T i n ’RHDAY, APRIL 10. 1930 TH » PFItlNOFIELD NEWS PAGE SEVEN T R A IN S C H E D U L E Springfield Stop« NORTH No I I at I 64 A. M »top to detrain paeaenger« from K lam ath Falla and beyond. No. | at 4:11 p. m . Rue connection, at Bugene for tra in , leaving 1:3« P. M. and 7 P. M BOOTH No. 7 at 11:47 P. M No IS . t 10 0» p. M . Flag atop for OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERA1INTEREST Principal Events of the Week Assembled for Information of Our Readers. The board of trnotees of Albany cob lego hag voted to build a modern gyna naalura to be ready tor aee next falL Including equipment, the cost of tbp struct are Is e .tim a led at »50.000. Poetofflee receipts la Kagear during •he flrat quarter of 1930 amounted to »»1.990.11, according to D K Yoran. poatmaeter. Thia la an Increase of more than 12 per cent over the re- celpta of the flret quarter la 1929 and la taken as an Indication of the growth of the city. Cantral Oregon's flrat forest fire of 1930 blacked a small atrip of land on LOHT— Mutali red Notebook contain-1 FO R S A L B OR Paaeengera to K lam ath Falla and the Fremont highway right of way. lb record of o peration, to , lota w o. - L R ^ D “ ~ 8 p r'B«f,. * ld o peration, for month lota. W ill confidar Bugene or Me beyond. Alpine, a .m a ll school on upper Rat- ä fÄ e V a i^ T * lO N — Ancient automobiles that h a -e been „ * K l r , r property In exchange. tar creek, took the three flret prlxea F A I T D U E N O T E S and H u . connections at Bugene foi 08 T,cant lots and streets In Bend for P. O. Box 111, Springfield. at the divisional declamatory coqtset collected S tufka and honda bought train« leaving U ; 4 ( a . “ r U 8 ‘* m l“ ! / ’ * ” a r* U * * op b' ------------------------- for high school — atadeala. The u i u f P n A ttorney at U » , > t)R S A I.B — My property In Em erald klyoc line. L ° M,’m , l *. Eugen«, Oregon ty authorities and made Into a j school won three ont of »«eight., Springfield F ru it tre e . In N O T IC I O F F IN A L H E A R IN G fonr o f th« huge bonfire. 1 K v«nlng. at ISt Main a tr w t. Spring. »»«•ring. Clear title. Caah aal» »160 flra t prises In the grade conteaL Notice to hereby given th a t the on field < J W echter, Bear I.ake, Michigan. A It) deralgned, Josephine R. Campbell A special election In the Cove school Boardm an won n e a rly all of th . , , , n o t ic e T O C R E D IT O R S « 1 7 A 3-10-16-24 Kaacutrlx. has Hied her fin a l report' district has been called t0 r o t , on K K H A L E —-Five head of horaea and b* r* by <” ren that Doris In the e a ta t. of John R. Campbell, floating an 38000 bond Issue to bnlld marea from A to 10 yeara old 1000 N ° P Ç E 0 F • H t R I F r » SALK ON deceased, and the County Court of H tx.lte r has been appointed execu A total of 1101,17» w a- reached d u r­ ii 1 ,’i * • " * w lu and testam ent of Ibe up. All well broke, can aee them I juic County, Oregon, has fixed Sat »»enry (.lay Hubbell, deceased, by the and equip a naw gymnasium and re­ ing March by the elty of K lam ath m Ï k CUT '° ? ,N 'O R E C L O S U R E ’ ’ ,n ,ond office. N O T IC I n r ■ • ™ r n « y ® f**a herein, and for the In the C ircuit Court o f the State of m aturing smoothly, and also ha to ° t Oregon for Lane County. P f R T v ’ a v ' n c L c 1 * 1 F R O ' l a * 1* and dlaburaemenla herein In M ia-20-27 A 3-10 bee« son sunburned a n d r discolored, l l t - n b - u j mak­ „ „ l . burned and Committee« from Medford, S U IT FO R D IV O R C E . i -------------------------- Notice 1. h e l X 0 U * R 0 ,A N ,h * «“ «" ° t 41760 which Judgment ing them unfit for shipment. » Ir t a . Of . » h ? y « '» • " »>»*» hy enrolled and docketed In the Albert A Ashland and Phoenix w ill meet with Stonefleld. P la in tiff, vo N O T IC E O P SA L E C o l? ,*"n ° r d ,r of Count? C le rk ’, office of .