T ry tha Hom « P rin t Shop F trat THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS ____________ “The People's Paper* U V K NEW SPAPER IN A LIV E TOW N H PH IN tJK IK ljj, i ^ nb COUNTY. OKWOON- Students To MANY CONTESTS IT H.S. Enter Music Fest SPRING CLEANUP IS PBIMABY ELECTION SET APRIL 10 TO 12 Sevan Different Contest« Are Entered by Springfield Filing« CI o m With Many Sack­ Music Students. Free Collection of Winter’s ing Nomination« on Republic- Rubbish to be Made in Annual Springfield high school students an Ticket; Precinct Commit­ Cleanup; Airport to be Roll- will make a »strong bW for honors at teeman to Via for Place« in the annual high school Music Fest to ed and Smoothed by County Eugene Vote. be held at the Hchool of Music build Machines. Gourt Promises to Oil Jasper R oad INSPECTORS PRAISE CUT FETING FIELD Section to be Inspected and Standard Road to Get Treat­ m ent Rest Improved. Aeronautical Inspector for De­ Oiling of all standard parts of the I partment of Commerce, and West Side Willamette highway, from J State Airplane Inspector Both Springfield to Jasper, was promised Praise Condition of Local Wednesday by the County Court to a Field; Ships Also Lauded. Ing In Eugene on Friday and Saturday Filings closed Tuesday for the party of this week. The contests are being delegation from the two communities. The annual spring cleanup was set Dominations for the May primary sponsored by tne Eugene branch of for April 10th, llth . and i2th by the ! A state oiling Inspector wilt be “The Springfield airport la the election and two paid county offices, the Oregon State Music association council at a special meeting Monday taken over the road In a few days easiest field to land an airplane on Its commissioner and treasurer, will lie and losing cups and other prizes hay* evening. Residents of the city are and portions needling more grade Im­ contested. For the flrat time In hie- the entire Willamette valley right been offered by l,ane county business requested to do a very good Job this provements before oiling will be lory there will be about 16 con tea la picked out and work done on them now." declared Basil Smith, ntrictet men and other Interested Individuate i F««r for the sake of health, sanitation tor republican precinct committeemen M i » Patricia Marsh of Pittsburgh. and appearance that they may be oiled later on. the airplane Inspector for Oregon, after Many Contests Entered Kan ..is. elected die most beautiful out ot the I!« precincts In the county. he had brought his own ship. The and popular girl student at Baker. court said. Representing Springfield In the People will sack their rubbish and Eugene ex service men, not satisfied University. Baldwin, Kansas. contest will he violin mid piano solos, The road from 8prlngfleld to bowel other accumulations of the winter Student Prince, down on the local with their part In the Republican can Is heavily traveled and is a water (field Tuesday morning tral committee, brought out a number a violin quartet, a girls' glee club, a 1 months and place them on the curb grade, the visiting delegation pointed «( rundldates against committeemen girls' quartet, bass and baritone solos. for collections April 10. according to Smith, who made the flight hers V en ice ilawke will be entered with tnlatructtons of the street committee. out. Oiling thia section will greatly running for re election Notably In this from Portland for the purpose of In­ a piano solo. Eldred Glaapy will en­ . - facilitate travel from the upper WII- When sacks are so placed they will contest la John i*atteraon. who Is specting the airworthiness of the running against Joseph Koke. state ter the volln contest, and Eldred be hauled away free of change. City of Eugene, cabin monoplane be­ Glaapy, Fred Buell, Evelyn Buoll and I _____ The oiling will be done as a part longing to the Inman School of Fly- The council ordered repairs made practicing Choral group will be held at the Selection of entries for the slate school before the Friday meeting any qestlonlng and went on to say __ ___ __________ __ nightly, with Professor Bnell as the Methodist church on Thursday music tournament to he held at For CHAMBER DIRECTORS coach. They have had to change Ings until after the presentation of that it was one of the most rigid ship« eat Orove on Thursday and Friday. BRIDGE DISMANTLING CHOOSE COMMITTEE their style of pitching from the under­ the cantata on Good Friday. It waa ever constructed In this country and April 24 and 26. are now being made STARTED HERE TODAY hand to the overhand method and It necessary to move to the Methodist that the workmanship was