T H F SP R IN CFIFI n N F W S TUVHHDAY. MARCII 27. 1930 T M EFMNOrUBLP N W I T R A IN S C H K O U LK Sprlngflaig atop* Classified Ads BUYING Kl SELLING’ c » t results ; NORTH PAGE SEVEN Auditor Here— A. 8. Blanchard, the auditor for the Mountain States Power company, arrived In Spring 'fie ld Tuesday from Albany. He w ill No. I * a ( 3 64 a . M IMop to detrain eudtt the books of the paaaengars from K lam ath Palls and while here. beyond, local office No. | at 4:11 P. M Bus connection, at «¡«gen. for N « Z « 5 ° Z • M C R , F r » ® ale in trains leaving 1:10 P. M . and 7 P. M ' N ,, UT,O W ,N ^ O R E C L O K U R K Notice Is hereby given that by vlr- Ua’i . ’u “ • “ « ’“ os »»d order of sale I SOUTH ° f the ( ',rr u ,t Court 7 nt 11:47 P. M of the I 18 at 10:03 P M F lag atop for 1 February JS thTTo.fO ^upi^and Coût»’ », ¡ pursu 1 e e r. to K lam ath F a ll. . I SnV * ___ - ’ *nd s . ^ r e . duly OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST Principal Events of the Week Assembled for Information of Our Readers. >ilt H A L E Pair dark steel gray w ith the appointment of two dog- K'i' 20th " o L ? ” .® ?. « » ’ nrday the state Insurance commissioner. N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R * N »H re la hereby glv»B that Coi Dd»y . f M arch. l « 0 . a t t S ^ h X 8 The grange ball at Eagle Point was s .m la .lo n flu .h e r for automobile of One o clo ck p m at the southwest M ' t b’’i * by * , ’ " n ,b «‘ C«oet^Wc h* * ,”” ’ n *PP” lnted by the me urday, the 13th day of A p ril 1030 al ' ‘ ra . < . ®r tor au destroyed by fire of undetermined ori­ , , "5 h. " be*‘" •W M,,n,ed exeru i '* o r of the County Court-house |n ; 10 o’clock -------------------- a. m. at the County Court I • ‘ • ‘ . es ta i. of w illiam R. Dawson. • * ” C° a Un' t pub,lc «uctlon o ffer fot Í of 38000. This la the second grange t i re gon fo r final hearing therein, and ‘ Ion The machine Is manufactured X t . " * 1* County Court of L u , County, tire- b/ . 'Ä r,l’ r be« rin g d a le Feb . ^ . m ad’ o r ' by ,,he ,W b “ “ •"•“ " y «• v í d i i ¿ Ub,* Ct to re<,emPtlon aa pro- hall destroyed by firs la a year. , A IL ' >rr* , ’n , <•••"»>« c la im ‘ i AI1 Persona having filed on or before said tim e against said estate are required lo - T he closing of the uses fishing u,” " nea for ror use “ «* on <” > those th«»« model care '« « r e s t of the defendant« In said * w llllam " ,u n i “ Dalad * * and first published’ M arch IS ' designed present them. with the proper vouch where there Is no drain plug to open 1 ,B<1 of parties claim ing by * ° n between A pril 18 and July 1 la a • r e hereby 1330. notified to present era. w ithin six months from the 1.1th v .r in .d . J O S E P H IN E R C A M P B E L L , wben Bushing out the old oil. A de tbroo«b under them or any of them “ • “ »«* to protect the future supply ------’ h” duly day of M arch. 1330. to the «aid exe- 1 .» nffi '^ „ « » « ••» lE n e d . al the E xecutrix monatrator lg expected to arrive here iV o Z .« »ki4t5 . , f BZ , ° f ’ ‘ebruary’ 1,30 01 ,la K declar®« M att Ryckman. su- culrls at the law office of I. L R , y nt Hro,,i‘ - * Bryson, at _________ ___________M l M S -37 A H O the first of A p ril to « Iv e ’ p u b T lc " ^ P r o ^ y X i n ' deaecr,b«d r * « ' P r in .e n d .a t of M « . hatch.