wa TH E SPRINGFIELD NEWS THVRHDAY, APRIL », 1930 * ------------------- --- ------------------------------ ------------------------- _ of the few Kngltehniea who under­ : : : h.-, , d .................................... - ,h- r "••• •» -« - - » « - «, stood .lid enjoyed thta punctilio of bull fighting, and he lovad nothing .... _ . . »lightest value a . at w ltn o a a -1 >>. better than to retire to some lodging In Cordoba or Randa and. making mat hla headquarter«, rove the couu try.lde for w eek, on end Mbov» « whl«p««r 11 w** u " <>i S tile, wax uneaay. but he had that • » ......................— »»rrled to u , ke Maddiao* |8 with I t h i n k , that someone's h ,in I hope left, that In th l. great c r l.l. of him whea he encounters Gunner | 008 "* lf “ f h l. can**« dragged " I '. * nea. an America!, crook. In a “Nosing? You mean spying" C "' **’ * yo“ r ‘ ha ,a,d »«>» aD oath. bark to the ic e n e . of h l. h.ppv boll- we call them Smith preferably lll||. , ID E A L W E A T H F D I n o r o M a ' X ^ .^b“ ^ “T " tM*“ away “ > Police , **** •a ,,‘ n *d » ' “ > ««»lng „„ u. day. »he Mid But you're going to l^ L W EATHER LURES good, aren't you, and tell ua youra?' MANY OUT ON PICNICS Conner recognlaea him after »even **“ 8”d tA,jr a yarn down Tool- 7 , i 8‘r8pp*M' u“d«>r your arm Margaret opened a drawer of her He .hook h l. head That', youra. Lowing!" yaart That night Rax te found dead tfy 8,w* ‘ «“• ’ » <* done I f desk, took out a folded sheet of paper No. I don', think so Hmlth I. a The warm balmy weather of Iasi “ • .b«er” « “ en<‘ u " t, h^'1hr^ ,t , e n 'x '? ’ ‘T " d‘m'y Und*r« a "d I To Luke It only aeemed that the and handed It t„ Morrell. It w a, a very good name. born, by ..im . very Sunday w a. taken advantage of b> ".load by taking Luka M.ddte7n “ Th' , 7„ " man had «*d<*d a * ",Ua little «'<»*' »<> *ddr* " ad *® Margaret nice people If my name had been •everal loonl residents who moi„r«i ‘f “? " tOlta Uaddl.on later ** . . ' * * llke ha“d» of Lowing l’pwln* • • he .poke Lew,ng ...„„the,I ■Maddlson Smith I might have been a better Io Blue River, where they enjoyed a that Rex had oaahed a check f o r , “, h ‘ hlm and dragged him down a and *•« «foggily again ,, Luke man." he added. You can hardly expect me Io very pleaMiit picnic dinner ia A1SA0« signed " "¡narrow ilHIt , street i I __ »itposl by Maddteon Maddlmw ¡narrow. , HMlt trMt ' come hack to you. Since they had moved him Into the open Margaret doe. not know that her “I’m nervou. tonight “ h . aakt u bu8y " »•W a snarling Those Included In the group few la a forger. Her love for Maddlson he w a. .n e -k in . » . 7 . ,Dd Tolc8' month. I W||| w in private ward the burly looking police » •r e Mr and Mr. C K. K„„y„0. Mr, with turn, to hate but .h e keeps her pro- “ ’ «*•*'"« the truth, for h l. , uk„ , wlln„ . . u sufficient evidence Io enable you man who had loomed nut of hl. W N Long. G eorg. P .rh ln .. Adelin. m i.e to marry him. , ’ “Ice became a whimpering gaap 1 k »»"ng back but not quite In ... dreams, and seemed part of them, had I erklns. Barbara Adams. Mr and Mr. to get a divorce. I am not without After the wedding Margaret ask . 1 You're a gentleman. Mr. Maddlson i H’ “ w ,h * ’ ,,n ®r ° f «‘eel and h e n taken away That day they C R Swart., M i.. Kdn. Sw art, .« d money, therefore I am not entire­ P^n“d U'{odWThi!ni * ” r"’ r ** P®*' You d he,P a P»™ fellow to get away ' ? “ “ ,b° U' h ““ bo‘ ,run had b,'en ly without pleasant consolation thought he w a. dying a police magi Mr. It B. Oldham P*n ,• ‘hat Luke leave her fot You know * * »»ay. drawn across hla brea.i- two day., claiming that she I. going knl, * hat Connor he'd curtou, and ,h#n * It » a . signed "Luke. " .