THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 1930 OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST Principal Event* of the Week Assembled tor Information of Our Reader*. n F F ln n nly. supvrliit«i»l<*nt nt Al­ bany MlKMila fop Ihe pasl elahl years, baa beep reelevted for another year by the ai bool board. All goeala of Ihe Gold Slav hotel, suddenly destroyed by lira leal weak, ware lielleted «1 counted for after a careful checking at Aaturla. More bu.ldlnR will be done on Red- Blond e main atreet tbla year than In the blatory of the town. It will aareed 1*11, when the 1200.000 hotel waa bulIL Tha Medford barber«' union at a recent meeting decided Io Increaae the price of shave* from I t cent« to I t canta after July 1, and of halrcuta Ifro in to centa to t i cents. A react nt Ion adopted by aheep «hear era at Pendleton recently waa ap­ proved by a group of plant men and shearers. which called for I t cents a head, with board, for shearer wages According to reports coming Into Ashland numerous dear have been found dead In tba hills of lha Urruu springs district. Stale game officials are lavealtgatlng Ibe cause of Ibe mel ady. The Monitor State bank of Monitor. Marlon county, hat been purchased by the Coolidge McClain bank of Sliver ton. which will liquidate and Olacon tlnue operation of the Monitor Insti­ tution. Final arrangements for tba Installa­ tion of a power pump and tba aeces aary piping to carry water to tba aew poada at the MrKanala river hatchery are announced by the slate game cob mission. Hale of 1 000.000 board feet of west- era yellow plat la Ibe Sul lea area Is announcsd by lha suparvlaor of tha Deschutes national forest. Tba purchaser waa Grover C. tirlmmat of Cham till. Four male etudeata of tha Ualvar atty of Oregon, all residents of Sherry Hose hall, have been suspended for •Ho remainder of the academic year a a punishment (or having liquor In tk .lr possession. April I 10 «. Inclusive, will be the ally drwaa-up week la Corvallis, and "psUat-up" and "clean up" will ba lha slogans of local residents daring tha weak, making (or city beautification and firs prevention. A proposal (or Ike conatructlou of a naw East Hide school and an addi­ tion to tha Kenwood school will prob­ ably bo submitted to tha voters of Bead In the form of a »115.000 bond Issue about tbs middle of April. The city council of Medford has vot­ ed to subscribe »500 for the balance of the year Io tha fund of the North­ ern California and Southern Oregon Development aaaoclatlon for promo­ tion of tha Crescent City harbor. Two cougars eud a bobcat wers killed with a bow and arrow by Cap­ tain C. H. Styles of Berkeley, Cal.. during a game hunt In tha Caps Ilia- bee district Ferry W rig h t Roseburg trapper, acted as guide during the ex­ pedition. Improvement of 1% miles of tha Nelson mountain road will eliminate about five fords on thia routs, reports F. M. Morse. Lane county engineer, who has returned aftar an Inspection trip. Thia work la planned for the coming summer. County road craws throughout Lane county have been put to work again with tha advent of good weather. It waa announced by member! of tba ccuaty court. Crawa era patching the piled roads preparatory to spreading another coat of oil thia spring and clearing lha right of way for naw road projects la under way. Stockholders of tha Linn Couaty I * l r association have voted to caacal their stock . nd tha unsecured credi­ tors have canceled their claims or will do ao, leaving a mortgage as the sola obligation outstanding against the In­ stitution. all conditional upon tha tak­ ing over of the fair by Linn county, •resilient J. J. Barrett, of tha aaaocla­ tlon, baa announced. Claus Christiansen, Toledo farmer, narrowly escaped death recently whan ha waa attacked by a Jersey bull as ha waa cleaning out a manger. The bull charged from behind, ramming one horn completely through Christ lanaen'a right thigh, and with hie vlo- tlm Impaled on hla horn hurled Mr. Chrlatlanaen high overhead and Into an adjoining alleyway. A new uae for the oft-de»pl«ed dairy product, buttermilk, waa found whan 1» recently waa utilised to hold a fire la check until the McMinnville fire department arrived. As no water was available, buckets of buttermilk which wars to bava been fed to turkeys were poured on the btaae until the city fire department arrived. The blaae waa extinguished with little damage. IM F RPRINGPIRLD NFJWB Description of 11» now union station to he constructed at 1-a Grande this