« Id Court In a .U _ E_ 8 ‘ onefleld, Defendant. 1» th Circuit Court o f tho State of the baseball committee of the K la­ F or toe first time to toe history o f m f County, Oregon, duly on the 19th day of March To M ary E. Stonefleld, Defendant. | _ Oregon for the County of Lane. Masonry to Oregon, so far as grand math Fails Elks Sunday at Klamath " / ? d ? * i Br*’d of record on the ,R3°- and said execution to me direct ÎX n d d . „ » , ó u "W^wro on m e »«■> «aio execu _ d ° Ue i e L h,"r , .bM reqalred t0 nPPoar »»aneflt Savings * Ixmn Aasoc ¡aUoe lodge officials know, a pahltc cere­ Falla to form a Sonthera Oregon bag? «er of h . o ï ü î L î ! ? ! ’ »e n . m e ' ö f ! ' Bd (l answ er the „ com plaint filed i a ------------------ F red°B r5?; ° ’“ ' d ' « - b'P » f Johnnie «he Stale of Oregon* In o M . r to corporation, p la in tiff, va. Richard ball league. mony for conferring life memberships F °u In the above entitled eult j F. F arm er and M y rtle M. F arm er Kuardiaii ’ f “ h " « M * " L Ï Î Î ?.r , , 5?‘,d r L -“ ‘^ . i U . d*? ’ "?!: attorney . » 'th in four (4) w eek, from the date ■F°a veteran members was held re­ k ir a r d la n » h - -.1 ^ « n n r i r i i , a iio r n e v « i » u i w p p k r rro m r n * d a t< hu.band and w ife, Lew is T. DRte-’ Selection of timbered land on both B rig g , will on and trT ° i i ? 11 .Bnd Brcru,n« cool« | o f the Publication of thia sum cently by Cottage Greve Mssontn more and Althea “ ------- Dlttem ore. hue- aides of the Salmon riv e r near Grand of A p ril 19io „ffmr ? T dliy L " l ^ e follow ing de.crfbed real m°n«, which sum m on. Is published band and w ife. Defendant. Lodge. M ilton L. Myers, Salem, grand Ronde aa a site for the establishment By virtue of an master, represented the grand lodge. ot a national forest by state and — ■ " • s - , ; 1. - , . “ ■ e » » ■>- « « > ! < « ? a Jj”- r«"h In hand and subject to con- _ sale tlonal authorities was announced Marton Cox, 43, sought a refund of l l n «W ■ . r 1............ " " U U IU - w WUU R IIS W B r IflC B A la f , * “ *’ r o n r ‘ ,h * r M l Pro i Ü i ri. . Jo" * than Morgan Donation ro m p U in t w ithin the said period ol at 1 ,u — . ■— above entitled ( o n r t In the above entitled cause to M cM innville. 33 a t Oregon City for the marriage U- E T e r. t k S r ’ , r d d* Cr" * d ,B T o w n .h ln T . SOt' , . * 6«7- ,B ’ t" ” 7° Ur d' f“ olt *" and me directed and dated t h e t t w H cenee he didn't nee, bat the Claoka- ¿ e W llt a m lt t ^ m i ? . " * ' T “ 1 ° f .’ ? * " I , l n t l " w111 “ * k- application to - of - M « arch. r e o . isso , M da> -I T h ” »««Ofrponnd load lim it signa of I f io , UDon . An undivided one-seventh Internet n in e Vh » “ . M * r td ,a » - * » d m n- the ro u rt for the re lie f prayed within rendered |n mas county clerk refused him. Cox Court on ° ' d OregOB traH * » » • • • »«ker nm‘^ r t‘O ' i i f<’lte’'" n< •»•«crlhed real claim h»70 e *h ¿ n °".’ OU' í IlB' nt aald Í ” *, l d comP'»la ‘. which la as fo|. d id s t ase the m arriage Urease b«- AM d '. '? *»’ « * “ » Piai» and -------------------- North Powder wera taken down f L r 7 _ ” *• w'” ‘ b* ’ f of ,b " « « « h . "»cthweat Iowa: T hat the Court w ill ann“ l the eauae E lls 8trackea, 2», eksaged her ’ “ ‘ ,2 r. 1 J.*'“ 0“ ‘“ MtF-«»« <»• and the regular lim it of 12.MM ponnds com er af the Henry C. Morgan Dona m arriage existing batweon the Dartl*-« •n d the east h alf o f the eaat h alf of « i » N.oh, ‘ t i N<,t,, n ° w « ‘ ba‘ * i th íT ¿ : mmd Just as toe m (sister was «boat wife F a n “ er> husband and rweatobllahad. The road 1. «ug to be »h* •• • « half of the .ortheaat quarter on v m i “ n . of a .M í u i » m 'v í ' * n U r * d* er*” dl« *> '” "F ‘ he ready to tie toe matrim onial k n o t 1« good condition. |11»3.37 with Interest a t the rate of °» •* c " « n t h l r t r f l r . . ,n , o ch ain , or to a note, . 