„ d had been «irate ha. been summoned to lake hi. to have a nervou. breakdown knlfe you tor twopence. Bumping a , »eak n e«. came on him. and handed In at Parte at g so ,b„t morn- demwltlon; but he had ,o|d nt.,h,n< In the meantime. Luke find, that off- h® valU K -A e'a an American .7 ' ’ "anrd h- ** •«•'» •« ‘he wall and in< •b o p . In C ity- Mr. T hclm . M Î T . which w a. of any value. Moreover, he Is short a sum of money at the he', been In Sin« " slipped - gradually Into a sitting po. of Mnbel, w a. an out of town »hopp«, bank, and ring, up h i. wife to ask Sing | . „ ♦ in v w ., „ " r ~ Sln* - ' d Har “>»<• lie bad heard one detective tell ano- In th l. City on Saturday H l. last conscious Impression . . . 7 7 2 her to let him draw 11 He te am awd ’ ? v 1,8 a a lr A tlon light, but there w a. an agitation to be refused, and by Margaret say * ouP‘e ot duid'd get me out of Lon » a s the clattering feet of running i»_ men: four dark shape, vanished Into 1» her heart which ah. had no, |ro. lng .h e will .----- keep It . in revenge for don. .ir .’ his ruining her brother. Luke Is un­ wtrl h,T*“ ’' r>‘ a « » H » of pound, a greater darkness and he was left aglned possible. able to reply, and leaves her He alone, with som ething that sprawled M2 n’ O,• " ,:n8, And * < • » • • Luke wander, to the Tham e, embankment with me. .aid Luke I d e a ll.t-a vulgar phll- across the P»»ement. pavement, .tarin He w a. already wearv of ' .taring g with un Maddteon, trying to guess what the trouble Is. at. as. . P»»,«».h.p, and. hu, f o 7 h e ,n , t ■ A Z A«« " AM . ^ A. ’, ° f •ndcrer. who had fled to co n so l.,,o „ ,. Now go on with the story. I m rather .urprl.ed that you go, Present condition, would never have . • hl.. ,.,d Danton gravel,. - | W()(ll« « Gunner, pened? It was the sane thing to do. Mid' to loathing. Twice .h e had been " 8 “ h“ ,Pl'a, hex,. H i, e y e. hoaPl‘»l then Lake MaddUon realised that •aid Luke. -Mr Bird told me , on the point of acquainting the police, • e r e clo.«J; , h. pho(oe he was oot sane He w a. the mod- about you." •howed the edge of the .h o e, . f . » I her There w a. an embarrassed silence ' and twice had Danty stopepd ------------- best thing in the wide world. Inches under h i. chin. Aoyway. I'd like you to stay w ith 1. , “ 7 ” i Ot tOT ° * Mr He went on towards Blackfrtars « 2 7 / ? K" °W Tb'8 Man’ d®mand , ' u “M “ 1 * 1 ,h* m8n ‘•«»ed yon I bUt Oni qUlta 8noth*T <••<•»* and came to a halt before the tram a hii.v •d tne the headline, headline. cauea yon I ,Dd r ° U lo° k "ke 8 •' W h ,t h‘ d PUHled- She station. There was a long queue of busy If 7 What had puxxled. a°d and to some de- She glanced glanced at at th the type, , Od . . w I, people watting to board the car. wiih . k °5 m Con»°''« w o me compor,ed her. w a. the fact that had reference to a Mr. S tlle., the manager of Maddlson . committed “n‘ murder that had I » h ick arrived empty and went rolling with a busy t h e y 'll- - n i e X ’ Wh° « ■ » » w h o le w m e They had J„.t turneh h««l not betn tak and were ready to make every sacri­ •"»rveyed them curioualy. They a „ h In Luke Maddl . «»<» the eleventh day of h l .7 e , o '" 1 fice for them. To Luke Maddlson seemed to have cap« drawn over their •he became a factor -------------- - — with A trial will convince y o i X you • o “ n ’ . life. Luke W was In the „ *.d b^ B tak 7 • every car that drew away was laden ^ e s . each man had both hands In his !? 