•o >° r* I TH VH H D A Y. APRIL 10, 1930 s p R iK n n w f j) vwnvR PAGE FIVE W. A. TAYLOR W ILL BUILD NEW RESIDENCE IN C ITY TOWN AND VICINITY Tuesday night elected Mra. Robert Drury and H a rry L. G illette as the members of a com m ittee from th e ir W A. T ay lo r announced here this church to meet w ith sim ilar c o m a lt- morning that he has already started construction work on a new resi­ i tees from other churches to m ake a r­ the annual lju ie dence between Sixth and Seventh rangements for j County Sunday School convention, to streets on A street. T }je building w ill be a firs t class fram e and plas­ I be held In Springfield (be first p art ter building and la being built as a I of May. Fr«m Jasper- bum D rury of Jasper, a Saturday vlaltor In Bpringflald. Penpra Man H e ra — Ira Baldw in, of i I ’engra, waa a vlakor In thia d ly on P ram W a lte r v H le - Mrs. I.M Htavana I Saturday. of W alterv llle , purchased a ip p ll« * In Tranaaeta Buatneaa — N. Boden, ol M pilngflald Saturday. M arcola, waa a bualneaa vlaltor here Vlalta Friends Mra. Jim Quean, of yealerday. M urióla, vlaln.il with frisada lu thia Hospital Patient Discharged - - ' IMch i tty on Haturday. Monro., waa dlacharged from the Jaapar Rtalciant Mera M. L. WaJ- Pacific C hrlatlan hoapltal In Kugene **“ ” • of Jasper. spent Saturday morn on Saturday, lie had been receiving In« In Hprlngflrlh. medical tre a tm e n t new home for M r. and Mra. T aylo r Committees from the other churches which have already been a pp oin t'd lot baa been torn down to make room are: Christian enurch. MJaa Frances T ra v is and » O. M oehler; and Mr«. for the new building. Pete H a rrin g Rice and H a rry Chase from the Bap­ ton, fatber-ln law of M r Taylor, baa tist church the contract and w ill employ local labor exclusively. An old structure which stood on the Two Man R ssnllsted —Sergeant C. Dismissed from Hoapltal— Mra. Roy B e rtt «nil Hergeant O rvul Baton i Brew er waa dismiss« d from the Pad- were both re-enlisted Into the local | f ir t hrlatlan hospital In Kugene on unit of the national guard Friday. Saturday. She underwent a m ajor operation recently. Maa M a jo r O p e ra tio n — Mra. Del ban Me Baa underwent a m ajor op­ V is itin g fro m P o rtla n d — M rs , Fan eration at tn r Pacific C h rlatlan hue nle G riffin , of Portland, a form er re­ pltal on Saturday. (Mir la making a sident of Springfield, la spending rapid recovery. some tim e In (hla vicinity visiting r SUNDAY SCHOOL CROUP 3«-lncb Fast C olo r v rln ts ___ •' SELECTS C O M M ITTEES Officers and teachers of the Sunday ¡ Kiiiouiy •1 E. B R O A D W A Y school Undsrgoas Operation — W ilm a P o l 1 her son and other relatives. loch, form er realdent of Springfield, Returns from V isit — Mra. Eliza • now living at Kincaid park In Ku W lnaenreld returned Tuesday from • gone, underwent a m ajor operation Portland, where she has been visit at the Pacific C hrlatlan hoapltal in Ing w ith her daughter, Mrs. Joe Kugene Saturday. Lemmon. 29c PRE-EASTER OFFERINGS FULOP’S DEPARTMENT STORE SPECIALS ON HOUSE DRESSES Latest styles and materials 98c to $1.48 BACK IN UNIFORM AGAIN - L ' dtocu8 “ » M r of the University of Oregon, again has donned his spring uniform. Ed has been out for several months with a broken elbow, received in a collision last * ,nter »hen a hob sled he was riding crashed into a telephone pole. Ed was the first man to toss the discus over the 160-foot mark. He hopes to break th$ new world record this year. EASTER NOVELTIES v i.it. at Portland _ EASTER H A TS T N D BONNETS In the popular colon and best materials $1.98 to $3.48 M, lba F!VE HUNDRED CLUB : M ellon went to Portland for a short Everything in the Easter Novelty line is here awaiting your selection. Fancy Easter Eggs, Easter Bunnies and Baskets, as well as Easter Novelties of all kinds. Visit our store, we have an unusual