1 . “ ,r r ta * a " » » e x l.,|„ g be 10 per cent per annum from the 1st A packrat gnswlag «■ matehes tt Lorraln Laxon won tha M alh ew ( I ) Weet of the W illa m e tte M eridian of the south i point l i t chains north , th« parties hereto, giving unto day o f February, 1930; for the had carried Into a seat to a xtoce- line o f section county declamatory content for Oa le ii ! * P*“ ' " 1* * • " « M o la te divorce from ther sum of »7 60 w ith i n t e r - f a t t o . la la n e County, Oregon, containing «aid township, thanra ____ . . room canned a fire nt Bead which re­ eeet . 11.4« the defendant. An order of the above tarlo. M arjorie Humphrey took nee one hundred acre« of land. [» le of • per cent per annum frem chaina, thence north 34.10 chaina to sulted la considerable damage to a Court dated M arch 12. l»2e directed ond place to , Vnl«. T hird place went eontor of tha County Rond, that thia summons ha published once ai local grocery store. When the place W th from March to Valley View, Edith Brown m i « IU y r*x” B 4,4 «* ‘ ha thence north westerly along- re n te r of M lae r Building. In Eugene. Oregon where toe fire originated wae axamla- said road to a point due north of the each w eek for tour consecutive weehe the champion of rural schools. A. A. S M IT H . ad. toe packrat waa foaad horned to beginning point and thence south In tbe Springfield News; and that you • » i . f * 1” * ’ *° r «h* fu rth e r earn of A dividend of 2.3 per eent h a a ____ Guardian of the eetate of Johnnie 27 2» chains to the place of beginning appear and answer said complaint M 3 . l l coats and disbursements, and death la Ma nest, w tth Mackened Fiwd Briggs a minor. w ithin four weeks from tha date of ~ ,ta of “ d “ Po» Gila w rit. 00m- declared by toe e late bank examiner I " J a m County, S la te of Oregon. matches nearby. t o t ^ t n , H,n* f L i “ ke * aie of ,b * '» I tha first publication o f thia summons M «7 A S10-I7-S4 Now therefore. In the name of the on claims growing ont of tbe defunct H. E 8 L A T T E R T . wi 7 a i , d^ - the highest Lebanon's annual straw berry fa ir la answer the ^ m p l . l n t m e i” ? ^ h ’ cb " , r h* M 0 W illam ette Street, Eugene. Ore- H am ilton, and of other defendant«, and tract of 160 acres on L ittle river. 35 to be financed this year by direct sub gon. on or before the expiration of J E • Deako and Isabel Denko. his against yon In the above entitled snlt n .m fd defendant« « ¡ - L i miles eaat of Roseburg, for public park alx months from the dale of flret wife. II It Garvin and L o ttie H Gar for divorce w ithin four (4) weeks , ’ d M y rto * • ’ “ R ‘ hard F Farn»-r script Ion by business men. This will purposes. The county recently ap­ publlcallon of thia notice. M Farm er, husband and obviate the need of a qneen contee' vln, his wife, and all persons claim ­ from the date of the flrat publication ; D ale of flret publication hereof ing by. through or under them or any of this summons In the Springfieid 112th day of^M arcii '?#»? ?£d jOn th<‘ plied for thia land, which is in the to raise funds Enough money has » ♦ T t a ? , 1 U S r t U S W - * s . i ! M arch IS, 1930 Oregon and California grant, and will or e ith e r of them In and to tbe said CORA 8 B A R K L O W . premises. or alncc already been pledged to care for the open it for park use«. A d m ln latratrlx of estate of W illia m You are hereby notified that I f you I d -< ‘ r l b r f t i r t and to the above financial needs of the festival. H L SOW N. Lake county sheepmen have or­ It Dawaon, deceased. S h eriff Lane County. Oregon. fall to appear and answ er the said ! said execution I n d r m e n t 8 a ,,s ,i Klamath Falls' w ater supply was In­ Brooke A Bryson. A tto rn ey. M 27 A 3 10-17 24 