iiwtnrs o i° * . '»111 X . B THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS I TWKNTY-HWVKNTI1 YKAH. ■ 1 Soothing Antiseptics Every home should be well equipped with u Htipply of then« Mouthing antiseptics. The need for their uae In it m atter of ulmoHt dally occurrence. The use of an antiseptic In u firm aid practice of vital Importance, especially In case of an accident. Ketels Drug Store In N .w » to r. M a ln H L N e a r f>th Leave Your Car Here I here I k no need to leave your car parked on the utrent overnight to Invite theft and he damaged by weather now that we are operating the largest fire­ proof gnragi* In thlu part o f Lane county. Storage here costa hut little and In the chcupcMt Innurance you c u n buy. Our mechanics are experts und our service In the best. Visit uh In our new home. W m . R o d en b o u g h G a r a g e Cor 5th and A St», _______________ No. 14 SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY. OREGON^ THURSDAY. APRIL 10, 1930 I Phone 95 “ Satisfied” ‘Lest You Forget’ I h the automobile driver who uses Violet-Ray (la»o- line and haH bln car »ser­ viced at thin station. Violet- Hay Gasoline in anti-knock high tent and goes farther than ordinary gan When we service your car we turn you out with all your needs attended to. Envelopes 1 Blotters Our »service I h complete ami we always Madefy.. 1 Business Cards ! Letter Head« • Statem ents Hand Bills Tickets * Menus, etc. 3 P R IN 0 F IE L 0 S T A T IO N O R IO O N Willamette Press I WOMEN'S MEN’S AND CHILDREN’S COATS. SUITS BOYS’ CLOTHING APPAREL SHOES FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY I ( iolden Rule K R u le r s o f L o w P r ic e s 10th and Willamette EUGENE New Schaefer’s Building ||| (Pat. Applied for—Serial No. M« w ■> OOKT w « oawMaof VX/tLL _i BV OftAQKfcv? TM » W .lt> * “ A V » LVS * v * t > \ Q u it n * » « waa - K , n ): AND DRESSES At The A NO S E R V IC E i For the Family Office Forms Phone 44 ‘A St. Garage Easter Apparel ‘. T— » t