excellent FOR C O M M U N ITY H A L L ,« ' the htgn school, according to Er­ He also commented on the ease with la causing some trouble among the nest McKinney, Instructor of music. Dismantling of tthe old Springfield glrla. Buell la still confident, how church last Thursday as the Cham­ which he could pilot the ship for thn F. B. Hamlin, Carl Olaon. and W. K. It haa been decided to enter the ber of Commerce rooms were badly Barnell were appointed a house com­ glrla' glee club, the girls' quartet, bridge over the Willamette river waa ever, that hla team will make a strong torn up by the moving activities be­ first time at the controls. started here this morning by a crew mittee to look after the new head­ a violin solo, and a bass an baritone To License Ship bid for the county championship. ' ing carried on at that time. "The licensing of the ship will bd Some of the boys are practicing 1 quarters of the Chamber of Commerce solo In the contest. Rehearsal« are of workmen under the direction of 8. The _ singing organisation la com . . . ..... . . vaults and omer other traca track events events. i 1 ____ by the board of directora at a meeting being conducted every afternoon at Barham. Portland contractor. Four pole — recommended and you will receirn held here Monday for the purpose of the high school preparatory to the men will be used at first and later on It has not been definitely decided yet » ^ 7 . - * n'°’ t *'X,y local ’,ln have tree, planted along I Mrs. Barnell and Mrs. Rae will Bars Other organizations which may desire of Jeremiah Yarnell and Mary E. , h„ arted Tuesday afternoon and th« Yarnell. He was . native of Lane 1 b ” ,tr° m, ‘ ’"n* ln,° the rlTer 'he McKenale highway leading Into a part In the program. to use the property can do no for 62 00 --------- long northeast sonthweat runway w ill ■ • 3 becoming twisted and the steel - Springfleld on the east I. meet.ng Another duet will be composed ot an evening. An extra »6.00 will be county, having been bom here on soon be ready for use In any kind of Mrs. W. P. Tyson and Mrs. Dallas August 10. 1864. and was 65 years | iiu ,,,. . ! wlth thp «PProvel of several of the weather. charged for the kitchen If that It used. Murphy, and the quartet numbers , ______ _ to land owners along the highway. ut rirty days will be required Other details will he worked not by old at the time of his death. Monoplans Noars Completion will be handled by Alfred Frese, Dr. He Is survived by his wife, Edna cnmp,Pt’' th« dismantling work here, 1 the house committee at later meetings. It was discovered soon after the Rebhan. Mrs. Barnell. and Mrs.’ Rae The smell monoplane which the fly­ Yarnell, a daughter; four brothers "fter wh,ch the «‘«el will be loaded proposal was made that there wag not The most of the bass solos will be ing school is building will soon b« Harry Yarnell. - Springfield; George ! “nd "h,pl* d Portland for process- enough room left on the highway P. T. A. WILL SPONSOR sung by W. Cook. Other assign­ ready for the test flights, sccordlag Yarnell, Bickleton, Washington ; John later UBed ln the erection ot right-of-way for tree planting, so ments may be nude to other Indivi­ t e builders. The motor mounting • bridge over the SILVER TEA ON FRIDAY Yarnell. Brothers, Oregon; and Silas Willamette river several of the farmers have volun­ duals later, states Mr. McKinney, is almost completed and then the only Yarnell, Springfield; and two alsters. east of Creswell. teered to take care of the trees If director. remaining work will be the covering The Springfield Parent-Teacher as­ Mrs. Mollie Willis, Portland, and Mrs. they are planted on their property. of the wings, which will take a very sociation Is sponsoring a sliver tea at Sarah Armstrong. Dickens. lows. LIGHT INSTALLATION short time. The wing on the ship will Walker appeared at the last meet- N. O. W. JUVENILE GROUP the Lincoln school tomorrow after­ The funeral services were held on be removed while It I. being moved ON BRIDGE IS STARTED i lag of the Chamber of Commerce and noon between the hours of .1:00 and Sunday from the Walker Poole chapel. MEETS HERE SATURDAY to the Held. This can be done by th« urged that a meeting be held to which 6 .10 o’clock. Funds received will he Rev. C. J. like, paator of the Metho­ , The Installation of a modem llgtit- the land owners should be invited removal of eight bolts, states' MY, plnced In the general treasury and dist church, officiated and Interment The regular monthly meeting of Inman. . Ing system on the new Springfield and a definite plan of action could be used for current expenses. waa made at the Mt. Vernon cerne ; bridge la now nearing completion, formulated. The Chamber of Com­ the Juvenile circle number 162 of the Miss Crystal Bryan has general tery. ad It Is expected that the lights will merce authorised Its president to ap Neighbors of Woodcraft will be held ELI J. MORRIS DIES; charge of the ten and will he assisted he ready to be turned on early next point a committee to work with the Saturday afternoon at the N. O W by Mrs. Male, who has charge of the MISS SKOW TO SPEAK week. FUNERAL HELD MONDAY Lions club and also to Invite P rofs.