The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, April 03, 1930, Page 3, Image 3

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J T H riW D A Y . A PR IL 3. 1830
Glider Flying Newest Thrilling Sport
Lindy tmd H it Glider
Flying without an «Miat ta Ita*
X r 7 ' . J , 7 l,* ’T " Oi »»‘• “O». I»
K««te I» maklnw a m
Ltedte h” '
,IWef 1,A’U*
From ForM.nd__Mr.
Mrs, Fred
Oauehter is Born — Mr. and Mrs.
Lemlty arrived Saturday to be gu est,
•dth their respective parents. Mr. Walter Gossler are the parents of a
daughter born to them at the Pacific
V n , McLeon and Mr and Mrs John
Mr I^-ml-y U f, , or Port Christian hospital ln Eugene oa Sat­
land Sunday afternoon bnt Mrs. I^tm- urday morning. March 2S, 1030 Ned a
ley will , u y u^tll Saturday. Mrs Me Irene la the name which has been
(chosen for the new arrival.
Ltaan will return to PortUnd with her.
.. ,Th! K"d Hh,u,ow'' visited Sprlng-
f eld last Friday night at the high
one of , he torgeat >u<J)
•nres gathered at the high school for
,h *’
Cottala Oeove People H«re— Mrs l.seo from Hoeplt>|— Mrs. W
with the work of the students in pre
^•rl Hill. Mise Evelyn Veach and
Wring and presenting the second of B .Scott, of Wlnberry. was dismissed
Kenneth DoLaasus visited at the
«he Uughtereaque programs for the PrMay from the Pacific « hrlatlan
home of Mr. aod Mrs Riley Snod-
grass Friday evening.
Approximately seventy-flv« dollars
w a. taken ln from the s a l. of tick et,
•nd a Urge smaunt of this will be
i"fj for the student bddy treasury
after expenses have been paid.
"The Red Shadow“ I. . m y „ ery
P'sy written by students of the high
•chool, ,n d the entire plot centers
•bout the Identity of the Red Shad . ,
•nd a love affair which h . 1« carrying
on with an unsuspectllng girl.
The leading part, were played by
Paul Frese. Dai.y To m « th . Da man
S P R IN C F IF I n c -ro r-v -v _____________
Cha«,. Jack Hulett, and Paul Smith.
. , tl,enib‘ r* ° f *he <’horu» »ere Oer
aldllne Wilkinson. Dori. Chase. An
ge Ine Severson. Rvelyn Lloyd. Emma
Trlnka. Junla May. Ella Irvin. Lela
Squires. Irene Jltner. and Janet Boyd
Those seen In the Wedding of the
Painted Doll . c were F a y . Pani<1„ ,
men u M<’P’,er' on- Mary
Irene Manley. Barbara Adams. Rath-
Annual Spring Clean*up
A pril 10, l i , 12
Lindbergh and Hia Wife Are
leurrenT*. r*lr,M*,TaZ’ “ downward Is, not to rise at too sharp an ancle
Both Enthusiast*. Safa a*"“
. cold air. By kneplnc In against the wind, which might turn
d i : r . ? w rm u ' ? bh? * n
°r hu
- •
Bicycling. They Say
A IR P l AMP u u iT U A it-r
h ,i », MU< ** th*r* 1,1 “ ,w*y»
*h»h a
blrd'-'lmolv 7 * * " ’ Ca"
, "un'1’ ,hp
Glider Soars on Air Currents or d rill« ’ ' F
* W,rm Wlrr*»t
“ coo' / “w "« “mu H
Like Eagles and Other
the dir n * . nd * h Ch ’* b,owln* ,n
Large Birds.
An 7 7 , 7
a gUder
'' ‘°
motorcycle lomMlmea turns over hack-
ward In climbing a ate.p grade
any o,her Position, Col. Lind
hergh and other glider expert« aay.
the glider I. safe a . any other form
of lr»n«portatlon. raich safer than an
.»td tn ob ll. «„ the highway. It I. Im
« l aa ‘ •«"*» hl« h
--- — ,or -- “ —
» iand M
to c crash,
ra a h . a
n d I It
t will
w i l l stop
« i n n with
w > ik
Hying without an engine I. the
The air currents keep« It | n the air.
In fifteen feet after touching the
O e w e .t and perhapa the moat Import
What the operator has to learn Is how
ground The shape of the wings In­ ryn Jack, Jean gcolt Haie| 8f)eIby
ant development In alvatlon.
to Steer the gilder Into the current, of sures a horlxontal landing.
Oorothy Fisher. Dorothy Rawlins.
< ol Chaa A, L indbergh. Interest which he wishes to take advantage
Home gilder enthusiasts have begun IH. Cooper. Enid T ravl,. Betty A„.
