í,«:nn o »** n Try tho H om t Print Shop Firat TW BNTY-HIBVKNTH YEAH THESPRINGFÏELD NEWS « H. S J FRIDAY BPIÜNOFMLD, LANK COUNTY OKKOON- S ta n le y 's S tore is S* I, . Open H e re Today MRS PAGE RESIGNS; ALL OTHERS accept CONTRACTS BUT ONE / A "The People's Paper" L IV E NEW SPAPER IN A L I V f T O W N THURHOAY. APRIL 10, 1030 School S tudent» O ra to rio S in g ers 9 W in M usic P rizes P ro g ra m F r id a y BUILDERS TOiTEST AIRPLADE Springfield Bakery Get* Con- Mr8 8 •’age hd » handed in her , resignation ae teacher a t the Lincoln Fiv* Place* Won by Six Entries All Solo Part* Have Been As­ cession; Many Other De­ in Musical Festival Heid at school and w ill not teach neat year Lincoln School Unit«« Thoir signed; Bing on Good partments are Featured University Laat Saturday. ¡T h ia Inform ation was made public at Program With High School; Friday. Small*»t Monoplane in Oregon A new modern grocery etore la the meeting of the school board held Third and Fourth Grade* to to be Given Initial Test Flight Springfield high school student* Just one week rem ain* before the n if t r uu tn ,k ln E Ha In itia l bid to the people of Offer Comedy; Conte.t Win- „prlB<,leld and ylcllll,y lod. y „ "» Monday evening Mrs. W. R. b aker added new laurel* to tho«e already presentation by the Springfield Ora­ Sunday at 1:00 o’clock; Re­ l i e n to be Heard. , the newest of the Halph « Stanley ha* also Indicated that she w ill not won by the ichool last week when torio Society of the cantata "The Re­ duced Passenger Fares; Ship store*, and I* to be known aa store return to teach English a t the local they won five place* w ith six entries dem ption," which w ill be given neat Wa* Built Here. One of the most Interesting pro In the University Music Pest. number 4. grams to be presented at the local The store w ill become a Springfield high school this year w ill be the Institution, aays tleorge Stanley In C< mblned musical and dram atic en bis opealng announcement. T he trrta la m e n t which will be held at the clerks are now residents of Hprlng- high school auditorium tomorrow fleld, and Clive Stanley, who I* the evening at 7: JO. manager of the store, w ill soon es­ The Lincoln school pupils end the tablish hla residence In thia city. T he high school m uslral groups had each clerk* Hre It M L. Moore and l*aul pl*KD*d an Individual program for Crandall. that evening, but decided at a coo- Manager H a * H a lf Interest frrence ibis week to unite the pro- Clive Stanley ha* purchased a half gr ms. elim inating the less Im portant Interest In the store and w ill be per- parts of each, amt presenting a com- manently located In thia city, lie ha* blued musical and dramaUc enter- previously announced that all the , a n m enl which w ill be something business attalrs of the local store, In ­ unusual In Springfield school circles. cluding the banking of the fund* o f Friday evening at the M ethodist church by a group of --------- almost , fifty ---------------------- The firs t test night of the small soio were entered In class B group S frln g fle ld singers, assisted by some rno" ,’ P’*n e which the Inman achool ot employed who did not accopt th eir and they both won firs t prises. Eld­ soloists from Eugene | Flying Is now completing In Spring- re-election* which were made at the red Glaapy entered the violin contest field w ill take place at the Spring- Just two more rehearsal* are to be The girls quartet, consisting of last meeting of the school btjard. held, one tonight and one next Thur- : field m unicipal airport next Sunday ! afternoon at l oo o’clock, according The teachers.had two w eek* In which Verwlee Hawke. Jule Pollard. Blanche 8- b7 McDowell. begin promptly at 7:30 aa the pro­ block at the corner of F ifth and Main quarte, composed of W ilfre d c £ k X l X d ‘ PP" T ‘ * T street* and have com pletely remodel- ,n’’n‘ ber8 of tb " achool hoard and The contest was participated In by gram w ill be longer lhan had been Barnell and Alfred ^ r r r i n g . pilot le8cb «bother year, eludente from all parta of the state, Mrs. Rae. W . K. o rigin ally Intended, and It is not de­ ed the lower floor, which form erly i‘’y lowing cup for faking the to accept the re- The soloists