“ “ ’ “ ’" 7 ” ', ' “ « '‘"c- Ore ” In the M iner Building, Eugene. Ore i ’m ™ gon. son, on or before the exnlratlon ' SUM M ONS monstratlona of the work done by the Beginning at a point 40 feet weal T h ® 1M ° Ore< ° B ■ta‘ e » « • be •lx months from the date of first i *” th* C irc u it Court of the State of D O R IS H. C O U L T E R . m a‘'blBe- a t ‘ b® southwest corner of L o t whe b* ,d 8«P‘a'“ ber 22 to 37 inclusive. ° * O re 8<’ " »or Lane County. Executrix of the last w ill and teal- Publication of this notice Block Tw o (2 ) in C herry Orove i according to announcement made a t •>«»e o f firs t n u h llc a ti» . u ____ _ I » F I T F O R D IV O R C E am enl of Henry Clay Hubbell, de March 13, l»3o' ........... . . h" rao f’ I A lb w t A Stonene'l'd*” " la h itlff, vs NEURITIS and RHEUMATISM ' Oregon" and . . 5 * “ * County- 8a,em b7 M r* E » “ Schults Wilson. 'eased _ M arv W BiAShAMoalsi rvwSe.^«s«. •' ’ f°eeiM CASEY'S COMPOUND T o M ary K Stonefield, Defendant. M 13-20-27 A 310 East 80 feet and thence 8outh 40 feet U m atilla county pioneers w ill hold R FMwnon, dura a ned. ., o apPTar R,;" * y * " « « I — lllng. reduce. the p l.e e of b e g in n in g ;'.« In Eu their 38th annual reunion a t Weston Brook« « Bryson. Attorneys and answer the com plaint filed uJ._ urlc »C’W In the blood. BeDe- i -ane County. Oregon. N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S ' a s ? « - r s and Saturday, M ay 30 and 8 L was announced as a reault of a . **. ben,bjr nlven that the of the first publication of thia sum U rin ary A n m e n lV fB M H ^ ^ T m o K ^ m i H . L. B O W N , O F A H S R IF F 'S SAI E IN undersigned has been appointed ad meeting of the Weston Commercial S h e riff o f Lane County. Oregon K , L C. U, ? '? " " •« e e io a u R t mnns. which summons la puhllshe-' Swelling Acta on the Stomach I I » - minis tra to r o f the ealate of Robert club. I ’ H a rtw ig deceased h i ' I h ' . N' ”.,c" U ‘>•‘ •»’ 7 «H<’n ’ lhat’ b ? »|r- ,h J. f lr »‘ « " » e • '•» Thia tim on March M a rc h 20. as 1030; la i n - and . . . i »’"J and K id ld n n ey» e .. T h l|( blood bl()O{J cleam ( F 27 M 0-13-20-27 Court of Lane « " •u i'ty ^ O r iio n a'n I? ” " I * " * ’‘acu" <,n •"urBU corbnr" ,ln n was plain Haled at Eugene. Oregon, this I2 th Tirr \ to a decree duly given and made stove wrecked a small bnilding at the lfr «o«1 Joba () MeOinn and Ethel M hereto, or If that Is denied, that the j P>etely restored a fte r using three day of M arch. 1330 by said Court F ebruary 24th, 19.10, In M .O In n . his wife. Ethel M Imrson Court enter a decree dlsaolvlnir th»* of Casey's Compound.* rear of a Bend garage, and caused H E R M A N F H A R T W IO . a suit pending therein In which the and Edw ard lj,ra e n . her husband m arriage contract now existing be ' M rs . M. J. BOW ERS. hundreds of people to believe thnt dy­ A d m inistrator of th...........1st« o, Pacific Savings « Loan Association 812 W eat 4th St., Eugene, Ore. tween the parties hereto, giving nnlo I h * r h B‘' r<,’r and F rank J. Berger Robert P. H a rtw ig , deceased a W ashlnglo ncorporatlon. was plain­ namite had been discharged near the her husband, and The Federal Ijin d 1 ,be l’,a ,n ’ IN •*> absolute divorce from center ot town. M 18 20 27 A 3-10 Bank of Spokane, a corporallon were • ,b *' defendant. An order of the above N O T IC E O t S H E R IF F 'S SA LE IN t if f and C. O. Ixing and others w en defendants, which execution and order defendants, which execution^and' order t Cour* d , ' * d March 18. 