I. PAABOOHT TH S,S l’RING Kl KIT) NBW8 T l l l ltSIbAY. A PR II, 3, l»3D CEDAR FLATS C IT IZ E N POLICE C H IE F LEAVES PASSES, OF APOPLEXY FOR SOUTH TUESDAY It ha» been eatimated (hat a crowd o i I I 000 people vlatted the wood prodacta show at tha Eugene arm ory last week and. Thia waa the first show at thia Datura avar a t­ tempted la l right cided al Ih e lr meeting last Monday Í. Norwood. Attorney at Law, evening io have a potluck supper a« I o. Box H l. Eugene Oregon the third Monday ln April.. No com- Evenings al « 1 Main street. Spring m lll we were appointed al (he Mon- A 10 la y night meeting. MANY PEOPLE A TTEN D ADVERTISING DINNER C O M M U N IC A T IO N More than 100 people attended the adverttalag dinner at the Methodist church laat s ig h t T he dinner waa sponsored by the choir of the church and this organisation netted »10 for th e ir work. M. g. Church Board Meets Springfield N e v a Editor: Dear sir; As to the beautifying of the .... Me Kenxle highway. I noticed an Item In , the 'Springfield New s” of the Eugene Guard stating that a com m ittee had been appointed by the Springfield ( ham ber of Commerce to meet with the Lions club In regard Io beautify Ing the M rK en sle hlghsray. E very taxpayer and every lover of nature and (he beauty thereof should be Interested In (hla movement, but 1 notice one of the old residents, land owner and tax payer, has permitted the erection of some large, unsightly signs on his property. Now. I ask. does this help In (he least way to add beauty to our high­ way? R ather, does It not spoil what beauty nature has already placed around above-mentioned property? O ij» M m a chance to f t out W ] W t w a y b S o w y n u Z S t E t S ^ ^ i S d ^ ^ r S ? a Iait turn i . to got at close to the center of the road aa possible and Jive the aLnal and then turn. Far toomany motonxts try to turn left after getting close to the curK A special meeting lo consider sev- eral m a ile rs pertaining to |h a church was held Tuesday evening by the members of (he church hoard of the M ethodist church. The dinner was put on by a chef named Edwards, from Portland, who If you want a good h o m e r o o k e d maal for «Or go lo the Buss Cafe. No. la employed by a grocery company 306 lo the E llie Hotel building A li to demonstrate carious food products. ’ » ♦ • ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ e e e e e e BACK STAGE S E T T IN G IN UPPER W IL L A M E T T E « A fte r the dinner he had a guessing ♦ e ♦ ♦ e V e T * ♦"’ < ? ? s e e s * N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S NORMA TALMAGE PICTURE contest and the winners received Notice Is hereby glvea (hat Ihe un T he Pleasant HIM high school girls ! The 1 Julies Aid m et w i n M rs. R ch about »16 arurth of purs food samples. dertlgned has been appointed admin | glee club has been practicing very ard H a rt laat Thursday afternoon The en tire hack stage section of a M argaret Halsey won firs t prise. la lra trlx of ths estate of A. L. Yarnell, m **•**? ighty modern theatre, reinforced by deceased, by ihe County Court of Io n « MUslc for the dinner was provided fa ith fu lly the past few weeks for the I sewlug for a n» — «r to be held at a ■ County. Oregon All persons having by a Spartan radio furnished by the contest which w ill be held A p ril 4 and 1 later date. Mrs H a rt served buckle concr* ' * HM ars and pilasters, had to claims against said salats are required 5 at the V of O. Music building ¡b e rry pie w ith «hipped cream * * ''OB»,r u r ’ ed ° ° « « • of the United Springfield garage. to present them w ith (he proper Saturday evening at 1:00 o clock the * r J . . . . . . Artists sound stages to accommodate vouchers to the undersigned at the Be. j . Moor«, cotia.y school supsrta lhe OUHtirvtlB hundreds CM of Siri*» girls U used In the winners of i l l the conteste W1U give te n H o n t w i . 