I t PA« R B G H T PHR SPR1NOFMCLD N THURSDAY, MARCH 27. 1930 OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST DRAMA AND OPERA TO BE SHOWN AT THEATRE Principal Events of the Week Assemb'ed for Information of Our Readers. Secretary H u rl.y baa approvad aa a llc tm .o t of SM.OM for Yaqulna bay and harbor, where dredging will ba ■adartakaa Im m adiat.ly to pro ride •or aa aatraara ehaanel over the acaaa bar 2 t real daap and also a ahatrael I t feat daap from the aa­ tra a ra to Yaqulna. With Riu curious car at Daytona POLICE CHIEF TO RIDE IN MOTORCYCLE RACES << The Red Shadow" Coming To Local High School Stage vaudeville, opera and radio, s ta rt of all our wonderful tw entieth century amusement media In the greatest cast ever assembled In one motion pt< lu r - lin e hy one they pass before you with dance, song or comic skit In M etro - Ooldwyn - M ayer's “ Hollywood Itevue.'' Ih le gigantic fu ll length all talking, singing and dancing feature coming Bunday T w enty new song hits and novelty dances, abundant gags and laughs, tuneful melodies and dialogue that sparkles, to aay nothing of tbe largest dancing chorus of beautiful girls that aver daisied the bald headed row The most virile, realistic story of newspaper life ever seen on the talk | lug screen—that In a nutshell. Is the l*aths all dialogue picture production Big News'* at the Bell theatre on Friday and Saturday. Tbe story Is dram atic situations are as engrossing to finish has a th rill of Its own W ith Its «nappy dialogue. "Big News" will hold attention of every spectator as by a magic apell. It la a tremendous theme adm irably presented and Its dram atcl situations are aa engrnaalag aa they are reallath- As a box office A plot that Is real, vivid, human A »»»e< of trauacandeat m erit Big N e w t” has no superior on the vocal melodrama of human relationships T hai Is the big thing In "W om an screen. Ttefi" It tolls the story o f two bro­ thers -on» who lovas the law and Stars of stage and screen; stars of enforces It— the other a crook. W R Davis was granted an in­ definite leave of absence from bia duties as chief of police of Spring- field last night by the police com­ Students Writ« Mystery Play m ittee of the city council. Davis For Second Laughteresque had asked for leave so that be might Program Friday. be perm uted to spend at least a part of the summer riding in many Afternoon and evening rehearsals of the h ill climbs which are staged | are now being conducted fo r the play 1 Employment conditions la Lana annually for motorcycle experts. “T h e Red Shadow * which the mem­ connty are showing Improvement, ac­ lh»vta plans to leave Springfield cording to Frank L. Armitage. super­ next Tuesday morn ng and accomp­ bers of the Junior and sophomore D o n 't F o rg e t the B ig intendent of the United Statea em­ anied by his fam 'lv w ill drive to classes at the high school are to pre­ sent as a part of the second laughter- ployment bureau at Eugene. Thera Fresno, where he will meet C. W. la a fa ir demand for logging camp and Brown, now In Log Angeles, who la esque program o f the school year aawciill workers, he aays. aod there to be his companion on his iong trip. The play w ill be presented st the on Friday la acme demand for building workers. They w ill both ride In a cHmb at high school auditorium evening at 8:00 o'clock. An admission DRING HELD One man was overcome by smoke Fresno and w ill then go to Los A n­ charge of tw enty-five cents w ill be geles. where Brown w II enter a race and cied shortly afterw ard and 25 per made. SODS escaped in their night clothing at the Ascot speedway. T be motion picture to be shown aa Leaving C alifo rn ia the tw o men. In a tira which destroyed the Tourist AT a part of ihc same program is T he ittom as I.ipton, wealthy Irish hotel, garage and restaurant at Clats­ with th eir fam ilies. i Brown was re­ College Coquette.” a six reel cotnedy. tra merchant, who