1930 directed Ground has been broken at L a FORECLOSURE of sale was to me directed and com N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F ’S SA LE IN of sale waa to me directed and com- ,b B * ,b,B summons be published once Notice is hereby given that bj manded me to sell the real property Grande lor the construction ol a new manded me to sell the real property : ’,a<-b ww' k for four consecutive weeks E X E C U T IO N IN F O R E C L O S U R E virtue of an execution and order ot h ereinafter described to satisfy cer­ 35(100 country club house on the course Notice la hereby given th a t by v ir­ h ereinafter deseerlbed to satisfy p e r-' ,n ,b ** Springfield News; snri that yon sale laaued out of the C ircuit Court tain Hens and charges In said decree near there. O ther Improvements are lain Hens and charges In said decree *l>P«**r and answ er said comDlatnl tue of an execution and order of sale of the State o t Oregon fo r I-ane specified, I w ill on Saturday, th» 29th laaued out o f the C ircu it Court of the specified. I w ill on Saturday, the 29th w ,,b ,n fo« r weeks from the date of County. March 11. 1930. upon and pur day of M arch. 1930. at the hour of One also under way and n 'b e a u tifu l golf day of M arch. 1930. at the hour of i ,be f ,r ’ t publication of this summons. course is anticipated by fall. Btate of Oregon for Imne County auant to a decree given and made b> o'clock p. m at the southwest door ot H E SLATTER Y, February 25th. 1030. upon and pursu One o’clock p m nt the Southwest the County Court-house In Eugen> said Court on the 10th day of March Frank W . Gerriah, who was em­ dim r o f the County Court-house In E u - 1 Attorney for P la in tiff • n t to a decree duly given and made 1930, In a suit therein pending In I « n e Counts, Oregon, o ffer for sale ployed as saw file r at the Pelican Bay Imne County. Oregon, o ffer for My_ address and postoffice address 1« by said Court F ebruary 24th. 1030 In In which E a rl H . H ill and U»a M H 'll snd sell at public ruction fo r cash Eugene, Oregon. Lumber company, Klauiath county, the • M R pending therein |0 which the sale and sell at public auction for cash were p lain tiffs and N ellie M. Johnson subject to redemption as provided by under them or any of them since the M 20 27 A 3 10-17 Jay J. Johnson, as adm inistrator of law, all of the right, title and Interes- past six years, » a * irushed to ueath Pacltlc o .v ln g . s Ixran Association. 24th dav of February, 1930. In or to ■ •b,n* ,OD nonperatlon was plain­ the estate of M aurice D. Johnson in said suit and of all parties cln’mlng by a laige pulley which collapsed. SUM M ONS t if f and John O. McOInn and others the follow ing described real property deceased. L au ra A. C oryell, Richard by, through or under them or any of One of the pieces bit Gerrish. to w tt In the C ircu it Court of the State of were defendants, which execution and Coryell, Hasen D. Johnson. Mrs them since the 24th day of February I Beginning at a point 116 feet Weat J. W . W':.,üom celebiated his 90th Oregon for County o f Lane. nrder o f sale was to me directed and Haxen D. Johnson, Jay J. Johnson. 1930. In o r to the follow ing described of a point 634 3 feet South of a point 8 V I T FOR D IV O R C E birthday anniversary at Baker recent­ commanded me to sell the real pro­ Lom a Johnson. Agnus May Lewis. real property, to-w it: perly h ereinafter described to satisfy made by the Interae-tlo n of the South lfaxel L. Bars. P la in tiff, ra. John F John Doe I-ew ts. ly. He came to Baser in 1842 and ia Ctai7 P ” * 1* Hlnkson. i Beginning at a poli point In the Ear* Bass, defendant. certain liens and charges in said de­ line of T w en ty-th ird Street as the s íi.1 .» F Ta* leur' Storm ; line of Grand street, one of 11 persona now living who If produced same la platted and recorded In Dross' To John F. Base. Defendant: cree specified, I w ill on Haturday, the Fraslcur, Eunice Frasleur. Cy Fra 1 said point being 79.10 feet South of came there at that time. H e operated You are hereby required to appear sleur. 