'f*' LUke <*8 ln ,he habit hah,t of »" h o sp ,,.,. POcket8 nl8 | disappearing Into the blue. d l«p p ear.n g ,Bvarl- a poor light U *"!n *" with happy people, their day's work I pock«t» *----- - Spain - that Stiles "H e r. _ u _ .. ended, the recreation, and pleasure« "Here. what', the I d .. . ... ably It was from “ p° 8,<5ard notifying They p„, Luke ot the night before them. Lewing's voice was a whine "Thl 2 m ¡ T i t 4th and Main Sts. ------ him of the imminent return of h*i va,e ward and . * p ' I Old men; young men; g irl, looking * en,lem »n Is taking me around— " 2 * “ T » ............. ... 1 > a . ' on.. „ E. C. STU A R T trim and smart; young men smoking The *e«der of the *---- - Ion for Luke Maddteon. He .poke the ------------------------------ --- ‘Mn h“ big pipes, with a newspaper under bar®l, lj’- language like a native. He was one their arms, bespectacled student»— they hypnotised him. these great, blaxing tramcara ä v ä t FAVORITE BUTCHER SHOP INDEPENDENT MEAT CO SPECIAL FOR LIMITED TIME ONLY He w a. standing with h l. back to ( the parapeL hla elbows resting on the atone. “Are you waiting for anybody?" The voice had authority, though It 1 was quite kind He looked up to meet the auspicious scrutiny of a City policeman The City police do not like to see men lingering Indecisively, one hand on he parapet, the swirling black river be! iw—especially a white faced man. with a tense face and an almost horrified stare. "N-no." glimmered Luke. "I m— Just watching Business Goes I Where it is invited And stays where it is appreciated The policeman was looking at him curiously, as though he was trying to remei ilier h i. face. “I've seen you before somewhere haven't I?” "I daresay." said L,uk(!i and turned away abruptly He followed the homeward wending crowd across Blackfrlars Bridge It was dark and cold, and he struggled Into the overcoat which he had been carrying en hla arm He remembered somewhere In the borough that be entered a little coffee-house, redolent o f bjrning lard. At eleven o'clock It began to rain a fllne drizxle that very soon soaked’ through the light coat. He was walk- lng aim lessly along York road in the direction of Westminster. A man ahead of him was »loachlng with h l. hand. In h l. pocket, and h l. coat collar turned up. Luke won wa. wearing ' w- — i m h h a v o A l« ^ _ l _ _____ rubber-soled .h o e ., and came up to the walker before he wa. aware of hla Presence. He »aw the night wanderer lurch •M ew ay. with a snarl, atoop forward a« though he were going to run and then som ething lD Luke'» f , c , or ap­ pearance checked his flight. 'Hullo," he said huskily, "Thought you were a busy." Luke recognized him. "You’re Lowing, aren’t you?’ The man peered Into hl» face "Blimey, If It ain’t— Mr What’s- your name?— Maddteon- What you dolng down here? You should hkve come and seen me down Tooley street; this ain’t my pitch.’’ Twice he looked back furtively over hl» shoulder. ' You thought I was a detective?" Tne thin lips of the man twisted In a sneer. "That’s what I said. No, I thought you was one o f Conner’s lot. They chased me out of Rotherhlthe to night aald I’d been nosing on them. That's why I'm around here. Connor's crowd There ie With any Coat or Dress selling for >12.50 or over we will give a beautiful Spring Hat. Take your choice of no eubetitue for Newspaper Advertising when it comes to inviting people in your store. Through the newspaper’s columns is also a good way to show your appreciation Any Hat for the patronage you are re­ ceiving. in th e S to r e or choice of any Purse in the •tore. M any H a ts and D resses Our Spring Showing in un­ usually complete for Easter •Many beautiful Dresses, Coats and Hats, in the latest colors and finest material, are here for your selection. The Springfield News T h ° o n ,i •1 « «ROADWAY, KNOKNC, ORC. “ • - - ■