I PAGE RIGHT THB SPRINOAKIJ3 NKWS BASEBALL IE » « PROSPECT GOOD jt o push the completion of th ia road Boys and Girls Teams Both Pile Up Large Scores in Prac­ tice Tilts With Thurston on Tuesday; Official Opening of Season Tomorrow. W o rk on the surfacing of the portion of the M cKenaie highway betwwen Nimrod inn and Belknap Springs w ill be started Im m ediately by a group of M arshfield contractors who have been awarded the bid for thia work. T w o pievtous bids had been received and hed been rejected by the highway commission. Prospects for a successful baseball season for both the boya* and flr la base bell teams at the local It cannot be done this year, he de­ TYPEWRITING STUDENTS CONTEST AT JUNCTION clared. ns funds have not been set Five >side for the work, but w ill be un­ dertaken In the uext few years. To Surface Me Kenai» high typ ew riting students at the Springfield high school w ill go to Junction C ity thia afternoon to com pete w ith that many there In a typing contest Angellne Severson and Verniee Haw ke w ill compete in the advanced class, while Loudelle W il llama. Violet Runts, and Barbara Adams w ill enter the beginners' content. HIGH COURT REFUSES JOHN BROOM APPEAL It ia not certain w hether or not John Broom w ill have to serve his the road can be oiled this year. T he week when the Springfield teams met delay In startin g the resurfacing w ork sentence of tw enty years In the penl- has caused tom e doubt as to the pos- ten tlary at Salem for violation of the Thurston aggregation at Thurs­ aibllity of getting the road ready for th* prohibition am endm ent. A mand ton In practice games on Tuesday, oiling before the wet «reath6r sets in refusing an appeal to the supreme r>nd badly defeated them The Spring- next fall. court was received by county officers field boya won th eir game by a score thia week and It ia expected that of IT to 1. while the local girls team Broom w ill be taken to Salem soon Make Run to Late Fire did squally as good and took th e ir ’ to begin his sentence. game w ith a score of M to I. Jess Smitson and George G ilm ore Broom was sentenced to tbe peni­ The first league contests tor the nud e a m idnight fire run to the E a rl ten tiary under the Jonea law. which local teams are slated for Friday a f­ Thompson residence on F ifth be­ . provides for p enitentiary aentencea ternoon. when they Journey to Plea­ tween O and H Monday night to ex­ for fourth offenders H e It the first sant H ill. These teams have also tinguish a flu fire. No damage re­ to be sentenced under thia law In played several practice games and sulted from the fire. Lane county. have piled up large scores, so It is 9fe Almost certain that the game Friday w ill be hard fought. The fact that it is the firs t league game for both teams trill aid in creating a desire to win T he Springfield team has the county championship at stake and is determined to retain it. whtle every team th e y meet w ill be equally determined to wrest the trophy from them school brightened considerably this School Starts E arlier School will probably be called a h alf hour earlier and recess periods shortened during the day. so t h a t ' the classes can be dismissed early, enabling all who care to attend to get to Pleasant H ill in ample time for the games. Both the boys and girls w ill Phy- i| ;s tarting lineup for the Friday game has not been announced, bat the following lineup was used against Thurston and w ill probably form the nncleus of the starting order to­ morrow. John Lynch, pitcher; Free­ man Squires, catcher: Jack H u lett, firs t base; Donald Bettis, second base: Ralph Cole, third base: Lloyd M attison, short stop; Harvey Tom- aeth. Gordon W righ t and G ilbert Ernsting. fielders. Several others are candidate« for bertha on the team including Alfred Frese, Clinton H a rt­ man, Douglas Keable. C arl W agner, ! A rlan Schantol. Robert Stark. Paul Rnbldy. Dorman Chase, and George Smith. M em bers of Girls Team T he members of tbe girls’ team on Tuesday were: Beatrice Edmunson. pitcher; Lois Rogers, c atrher; N ellie Sankey, first base: Evelyn Buell, second base; Alm a Fish, third base: Leola Squires, short stop; Enid T ra ­ vers, Hasel Wilson and Angelena Brattain. fielders The other girls who are turning out for the team are V< Ima Johnson. Doris Chase. Evelyn I Lloyd. O eraldne WTkfnson. Anna ' W agner. Betty Anderson. Bernice Burkhalter, Ne’ll» W r ght. Pauline C onrtrighl. Audrey Smith and Melba H a rris . Most, of them were used part of the time in the Tuesday prac­ tice game WILLAMETTE HIGHWAY COMPLETION ASSURED SAY ROAD EXPERTS That W itianrctte highway w ill be t rotnpleteri and w ill connect with the I Dallca-Califnrnia highway east of the Casraden wag the giat of a «U tem ent ! made poMiz- Tneaday after H. W. I Libby, reaident engineer for the state j highway commission; H. D. F arm er, I bureau of public roads engineer; Roy A. K lein, chief of the state high- , way departm ent; and F A. Collier, division engineer bad returned from an lirveetigatlon of the present high­ w ay to a point above Oakridge t i h ’ rh h ay . a p u il LANE DEMONSTRATION AGENT ADVOCATES "BETTER HOMES" HERE ed. and was placed on display office window during Ihe Some consideration to plane for the # s *4». s^b Stock Reducing Sale OUR FLOORS ARE CROWDED AND OUR WAREHOUSE IS FULL Consequently we mutt reduce our present stock to make room for ad ditional furniture that Is arriving daily. If you are thinking of buying furniture now or in the future it will pay you to come in and see thia fine stock that must go at greatly reduced prioee. CREDIT— Bedroom Furniture EVEN AT THESE LOW SALE PRICES WE GLADLY CONTINUE OUR POLICY OF "DIGNIFIED CREDIT— PAY AS YOU EARN." FO R TH TT SMALL BEDROOM 3-plece suite of combination walnut, full size bed, vanity table, and chiffonier. 