'i * . - « . . . low offices of E O Bolter. t i l M iner CONGREGATION TO HEAR tendent. ▼ is.teal both tra d e and h ch _ , . . Building. Eugene. Oregon, w ithin six a free concert A ll the glee clubs s c h o o l, b a r . la a . w - j ___ m n .k - s l s h o w s á n e n o s of Noi schools here laat Wednesday months from the dale of thia notice. REPORTS OF CONVENTION and choruses, both boys and girla, T alm a g e ’s "N ew York Nights," the Dated at Eugene, Oregon, thia Ird Staatey R K h .rd .o a . who w a , badly crowd draw ing, a ll talkin g picture at w ill sing the Bridal Chorus from the day of A p ril. IPS« Reports of six delegates who re­ Rose Maiden, under the direction of hurt by s u p p in g | . . bole c.uaed by [h. r p , McDonald theatre. EDNA B YAR NELL. cently stteadeO the Spring conven­ UU““ Playing o pp o.lt. M ia . Talm age In Respectfully. A d m in is tra trix of the estate of A John S tark Evans. Instructor ____ In the , ‘ „ 7 , " tion of the Epworth League at Toledo music departm ent of the U. o f O.. ac- P L. Y arnell, deceased * W at tVn»« — eras --- s -a--— p ra t » la —- playing pr««z «aa> games •oosds along Broadway, «specialty In I l »61 M charch veeterday afternoon. A tea Pleasant Bt H i l l hidrh c k n c l T"X-. l g * r arhld*h e / e . a h * ents ..t. t h e Tim T i m » es * * Square A ntlM rm d f it is a t tric rort* n' 6314 7«« «0 Baughman. Gerak, K ahler. Shirley high school b . . . h .U teem played , h . ‘ Thurston a m , on on the .h e local l.e T . dlamoud. . ™ ...a ’* rt ” »• «,,c ," re - tor “ *’ lb ’ “»'»• State of Oregon. County o f Lane, sa: Thurston te teams W iley and Cora Olson. o ff spot" for gamblers ' -king -u 1. C. E. Kenyon, cashier of the above named bank d„ M r O 'Brien, pastor of Pleasant H ill The W a lte rv ille g irls team woa and gala Inform aUon about the night's that tha above statem ent la true to the best o t mv knowledge sad b- lief Thurston boys team won. f'h rtM la a chnrch. spent last week in NOW PLAYING big games. Correct— A tte s t: C B K E N T O N . Cashier. Miss ------- Dorothy T ra v ia. w James --..« ..g , .ass. ill * anuevy« Edmla- Ut visiting and »craaiug getting acquainted W w ith "N a tu ra l" Davis, played by W illia m * 1 * ' ^ < h ,r l M F. Egglmsnn— Directors the resid en t, of the district H e v6.lt* ‘ ° " ,,M > C arl and Roy P U tt PoW, n . „ . frequent visitor to the Pow ell, la a frequent visitor to the IB E A l T , nd ' hl" ,nd “ f *«»-“ IM ® ed the high school and played ball " " W‘ C “ * P< T X “ • * t l au< , p o t where . ODe-«rm «d newspaper (B E A L ) W P B TB R R O N N otary Public for Oregon. with knn a t W lillke a x le laat F riday evening. ■* —- w ith the boys boy. played by Johnny Risso, gives (M y eom mlstlon expires June 1. t i l l > M r and Mrs. ttarxs. iron» T u rn e r, him the Inside Inform ation The Pleasant H ill C hristian Endea­ vor society gave a supper and pro­ visited friends ln Thurston last Sun­ "S treets of C h an c e ' ts baaed on a gram last F riday night. T h e chnrch day. M rs Parks waa form erly Miss s tirrin g story of big tim e gamblers and Endeavor room vras parked for i ’cor* Childs, and spent her girlhood la the m etropolis which waa w ritten the program. T he utstandlng feature days here. by O liv er H. P. O a rra lt, fo rm e rly a Mrs. Jennie Bdmiston, of Eugene, star reporter on the New York W orld. f the program waa a mock wedding. A meeting of all residents of the motored out Tuesday evening to visit Pleasant H ill com m unity srill be held her daughter. Mrs. John Price. IN D IA N C H IE F V IS IT S George Hays, o f Boville. Idaho, who at the Pleasant H ill w elfare club hall SCHOOLS ON TUESDAY at the old W O. W. picnic grounds on baa been visiting A. W . W eaver's for cnMBir Thursday evening. A p ril 1 called by * several * TerBl weeks, »P«»» spent ’ the he past week at C h ief Hallatones. native Cherokee ’U W F Beaver, president o f the clnb. Cra*“ p'.on'* Indian of Oklahoma, presented pro- called for the pur nnr . Mr* B* rt w >*<*»ved the — new« The meeting is railed --------- - - grams at the three Springfield school* FO R G E T T he Indian baa traveled pose o f fn te -e x tlr. re .