THURSDAY, MARCH 27. l»30 THE »PRINQFIKLD NBW8 PA G E TTTRF' AH’S BOT ba had aald except xomsthlng about 80 that . a . It > Danty haa warned Knx It was Indecent of him to meu her. Cnly .h e b a . n ev a , dreamed that «peaking. "And to accuse this poor dead boy turn the boy Danty rang her up, but .b e would be asked to renounce her of forgery— to add that Infam y to the ahe would not aee or receive him 8he m arrtrg e portion so soon other." m u .t go through now without help. ‘•W ife ! I f . wonderful - unbellev- I " I— you are «peaking of me?" be L uke waa coming at seven. A t six ahe a b le!" called him on the telephone, and ha-1 "A document?* , said in a whisper. "She nodded. one panicky moment when .h e fear.-d " I want you to transfer some money ’ c o rv a ia K T s v b o g a « "O f you. I knew t h a t y o u that he bad already left h i. fla t and to me. It !■ the merest f o r m a lit y - l ve w ere M argaret l»tir negligee— In bed even. 8he was 'p e t. Presently he Jerked np his head. " I aee no reason In the world why The man who followed S tile . Into you can’t work you’ve got to do some- " I ’ve been a selfish brute. O f ‘ •» »he had been It waa "Good-bye, ” he said, and turned on the wedding should be postponed. »he room was tall and spare of build, thing you can’t starve. The last course, darling. | understand." |w h e u lM had-taken her Into hta arms bis heel L uke." j Ills deep-set eyes had In them a fu r tlm « the Hparrer started talkin g to T he conversation did ------ •« . | heard the door f l _ „„ _ ----- f T he hideous business of coroner’s Uyeness that was almost anim al. Ha ’ me nbout It I says— I » o k e here M r five minutes of tim e; he could hardly and ln then came to t her a r realization Inquant was only a day’s old. and an glanced quickly around the room, and Bird, why don’t you go a fte r the It w » . n n . . — ___ _ i . en « ’« m e io ie r a e a l iz a t io n it was not a request: i t w aa a com reallxe what waa happening, to what ,and com that made her brain reel. She loved accountant s statem ent that the dead 1» alm ost seem ed to l.uke that he was rich and make them pay th eir what k mand. he was agreeing, before he was sit­ him. boy’s affa wss — sc pricing every article . r r . i irs s . . w . er . «-Involved ----- w ithin view to these chlldreu of the "W hy— what, is worng, darling?” the poor? poor? He ting at his w riting table staring against the night when he might en couldn't answer me. He was dumb- C 'p ted and no details were asked W hy he gravitated to the Em bank­ She shook her h»ad Im patiently. blankly at the telegraph forms by M argaret Leferre could not under ter and take awuy such movables as fotinded. I'm always beating people ment he could never te ll; It seemed "Please tell me what you want?" which he was to cancel ao many stand herself; her own calm Baton- would show a profit. In argum ents.” H e r tone turned him cold. It was a natural objective. He bad no thought pleaaant arrangements. "M o rn ln ’. sir." Irhwd her. Had she ever loved Ibis o f »»><*lde. suicide, no Intention of finding He seemed ra ttie r prouu o f th is ac- ,, . . hard, almost antagonistic He e,.«- • or II« held hla head downwards ----- and --- cumpllaliment suave man who --- atood her. ap- , ------ -------- — _ before .......