í t « s n r i 'O ,o / 1 THVItHDAY, APRIL to, 1930 THIS HPkING FIELD NEWS L it E SKETCH OF SENATOR HALL n r n M b llr a n t'n n d ld a fe W e ll Q a a lir ie d f o r PuM ltloa n t G o ie m o r . FLOUR SACKS EXPLODE; were soaked with gas PAGE T H U E* CYCLE RIDER INJURED AFTER PEDAL IS LOST Uaaolln« la a poor aubalance to try anti boll things In. thinks Mra. K L. M atthews, of Goshen. and ah« know* bm aua- »he tried it at her bom« on Monday morning. M „ M a„ h. w> , , . ---------" -------- I Ingly boll gasoline. but what aba did | waa to soak a large num ber of flour aacka In gasoline, thinking this 'would aid In removing tha coloring, and then placed them Into a boiler of hot w ater on the stove to boll. A New Store loosing one of the pedals o ff hla motorcycle hare Saturday night waa sufficient for Don Gregory, of West Springfield, to loa« control of bis A quarter of a le n iu ry ago. a young m arhlne and cause him to be thrown •nan. lured to Oregon by , h . « . „ the ««■( was awloglng a ahovel in to I he pavement, as a result of • Pori land M W ar. As each day end* which he received several bad bruises " he would rllm b sleep alalre Io tbe and a deep gaab over bis left aye. He fifth floor of the Trem ont h o te l- waa taken to the office of a local there waa no elevator - to hla 11 a physician Im m ediately and It eras as­ week room. certained Ihere that tha Injuries were Today, with a fiction like record not aerlnua, although they were pain­ of aucreaa behind him, the m a o - She was suffering from bad burns ful. < harlea lla ll aland* be fore the nub Hr aa a candidate fur tbe republican on her left arm from bar shoulder to nomination for governor. In 1#ZI he the wrist, end minor burns on har FIRE CAUSES NO DAMAGE barely mlaaed the nomination, loalng face and the other arm when brought by Suu votea. AT DAISY LANE DAIRY to tha office of a local physician to lie taught school three terma In have h«r Injuries dressed a fte r the A fire, which waa discovered at the I'unnaylvanla after completing hla flour sacks exploded. elem entary education In a little red Daisy Lana Dairy, weal of flprlng- achool houae near hla father's farm fleld. last Saturday, charred tha walla When he slapped from ib« port VIDA MAN'S AUTOMOBILE hul did not do any damage to the land sewer ditch, he taught a term DAMAGED IN ACCIDENT machinery before It waa put out by at f latskanle. Thia teaching exper neighbors, who noticed the flames. tence gave him an Intim ate knowledge A slippery stretch of road proved Ralph Cline was not at the d airy at of educational problems In which he. Io be a serious obstacle In the path ol the lim e of the fire, and arrived home aa a state eenator and leader s i s i e senator lender In pob .. ... -------------- He life has been actively concerned K ” ' -W' ot V,d* ' Monday morning to find that there had been a fire and Hall, a fter leaving school work, was h“ "«•«•<1 ta r Springfield and that It waa already extinguished. employed by an uncle In a drug store ••"•«’" ■ •r ‘ ««ind him self o ff the side Snarks from the boiler are believed at ( lalakanle ||e saved syslcmatl of (he road trying to remove a tele­ to have Ignited a pile of sawdust ra lly during hla early years, and than phone pole which was firm ly Imbedd nearby, causing the blase. »"gaged In Umber crulalng. He waa ed there. successful and made enough Io at­ Goff was driving down a private THREE LOCAL PEOPLE tend the U niversity of Mlchlgsu 1(03 OS. In ISoe he returned to Oregon, road towards the M cKenale highway i CALLED FOR JURY DUTY where ha acquired a drug «tore at and was almost there when tbe car Ih.nd R|»er T h ere he . . . , r l(v . struck a slippery root, swerved, turn- — ------ T hree Springfield resident« are In- m the work of the Chamber of Com u i / . A WPl" * 1^ ‘ r ” Un‘1 * “ d ran ,n ,° • c|u4ed ,n ‘ he list of twenty-one pros­ “ A1"” ' h" * “ lh r organ telephone pole before he realised pective Jurors which have been called for the next term of circuit court, • " * * - ............ " X . " r . " U T Z . which opens on A p ril 1«. T he three organisation of tha Oregon State Springfield people on the Jury are In one corner of the back seat a fte r Peter L. Nelson, Mrs. Guy Halsey, and Chamber of Commerce for more com prebenalve efforts In behalf of tbe the machine had stopped, H erb ert J. Cox. state, and waa the first state presi The car waa considerably damaged. dent. doing lo Coos county, be took over I M r. Goff escaped with a bad shaking HEALTH UNIT TO MEET I • alrnggilng rural telephone system | * p' AT WILSON HOME HERE which and far - was undercapitalised ■^KaillSI] anti - ■ leg the problem of serving a rapidly . WILLAKEN2IE GRANGE TO The Springfield unit of the Idine growing but widely scattered area I u m e r- County Health association w ill meet He bull! and strengthened It until It ' HAVE EXHIBITS AT FAIR at the home of Mra. C. O. Wilson on waa known for Its efficiency. Its 1 ----- The W lllakensle Grange voted un- Wednesday afternoon. A p ril 1«. The friendly min donah Ip with Ita anlmoualy at th e ir meeting last week M " y hea,th pro* ram io r ,he ' lomera, and Ita low ratea. À dH ormi n »M organiser und build - - - ------ — wwm er. he founded the Hank of Soul! wealern Oregon O rernn a . « n m d 'la i . . ta - . r the Auier . . ___ I wealern lean Rank of Marshfield He waa among the first leaders to see the commercial value of the Columbia river highway, and Inter eslcd many Influential men to Join the drive to put the project a c m a . I As chairman of the senate highway com mittee, ba fostered much of the legislation for belter highways. If nominated and elected, he aays. on» of his first mores w ill be to slart his “ In d ustriatile Oregon" pro­ gram by calling a meeting of repre aetiiaMvu citisene from each county In the atate. to «upport support the the I^ane Ijtn e county coumv P a ir . thia a . . »<•'"»'» » '» the topic discussed by lo I fall. Plana wore made for putting a the women. Miss Beth Konkel. sec­ - ' ,o r p“ “ ,n * a Grange exhibit In one of the booths. retary of the Ijin e county association Several Individuals also declared Ih e lr w ill be present at the meeting. Intention of sponsoring exhibitions of th e ir own. PORTLAND WOMAN DIES W. A. Ayers, m arket master of the Producers' Public m arket. In Kugene, waa the principal speaker at the meeting. He talked on “G row ing Victory D ata.” Elmo Chase, master of the W ills- kenxle Grange, presided at the meet lag. SPRINGFIELD BAKERY AT McKAY HOME HERE Mrs. Florence G riffith , aged 73 years, died here F riday morning at the home of her brother. J. S. M cK ay, j 731 F street. She had been visiting In this city for three weeks prior to her death. H er home waa In Port­ land. Mra. G riffith waa born In Cook county. Tenneasee, and came to th is state in 1864. She la survived by one son. Roy G riffith . Portland; and three brothers, Robert M cK ay. W inlock, W ashington, David M cK ay. W ilbu r, Oregon, and J. 8. M cK ay. Springfield Funeral services were held here on Saturday at the W alker-Poole chapel Rev Ralph M ullholand. pastor of the Raptlst church, officiated and the re­ mains were taken to Portland In a motor hearse for Interm ent. SELLS CONCESSION Roseburg Resident Hare — W . B Jollff, of Roseburg, spent the week The bakery concession held by the end here visiting w ith friends. Springfield Bakery at the Producer«’ C a rte r Resident Here — Mrs. F rank Public m arket In Eugene, h a t been Snyder, of C arter, was In Springfield aold. according to an announcement fo r a few hours on Saturday. mnde here Monday morning by Fred Freae, of m the local bakery. u i . i * . » • L « — ------ proprietor tyt e in ra i nnfccrv. P o ^ if ’a * " l , n , , ' i T h# c° n" ‘« "« n haa been purchased of Portland, paaaed through Spring by T. C Bradley, of Kugene. a form er field Saturday on hla way to Rainbow grocer In that city. He contemplates where he Is Interested In a fox ranch engaging In business at the m arket and w ill handle the products of other Here fo r