largo selection In many différant lines. PROMPT DELIVERY We pride ourselves on always making deliveries prompt* ly and efficiently. Phone orders receive the same prompt attention as though you came in person. A store full of home grown Vegetables— Lettuce, Spinach, Rhubard, etc. Phone W. A. TAYLOR 9-WHITE Phone ^ m. I visit last Saturday. EN TER TA IN ED FRIDAY SM ART F IT T IN G COATS Mrs. C. H . Phetteplace and Mra. W . Moves te Eugene— Mra. Lee Clarg i moved Kugene on Tuesday. She I R. Dawson entertank-d the members j of the Five Hundred club a t the Daw- was a fo rm er lib rarian bere. eon home F riday evening. T he meet­ H a t O p e ra tio n — Evelyn W a lk e r un- ing was to have been held before, but derw eijt a m ajor operation at the was postponed owing to the illness ; Pacific Christian hoapltal In Eugene of Dr. Phetteplace. Mrs. Maude Bryan and Misa Crystal I on Tuesday morning. Bryan were awarded the high prixes for the members, while Mrs. W. C. Leave« for Father's Bedside— Miss j M argaret M orris left Springfield on Rebhan received the consolation prise. The guest prise was won by M r. and j Monday for Iowa, to be w ith her Floyd B. Flanery. | father, who Is very III. Foot Injured— Al Hlgglna. of T rent Injured hla left foot on Monday when he Jumped from a toggling truck while at work. He waa brought here for tnedloal attention. The guests of the evening were M r. and Mrs. Flanery and M r. and Mra. Clarence Chaae. The members [»resent were M r. and Mrs. W. H. Adran. Mr. and Mra. F. A. DePne. Mrs. Maude Bryan, M r. and Mrs W elby Stevens. Dr. and Mrs. W. Move from Cottage G ro vt— The W. C. Rebhan. C lifford Wilson. Mrs. C. B. Bradford fam ily, of Cottage Grove, j H. Phetteplace. and M r. and Mrs. W. moved to Springfield and have es- K. Dawsftn. tabllahed th e ir residence In the Bat- chelden house on E street. T he H otel E lite has taken over the Buss Cafe and w ill run a dining room To V la jt Daughter— Mra Sam Rich­ In connection w ith the hotel rooms mond and her daughter Helene, leave They give special rates on board and room. x 2< this afternoon for Ashland, where they w ill spend some lim e with her daughter. Lucille, who la attending th< norm al school there. ’ In the newest weaves and colon. Every one a real bargain $12.95 to $19.95 NEW SPRING FROCKS In the season’s newest modes and fabrics $9.95 to $12.95 These generous offerings afford every thrifty woman a a chance to make substantial savings on her Easter Clothing Fulop’s Department Store 334 Main Street SPRINGFIELD If you w ant a good home cooked meal for 40c go to the Buss Cafe. No 305 In the E lite H o tel building. A-24 W illam ette valley loganberries were hard hit by the recent below-freezing temperatures, according to Ini or ma tlon brought to Salem by sro«ois Blackberries also a e ie s-.d to have suffered from tlie ooh. . .1. Intangibles ttxes of >50.859.17 has been turned over to the state treasur­ er by the state tax commission. It was estimated that the tax would ralae approximately >100.000. The law provides that the tax shall be payable prior to March 1. Unemployment la becoming a prob­ lem on Coos bay and North Bend and M arshfield churltable organisations are planning for a wide effort In relief measures. The situation, us some view It, Is more demanding than It has been for several years. Leonard Refrigerators at a Decided Saving in Price T hrifty housewives will be delighted at the Savings and the large assortment of different styles to choose from. Models to fit every woman's purse. Come early before the best values are sold. Priced at $14.75, $17.75, $23.75, $26.50, $$29.75, $52.50 5 0 0 lbs. ICE FREE W IT H EACH REFRIGERATOR OVER $20.00 ICE will be delivered by Springfield Creamery, makers of Maid O’ Cream Products •O N B R R A A O H IT ' TO B R M A T H C th r o u g h N o i e is t h a t i t MJBAP TOUKMOW TM Wright & Sons •