PAGE two Tim spRiKonn.n n t t b THURSDAY. APRIL 3. THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS With them. Try to squelch them and a «rood Mc I • h°’M C“r Bowr. 0. d T i i ° , V 8t bV‘ 8,Up,d w‘" to w i l ­ K .ÎS X *I.*Z Published Every Thursday at asBdiss is the name chosen to r the Msr.-ols, was a Friday a h .,» » .. i . der whether after all there Isn’t somethin» .. .m a n son of M .v M r, c j " r r "U> *“ SpriagfleM . L«aa Coanty. Oregga, by ¡thaUn niW| that ,h| e > " * belng IH >re’*'Uted. And Julian and hla mol h r r returned from T H E W IL L A M E T T E PRESS that is the Impression they are trying to convey ihc hoapltal on F riday of | , „ weeh From M arcóla - 4,«orge Flaher. of H . E. M A X E Y . Editor. • • • I ¿Marcóla, came to Springfield Monday ite ra d as aevood clasa m atter. February 3«. lW J. at the lo purchaae auppllea. The tariff on lumber at 11.50 ner TOOK SODA FOR STOM­ IH'atofflca. 8prlngfl«ld. Oregon ?’£an8 ,,5 0 .a day to a ^w m lll cutting 100.000 ACH FOR 20 YEARS i e/- sooi^ have figured out. Personally, we do M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N RA TE "F o r JO year« 1 look soda for ladt. not think the tariff will raise the price of lumber One year In Advance--------»3.7» Three Months (materially because the supply ,J X ? y J , £ ¡ £ 1 of (ra tio n and atnmacb saa One bottle . 76c A d ^ rtk a »rough, t r « ^ “* P* MoBth>..... ......... — »1 M Single Copy _ ....6c h»r thK <,emand— the sawmill's see to lief. —Jno B. Hartly. that. What we believe it will do. however w II Adlerlha relieves OAS and aour T H C R 8 D A Y , A P R IL 3, 1JJO be to provide a wider market for lumber. ft w TH Upper and lower bowel re. “PEOPLE WHO LIVE IN GLASS HOUSES .. , ____ will be ....... mean .. that American lumber sold where BO ®r ">« poleona you never know ’ ere Russian lumber is now going in a a “ there MUST NOT THROW STONES” l anadian an nd Kusslan Don , fool with medicine which . , A K T ° f ,h * * > * • « • . >>«" ¡ » . J M M S I ~ £ ¿ « 5 s B S s s R i r r , r "" ° ™ ”r" ■» " .» o ! R e fls ts r M at SfwMngfltld Hotel Phillip«, Toledo; M r Brown. (Ira n is I'aaa. and I E Howel and K erm ll A Akin, both of Mapleu- were recent guests at the Hprlngflel hotel. I o see bow becom ing a cap can be tr y on our IF o v erly i R E A ir i t K' r • to m ,, h bowel« a R E A L cleaning and see how cood you feel— Flanery'a Drug 8 , o r* C IT A T IO N In the County Court of the State of i5„r*,?‘>n ,Or ,h * Coun‘ y Of Can«. w -ieii' K iJ J“h" 1W , . rn * ‘1 Owen W aring ~ ¡ ^ n ,h e w6° ~ I i?.l< u l,ough. ( harlee T. W aring I i n ? lrw i|W a r lu *’ S• n,u,' l s W aring' and W ilson W aring, Orootlag: fair chance of election otherwise. • • • lu the Nam e of the State of Ore h»d,i \ k i i b,ic u5ilities corporations have always gOB. You are hereby cited and re bb^ 8 t* the ,eSlsIatur»? but heretofore have qulicd to appear Io the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County i X a t S ! ¿ i h mS»HeS WUh keeping out fr'‘ak , of 1-ane, a t the Court room thereof, at Eugene, In the County of Lane, on Saturday, the J«th day of A pril. 1*30 fiS S iio 8av that there * no at the hour of ten o'clock In the f,.re- ^ U„ n A ‘ e o'e 'i'ie ? e iK U“ ’ ° “C‘eS b" . noon of that day. then and there to ahow cauae. If any you have, why the real property belonging ,o aald oa- » S c u M S K A T S ' ^ u. V . V I late. and deacrlhed aa follow«, to-w lt- gene does not look far sighted. by E u -, WORRYING DOESN’T PAY Commenclng at the Northw va, cor ner of Donation la n d Claim No «1 The public utilities corporations in this state »re mv frien i * ’ ? bac? 1 ° a co,,eKe reunion, one of In Section 23. In Tow nahlp lg South ¡ M l!:' b’“ n,8,K yS ^ " • - •— «— of Range J Weal W illa m e tte M e ri­ dian; running thence South on the bOMU of 2000 stockholders In “a I'.rg.. -Awful wS.’r h i' “ ,ked “ “ ,r c h ,“< H eat line of aald Claim 1} Chain« thence East 17.»