I PAU» »IX THR SPRINGFIKî.n NKWS TIÍUR8DAY, APRIL IO. 1030 ruin mu. Luke has n bi< influant-« In Ounner mm the door, the City «.id even now the mere eu*- Margaret « . . unprepared for the COUNTY AGENT GIVES ' gestion that 1 was antagonistic to him type Ih«i ca„,e Into the room The WORM POISON FORMULA . In making a o.g d iffered a." , m M > hawk iac. had . , (|| B|)d The following formula for poisoning To hl» surprise she la us bed a certain reflnoniont which she had cutworms has been recommended by “Hanlon, you're making ms feel Ilka not expented a pig You d ont Imagine I would al- "Are you Mrs. Msddl.on?" drawled 1» H Fletcher. lame County Agrlcul- ' ° f R"M* tO *Ufi*r becaua* ’h* »«»l«or. and she Inclin ed her hoed lural agent. In maponae *lo several requests for Information concerning ' of the help he tried to glee m u f t «lightly. Margaret Ijafem*. engaged to be Danton Morrell was puxsled. Why My name I. H ayn.e -th e police meane of combatting these peats. married to Luke MaddUoa. la with him when he encounters Ounner the floors were firmer, the doors she had worked It out to th e hour. “An was she so cheerful* And then he re- know me ns Gunner llaynee I'm a "Mix logelher. dry. X6 pounds of . Haynes, ._ 7 — . n American m rau iu croon. an crook. in In a a i s**mrd heavier She opened one of soon as I am certain that Luka la at membered that she would be la Jewel thief among ,th .r things." he coarse bran, one pound of table salt, London hotel lobby. Danton Morell ‘heae ard showed him Into a room. and one pound of white araeulc, or Ronda In a few days, would be unite,! said ? M ygn rete brother. Rex ¡the comfort of which wae rather Ronda I shall go to him.** "Kxactly what will you any to him? srlth her husband. The thought m ad. HI. to o . wgk a . c.lm . . though he Pnrla Green Add one quart of cheap Is watching them, and wonders If u . . rstner Gunner recognises him after seven ’ ' . * , expected something He He coud coud not not reslat reslat asking aaktng thia thia him wince, he was beginning to un w er. announcing him self the member molaseee to two gallons of warm wa­ year*. That eight Rex 1. found dead » « t ^ U r t y uninviting. and It w«s question, though hs realised eve« » . derstsnd how big a place thia girl of an honorable guild ter ITepare Ihe mash for dlatriou- and by his side a note addreeeed to Po“ ,b,e U>*t had this been the case ha anoka th . w . n h ** h l. atoter aayln, that he had been he would have declined the b Z . ° f had made for herself In hit life. It wae j •'! met your husband once; hs tried tlon by adding enough of (he eynip ehooia ns . •olu,,OB '*1« «•<»>. according t„ Mrs M yrtle decides to keep and see what hap- **nce he went away were removed on ome Interested given him the money back, not be- did you?” he began, and saw the look Monday and full Kgglmann. senior guardian of (he pens. The nurse comes Into his Person must have sent that wire I c a u s e h- h .s — _ 1 ■ Z k --------- summer weight loads will he permit room with the announcement that a almost feel as thought 1 » had an5r <>K* rl«ht to It, of astonishment on her face. Juveniles A short business meeting ted on these roads, according to Ray. friend wishes to see him. ¡b» „ » , 7 L “ ‘° but beca“a* 1 »<* have dared "Do you know him?" followed by sn snlertainm enl sod re­ * " “ ‘J ? “ * gome « « “ • f° ' «» f e e a public Inquiry. He may Now go on with the story. He nodded and glanced significant­ mond U ulsh, resident engineer. freshments const II uted the program. The sections which have been un­ ly at the girl. l t , x eh , r n r r r - — The next meeting will be held »Her “A frleud of yours wishes to "Just wait a moment outside, will der the weight limit ban were the school starts la September. terribly cruel, but I cannot right one I should be awfully uncomfortable wrong with another. That la the eon- you." •aid Margaret. When the girl Thur*,on Waltervllle sec tions of the you." she said. "He says he knows 'f I thought my money made any dlf- »(deration which made me give hack had gone m e and an d th d n .,» closed ahe ask­ McKenile, and the Goshen-Lowell you." the » door Birthday Dinner Qlven ference in your scheme. sections of the Willamette Luke frowned ______ _ Danton. ,h e money to Mr Stiles.'. she went on ed: "Who Is heT' Mrs. M II. Hunlly entertained at "A friend? I'm sure he's m lets ken H ,Ppf,y’ ^on'r® » rich man." He's a man I don't think you The 400 pound load limit remains In a voice less tense more agreeable a surprise d.nuer at her home oa me for somebody else." * ntT nodd« l «lowly. He had that almost friendly. ought to see He's a criminal, the effective on the Cheshire Ix>w Paaa Monday evening in honor of the “No, he particularly asked for you. recelTP<1 » warning letter We shall hare to thresh out this fellow who was arrested that night summit section of the Sluslaw high­ birthday of her husband. Major M B. He said the man who was stabbed; ot rora *• banker, for he had been business of Rex— It is rery ugly and at the Carlton. If you take my advice way. Hunlly a group of relatives and course. I didn't tell him your name 8pen<,,ng money and losing large hurtful, and I can t think of U calmly you II send him away." close friends were Invited. was Smith, because It Isn't." i **B” hls f,T °rite gaming house In She hesitated. Furchases Supplies — Mrs. W H. was Smith, because It isn't.1 .. . . «>— » «««»« a n ------ now. Luke s