In the glider plane. In the uae of which
There are always upward currents
both he and hla young wife have be­ on the windward sides of a hill. That putting light little engines, of twenty derson and Revel 8umner.
so. Into
Into «heir
their gliders,
This was the second of the two
one r e . „ \
7 * hl" Tb" I horsepower
bor’ la p^
* pp - or -A -___
come expert, baa attracted the alien
e - aa_
soaring land htete
" *’“* O' her “ t *'
*° draw a t ,he
a U ughteresque program, to be pre­
tlon of the whole world to the poe-
moun'*,n ‘x,w ,r <"d«r and a light airplane senter! by the students of the high
•Ihlllty that we may all fly safely, as regions Th. r
over anv 1 . 7
J ’7
* ’ currenU Hut ,bp «"d’ r without an engine fur-
the big birds fly.
to the sun ’ In U cT
’h* ‘
*” K* * d n'abe* not on,Jr ’ « '• • » • ly valuable in the junior and sophomore class«,
The glider la ln effect an airplane
Place« where t?Lr.
Pr#cU<* 1 ,raln,n« for flyl"« »"X kind
without an engine. It I. very much
Pr° <r,,n
c u r r e n t s ,1
? ° ‘ y’ rt,cal , Ot * planp' but Pnp
“ ><■ mo*« thrill- month
month ago by the senior and fresh-
simpler than an airplane, both In con
d d c ,lw ' however, the ing sports yet discovered
map groups. *
atructlon and operation It costs very glider Is si
• disadvantage
-> — «
Cl.Mr L * V UC*"' HOlm*" ““d M'“
little and anyone can learn to operate a horlxontal current to get the mach­
th e 7 » » 7 MnW' >re ,h ’ ‘ d ’’,’Or’ f0r
•« In a very short time. It cannot fly ine Into the air and to keep It there MAN'S FACE INJURED
as fast aa the airplane, to be sure, bui for any length nt time.
IN PLOW ING ACCIDENT the junior ,„ d sophomore c l.s a e .
•nd were advisors for the Friday
on the other hand. It does not land at
The development of the gilder la a
S H. Shields, of Camp Creek, re­ Program.
•uch a high speed
Authorities say , return to the very first efforts of man
that It I. almost Impossible to crash , to fly. F„r years after the first suc­ ceived a badly cut lip Monday morn
Prom M onmouih-M rs. QUy Day. of
a glider with sufficient force to Injure cessful flight attention was centered Ing aa the result of an accident while
the pilot.
Chiefly on the engines. You can fly plowing. 8hlelds waa sitting on the
"As safe as bicycling.“ I. the way your diningroom table If you have- plow and had the reins tied about his
Hawley Bowlus, holder of the Amerl «n engine powerful enough
In the ahauldera as one usually does when
can record for duration of flight |n a war, high speed and agility In the air plowing or doing any other kind of
Slider, put. It. Mr. Bowlus. wh„ were nece.aary .n d the most power- driving where one must also use his
«aught both (’„I. Llndoergh and Mr». ful engines were none too powerful hands, when the plow struck a large
Lindbergh how to operate gliders , Since the war more attention has been root and the horses broke the whlpple-
•«eyed In the air for » hours 6 m inute, , given to the de»|g„ of th(, pllina
trees. dragging Shield, over the
•nd »7% seconds. Even that Is not until . wing-type was developed which plow.
'he world's glider record, which I. has great Inherent lifting power, and
He was brought to Springfield im­
held by Lieut, niaort, a Oerman, with will rise and float on the slightest of mediately where his Injuries which
, hours. 43 minutes and 26 seconds wind currents.
are not serious, were dressed
In the air.
Like the frigate bird, the glider has
Because the glider Is cheap to build an enormous wing spread In propor­ B IR TH D A Y DINNER GIVEN
and easy to fly. we may look forward tion to It. body Llndy'a glider is 60
to seeing tens of thousands of advent- feet from tip to tip. « nd would be
orou, boy. .oaring like bird, all over overloaded with more than one pas-
Springfield people were
the United States, within a year or •enger. U k e the soaring birds, which pnterl* lne<i at a birthday dinner given
Lef the Inmette ___
two. They win be having . wonder- are. so to speak, "under-engined." the
,he home of Mr « n»i Mrs. A.
A. M
» w you today bote
N time, .„ d at the same time they glider has some difficulty In getting Sn<K|gr*»a »t Shedd last Sunday
will be mastering the rudiments of off the ground. Anyone who has ever I h<’n"r of Mrs Rlley Snodgrass'
i t à to iroa the
aviation In a way which will enable seen a turkey buixard trying to rise •‘l’ h,h b»r<hday.
Sioydex way.
them to qualify
, | rphine pll„ ,R w„ h from the ground knows how difficult i
brpaen‘ «t the dinner were
comparative ease All they will have 1« 1» One reason the great soaring Mr and Mr" Rl|pr Snodgrass, Max
to learn will be the operation of the 1 birds nest In tall trees or on high cliffs 'ne Sno‘’g r»««. H. W. Roo' and Mr.
1» so that they can launch them selves "nd Mr" W llll*m Curtis, all of Spring^
How caB a glider fly without an downward
utilise the fore« Ol field; Mrs Lee Hayes, and her daugh
, o w e . . . . . j and .................