20th day of M arch. 10.10, at the hour Addition to Eugene, Lane Connty. Doe Pave Phillips. Ernesl answer the com plaint filed Phillips. Jess Dnrling. and Addle Dari the Northw est com er of L ot 77, Ic a drug store there for 60 years. of Ona o'clock p m at the southwest Oregon, w ith the Weat line of V n l and door of the County Court-house In versify Avenne If extended South as against you In the above entitled suit Ing were defendants, wh'ch exception Foster’s Addition, thence Easterly on The 2%-year-oId aoa of Mr. and Mrs. weeks and order of sale was to me directed a curve to the left having a radius of ftig e n e . Ijin e County. Oregon offer the » «m . le platted and recorded In for divorce w ithin four (4) Fred Nelson was drowned at the A. for sale and sell at public auction for said Gross' Addition to Eugene, I^tne from the date of the first publication and commanded me to sell the rea: 601.93 feet. 101.20 feet to a point 89 30 Tcot South and 87.50 feet West of the H. Parky ranch north of Redmond, cash, subject to redemption aa pro County. Oregon, and running thence o f thia summons In the Springfield property herelnaft* r described to by falling Into a cistern. He waa play­ vtded by law. all of the rig ht, title South 50 feet, thence We»t 130 feet, News, which first publlcntlon Is made satisfy certain lien« and charges In Northeast com er of na'd Lot 77, For ter's Addition, thence Southeasterly • ad Interest of the defendants In said thenee N orth 60 feet and thence East on M arch 18, 1930; and said decree specified. I w ill on Satur on a enrve to the rig ht bavin» a ing with other children when they re­ 130 feet to the place of beginning. You are hereby notified that If you íh V ’ hóu'r Í 5 , h „ d* y. ? ' wAprtl’ 1M 0' anil and all parties claim ing by, »«8 te *t to . point on the moved the top from the cistern. through or under them or any ol Dated this 27th day of February, 1930. fall to appear and answer the said ¿ í t h l e I T ® c l o e k th e !W e s t line of Van Buren 8 tre e t 138.85 H. U B O W N . Corvallis w ill celebrate the Fourth complaint w ithin the said period ot c X ? ^ T 5 , . fr ?n w i ° ° r Ot, the £ ° “ ntz feet South of the Northeast corner of them since the 34th day of February, S h e riff o f I^tne Countv, Oregon lim e, your default w ill be entered of July in the old-fashioned way under 1030, In o r to the follow ing described «I» " J * * ’'"?'' k « * O>n»ty , m j L o , 77, thencp South along the F 87 M 9-13 20-27 and the p la in tiff w ill make apnllcatlon nuh»? re a l property, to-w it: f?r " ’’ w and ’ * * ' • ' I West margin of Van Buren 8 tre e t. If the auspices of the chamber of com­ to the court for re lie f prayed w ithin Estate of Sarah A. Byera, deceased. Beginning at a point SIS feet went ¿ • ub,* * t t o ; produced, to the center of Railroad merce. There will be a 500-gun salute said com plaint, which 1s an follows, of a point 574.3 feet South of a point N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S h * * i Pr7 1 ? 