spring by the Union Pacific railroad was given at Ihe annual chamber of commerce banquet. Tha station will coal between ( I JO.000 and »140,000. Hupplemenlal Irrigation (or Ihe W il­ lamette valley from deep Welle came a step nearer recently when lha first experimental well on ihe Henator Hain Hrown properly near Gervais was "brought In" with « satisfactory (low Intangibles las collections In Ora gnu under Ihe first year’s operation of tbs new law will reach »000,000, It waa staled by members of the state taa commission. This Is an amount equal to Income tales collected from Individuals In 10ZS. the abortloe lafectloa hea been wiped out, but where It Is still desirable to mainuUn a control area; and third, the abortion free area, where lass than five-tenths of one per cent of all the cows In the district are af­ flicted. The abortion control Idea Is grow­ ing. says Mr. Fletcher, county agent. Several requeate for formation of other control areas have been re­ ceived at hla office during the past , few days. Station Gets New Floor BICYCLE CLUB MEMBERS WILL VIEW SHOW HERE ebow are required to meet at the Moore Cycle shop on West Eighth «tree' before 2:00 o’clock. They will Special afternoon mi«lnee shows eecure thlr tickets from Mr Moore for boys who ride bicycles will be and the entire group will ride In file given el the Hell theatre once every I to tbe theatre here, giving the boys month, beginning next Hunday. ac­ j a ride outside 01 tbe city limits of cording to Herbert Weiss, theatre Eugene and a chance to see a show manager who has recently completed the same afternoon. I Taking advantage of brilliant moon light, Jefferson county farmers are working tractors during tba nlgbt hours. In preparing wheat lands for spring planting In (he vicinity of Culver to tractors are being used arrangements with Dlnty Moore's bl night and day In plowing. The special five cent price Is the Final agreement has bean reached cycle store In Eugene, whereby any result of an arrangement between tbe boy who rides a bicycle to the show between Marlon county officials and theatre and Mr. Moore. Every boy the forest service under the terms of can see It for five cents. must get bis ticket In Eugene to en­ which (ha county will match foreat Starting next Hunday afternoon nil able him to see the show here for a fund« to gravel Ihe road between De­ bicycle riders who care to see the nlckeL troit and Breltenltush this summer The coat la estimated at »«>100. A total of »544 prisoner* have been released from Ihe Oregon state pent tenllary on parole since the creation of tjie state parole board In 1911. ac­ cording to a report prepared by state officials at Salem. During tha same period 570 prlaonera were pardoned Kheep men of the Redmond district report that lambing Is about half over and that thia la the very beat year for several pasl. The owners of two large flock* have reported that almost half of the lambs have beau twine and that there bava been a number of triplets Ralph A. Young. 11, workman for a cement company, died In a Grants Paas hospital after plunging >00 feat down Marble mnuntala. a short die | tance from there. Young was caught la tba path of a boulder which waa loosened from Ila foundatloa by a blast. Fifty milk producers mal at Salam hut war* unable to decide whether to form a local organisation or a aolt of lha stats organisation. Moat of tha producers said they already had bean signed ap to become members of the state orgaaliatlon, and that they would have ns use for a local anil. Tha Amity public library received a gift of IO* books from Mrs. Klva Brows of Halem. An unusual coinci­ dence Is that the library Is located on tee donation land claim of John Watt. Mrs. Brown's grandfather, sad tha building waa used by Werner Bray- men. her father, la 115» as a general store. Irl 8. Mr-Sherry of Salem, ex-dlstrlct committeeman of the Oregon state de­ partment. American Legion, and now employed In (he claims dep-rtmant of the state Industrial accident com mlitslon. waa appointed privets secre­ tary to Governor Norblad to succeed Miss Beatrice Walton, who has re­ signed. Men, suspended by ropes, have be­ gun combing the perpendicular cliff west of Twin Tunnels, where recently the Columbia highway was blocked for five days by an avalanche. Fol­ lowing a conference of engineers, it was derided to continue removal of disintegrating formations at this point until all possibility of future slides Is eliminated. A survey by C. R. Briggs, county agent. Just