-' X 8f,’ rnOOn W*U be program to be proaented by the pupils regular business meeting, an The bridge Is to be lighted with a sor Peck, forestry engineer from thd 1 extempore AT CIVIC MEET HERE of Miss Bryan's and Miss Platt’s Ell J. Morris died at the Eugene series of bracket lamps on the out­ Oregon State Agricultural College to classes. hospital at 0:.10 Saturday morning ments. Gertrude Skow, Lane County De­ side of the steel superstructure so as come here and discuss the proper Mrs. Marlon Adams and Mrs. Walotr This may be the last meeting of after a short Illness. He waa 80 year« Laxton will pour during the after- monstration agent, will he the princi­ to throw most of the light directly type of trees to plant and other neces- and had been a resident of Spring- group before the summer vacation, ' pal speaker at the next meeting of the upon tho sidewalk. snry facts. noon. t d for many years prior to his death. states Mrs. Myrtle Egglmann, Senior Springfield Civic club, which Is to be President W. A. Taylor of the The cost of the lights and the In- He is survived by his wife, Alice; held at the home of Mrs. C. O. Wilson , •"«nation Is being home Jointly t „ - rhnmher ° f Commerce appointed N. Guardian. Another meeting may or Old Building Being Razed one son, Rollle Morris; and two may not be held later In tne spring, Work of toarlng down the old on next Tuesday eyeulng. April 8. The ’»>« city of Springfield and the Countv i A R*"'e nnd B ° ’ Sm,,h to "Crii depending on the attendance Satur­ daughters. Mrs. Ben Howell, Eugene; 7 ' f',r i",'P Wl" ho Hotter J Ccurt- while the city Itself will building nt the corner of Third and will n.v pay ! I w,,h ,he Llon" club committee, day and several other Interfering and Mrs. Walter Workman, Westflr. Main streets waa started tills week Homes, and Is being taken up In con­ for the lighting. The funeral services were held from factors. nection with the nation wide Rotter Eastern Stsr Initiate Member The old building will ho entirely re­ the Walker-Poole rhapel on Monday Home Movement. moved and the lot cleaned up nnd JOHN LOUK FUNERAL afternoon at 2:30. Rev. C. J. Pike, Anderson Assumes Police Duties All members of the Civic club nnd Members of the Eastern Star en­ mnde over Into a marking lot for the pastor of the Methodist church, offi­ AT CRESWELL TODAY others Interested are urged to be pre­ joyed a 6:30 dinner Tuesday evening ___ __ Springfield creamer. Lum Anderson assumed his ___ new ciated and Interment was made In the sent nt this meeting. There will be a prior to their regular meeting, a t ' dut|e« as ehlef of police here Tuesday Laurel Grove cemetery. Funeral services for John P. Louk, iibialenl program and refreshments which Mrs. I.ydla Edgell was Initiated , n’°rnlng and has been spending the Legion Organization to Meet who died nt Salem on Tuesday, will Into th« order, Mrs. W. C. Wright , first ^ew days getrinj- acquainted with The regtilnr semi-monthly meeting will h„ served by the hostess. Highway Work Started he held from the Sehwerlng chapel at presided. his new work. He was given a tern- of the American Legion and Auxiliary Work of rolling and packing th® ( reswoll thia afternoon at 2:00. Service Station Gets Paint Plans were discussed at the meet porary appointment Inst week by the gravel Into the new part of the Mo- will be held tomorrow night nt the Mr. Louk la survived by his wife, community hall. This win he the The Springfield Service station Is Mary Louk; Fred Louk of Springfield, Ing for the potluck supper to be held police committee of the city council Kenxie highway south of Thurston on April 10. when the Eastern Star and the appointment was approved by was being pushed forward this week the first meeting of these organiza­ being painted In the colors of the As­ Arthur, who lives In lowu, and two members will he entertained by the tions In their new quarters. the council members at a special by the state highway department. sociated oil company thia week. grandchildren. Masons. meeting Monday evening. This road was completed last fall. I Good B all Teams A ssured a t H. S. Iamette **ctlon