Medical Care — Mrs. Fred Spends W eek End w ith Parents— bakeries In nddlllon to those of the W right, of Marcóla, waa a caller at a Kenneth Delatasus spent the week Springfield plant. local physician's office on Monday end here at the home of M r. and Mra. K iley 8nodgreaa. Return from 8». Helene- M ajo r and Mrs. M. H. H u n tly returned to Spring- Held on Friday, a fte r spending several days with th e ir daughter, who was rrltlc a lly III. Mrs. H u n tly returned to 8L Helena on Wednesday. Marcóla W om an III — Grandm other Irish , mother of Charles Irish, of M ar­ róla, Is reported to be seriously 111 at her home w ith pneumonia. Has Pulm an at the Eu«ene Blue R lvar Resident H ara— M aurice W h yte, of Blue River, was a business v is ito r In Springfield on Saturday. C all« on Friends— Ed W a ll was n w eek end visitor In this city. H la home la In Marcóla. F all Creek Man Hera — Hubert Stevick of Fall Creek, waa among the out of town vlaltors in this city on Monday. —Transacts Bualneas— Charles Neet, o f F all Creek, was a bualneas visitor In this city last Saturday morning. Former Residents Hare — Mr. and Mra. Glenn Radahaugh, former real- dan ts of Springfield, now living at Boaeburg, were vlaltora In thia city on Sunday. M r. Radahaugh waa coa- M ctad with Tha Nawa offica while Store MO 8tore 600 No. «— Charaalton 8 L . Eugene. No. 4— Main 8t.. Bpriagfteld. Opening Specials - S p r in g f ie ld S to r e O n ly Thursday, Friday, Saturday NO LIMIT-BUY ALL YOU WANT MATCHES Carton, 6 boxes 27c 39c 15c 41c 32c Milk Bordens. Carnation, Alpine, Pet, Federal Tall. 3 cans ..................... 25c Small, 6 cans ............ 25c Post Toasties, 2 pkgs, . 15c Kellogg’s Corn Flakes 2 packages .......... .......15«. Kellogg’s Bran Flakes Package ......... ............. -|0c Kellogg's Bran Flakes Package ............ 10c Kellogg’s All Bran, pkg. 10c Kellogg's Rice Krispies Package ............ ........... 10c Kellogg’s Krumbles, pkg. 10c Kellogg’s Shredded Wheat Package ....................... 10c Sperry's Wheat Heatrs 3 lb. package ....... ...... 25c Sperry’s Pancake Flour 10 lb sack 59c FLOUR Golden Bell Hard Wheat 23c Betty’s Pride Hard Wheat 49 lb sack ................ $1.75 Sperry a Drifted Snow No. 1% can ....... 1 2 M iC Hillsdale, broken slices No. 2 ^ can ...... 1 9 c CIGARETTES Camel. Lucky Strike, Old Gold, Chesterfield Carton............5 1 . 1 5 Hank’s Fruit Stand 1 2 ‘^C 35c 45c 49 lb. sack _______ $1.65 49 lb. sack ........ Fisher’« Blend 49 Ib. sack ___ $1.85 $1.85 Best Valley Flour 49 lb. sack................. $1.49 Pastry Flour, White Star 10 lb. sack 3©~ C. A H. BERRY SUGAR 10 pound sack .............. 55c 25 pound s a c k .... ..... $1.35 100 pound sack ___ $5.35 Brown Sugar, 4 lbs...... 25c Powdered Sugar, 3 lbs. 25c Cube Sugar, 2 lb. carton 19c IN RALPH A STANLEY’S GROCERY, SPRINGFIELD We Carry a Full Line of Fresh Fruit» and Vegetables, and our Prices are Right Come in and Get Acquainted. Opening Specials, Thursday, Friday and Saturday Large Juicy ORANGES Dozen ........................... 59c CARROTS ........... Bunch 5c ONIONS, Cood Firm Stock, 10 lbs. ............... 19c LEMONS, Fancy Sunkist Dozen ........................... 32c □ L L u n o iV lA M K L I In RALPH A STANLEY STORE, SPRINGFIELD In RALPH A STANLEY STORE, SPRINGFIELD Complete Line of Sperry’s and Crabtree’s Grains and Feeds C u t P r ic e M e a t s - - -Opening Special, Thursday, Friday, Saturday PURE LARD Pound Also GARDEN SEEDS ^/2 Fancy Bacon Back* Pound ALL STEAKS J.C.PENNEYC0 942 Willamette St., From Marcóla — Ruth Bower, of M arcóla, visited w ith friends w hile In $ p rln g fle ld on Saturday. We have opened a new store, and and a Kprlngfleld store, and we aollclt your patronage on m erit only — quality merchandise with only legitim ate profits added We have bought property in Springfield; Springfield labor did Store No. 1— our building and remodeling, and 126 East Broadway. Eugene. we have two Springfield Clerks. Store No. S— K M L. Moore and Paul Crandall, 8 6 (6 