has spent two mil­ kanie recently. Owners estimated the cently m arried t o an A ustralian g irlt T h e Identity of the Red Shadow la lio n dollars trying to win the world's Wisconsin, damage at $20,000. The tire originat­ w ill go to M ilw aukee. greatest yachting trophy, the Ameri­ being kept a secret. T he plot of the where they w ill spend some tim e at ed la the kitchen from an oil beater. ca'* Cup. announces hr »rill try again play centers around a man disguised (F orm erly B row nsville W ollen Mill« Store) the H arley Davidson Motorcycle Some dairymen la the Shedd vlcln In red clothing and who falls In love Corner 7th and Willamette Eugene. Oregon factory. Ity are beginning to sell their poorer w ith a girl that Is about to m a rry a RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Brown Is an expert rider, and has cowu. fearing that the market for their crook, whom the Red Shadow la Just returned to the United States WORKER COMING TUE. beef may not he as good in the fall searching for. H e r fath er does not from England and Austral.a. where as at present. During the last few know that the man he la encouraging W a lte r D. How ell, general field he has spent the past three years. Months it has been bard for dairymen his daughter to m arry Is a crook, and secretary of tbe Intern atio nal Coun­ Darts has gained quite a reputation to make a profit after paying feed w ill not believe it when told of the cil of Religious Education w ill make in this state for hill cllm b l'ng feats bills aod help. Some have been com­ situation by the Red Shadow. T he a visit to Eugene on Tuesday evening. and has also gained recognition from p ile d to lower wages. Help la plen­ program w ill be replete w ith ting in g A p ril 1. io confer with com m llieea of the H a rle y Davidson company, who tifu l thia spring. and dancing numbers, also liv e ly ‘ the Lane County Council. The meet are e m p lo y in g the two men to enter boys and girls choruses. ALL-TALKING I ln8 will be held Io tbe Presbyterian State nigoway eng.neera are pre­ the races with the r brand of mach­ The program is being produced under church and all Interested people are Admieeion 35c and 10c paring for chaugee in tbe Roosevelt ines j the direction of M*ss Lucille Holm an Invited to hear him T he meeting highway oa the Denmark-Port Orford D a ris has constructed a large unit for a distance of some miles. A tra ile r and w ill mount three m otor­ and Miss W agner, faculty advisor for Will be especially interesting to 8un THURSDAY. Last Chance the two high school groups. Daisy day school workers, pastors, and change of routing In Port Orford is to cycles upright on |t. The tra ile r The Dazzling Follies Beauties in Tom aeth la In charge of the produc­ other church workers. Mr How ell be made to offer a better view of what w ill be attached to D irts * car and tion of tbe play. w ill stop only at two Oregon cities Is ahead for a distance of six or seven pulled all over the A tlan tic states. T he cast o f characters for the Red on his present tour and It Is there-1 blocks. Near Denmark contractors Shadow la as follows; fore expected that many delegations a « erecting gravel bunkers and as Red Shadow __________________ _ _ __ ? from other counties w ill attend the Just O tit o f j d FRIDAY and SATURDAY sembling machinery for widening tbe Sheron. the g irl ...... .. Daisy Tom seth. , meeting highway and surfacing. F ath er __ ______ _ Darm an Chase. Mrs. F ra n k Page, of W a lte rrille , la . Fertillxlng his field of potatoes re­ V i l l t a n ________________ Jack H u lett. With Carul Lombard and Robert Armstrong Ihe secretary of the Lane County 1 sulted 1n a western Lane county farm L a rry _________________ Paul Sm ith. Council of Religious Education. The story of life in the editorial rooms of a great modern er realizing a reiurn of $231 40 from T he members of the chorus are; newspaper. an investment of