w ill be A lfred Freae, The musical part of the program have aleo Invested In another new for her failin g The ship to be tested Sunday w a * most places In the festival. Mrs. Arah Hoyt Rae. M ’ s. W C. Reb­ designed by M r. Inm an and M r. Mae- w ill be provided by the various structure In this city, the new home n * » a l of her present contract. H e r Baker. former han. Mrs. W . K . Barnell. W ilfred M anim an. They designed the twn musical group* a t the high school. of the Ketela drug store, which husband. W illia m Cook. V eltie P ru itt, and Dallas ship« now owned by the school, and Including all of the prise winning George Stanley had built shortly a fte r » 'h le tlc director at the high school, BRIDGE DISMANTLING recently accepted a position aa base Murphy. GETS WELL UNDER WAY selection* given at the Music Feat at purchasing the Sutton property. all Inspector* who have examined E ight People E m plo y'd baJI co8cb ■« the U niversity. them declare that they both have * the University last week. DURING THE PAST WEEK Several additional solos and group The opening of the new store w ill Beard Espresse* Aeqre, much larg er safety ratio than la re­ Proceeds to Aid Contest E n tra n t* song* have been added to the cantata sdd a , least eight more people to The members of , h . school beard W ork of dism antling the old Spring- Tickets w ill sell for IS and IS cents. quired. The cabin monoplane, which to give more soloist work, says M r. The Lincoln achool w ill use the funds the t l.t of employed people In thia regret very much losing. M rs Page field bridge across the W illam ette w ill he naed Sunday for p***^ngeF M cKinney, l a e y have been well , , aBd M r" Baker, state« W illia m G. riv e r Is progressing even faster this flying, was landed highly laat w eek they receive for the purchase ot ‘ " - i chosen and w ill work in nicely w ith The new store I . a complete food Hughe*, clerk of the board Thev week than the contractor* had a n ti­ b” Lieutenant Basil Sm ith, who In­ athletic equipment, and the high the general Idea of , the cantata, he No actual dism antling has achool w ill use th e ir share of the re- department store, consisting of bak- froth had the conUd-nce of the board cipated spected It for a state license. T he a ir­ sa; a. eelpta to pay the expense* of the ery, vegetable, and seed and feed de- and th eir work has been very satis been started as yet. but more than worthy license was granted and ha* h alf of the heavy false scaffolding been received. entrants to the state music contests parim enta, all operating under the factory, concession* from the Ralph A Stanley _. being erected under the structure to at Forest Grove. The new plane has a w ing spread organisation. I ” h" loc81 «chool board Is ’ now prevent its falling Into the riv e r ha* The follnwllng o f only 2# feet, and Is 17% feet long. students of the The bakery departm ent Is operated f" r r * d 10 ,ook 8b<»ut for a new tec­ been placed. third and fourth grade* at the Lin- I It •* eon,.»wed wVh a Sseke’r motor I of 40 horsepower, and the n"w a ria - for ------ — _ A fte r the scaffolding has been com- coin achool will take parts In U * hy the Springfield bakery, and they 5. r to r,,pl8<' * M ra. Page. gh school English teacher, and for pleted then w orker* w ill s tart on the i tlon tires produced by the Goodyear w ill m aintain a a*lastedy there to play a * follows: standard 81 Slocum ... Chester G erber handle the sale« of th e lr product* an athletic, director. T ^ e m a tter of ,OP of the bridge and remove It piece First Shipment of Cream Re- t,re ct” "P *n y . . and - . has The steel w ill be used In ceived Tueadaw- M ilk - n . Hank Hardback Instruments mounted on the control Chaster H artm an which w ill he sold exclusively for a securing a new ath letic director has by piece while. complicated this year due to ' b construction of a bridge over the liv e r ie s S t a r t Mf d Joe » pruc* ... ...... — panel In the cockpit Harold G rant the requirem ent that all ath letic | W illam ette riv e r one m ile east o f. " ven#* Wednesday, Reuben Jaybird The gasoline tank Is mounted In H a* M eat and Vegetable M ark e t* V lr ll* Posey roaches be full tim e lastructor* and