completed, shows that bar­ ley Is a heavy producing crop In Ben­ ton county. Spring-sown crops will ba greater this year than for several years, due to the dry weather that prevailed last fall. Many farmers of tha district are contemplating replac­ ing much of their acreage with barley Instead of other cereal crops. The dates of all mid-Columbia coun­ ty (airs have been set. In order that events will not conflict thia fall as they have (or several years past. Tha dates selected are: Waaco county fair, at Tygh valley, August 18-30; Klicki­ tat county fair, at Ooldendale. Septem­ ber 4-8; Sherman county fair, at Moro, September 11-11; Old Fort Dalles Fro­ lics, at The Dalles, September 18-20. Visitors at tha Nehalem beaches of Mansanlta and Neahkahnie found de­ posited all along the shore great quan­ tities of a substance which appears to be a crude oil. Immediately specula­ tion arose as to the nature and source of this oil, and old residents recalled the promises of oil In that section In 1910. Some believe that a nearby sub- ocean well has broken through and that Ihe masses of black, oily stufl are from Ibis vent. “ The 1930 Eastern Oregon Livestock show will be held at Uu.on, June 19, 20 and 21, It waa announced. The 1930 dates are about a week or so later than usual, the change being made In hopes of finding better weather condi­ tions. The work of dredging and draining 186 additional acres of Lake Labial) land at Tokuto City, near Chemewa, ts being put through rapidly In order that tha ground may ba planted to celery, peppermint and onion* this ass sou. * new floor waa laid at the Spit g- field Service station this week Tha old floor had become »0 oil-eo aked that It was Impossible to cl«- tn it Abortion control area petitions, properly, states Frank Shannon who which were signed by farmers and recently took over the station from dairymen In tbe Coburg and Willaken- E E Fraedrick. ' xle districts have been approved by the Oregon State Livestock Sanitary Hoard and the examiners appointed. 3 *-ln e b F ast C olor PETITIONS ARE APPROVED FOR ABORTION CONTROL 23c » rin ta There are three steps In tbe opera­ tion of an abortion control area. Tbe 'firs t Is the formation of tbe abortion ‘ onttpj. area where the cattle are in(ec«*i|; tbe second step Is tbe abor- CoM'fre, control area, an area where •1 E. BROADWAY P ow ers MONTH END SALE A SALE OF FURNITURE AT PRICES THAT ARE REMARKABLY LOW— AND OF FURNITURE OF CONSISTENTLY GOOD QUALITY.— WHETHER YOU NEED A NEW DINING ROOM SUITE OR AN ODD PIECE YOU WILL FIND A GREATER SAVING AT POWERS. — And Credit Even at Theee Low Sale Prices— ‘ Bed Room Furniture 3 Piece Bedroom Suite in Ivory Set consist* of Bed, Vanity Dresser, and Chest of A A Drawers, Month End Selo Price ............. ............................ ............................................ _.......^ (J t/e V V A AA *v e v v Foot Bed, choice of Dresser or Vanity and A A ...................................................................................... w O t/e lz V 3 Piece Bedroom Suite including full size Bed, Vanity and Chest of Drawer*. Month End Sale Price ----------------------- ------- --------------------------------------------- W 3 Piece Bedroom Suite in Walnut. Bow Chest of Drawer*. Month End Sale Price Dressers Odd Chiffoniers Several patterns to choose from. Golden or Ivory finish. q z\ Month End Sale Price ...................... m wO.tfv In Golden or Ivory finish. rors. Month End Sale Price High grade plate mir­ $ 14.95 Simmons 2 Inch Post Bed— full size or twin beds. Ivory or Walnut Finish. Month End Sale Price ........................ ........................................................................ Simmons Fabric Bed Springs— Comes tn all sizes.—Sale Price.............. ...... $3.45 $4.65 Double Deck Coil Springs, all Premier AC wire coils—regular $16.00. Sale Price e O O * * z O Dining Room Furniture 7-piece Dining Room Suite. Table, 5 Chairs and oneArm Chair. Month End Sale P r ice ................................................................................................................... $49.50 7- plede Dining Set in Walnut— 6 Chairs, 1 Arm Chair and Table. fc Month End Sale P r ice ........................................................................ ................................ - « S y X O O ZaeOlz Dinette Suite in Walnut—Library Dining Table and 4 Chairs to match. Month End Sale P r ice ....................................................................... ......... .......... ..........—