«ravlty to get
------- up
‘«f. fly|n<
and son Kenneth, and
^ T h a same way the soaring birds
WTiere there Is no hill from which ° * or’ p Sn<*I«rass, all of Brownsville;
to launch a glider It must be catapult- I MI’ S Mar,c Johnson. 8hedd; Uriel
A few years ago. out on the gulf of «<1 I" the sir. Most American glider , Corbln- Corvallis; Kenneth DeLaasus
u s e «n
---- rope
r|(pe wnlc||
Mexico In a fishing boat. I got my ¡A.Sthu.1..«.
..................... —
which ICo" a*p a ro »«; . «««I
Mr. and Mr.
S t à
---- ----
« n t sight of the largest of all North « pulled by a few
'w friendly
friend I v hand,
h m d . until
iso« • ft ' M Rnodgress and their two non«
sons. Jack
American bird. In n igh t These are hold,
• ,re,ch *d' Th’ " ‘He rope and Merle.
the frigate birds which, with bodies holding th . tall of the glider I. cut or
"o terger than a good-alxed hen. have <*"t off and the machine rises Into the
»pend Sunday at Corvallis — Mr
wings that spread tw elve feet or
•nd Mrs. Arthtur Peterson i_
_ ___
more from tip to tip.
«B r î î Æ
«l.d?eC’b ‘n.
,h" "P,'',d ° f ,bp •nd Mrs, A. L. Townsend spent Sun­
I watched these birds for hours,
day at Corvallis at the home of Mr
° ” " " V deP” nd"
lying on my back In the cockpit of the
W nd ’ *e*d By m«"p'«vrr- and Mrs. Bill Darling.
at and observing them through
* ,he marh "p "P or down the ex-
porewful field
Porlenced glider can often find wind
observations I did not see a wlnwlw eurr.SU which will carry him In s„y
5 » . ’
one of them flap It. w ing. They were direction In which he may w .n t to fly
not flying, In the sense we usually There are but two controls «„ Uarn^
tnean when we speak of a crow or a ‘bp heeteon«.! rudder and the rertlc.l bird flyl„. , h«y worfl Ronr. wht h',h her"
hut ° n" Pr®eaut! -q
n< exactly as Lindbergh’» glider which the operator has to take That
Occasionally I could
onp of many power plants
t h . . . birds move Its tail feathers a
'“ '• «ip or down, and the course of
the b rd through the air was altered
More municipal power plant, have
by thia sort of .tearing. To change
gone out of business In the last four
Use the marvelous new Irooette for ten
««. course, . frigate-bird would do-
years than came Into business in the
P;«"« one wing a few degrees and lift preceding eight. T h . Business Week
days absolutely free. W atch it do all
the other at the same time. That man not«». This Is from a preliminary re
ourer would make It circle In a long, Port hy Professor Herbert B. Dor.u
your ironing in less than a third o f the
gracoful curve.
of Northwestern U niversity« School
It was mysterious at first, to see
time, w hile you u e comfortably seated.
or Commerce on a surrey of changes 1
these big birds floating aloft hours on In the character and extent of munici­
*nd without apparent effort and with pal ownership l„ the American e le c
no means of support
It was even trie Ilgnt and power Industry.
more mysterious when t h . fishermen
At the close of 1882, birth-year ot
told mo that the same birds would <ho Industry, there were four munici­
float there for weeks at a time with pally owned electric light plants In
out ever going to land. When they thia country. Their number steadily
were hungry, they would dive, from Increased, touching the highest point
A P h o n e C all Today"^
let the ¿ n n d L* y0U Want ,0 kepP “ •
perhapa a quarter of a mile high for -.0«« In 1923, then dropping sharply
- • jV»?»-'- pav hfor ^heVKt 8ares you e8ch wpp,t
•omo unlucky fl.h which was too near to 2,320 In 1927. The sem iannual
Brings You th e Ir o n e tte
P«.v for the beautiful new Ironette
io surface for Its own safety, and supplement to "Government Owner­
rise again without more than one or ship and Operation and the Electric
«... I
To hi o r ro w •’ *
¡75 Down
$ g 3 •4 Month
two flaps of their wlnga. And the Light and Pewer Industry" Issued by
fishermen told m , the frigate bird tho National Electric Light Associa­
d oe. that In a calm. „„,y when tion amplifies the story by recording
there Is a good breexe blowing on the 1,440 cities and towns where munJcf-
IntoTh" ° f tlha "**' "”d H ,lw a y " h9a"" pal operation has disappeared.
«J 8
nd “ “ "WO°P» down.
ITofessor Dorau says an explana­
What keep, the frigate bird In the tion must coyer, legal, political, tech­
•Jr I. tne y.rtlcal a(r curr#nu wh)ch nological and economic factors; also
from the warm waters of the Gulf changes In popular reeling
There la always an upward current government conduct of
Sit d o w n
to iro n
■ * v" ».
Ate. *<
I f
No m oney to pay
N o o b l i g a t io n
to you
Iron on the Ironette—
Then Decide for Y o vnelfl
Mountain States