Creswell. | n , , new Springfield cream ery I. Jim Snow .......... the wing. Im m ediately before th * The vegetable and fru it ataad w ill M elvin Foss not part tim e University student* aa Slowboy ........... ... Several Springfield men are em now In operation Regular m ilk de­ pilot and has a shntoff valve which ■_ Donald Nelson l>e handled by Henry Morrison, and have been employât! the past few T he T ra m p .. .. ployed In the dlam antllng of the old j liveries on the route recently pur- can be closed In case of accid ent . Gene M alxiah w ill be known a * H a n k * fru it and year*. k r,d ,e chased from the Daisy Lane Dairy thus preventing danger of a gasoline Rsra Button* Paul Slough vegetable concession* In two of the H ira m Plunhet A special meeting of the achool Bob ll.ii s vegeeeble concessions In two of the were made yesterday and this mora explosion. i rof. Camomile Built fo r U n iversity Student board w ill be held on Monday. A p ril POWDER BURNS FOUND Ing. and w ill be made dally a fte r this Irvin House Stanley stores In Eugene. Constable Otto Sellln w ill operate the meat »8. * i which tim e It I . e x p e c t that Dalton Shinn, son of Professor F. ON MACDUFF'S BRAIN according to Bmody Pile, one of the C lair Hadley _____r department and Duane C rabtree has th * aeleqtlon of new teachers j L. Shinn o f the U n iversity, ts the T illy Slocum ...... Pauline Conley rill AID SUICIDE THEORY operators of the cream ery. Pearl W ill* 8 lr" 8dF **e n operating a seed and he considered. M r*. Ripple* ..... owner of the ship. Both he and h l* The firs t shipment of cream was M ary Smltaon dl*PArtment for the past week. fath er have taken flying lessons ■< L illie Dotta Nelson F M ardu ff. supervisor ol received at the plant last Tuesday. J C laire Barnea H a plan8 ,0 8dd 0,1 * » d greases In the Blinds 8tokea the local airport. Da,on having soloed the Cascade National Forest, In all Several delivertec of m ilk have been the first week the school was estab­ Eveline Johnson near ,tt,u r8 ,n addition to hla grain, Mabel Deering probability shot from the right side made at the local cream ery yester- lished here. H e Is a te ll, slender The m uslral p art of or the program of the head laat F riday m night at . Mc- /-k ........ an. a me- , day and today and more are tx youth, and the ship has been built w .ll ronalat of two num ber* by the CENSUS ENUMERATORS P«c‘ pd to »>« made each day with this idea In mind. T he seat I* high achool orchestra under the di­ s* has been believed for several day*. ARE COMPLETING TASKS T he m anufacture of butter. Ice, mounted low end the foot control* rection of Ernest M cKinney, Instru ct­ c „ _ ___i _ ~ T b ls Inform ation was revealed at or of music; three aonga by the p ow Cut* Way Through Portland yesterday a fte r an autopsy and Ice cream w ll begin early next are mounted well forward. T he taking of the United States I W ork on the plane has been rushed is the trade g song . Swing Low, S irls’ w e e t glee C h a r club; io t h a . ,h . . _ . C’ n"U8 *" 8pr,B«fl«ld «• h *!»« frushed ' La*t Bank Lata Laat Night, had been performed and a mlcrasco- week. Mald-O-Cream 8 name under which all the product* the past two weeks so that the test Sweet Chariot, by the g ir l, quartet forward rapidly, according to I. Lari- Say* Highway Officials pic examination o f the dead forester’s from the cheam ery w ill be marketed. flig h t could be made Sunday. A which won second prise at the music ------ --- -- - — — ______ head ha dbeen made by D r F ra n k R. mer and Mrs. C. E. W heaton, enum­ complete wing and part of the fusel* feat In Eugene; a bass solo. The Sea. T he M cK en tle pasa I* open for Menne, professor of pathology at the erators who have been counting the •I Ceoling System W o rking age. w a* built In this city. T he m otor by M cDowell, sung hv Alfred Frese; people here since laat Wednesday. automobile tra ffic . This was the In- U n iversity of Oregon Medical school The cooling system Is wokring was also mounted here and All of th * a baritone solo. Going Home, aung They w ill be nearly form ation given out th is morning •» Portland. through with fine. T — w o of the rooms are now be- cowling was cat and