THURSDAY, A PR II, », IMO T H R HPrcFNGFIlCLD NKWS P AGR PT ALL THINGS END SOMETIME — RAGAN & BOWMAN EUGENE’S PREMIER STORE FOR MEN ENDS NOW!!! Wm. McD Lewis here to Adjust the affairs of this store, marks the Merchandise for the Greatest Close Out Sale this citv has ev« r seen 4 t‘ IT’S THE END-THE FINISH EVERY ARTICLE SS NOW! FASHION PARK CLO THING . COOPER S & PARK M ILL UN DERWEAR, COLUMBIA K N IT WOOL SW EATERS. PEN­ DLETON WOOL S H IR TS. OREGON T E X T IL E BATH ROBES. COOPER'S AND PARK M ILL HOSIERY. Etc. ALL T H E FAMOUS BRANDS FROM AMERICA'S FOREMOST MAKERS. ALL TO BE CLOSED OUT NOW ... IN ONE GREAT PUBLIC S AI F. RAGAN A Now comes the greatest sale this city has seen in many a day. Ragan A Bowman, known bv most every one in this part of the country as the leading store for men and young men. to close their doors for ever Every article must be sold, nothing to be held back, in fact, this will be the greatest sweeping, selling sensation of modern times. We will sell Suits from this fine stock that sold regularly for $30.00 at the low price of $13 85 and the choice of the entire stock of Top Coats and Overcoats for $11.85; $5.00 Hats for $3.45- $6 00 Sweaters for $3.45. You can readily see that this sale will be the talk of the town. Wm. McD. Lewis, stock adjuster from Portland, is now in charge of this great selling event and the way he has slaughtered the prices on this mer­ chandise the entire stock will soon be gone. Prepare now to come. This sale compares as a mountain to a mole hill with sales that have gone before. BOWMAN SAYING GOODBYE W ITH BARGAINS SELLING STARTS THURSDAY A T 9 A. M. SHARP: Every article to go— lock stock end barrel— Show Csses Fixtures included. No reasonable offer refused. This will be the talk of the town The greatest whirlwind sensational sel tiling event of modern times. Thursday - Friday choose from the latest new spring shades and styles at prices that will amaze the shrewdest buyer. $3.45 $4.45 $5.45 COME TODAY. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF T H IS GREAT offer. Never before— never again has high grade mer­ chandise been priced so low. ■ K MEN'S and YOUNG MEN'S $25 and $30 SUITS $1385 Greatest Shirt Sale on M EN'S and YOUNG MEN'S Record-Arrow Dress Shirts $45 SUITS T0 00 AT Men’s Shorts, Rayon Shirts and Union Suits $1.29 $1.79 $2.95 C PRICED FOR TH E GREATEST CLOSE OUT SALE ON RECORD $1.00 Shirts, out they go 68c $1.00 Rayon Shirts, all colors 68c - $2.50 Rayon Union Suits $1.48 2A $1 and $1.50 Athletic U. Suits 69c “V- — $1.50 Balbriggan Union Suits, Now They Go at $1.18 $2.00 Athletic Union Suits For Quick Disposal 98c $2.50 Worsted Union Suits. Last Call Now Only $1,85 MEN'S and YOUNG M EN'S $35 and $40 SUITS $1885 M EN'S and YOUNG MEN'S $50 and $55 SUITS $28-85 genuine money SAVING PRICES $3.00 Dress Shirts W OO Dress Shirts $5 and $6 Dress Shirts And will Continue Until Ail Stock is Sold You may choose from hundreds of fine garments, all standard makes as Fashion Park, Griffon Clothes, in the latest styles and patterns in greys, browns, checks, pin stripes, blue serges, bankers' greys, tweeds, all wool and silk and wool, including all the new spring models that were ordered before this store decided to close out. These suits were tailored to order and therefore could not be cancelled. Now out they at wholesale and lees than wholesale cost. Come expecting a bargain thrill of a , life time and you wont be disappointed and profit by this extraordinary sales event. AT TH ESE PRICES T H E Y W ILL MOVE FAST $6.00 HATS Priced at $8.00 HATS, Now Only Saturday The Suits are Wonderful - The Prices are Amazing H A T S M UST G O $6.00 FELT HATS OUT TH EY GO AT TH E LOW PRICE - £/ery Garment Guaranteed a PERFECT FIT--Our Tailors Will Make Alterations Free Of Charge © r New Spring Topcoats & Entire Stock of Overcoats ALL TO GO AT ONE PRICE. NOTHING RE- d » i i o C SERVED ! YOUR CHOICE OF ENTIRE STOCK ! «P1 1 O Ü The End is Near - - Last Call to this Great Bargain Carnival See the Display Window«, They are BULGING WITH GENUINE BARGAINS Neck Ties Priced for a Quick Close Out You may now buy two beautiful ties for the price of one M EN ’S SOX. PRICED AT A Sleeveless Sweaters GREAT SACRIFICE Coatstyle Sweaters Park Mill Famous Hosiery Going at this Great Saving All to Note the Great Reduction $1.00 T IE S Go Now At ........... 39c , $1.50 T IE S Out They Go 59c “ $2.00 TIE S Priced Now 95c All Dress Gloves in Pig Skin and Kid PULLOVER SW EATERS now ’/ a Price The store of Ragan & Bowman has closed to arrange and mark the for final disposal. Every article has been marked at a genuine sacrifice. If you are look­ ing for the greatest sort of bargains in high grade mer­ chandise, you need go no further. I promise you a gigantic saving on every article. (Signed) WM. McD. LEWIS, Adjuster in Charge. NOTICE to stock be $7.50 Silk and Wool Pullover Sweaters, priced now 3 4 5 Men’s $6.50 Wool Coat style Sweaters, out they go 3 8 5 Men’s $9 Bradley All Wool Ni lavy Blue Sweaters $6.85 Bu> Now or N®*®H $6.50 COLLEGE CORDS, Sale Price $6.00 Can’t bust t m COLLEGE CORDS $7.50 DRESS P A N tS , Choice of House $4.45 $3:65 $3.85 c^no £ end!®t° n & Neustader WOOL S H IR T S $5.00 Neustrader WOOL S H IR T S . Sale Price $3 & $3.50 FLANNEL S H IR T S , Close Out Price $12.50 BATH and LOUNGING ROBES $1.00 FANCY DRESS SUSPENDERS. Now $7.95 48c SJ-50 DRESS S H IR TS , Going Now at 25c GARTERS, Priced to Go Now at 50c DRESS SOCKS, now 24c 75c DRESS SOCKS, now ........ 48c $1.25 GOLF HOSE, Prioe ................ 69c These Articles Cannot Last! $3 «2 $1? v Look for the Window Displays and Close Out Sale Signs at RAGAN & BOWMAN 825 WILLAMETTE STREET FIRST DOOR SOUTH OF UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK , EUGENE