1 by ‘V Boulevard along as platted, thence North- at sunrise and a oootinuoua program to -w it: r m o í i r rtfh t . f . V 'i 0 V d ,Bteregt of ? the 1’ 0’ I ; westerly the center of Railroad made by the Intersection of the South Notice Is hereby given that John R. T h a t the m arriage contract now M?|d I d*m since the 24th day of Febru­ B u lterfat— S4Q'39c. w ill nn Saturday, the 29th day of ary, 1931), In or to the follow ing des­ Springfield, Oregon N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S March. 1930, at the hour of One cribed real property, to-w lt: E rg s —Ranch, 22®24c. »'clock p. m. nt the Southwest door Cattle— Steers, good, »11.50® 12.25. Beg'nnlng at a point In the Sonth 228 M ain St. Tn the County Court of the State o! of the County Court house In Eugene, Residence 12S C St. line of Second Avenue W est, 5.1 feet Hogs—Good to choice. »10011.25. Oregon for I.ane County. <2 J 62 M , Lane County. Oregon, o ffe r for sale General I « w Practice In the m atter of the Estate of Lu and sell nt public auction for rash, South 89’ 4 degrees East of a point J Lambs— Good to choice, »9.75® 10.60. nine Richardson, Deceased j subject to redemption aa provided by 327 feet N orth 27 minutes East of a S eattle I. M. PETERSON Notice Is hereby given that the nn law. all of the rig ht, title and Interes: point 26« feet South 89 degrees 18 W heat — Soft white and western F u ll Auto Equipment from the Southeast A tto rn e y -a t-l« w deralgned has been appointed by th' j of the defendants In said suit and of minutes East white. »1.11; hard w inter and north­ aforeanld county court, aa the ad all parties claim ing hy. through or corner of I,o t N ineteen (19) In Block Lady Assistant C ity H a ll Building tn ln lslrn trlx of the estate of Lucln* 1 tnder them or any o f them since the Flve(R ) of the R la lr 8 ’ reet Addition | ern spring, »1.10; western red, »1.09; Richardson, deceased. A ll person- 24th day of February, 1930, In o r to to the C ity of Eugene. Lane County. Big Bend bluestem, »1.21. Springfield, Ore. having claims against said estate are the follow llng described real property Oregon, nnd running thenee South Eggs— Ranch, 23@29c. required to present snld claims dul) to-w lt: L o t Four (4 ) and the North 89M- degrees East 4(1 feet, thence R u tterfat— 39c. FRANK A. DE PUE verified tn anld a d m in istratrix at thi Six and tw o-thlrds (6 2-3) feet of Lot South 27 minutes W est 143 feet, C attle— Choice steers. »11®12. A TTO R N E Y A T LAW l«w office of C. A. W ln te r m e le r In Five (5) In Block T w o (2) In John thenee N orth 89’ 4 degrees W est 40 feet nnd thence N o rth 27 minute« East Eugene, Oregon, w ithin six month Hogs— Prim e light, 311.26@11.35. Christian's Addition to Eugene, In N O T A R Y P U B L IC 143 feet to the place of beginning, In from the fitli dav of March. 193(1. Lambs— Choice, |9@ 10. JEWRIÆIR I.ane County, Oregon. Eugene, bane County. Oregon. H E L E N B. A R M IT A O E , Dated thia 27th dav of February. 1930. Sutton Spokane Sprlngrflald Repairing a Specialty Dated this 27th day of Feb ru ary, 1930 A d m in istratrix H L. B O W N . Building Cattle— Steers, good, 310.75® 11.50, Oragan H . L. B O W N . C. A. W lntermeler, Attorney. S h eriff of Lane County, Oregon Oregon Hogs—Good to choice, »11011.60. S h e riff o f Lane County, Oregon. M «13 20 2« A 3 F 27 M 6-13 20-27 Lambs— Medium to good, »9 5 0 @ ia F 27 M 8-13 20-37 /*",*’ 1< .V I B U S IN E S S D IR E C T 0 R Y | Walker-Poole Chapel Funeral Directors D. W . R oof .a#«**?' !