fitted on. T he by Fred Buell; a han)o due, number th e ir task on Saturday o f thia week. I from t*,e Eugene office of the state T ie autopsy failed to reveal any ing kept a t a tem perature near the building w ork has been done at the by Irene Manley and Beaale S tew art; Both of the local enumerators rinlsh- hlBhway d«l>8 «’lm ent. alim ent which M acduff might h a v e ______ _ frees,ng point, while the other where « r a y ’s form er store building through and several popular num ber, by the . *d their firs , precinct Wednesday Ths r j,a r y "nf,»P lo w had completed b«’ " suffering from and Indicated the Ice cream w ill be kept la now be- K o r e a » , • male quartet which ha* j wer). , U r t ln , „„ rem a|nlllK ta work or opening the e n tire ‘ b8* he was In good health at the ' Ing colled and w ill be brought down the courtesy of the store. T he* school o ffic ia l* did not have a building large been singing over radio K O R E I * route late laat night and tra fric he m e, hla death. one*. M any of the people are no, In i to a tem perature of 10 degrees below enough a t the airp ort to build the Eugene The Koreans Include W il­ v e r the road w ill be perm itted at Powder m arks were found the city, says M r Larimer, but • once, according to the h 'O > * a y offl- l * * « e of the dead man's head on the r f T h e *" “ nd W" ‘ ,ed 10 fln,Sh “ liam Pollard, A lfred Fnaae. Ernest blanks are be'ng mailed to them. M cK inney, and one other singer. clnla. T haw ing w eather and melt- rt«ht "Ide. and experts agree th a t It n* ' ' J T T gted O W ,he W *" ,a Bot h ,T * f,r ’‘d “ a cloae rang* 8notb«'’ d«7 or two pefore the coldest The test flights Sunday w„1 add another episode to the history of th * Bangs are Listed .......... ... ___ ’ desired, as It w ill probably probably cut cut un up w w ithout ithout leaving leaving a, any powder burns room reaches the 10 I In he counted, asid — — M r. Larim er. , the . ’ u r,afe- ' i "" ^ ad 0 - « « he «•»«• e . . ; «7 h iZ p T h e ? .« -’ i ; S ’ , Ï Ï e. ,,,. T h * glee club w ill sing Oypay F ire, T he P iper’s »nng and The Venetian CONVENTION DELEGATES An m i r » ’ “ e K # n ,,e * * “ X ’ ^ ‘7 m" 7 " "h<,‘ ^ r,tu r e down when 11 ” on<-e re a c h -!.h e local Held during 7te In U IM te s t*. Love Song. ru n c s c a j D V e rm e -w a » » » » n i ’ a . *1. " BW “ r ’y ‘V H pow,‘r i'd and ,h a t 11 . * * • » « »rd U »« to M r. Pyle. | T h . fie ld » . i s i . k ____ _ .u - The field I* rap idly becoming the The mem ber* of the glee club are; CHOSEN BY REBEKAHS op* n1nX date for this mountain ____ pass, would be necessary . to hold the gun — ■ ■ i bes, In the e n tire valley, according first sopranos: Leola Oates, Dorothy ’ ,B 1MS tb * P *"8 was opened to clo*e to his head to blow tue powder O F F I C E S A R E C l F iN P n | |o many pilots. T he 2700 foot runw ay Potter. Vernice H aw ke. Hasel W ll- Election of delegate* and alternate tra ffic on April 2», and this was con Into the brain GLEANED 11_ |_ ! hforthoAat-Southweat has been graded delegate* to the Rebekah grand lodge sldered quite a feat at that time, son. Junia May. Eva Louk, Helen WHILE DOCTOR IS i M r. M acduff was found dead last and Is nearly a ll graveed. The entiro M ersdorf; second sopranos: Doris meeting to be held In Portland on - — _ _____ Saturday morning In a clump of The entire office o f Dr. C arl Phette- field hag been gone over with the Chase. Blanche Bates, Jessie Beal*. May. 20. 21 and 12, occupied the EVANGELISTIC SERVICES brush about one m ile above the Mc- place Is being renovated thia week c ity scraper and leveled off. A large Beulah Richardson. Buth Bettis and greater part of the tim e at the M on-! / s u » ■ « » » .... .. Kenxle bridge. A bullet had been shot through the h .» d .n d .n dur,n< ,b<‘ 8bgence of the doctor, who rtrc ,e ’ r° r » « d of light colored gravel. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Daisy Tom seth: altos: Lela Squires, day evening meeting of the R ebekah ' high school neat fall These are the only two teacher* on the faculty now The g ir l* ’ glee club and the violin Creamery Starts Milk Deliveries McKenzie Pass Upen to 1 raffic Ken,,e .Br,dw- ,natoad0f,h«teW 8,d« Mtss Dorothjy G irard. Mrs. I Evelyn Buell, Jule Pollard. Em ma lodge. HELD ALL THIS WEEK T rln k a , N e llie W rig h t, and Lela M ax­ C arrie J a rre tt, and Mra. L ily Kiser were the o fficially elected delegates. Evangelistic services are being well. Mrs. K atie B rum e,te. Mrs. Ellen Bar- held 8,1 tblg week by the pastor, Rev. ker, and M rs L illian Black were P ru itt, at the Springfield MASONS TO ENTERTAIN ( hrlstian church. The services were selected as alternates. AT POTLUCK SUPPER Plans were also discussed at the i ", " r,ed s “ nday and have had a good M em ber* of the Eastern Star lodge meeting for a potluck lunch to be a” ',ndRnc« " 8<'b evening ' I -BWI'er’ ce Sunkler. choir lender a, w ill be entertained by the local held a, the next meeting. --------------------------------- - the Eugene Christian church. Is di- Masons at a potluck supper thia even­ ing. Cards w ill furnish entertainm ent following the supper. C. A. Swarts, Sid W ard and Carl Olaon are on the Masonic com m ittee handling the social gathering. Power W orkers Escape In ju ry J. M ille r and K. 81ms, both em­ ployes of the Mountain States Power company, narrow ly escaped In ju ry on Saturday when a pole which they were handling slipped and fall. The pole graced them hut they were not injured. cartridge was found a few fee, from no: b Z ’ oroted. X Illness at Powers. The walls and cell- front ot the offtoo building. This I* ‘.hheo ,bh i * ‘ beh;„’ l ,n' V ' \ a l> ™ " B ha- — | “M d ,Rnd,n‘ j somlned and the floors have all been fired from his Luger pistol and the Busy Bee Club Meets given a new coat of varnish. empty shell found on the ground a p -1 Juanita W ilson enterealned the Dr. Phetteplace returned to Spring- parentlv was discharged from his members of the Busy Bee sewing field las, night. His office has been own gun. club at her home on Friday evening. .......... .. ........ ... lHt> H e had been supervisor of Ihe taken care of by his nurse. Miss March 28. A ll of the members were Cascade National Fores, for several Baxter, while he was away. preernt and spent forty-five m inute* years, and Is survived bv his wife and sewing. L ig ht refreshments were MAN LOSES ONE FINGER I "J0 !,ln* ln* ° f « SO-volce two children, both attending school ATONEMENT IS SUBJECT served and arrangem ents were made i cnolr. And In Addition nnch Avpnfns in Fmcann IN SAWMILL ACCIDENT ■* spec.«, music Friday evening! Simple Btneral services were he.d AT ME™ O D'ST CHURCH for the next meeting. The Busy Bee sewing club is one Frank Parrish, T hird and M ill U n F ^ t ’h e r X l a r M un .hy” ' X «ne M ” " 7 " ^ b ^ ’" " ! “The A ‘ 0BWnent” haa chosen o f the 4 H club groups which was re ­ streets, son of John Parrish, was ser- Robertson and Gerald Morrison w ill to P o rt,'" a 7 ,hp bodj' WR" ’"'n‘ , bV Hev. C. J. Pike of the Methodist cently organized In Springfield, and lously Injured yesterday afternoon R|,1R ’ ’ “ d for <'rpmi»tlon the follow church as his sermon topic for next holds meetings every two weeks at when h l" loft hand became caught In I __ ____________ __________ ! n* dav- 11 was ,n p°ft1nnd that per- Thursday evening’s topic w ill be : mission was received to delay the Sunday morning. The choir, under the the homes of m em ber*. a gear on one of the machlnea at the direction of M ra. Arah Hoyt Rae, w ill Christensen saw m ill, west of Eugene I i n g " ™ ! ^ J , . F rlo'*.y eTen' ’ ■" »hat an autopsy Ring an anthem . Methodist M issionary Group where he was employed. T he firs,’ ' WIH he dlscLas^d i n n ’ " " d '>tnm,n,” 'on of bra,n Mrs. Jessie Bertsch was hostess at finger o„ the hand was pulled o ff In , e ^ S a t X madP h“ V,, d0,,e The Sunday school m eet* a t 9:46 her home In Springfield on Tuesday the accident. He was rushed to the th d 8 ‘ , day eTPn'nA- b,'t Sunday much to discount the m nrder theorv. and the Epw orth League a t 7: SO. afternoon for the regular m eeting of For the evening service the pastor the Womens M issionary society o f m e d ic ., care. «” «’•( T he Knocker and In the evening found which Indicated the man was has selected the question W h a t Know ­ the M ethodlat church. Several re p o rt* | Leprosy and Sin." , ahot fh„ r|(tht ledge? for hla topic. v .ire read. ’ , k