-d n:s in the last Wednesday o f the death of her yesterday. Club project which was organised rn iiitn Me*« H o lU nd . ____ nexr Craw. H e r 1 In every state In the Union and In about a year ago. e* very sad. as she leaves a m an y foreign countries presenting his ______ _______________‘ * “ l r of ,WlB b«l»,e* one and a h a lf ' program o f Indian songs, dances and T O N IG H T years old ceremonies I t . almost play to keep lawns |„ condition with these COLONIAL A R T E X H IB IT __ ________ M r * n<1 M r" * * 7 Baugh and fam ily lawn mower.- they run no ea.lly. Plneat quality o b ta l^ H e travels over the country on TO BE AT SCHOOL HERE motored to Junction C ity last Bunday motorcycle, v isitin g the schools and able, guaranteed to give satisfaction and exceptional service An exhibition of Colonial a rt paint- U r ^ J * * * * « ? ? £ * * * «’•re n ts . M r. and other Institutions presenting his pro- Commercial State Bank of Springfield M c D onald NORM \ ■dogiip TAI HADGt ¿ ’ new Ik C A K fC iy YORK NIGHTS PREVIEW lugs w in be held at the Lincoln Mr >f ™ " *" trn* ' co’ ,n “ * ' m r and school .11 of .e x , week, secording i to M ^ V s Mrs. u r a w - illia m Rennie a " and d ----------------------------------- V| im O -------- xn announcement made y e e le rd .v bv Kenxle 1.^ a , Mc‘ SMALL ROCK PARTICLE L a u ra .e e M o fn tt. p rim i r ^ ' T h e " e J V * — • n * h Kxtcher.es h ,,r h * te« >«« 8»nd»y ^nv-we. Bundxy, ,N JURES MAN S EYE « „ : : s u r ™ " " e * . old paintings. a A charge of ]« cents and 15 cents w ill be made to view the exhibit, xnd the funds received « i l l be used to purchase new pictures fo r the several rooms in the school b u ild in g T he .7 ° ” dinner • F an n e r Resident in Feres, W ork Word was r - < f |ved recently by M rs C F Mr- » .o u . 8 m ’* V dn<] took w ith Mr-a Rosa Baughman Mrs !j»fe M o o r, - u u several m rnth r- hM »pen, last Monds t* 7 ^ ' ,?ene- moved Bert W< av " * 'iaL'ghter's. M rs. tickets w ill be sold the firs , p art o f M rs W k n; the week and w ill he good at any » r . e / t t . *7 ’ ”* ------------------- ------- time during the exhibition. *" ♦«■** » « -k Maude Edmlston. e » - — ,. M r «nd M - « c assigned io lookout duty somewhere h l. r e t n 6 , " ^ along J»e R dgy Route in C alifo rn ia C xlltecn¡ 7 7 . 7 7 . , ' H e is a form er high school studen, that m r _ ’ f J * ' here and also a m em ber o f the local h o » « « - national g u .rd unit. H e is now en b a s in e .. w a 7 W ed In b la tla g fores, tra ils be» ». nowever. he stated M e W M uk<,n to ,he Eugene S aturday morning anil his vlr.tlng mi ... attending physician expressed doubt — ~ ° v 0 '” *’ j aa to w hether the sight of the eye could be saved. , ' ----------------------------------- Eggimanri sta lin g that Ethner from Los A n geles F' “ J I4 to W * o ! ( carden L x ct' • ie,, S everal stitches w ere required to close a wound which Dave O liver, era- tiM ’,“ ’* d on ployed at a F a ll Creek saw m ill, re- ' ,B <*»▼•*« » » l« fd a y when he was struck B J“1* ' ’ nd th* rare b’r • U r * e Kooh on " $8.25» 58.90» 510.25» $11.50» 514.00» 5 1 6 .0 0 Robert Hayes. 51« O street, may lose the sight o f one eye aa the result o f an In ju r , rnstalned w hile working ’ on a new logging road a , camp three of the Booth-Kelly lum ber company at n d lln lt Hayes st W W e endllng. Hsyes wag srss loosening loosening rocg w ith a pick when a small piece chipped off and struck him In ,h* ey* E “ »»“ «. <■ hospital G riffith h i» passed hl« forestry ser- been .i» -« d < .. ? hey h” * vice examinations and w ill soon be nast «<«, *7 *7 7 . 1o*” h* o t ,b * Priced according to nlzc and quality. ,h * end 8 C9N*>- T he ,» I« rF •» 8 r * r r P8,?,( 8’ Knl Is no, serious ■" »»«»L according to a local physician . ’ tended him . who s„„;.ra, - 70c, S3, S I.3 5 « / « i ’ L 1’ ” " $1» $ 1 . 4 5 , 51.6 5 OAH..MN «UI.TIVATUI.» 54>50 w Wright & Sons