gan. led the Lakeview Woclgrowers* HmeP,T o ,» r Wdchf-nu p hew m ’V e e r e d I ' c X * * ’ C° 8t’ creased 1000 gallons per minute re­ M 12-20-27 A 3-10 Co-operative association and w ill co­ costa. Estate of Sarah A Byers, deceased. cently with the completion of a larger and the p la in tiff w ill make appllcatlca operate with California woolgrowera' Datud thia 22rd dvv of M arch. 1930 N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S well near Link river by the California- N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S to the court for re lie f praved within H. L. B O W N . association in marketing this season's Notice Is _ hereby given that John R wtl'l com plaint, which „ . ------------------------- -------- la as follows. Oregon Power company. Thia mean« S h e riff of Ijin e County, Oregon Notice la hereby given that the clip. About one million ponnds of Byers has been by the County Court . to w it: First publication on M arch 27th. 1930 6000 gallcna per minute daily w ill be undersigned hue been appointed ad wool in Lake, Klamath and Modoc ° f (?r’>g?B- ,n Bnd fo r ! 7 hal ,b,> m arriage contract now 1 Last publication on A p ril'2 4 th 1930 m in ls lra to r of the estate of R obe.i Lane Clunty. appointed adm inistrate) exlatlng between you and the n latn 'lfi I pumped into tanks for civic use. • ______________ _ h‘ L 30 countire w ill be handled through the P. H artw ig, deceased, by the County Announcement has been made by of the estate of Sarah Byers, deceased I be forever dissolved at the suit of th- m o t ic c c . . . newly formed corporation. Court of iA iie County, Oregon All A ll persons having claims against P lain tiff, and the p ia lr F ff be decreed " O T IC E S H E R IF F ’S SA IN LE R- J. Hubbard, manager of the Win persons having claims against ssld said estate are hereby notified tn p re -' to have the sole care, custody and . O rganlratlon of the dairymen of FO R EC LO S U R E cheater Bay Lumber company, that estate are required to present them aent the same, duly stated and verb , control of the m inor child. John Loy Notice la hereby g i v e n t h a t h . Linn county (or the advancement o f w ith the proper vouchers to the un fled, at the residence of said admin | ton Baas. ; virtue of an execution and o rder o- the m ill, closed for the past three the IndL-otry waa efiected at a couq- deralgned at the law offices of Potter l i l rB,Or’ 9 ‘ 5 22nd Bast In , That on M arch 12. l»30, the above «ale laaued out of »he ClrenV Pour months, resumed operation« with a A King, 634 M iner Building. Eugeno ty-wide meeting held in Albany re­ .**.” * « f>i f 5 nn' or at ,b * residence entitled court made, dated and enter- » f the State of Oregon for I in - force approximately of 260 men. Thia Oregon, within alx months from the cently. D. O. Woodworth, Albany, ra- of A. E. W heeler. 710 I-awrenee 8t . | «1 «" order directing that this sum County, March 11, 1930 upon and nur means a payroll of about 320,000 a date o f thia notice. tiring president of the Oregon Jers ey W,l h.,P "ht months - mons be published In the Springfield -uant to a decree g lv e i and made bv month, Da led at Bugene« Oregon, thia 13th from this 13th day of M arch. l»30. 1 News, once each week for a period »•*n< Distance Hauling a Specialty required to present them I satlsfv certain liens' and”’charges in soft white and western white, »1.13; Evenings by Appointment 1« hard winter, northern spring and west­ state's fiscal bank In New York city w ith the proper vouchers to the un ! ««Id decree specified. I w ill on on Satur- Satur a check for »2,190,763.29, covering th« deralgned at the law offices of Potter day, the 12th day of A pril 1930 at ern red, 31.10. King, 634 M in e r Puilrflng, Eugene | 'he hour of one o'clock p m at the retirem ent of »887 500 of