« chains to the Eaat S r ? ~ ' w6“ '- - line of aald Claim ; thence North 12 34 chain« to the corner of aald claim; -err m u . ,o g m I thence North 40 degree« West g 70 chain« to Corner 0 , «aid Claim ; thence W e4, 13.34 chain« ,0 the place of he (In n in g , containing 313« acre« Of land. In Lane County, Oregon; «hould not be «okl at private «ale bv the A dm inistrator o f aald estate as “ X 1 ? “ <« - famlllarly those are . 2 la the petition of the «aid Adm inis­ tra to r set out. .dS S ; ? r j « * V h M o ' S o P ° X " E E 2 S ^ i K . wf T J “ — - 5 - ’ «? ti win me W’ ltnea« the Honorable C, P. Bar Bard. County Judge and the seal of veam »»/a i> — u 1 was a Wd her® twenty-five speaking his mind. apeaaing years years ago. ago. I’ve I ve b been a subscriber to the local «aid Court affixed thia 3«tb day of 18 the 8um and substance of our Consti- paper ever since I left, an* most of these old M arch. 1*30. A ttest; W R D IL L A R D . Clerk dled 1 have taken X c U l is hard guarantee of freedom of speech There u A . By Sibyl W estfall. Deputy. ! i i ? i L * » h Per8On Uvlng who does not at U m S °otioe of the size of their estates. How much M 37 A 3-10-17-3« 6 hT,iegiSlatOrS This U arnrly cap It cut on • new, kccone i»g line that you w ill Uka. It is finaly tailored from rich woolen fabric, tLoi* ou(h ly prv-.hrunk . . . is lined with silk and banded with gennina leatKar. A tionally advertised value. Q O , .,X DKUC ““ 7 F “ “ e ilX s h T , ^«opportunity to “let off stea m ” by 5 £ S 7 h d° y°d th‘nk they ,eft’ Between a hun thouwnd and two “ hundred thousand dol dollars ™ . v . A Z 0f >------ w L r— 7 * ww r .« .' u, L .lh?. « ? me * wor world too w»y d Is onurea mous&nd ara A“? « J?.’ 1* ? ¡ ih.«_funny “ >‘nK-^ v e r y ¿ n n y M t f r - °' ’ >» • » « t e J. C. PENNEY 0 Q Better to serve you We are now remodeling our store that we may give you even better aervlce. We feel that with the finest candles •nd Ice cream to sell and a good place to serve it our mission will be complete. You’re always Invited here. Sooner or later, they all come to Kgglmann'a.“ ir "/«4avtruWi«v Or«p«a to themselves, and to- abuse th o se In trU tu<’ 0 D* o u t te n authority When officials try to sonreís then, »l° thl’ "™ B man’s would bear a line life was s S i e “3 ♦h€8e ^wVer?U8 ones They haPPy- It proves that ‘ 8everal the ^^urred.” fear of bad developments t t e World is all wrong. tamediaSy ° f yea±8 Wh,ch by never P U’' ¡ h - 2 lr °L “ minds and the mlnd8 of Others like », Even ~ lae “ en- aB thelr J^hrs have Increased. 1 -ri!’ martyrs to Ibe cause of free speech ! ^a' e ’ offered from the evil habit of fearine the IJere Is only one intelligent wav to 'h an d u 1 WOf8t The Rev Cotton Mather who dW •uch People. That is to let them talk preserve tW? hundred years ago In Boston, was the most erJ D &e "d • WOndCT- F G G I M A N N ’S Charles HALL fR¿ J u b l -V U n IB. ».rvie. „ ouTerasi" KX ican COVERNOk Spring Clearance S A LE y 111 were handled in most American i ^ t * ” h,S ° ld age he viewed thte future dlscon- 1 Tha?nideh? whf‘re in ‘be world. ,atJ* y He concluded that God had brought winrv 1 d, d? 1 8UIt the Communists. There is no ms a( ro8s the ocean to a “New England Slory in being allowed to talk. What they want de8art fPr a very «pedal purjM,se. hut that this Í H?he r eVented