only $8 75, County G eraldine W ilkinson. Doris Chase. Agent O. S. Pletcher reported. As a MANY ATTEND MEETING OF Comedy— So This is Marriage Angeline Severson. Evelyn Lloyd. means of experimentation, the farmer Emma T rln k a , Junta May. E lla Irvtn, NEEDLECRAFT GROUP left a small part of the field unferti­ SUNDAY and MONDAY Lela Squires, Irene Jitn er, and Janet lised. The portion on which super­ Mrs. W. H. Pollard and Mrs. Harry « I Boyd. phosphate was used yieled an increase The cast for the "W edding o f the M. S tew art entertained for the mem­ of 9618 pounds of potatoes per sere, bers of tbe Needlecraft club at the Painted Doll" Is headed by Faye The most glamorous presentation of 25 leading Hollywood stars or 178 per cent more than the other borne o f the form er last Thursday | Parsons as the Painted Doll, and Janet ever shown in one production. plot. afternoon. The afternoon waa spent 1 Pherson w ill be the bridegroom. M ary Specialty Act Spitalny’s Band with guessing games, sewing and Seaside, the terminus of the Old Hadley. Red Riding Hood. Irene Man- other entertainm ent. T he prlxe In Oregon tra il and the western end of ley, Buater Brown, and B arbara TUESDAY. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY the guessing game was won by Mrs the Lewis and Clark journey In 1905-5. Adams. M am a Doll. EVELYN BRENT in W. N Gossler A luncheon was nlao w ill be the scene of a celebration T he o ther dolls from the follies are served. commemorating the start of the first K ath ryn Jack. Jean Bcott, Haxel Guests a t the meeting were Mrs wagon train across the continent along Shelley, Dorothy Fisher, Dorothy John Ketels. Mrs. Alex McKensle >f A Btory of two brothers who had very different Ideas concerning what later was to become the famous Ra wllna and Iris Cooper. T be b rid e s -, Eugene, and M r . W A. Bingham a the law. Oregon trail, according*to plans made PIRE MARSHALL URGES m a id , are Enid T r a v l, and Betty coualn M r„ D w wl|OM Comedy______________________________________“Adam'« Eve” by the Seaside chamber of commerce Anderson Revel Humncr w ill take tbe ( home „ Mooa(.> w Canada CLEAN UP AGITATION part A "Covered Wagon Centennial," cele­ MATINEE of the m ln l.te r I T „ e mwnlM.r, p r w „ , brating the journey of the first wagon EVERY SATURDAY and SUNDAY AFTERNOON at 1:30 The grass Is just starting to grow dames George Carson. W N. Gossler. train In 1830. will be promoted for Bargain Prices — 20c and 10c nicely, but warnings are already be­ Larson W rig h t, O. H. J a rre tt, E. E Seaside 'his summer. ing sent out by Clare A. Lae. s ta t e ! START ON MARCH 31«t. Ma'- J w 8«”‘- »’• "• n»w»on, r Six y cows in herds belonging to fire marshall, ren rn -.in g the people L. D rury, C arl Olson. D. W. Crites, members of the Union County Cow of Oregon of the losses sustained In M onday. M arch 31 has been de- W H. Pollard. Clifford W llaoo. John Testing association produced 40 Ibia »tat« every year due to the many slgnated aa the opening date o f the Henderer. W N. bong, Floyd Wester- pounds of butterfat during February grass fires. rodent control campaign in Lane fle.d, and H a rry M Btewart. according to Hana Seifera, official The usual wording "no damage" 1 county. A ll farm ers and land owners T he next meeting w ill be held on tester, who aays there has been heavy which is w ritien a fte r the reports of ' * r* urged by O. 8 . Fletcher. Less A pril J. w ith Mrs. W a lte r Scott and culling of Inferior cows. The teat In­ The grass fires in mo«t places is not ' county a g ricultural agent, to start Mrs. C a rl Olson as hostesses. cluded 578 cow«. Star, a grade Jersey true, says M r. bee. More than 300 th e ir poison campaigns now before place of m eeting has not been decided from the herd of Ernest Kohler, had fire supply of food becomes more plentl- as yet. the best record, being credited with grass fires were reported by the season last f«L 80.1 