state high­ Hay Alfalfa, 819 per ton; valley Lane County, Oregon, within six Southwest front door of the Count» DR. N. W. EMERY way bonds. »711.514.54 Interest on out­ timothy, »20.60 0 21; eastern Oregon months from »he date of this notice. I Court House In Eugene. Lane Countv standing highway bonde and »591,- D E N T IS T Dated nt Eugcn. Oregon, this 13th °rc s o u , offur for gale and Hell At timothy, J23.50®24; clover, »17; oat 763.75 interest on Oregon veterans’ dnv of Msrch 1930 I public auction Tor cash subject tn hav, »17; oata and vetch, »17.50@l». Sutton Bldg. Phone 20-J K E N N E T H M cC onN «C K . redemption ns provided hy law all of state aid bonds. Outstanding highway Butterfat—37®41e. Residence Phone 153-M A dm inistrator of the estate of Fllxa- I the rig ht, title and interest of the de bonds In Oregon now aggregate »30.- Eggs Ranch, 21®)24c. lieth E. McCornack. deceased. I fondants In said action t n or to the 004,250 as compared with the original Cattle Steers, good, »11 ©11 75. 8prlngfleld, Oregon M 13-20-77 A 3-10! follow ing described rent property Issues of »38.700.000. The total bonded Hogs—Good to choice, »9.76©lo.75. situated In Ijin e County, Oregon 228 Main St. Residence 126 C 8t. Indebtedness of the state has been re­ to -w it: Lambs —Good to choice, »9,25©10. 42 J 42 M N o tic 0 ^ 1 T ° C R E D ly o R S , The "outheaat quarter of the north General Ixtw Practice duced to »69.877.010. Seattle Kh“ r; hy * IVPB th” ' ,hp » eRt quarter, the east h alf of the W heat— Soft white, western white, New wealth brought to Oregon by d .7" r a 'P d ? .nh p','"/"»pointed admin southwest q uarter and the southwea» I. M. PETERSON families locating during the first three he estate of A. I. Yarnell quarter of the southwest quarter ot »1.11; hard w inter, northern spring Pull Auto Equipment Attorney-at-Law H 10; western red. »1.09; bluestom the County Court of Lane section twentv-seven (27) In T n w r months of 1930 Is estimated at »697,- I-ady Assistant City Hall Building , F fn . A ll persons having (ship Nineteen (19) South Ranxe 414. says W. G. Ide. manager of the claims ngalnst said estate are required Tw elve (12i West of the W lllnraett» Eggs Ranch. 2G@29c. state chnmher of commerce. This Is Springfield, Ore. to present .. M eridian, together w ith the tene­ pri'sent them with w ith »a.............. the proper Butterfat— 40c. more than twice the 1929 figure for vouchers to the undersigned at the ment», hereditam ents and nppurten low offices of E. O. Potter, 631 M iner anee» thereunto belonging or In any Cattle— Choice steers. »11 ©13. the same period, which wag »293,425 FRANK A. DE PUE Building. Eugene, Oregon within six wise appertaining. Hoge Prim e light, 310 «0@10.75. According to the Bagley Canning A T T O R N E Y a t law months from the dnte of this notice. Dated M arch 11, 1930. Lambs— Choice, |9@ 10. company, w ith planta at Ashland and Dated at Eugene, Oregon, this 3rd H . L. B O W N . N O T A R Y P U B L IC Talent, the tomato acreage will be In Spokane day o f A pril, 1930. JEWELER S h e riff of Idine County, Oregon C attle- Steers, good, 3 1 0 .2 6 © ll. creased 60 per cent In Rogna river EDNA B YA R N ELL, Sutton Brooke A Bryson. Attorney« foi Springfield RnpfiirJng a Specialty A d m ln la tra trlx of the estate of A. plaintiffs, R«o W illa m e tte street, Hogs - Good to choice, »10.60. valley. The company la making prep­ Building Oregon L, Y arnell, deceaaed. HprtnKfleM, Oregon Lambs— Medium to good, »9 50@10. Eugene. Oregon. arations to put up the largest pack A 7-10-17-24 M 1 M 1S-28-37 A 2-14 of tomatoes to lta history this y « M l F lJ * HALE-—No tup Ilurbank nml n î w * ? r n “ H" " d ,,o u io a a — « ih i »« oenIlidJ*t* 7Ui Uk* *l “»• '*» ¡ B U S IN E S S D IR E C T O R Y ! Walker-Poole Chapel Funeral Directors D. W. Roof