3 Pieces Complete SPECIAL- 3-Piece Bedroom O u tfit Complete for CONSISTS OF SIMMONS 2-lnch continuous Post Bed—Walnut finish, SIMMONS IJnk Fabric Spring and good Roll Edge Cotton Mattress. — 3-3 size only. FOR THE MEDIUM SIZE BEDROOM 3-piece suite in combination walnut, twin or full size bed, vanity and nhiffonier—A suite that you would expeit to pay a much higher, price for. 3 Pieces Complete MATTRESS SPECIAL Regular 2$7.50 Spring Ailed Mattress, full or twin size .......................................................................... . Regular $31.50 Spring Ailed Mattress, full or twin size .... ....................................................................... SPRINGS Regular $25.00 double deck coll springs, full or twin size ..........................„.................... ...................... $ 1 5 .7 5 Regular $17.50 double deck coil springs, full or twin size ..._....... ................................................................ $ 9 .8 5 $ 1 7 .9 5 $ 2 1 .9 5 $111 DINING ROOM SUITE 8-plece wolnut dining room suite—consists of table, 5 chairs and arm chair and beautiful buffet to match. 8 pieces complete.............................................. £ o n zv 3)017.50 For The Livingroom R I IC S U vU U “BIRCHFIELD" Davenport in Jacquard velour with three reversible cushions, floor samples only ........................... 3 )5 5 e \/v / "BIRCHFIELD” Davenport In 100 per cent pure Mohair (kz* r -z \ with three reversible cushions, floor samples o n ly ........ « b O 4 . d v / “BIRCHFIELD" Bed Davenport in Jacqpard velours with 3 reversible cushions; outside backs covered In same material as Davenport; you sleep on Coil Springs and Cotton Mattress; makes into a full sizj bed in two minutes, floor samples only w if T T t O v * Our ent,re 8prlng 8tock of Ru«8 are now »hown In our Rug Depart ment. A limited number are to be sold at great savings. The best grade of Pelt Base Rug made. 9x12 size-w as $12.25-during this sale at ’ C 7 QC *P • »I/O _____ Good, choice of Patterns (Discontinued Patterns Only) A Smali Deposit Will Hold any Merchandise i e ) 'S1” “/ I f you cannot read w ith comfort and pleasure have an eye exam ination now. DR i.C.MEAUE c ° f O -M I A- V. F .F T F T P : 8 1 '* -T TERM S DOW ER« I In hla wluTEr was also months Last Haturday W alker de­ annual n se cided to ru t the large cuke open and T he Im portance which "B etter show, to be sponsored by the club plant the needs. I ’ pon ru ttin g open Ihe cucumber he Home»" play» In the Uvea of tha thia spring. found thut the seeda had already people living In them waa a tm a e d The meeting was held at the home started to grow and had a stalk an here T u ea d sv night at the meeting of Mrs. C. O. W ilson on Em erald Inch and a h alf long Several roots of the Women's Civic Club, which Heights. She waa aaalated by Mr» had formed and the first two pairs wa» addressed by Mlaa Gertrude C arl Olaon. In serving delicious re- of leaves had been formed Skow. lotne County Home Demons­ freahm enla a fte r the address by Miae tration agent Mlaa Skow explained So far as la known no opening bad Skow. Mrs. C lark W heaton, presi­ some of the work being done In all been made la Ihe freak cucumber to dent of the club, poured the tan. » parta of the nation to Improve, with perm it a ir to enter prior Io the cut­ T he next meeting .will be held at ting last Saturday. small financial expenditure, various the home of Mra. Archie Davla. on types of home». Mis» Skow alao urged her audience A pril I t . LEGION MEMBERS WANT T he members of the club are now to continually be working for better UNITED PROGRAM MAY 30 living conditions, as a fte r all tu» conducting a membership drive un­ leadership of Mr» Paul hom e la the firs t and moat lasting der the A com m ittee ronaiatlng of M R B rattain and Mrs A. II Van Valaah. tion of a ll Individuals. llu n tly . F. II. H am lin .and I M She urged that the school children Many naw members ara expected to IM e ra o n was appointed last Friday be Instructed in better homes work, enroll. night at the regular m eeting of the and that the L ib ra ry group and all Am erican l-egton to begin form ulating other civic bodies devote some a t­ LOCAL REALTOR SHOWS plana for the observance of M em orial tention Io Im provem ent of the homes PECULIAR CUCUMBER Day on May SO T he com m ittee w ill of Springfield. aeek to have other rom m ltteea ap­ A short buslneaa meeting was W. W W a lk e r haa a vary peculiar pointed from the various civic or- he'd before the address, during which ru iiim b s r which he ralaet In hia g ar­ ganlaal'ona an that all local groups plans for the banquet to be served by den last summer. It first gained re­ can unite In preparing one program the Civic Club for the m ontltly meet- cognition because of Ita unusual » lie for that day. given POWERS There have been many requests for the competion of this road, s a id ; K lein , bn» he added, the state high­ way department had already decided ' C Y i f I G mt C O M FO RT Ing of the Lane County Cham ber of Commerce next Friday, was discuss in, m o 11th and Willamette — Eugene, Oregon TERM S