pounds of butterfat and 1271 chiefg during the dry Blaatiag of a atamp under ctty feed­ er llaaa of the Parittc Power A Light company liaee oa the heighta near the Wllaoo reservoir blew out a pot head laaaialor aod burned out a light­ ning arrester at the power plant, laav lag Hood River without electricity for an hour aad 44 minutes recently. NOTICE SUIT SALE Price of O ne W ed., Thurs., Fri., and Sat. INMAN S W OOLEN GOODS STORE Bell Theatre “T H E D A N C E O F L IF E ” ‘ hIG NEW S” HOLLYW OOD R EVUE” “ W OM AN T R A P ” I pounds of milk. This cow was high last month with 84.3 pounds of butter fat. Governor Norblad raised the gate of the V ile irrigation diversion dam at an impressive dedication ceremony a t H arp er recently, turning the water Into the main canal for the first unit of 4000 acres. Tbe Vale project Is the first government project to have wa­ te r in M alheur county, where the Im­ mense Owyhee undertaking also is under construction. The dedication was an epochal event and all the county, as well as Ontario and Nyssa, Joined w ith H arp er and Vale to Cele brate. RODENBOUGH’S GARAGE NOW IN NEW HOME Im p ro v e m e n t, which are now be- ing made at the new home of the Rodenbough garage, located at the corner of F ifth and A streets w ill m ake It one o f the finest garages in th e e n tire county, says A rch ie Davis, one of the proprietors. , T h e gasoline pump has been Instal­ led In fro n t o f the b uilding and con «tructlon o f shelves and counters In the o ffice, which was fo rm e rly the ta le s room o f the Ford agency. Is now under way. W han this Is completed the garage w ill have a very spacious room tot th e ir re ta il parts sales and fo r thole rad io equipm ent, aa w ell as a p riv a te office. summer, and many others were not M r. F letch er points out that the reported. 84 grass and brush f res poisoned barley which has been pre- spread to buildings nd ; ed .'am 1 pared by his office and which Is now age of over $150,00 135 started In rubbish burned to the value of $308,000. t . ;;h on sale In nearly every com m unity In property the county should be put out now ‘ while there Is a scarcity of grain for MEETING IS POSTPONED FOR FIVE HUNDRED CLUB T he reg ular meeting of the Five Hundred club, which waa to have been held at the home o f Dr. and Mrs. C arl H . Phetteplace, has been postponed on account of the Illness of Dr. Phetteplace. Mra. W . R. Daw ­ son and Mrs. Phetteplace were to have been Joint hostesses. Conservative estimates, states M r th* ground squirrels and gray dlg- Lee, places the average cost of turn- W * - Scattering of the grain now ing out to a grass or brush fire at w ill be much more effective than to $25. If w ater la turned on or if pro­ wait a few weeka, he declared. longed fighting Is necessary, then the cost Jumps to from $50 to over $100 per fire. Another Item to be considered is the value of the tim e of the employer or the volunteer who responds to the call. A Clean-up and Keep Clean cam- , Special purchase of 35 Silk Dresses, all sizes, regular palgn Is urged by the fire m arshall. ' values up to $18.50 to go on sale Saturday at He suggests that all vacant lota be 1 group values to $10.75— While they last to be’sold ! cleaned and that such open spaces and lots be planted with flowers and ’ shrubs which w ill enhance the beauty of the town as well as remove the fire hazard. He recommends that local civic clubs undertake to Introducing our new Spring Millinery. 25 Hats to go put ,,ver , uch a cIean.up an<| b„ a u tl. on Sale Saturday at fylng campaign Values up to $0.50 ______ DRESS SALE It’s almost play to keep lawiiB in condition with these lawn mowers—they run so easily. Finest quality obtain­ able, guaranteed to give satisfaction and exceptional service Priced according to size and quality. i, $8.90» $10.259 $11.504 $14.00y $ 1 6 .0 0 $ 5 .9 8 a t................. .................... $ 3 .9 5 Millinery