West Broadway. Eugene employed In the store. And If you’ll keep mum I'll give you a tip— our [banager la going to become a Springfield resident, too. believe In Springfield, we like the people In and about Spring- field. and we beileve this little city la on the eve of much g reater pros- P *r *ty— The Lucky Boy Mine, the A ir Port, the new Cream ery, a pro­ posed Paper M ill and many other fnin*« are going to make un grow. And one of the greatest assets of thia city, we find you all home boomers; and In at least one way you are an exception to most every other community In the United State»— you have no Chain Stores. But your W all Street concerns w ill CORN MEAL come a fter you have grown a little White or Yellow larger, a fter you have your main 9 pound sack expense« covered— your schools, your churches, your roads. They w ill come lo poach, and send th e ir THOMPSON’S profit» to W all 8tre e t, but they w ill MALTED MILK never come to own property, pay 1 pound can, 60c size taxes and help you build. < live Stanley, the manager of IMITATION VANILLA this new Ralph A Stanley Store. Bunny Brand No. 4, Is a h alf owner In the busi­ ness, and when you patronize us 4 ounce bottle ___ )OU are not buying from a manager woo la here today and transferred SCHILLING'S COFFEE to some other store tomorrow. We want your patronage, but we The best coffee put In cans. don t ask business through sym­ Pound pathy. If we reduce your living costs land I know we w ill) kindly BETTY'S PRIDE give us the credit due for putting BEST BLEND COFFEE Springfield groceries on a llve-and let live basis. You save the price of the W hen we came back to Eugene can. 1 pound pkge. five years ago we found that town almost the highest priced grocery SCHILLING’S town on the Pacific Coast, and we BAKING POWDER claim the credit for making Eugene the lowest priced grocery town In I 12 ounce can .......... .. O ^ g o n . anil s Pr ingfleld will now be la Eugene's class, aa prices w ill SCHILLING'S TEA always be the same at all Ralph A Black or Green Stanley Stores — excepting occa- 4 ounce can _____ alonalI specials such aa are offered Springfield buyers In this ad SCHILLING’S Come In and see us, and If other lies don't forbid, boost for us be­ PURE EXTRACTS cause It is going to take volume Vanilla or Lemon selling to m aintain prices such as 4 oz. bottle ........ . we Intend giving. We thank you, PINEAPPLE RALPH A STANLEY. Rosedale, sliced Geo. C. Stanley, Mgr. C r a b tr e e ’s Seed and Feed Store M ajor O peration— Mra. J. Il underwent a m ajor operation Pacific Christian hospital la on F rid a y morning. Jasper People H ere F riday — Mr. and Mra. A. It. M cCum ber, of Jasper, were visitor« In Springfield Friday. A Springfield Store Pure Pork Sausage Pound Kugene, Oregon Spring Styles For Young Mon ‘ 19.75 Extra Pant« $4.98 The Ardsley Expertly tailored of caaaimeies, twists and worsteds la atrt| ea, overplaids and novalty waavva. Your chaka of tha aaaaoa'a Mweat coloring«. Suit« a t $24.75 and $29.75 Pound 25c Fresh Ground Hamburger. Ib. PERFECTION Bakery Products ANNOUNCEMENT M r. Stanley has decided to handle Springfield manufactured bread ex cluslvely, and w e are proud to be able to supply him w ith a ao-much needed s ta ff of life It has always been our aim , and we have succeeded „ “ J ? rK*' tneahure. In producing In P E R F E C T IO N B R E A D a loaf of the highest quality. We have been pleased w ith the patronage P E R F E C T IO N B R E A D has won for ua both here In Springfield and In Eugene, and we w ill continue to re ta il the same high quality bread In the new Stanley store. If. however, It la dealred that a leas expensive loaf of bread be »old, we w ill m anufacture. In our own plant, a new loaf to meet thia demand. Our Products will ba Always Freah. SPECIALS for THURSDAY, FRIDAY A SATURDAY OUR OWN TWIN LOAVES -■ r- Two Full Pounds * OC COOKIES, all kinds Q/Z Two dozen for Algo • Full Lin« of Pastries Baked Daily SPRINGFIELD BAKERY "A Springfield Institution" F. Q Fr«a«, Prop