1909 and made their AGRICULTURAL PICTURE Cole third. Donald Bettis started at political Issues to be voted upon at home there alnce that dale. short stop. The fielders were: left the election In May. A motion picture depleting the his­ She Is survived by three sons and field, Gilbert Ernstlng; renter. Her­ The women of the church will pro­ torical development of agriculture (wo stepsons. Ther are Charles C. vide a supper In the church begin­ sey Tomseth; and right, Dorman was exhibited yesterday afternoon to and J. V., of Marcola, ___ ___ E. .... H„ ... of , url Port- ning at 6:30 o'clock. This coupon is to be used only by the people living within Chase. all of the studenta at the high school ,#nd- A- B Buguld of Wichita and 1 The return game with Pleasant Hill N. W. Emery, who has charge and to the students In the Junior high M. “ Buguld, “ of Portland city b n X S o n',? ,ta SprJ nKfte,d- If X0» <»° B° t live within the Is scheduled to be played here on of Dr. the meetings, promises that there at the Lincoln school. The film , were „ „ funeral , --------------- ’’f8 do not 8end ,n 01,8 c<>’>Pon as the tim e Un,It for taking May 23. The service» were held on , r ' y will be some entertainment provided. shown through the courtesy of the rural census does not expire before April 3ft Th» tim > ■<> w The bsll tossere will open the sea­ high school students, and was releas­ Tuesday from the m . w. a . hail in Tuesday, when JOHN W. ISH PASSES It in , son aft home next - ........................... ed by the extension division of the Manola. Rev. N. r Workman, pa.tor for the city census explird yesterda an of the Marcola Methodist Episcopal those who have not been counted make tho f P V® th ftt they me#t th* V n lv.rslty high nine University of Eugene. AT HIS HOME TUESDAY Church. Of which deceased was a 1 rehnlnti™ r , counted m ake the fact known at once at 3:0P o’clock. fh hool for the high and Junior high member, officiated and interment w .? I ** ^ " '» « o n of census figures will begin very soon, pupils was dismissed at 2:30 In the John W. Ish died at his home In made In the I. O. O. F. cemetery. Entertains Club afternoon and the students all went Springfield on Tuesday, at the age HAVE YOU BEEN ENUMERATED? Walker-Poole, funeral directors, hud to the Bell theatre, where the picture Mrs. C. E. Swarts entertained the of 77 years. He came to Oregon In charge of the funeral. was Rhown. If not. or if your have any doubt, fill out thia coupon and members of the B. H. O. Welfare club 1919, settling a, Goshen where he mall to at her home here last Thursday after­ lived until 1927, when he moved to Legion Meeting Postponed noon. 23 members were present. Springfield. Attend Cottage Grove Meet I. D. P r im e r or Mrs. Abbie P. W heaton, Springfield. The regular meeting of the Amerl- Mr. Ish la survived by his wife, The next meeting will be held at the Mrs. C. F. Egglmann. Mrs. Katie can legion and the American legion Brummett®, and Mre. Goldie Whltlee ^ P«11 L V 30, 1 waa l,v,n« at address given below but to B. E. Hartung home In Eugene this Mr». Birdie Ish; one daughter, Mr«. Auxiliary, which were to have been afternoon. Se^oi O anymwyhke r e ° X dKe 1 " Ot — ^ d’’ B B. Fosset, Springfield; and on« motored Io Cottage Grove Friday for Sunday. al both morning and the evening eervieee A pre-Kaeter prayer meeting waa held In the Christian rhurcb on Tuesday afternoon with women of all three churches taking part. UBd"r8,""da of 'he marhlnee and ' b*',r T* r,ou* function« «11 be on the floor all *" evening to egplaln them to the public. The operators of the creamery feel a sense of pride In their new plant, which Is conceded by dairy eg- perts to be one of the host equipped and most modern now operating In town« eve„ larger than Springfield everyone Is invited to visit the plant and see how the product« which • hey purchase from the rreamery are handled. Tile new creamery Is operated by <'