fr° m talking- That gives then tPhU»!’T ha,d ,obvioU8ly been accomplished and ......... <» C h W ? ' Sd° Y1””1 ,hey ,o "1"1- in Ñ 'w v “ k ' . J Í ? “ Iony s,h,,"> ”» “t o or coming to naught Chicago and elsewhere, that thev were not got it b u there,are doubtless a million men in it today to be interfered with, they began to throw thlnJs h h° the fun of thpir ‘’»«rent success ñí i hhi hO»^e D the effort to Provoke retaliation °Z the dread that something unfortunate to which they could point aa evidence of om,res T X’Ut to hap‘)ei1 ,1Oai’ oppres-1 -One-fourth of life is intelligible” «»Id Talking hurts nobody unless the effort is made Rutberf ° rd- “the other three-fourths unintel- o suppress it. Like dynamite, these agitators ,g b e. darkne8s: and our earliest duty is to culti y eh » n nge,r° l¡8 ° nly when confined GhS them i VaTBthe h?bit of not ^ k i n g around ?he comer “ off h?r th tO Pt ° if 8team by talking their heads Pw,Th? ^ vf US wbo do not are hkely to get an uñ- wili ,hK^ W8,nt to’ and tbe nest of the world w 7 c,ed bump octa8ionaIly. but how much faster « L S L S b o u , | „ _m,,lne!s wl(hw t o ™ * w. £ ,,,1 A„u w fa. . , h,n w “' h.t o t o ----- ------------- a cause of the imaginary bumps that w e m is s The R eal Discoverer Seldom Gets Credit By Albert T. Reid USED C A R S WITH AN O. K. THAT COUNTS MORRIS CHEVROLET Co. A Proven Butin««« E«- ecu.-iv« and a Leader in the Progress of Oregon. Such Is The Man Charlo« H all. Attracted by the coun­ try. be came to Oregon when a young man Juat out of bla teens. Hi« flr«t Job *« « with a pick and «hovel on the dle- (in g ot a pipe line. Upon acquiring «ntUclent runt!« he returned East and enter ed the Unlv of Michigan. Coming back In 190«. b < located at Hood River and from then on hla progreaa was rapid W r it e to T h e H a ll H e a d q u a r­ ter«, Im p o rlal H otel, P o rtla n d , fo r booklet g iving the In te re s t- In « life otorv and tho o la tfe rm of th e m an who 0« ■ peovon butlnoaa ««ocutivo and a load­ e r In tho progrooo of Oregon w ill give our atato tho k ind of a d m in is tra tio n It naods. (P a id A d v ertis e m en t, H a ll-fo r-G o v e rn o r C lub ) L . D. F a la h rlm , M anager P o rtla n d . Ora. 924 Olive St., Eugene, Oregon Teleph one 627 Rest-Haven M emorial Park Is Permanently Endowed m?8i ,H,IK>rtant advantages of the modern “ PUrk” .°V#r the old 8ty,e cemetery is that the perpetual maintenance and care of the ment°fundPa iOreVt‘r * " “"** by tt Per»ia»ent endow- C ò r ifa t h a t “t'h Without an endowment fund, every cemnterv , later, will become that saddest of all spcctacÌs^'^N eg lect­ ed graveyard— unkempt, overgrown with weed» 76,000.00. « * made A part of every dollar that Is paid for sites In Rest-Hev.n set aside at once for the endowment fund. This is part o f Ìhe »«’•eement under which all money received from the sale of property is disbursed. Unquestionably th ia , J ?!™ fl'v ' " t o " “"1 « t o n t i , « I= . “ 5 b y 'K ¿nXS“"n'd Ì m X Ì K " " k »y"r THÈ ACTUAL DEVELOPMENT ¡ U ..X “ ;« z-z t e i t t e ....r r ■ " " tree« and s l.r u b .-th e « « o peration, arc gt.lng f’o r w a M 'T r a D ld ? ' a» w eather w ill perm it. These a c tiv ó le . *** Ity und the scientific management of ii '^ h m ost " i ' m "t" V*'Bl Im portant undertaking. ‘ ln" ”''’"'">K «nd i If you cannot rea w ith com fort an pleatture have an eye exam ination now. DR E C MEAOE o " T o M E T F I - T ___»> w r / T «ve, ¿ VF 8 h « « ,d „ , you. too. ho among t h e . who h a y . (n, orm, d th . m . . |v w about Rest-Haven? Rest-H aven MEMORIAL PARK Í L p h o n . 830 530-7-8 M!„.r Building I and Mra