„ ...... -. was not w ithout hla I .. . ' ,nk • lowly by the P-rapet. he came to fa r c n lly ngreelng. ns though Bex »Ideways. looking up from under his vanities, even If he had to lie about . r . bis u . tlc liv v a « n ” d <1 u t iu lld v e v e b ro w s s 1.1. ■ __ . p“ t ‘nK’‘r" Stam m ering like a s c h ^ l boy h e ! ,,a ,, befor'‘ Scotland Yard and eyed hla dearest friend? u...HU»iu Sometimes n tid y eyebrow « s were his triumphs. d U * , '“ ,8d «’’"»«■nee. of the 1 ‘ he ° Oth'C bU“ d,ng * * ^ * O ,’y ThMt she was afraid that be would read "L ik e to speak to you In private, 1 "H e re is ten pounds. Give that to the b a r r tZ r 'ilo w and” 'b e a r e d * U B ' ° ld h“ r her loathing of him In her eyes—ahe * ,r , -" . he »■•«I ,n •>*» husky voice lights of the train dtaappe.r i he :,'‘ U ," ° n * h 'Ch h’ d ’ nd ‘ s ' r i ^ t V “ SparT° ,* I y<” ,r friend. I can’t help him much mawsmaass« a _ S l - J a . ______ I S . its - a. a I . I t lf«> la n < -M /1 sa l sa nt Luke v glanced at f k the manager and more i d like to know what happens . . waa amaxed to find herself telling h im . seppesr in m e ||gtenend d(d .^ e a i, „ „ h i a . — who rtKh‘ ed so many wrongs, could darknesa. and wen, home humming a ’ ^ « k ’»»“ » » « , hBrdIy d lsen tao ,!« the prob.em which hu m e a r e a ie a i r calmness a in in e s s a n o »'Koallcd him to leave the room M r to him . and he can w rite to me here " now. w ith the greatest and a little song, for M r. and Mrs. Luke 1 * deadened the mind of Lnke Maddlson. In a tone (hat waa sadly sweet, that s »»»«» * • « with the greatest reluct- , • « , ’ Ninety-seven thousand pounds," ' "T he children of the poor-" a. . . ' At ,w ” O'c*oc»‘ M argaret Leferre Maddlaon were not among the pas­ •h « saw no reason why the ceremony l * 11^ . . she said. "A tent^i of that would have Not taking h l. e y e . from l.u k e . stepped from her c .r at the door of sengers. should be posjponed saved Rex." H e smiled m irthlessly. ! face the visitor stretched out . h .o d , he M .rylebo ne reg istrar’s office, .n d ’ My poor darling." H e was one of the children of tha He could only x’ xre at her uncom- and drew a chair Io him ' * l.uke. - w aiting In the room of that of­ H e took her In hla arms, and ahe prehendingly. poor, the natu ral charge oi th a t big ’’W e l i r Luke did not even trouble to see ficial. turned o greet the palest bride did not resist. Rather, the raised her (• >>,•> h .d M argaret at once. Before lunch he The visitor sat down. ..... . " It was ra th e r dreadful to aee a man. To protect the children o f tha cold lips to hla. and hated herself. «oat oso ever entered those common- remembered and telephoned. young man make a god of money, poor and punish the wrongdoer. W ho Gunner « got three moon for bein' j place portals. But the Judas kiss waa hla. not hers " I w ant to see you. darling," he be Luke and to know that tor Its sake had done w ro ng ’ M argaret? H e tried ‘ ’“ W • toW- ' 8he •»,ok’ no‘ « «»• « ” “ X answered — B » t was a tattered comfort. he Is w illin g to sacrifice even a vonng hard to apportion all the blame to »nice. T h e Hparrer spoke up for him . the question, that were put to her k*a T here Is nothing In the world I her. to hate her. He shook hla head “W hy?” It was d ifficu lt to dlsgutse HI® but the beak handmt out the three 1 W ith a shudder she felt the rin g slip would not do to make life a little slowly back towards the suspicion she felt. To him her voice sounded like the and walked moon T he G unner’s appealing to the • upon her flag e r more smooth for you,” he was say­ s essio ns 'I w ant you to sign a little docu- clang of a bell; to herself it hardly Blackfnars. i | , WBg B || 0 T e r q u ic k ly , h a , ghe ing " I f money could buy you happi- seemed that It was she who was l.uke nodded could not believe that the firs t act of ment. he said gaily. TO BE C O N T IN U E D nc»s I would beggar m ys e lf!" "H e ” " has got * >"c three months hard he vengeance was played. Some . . . . . . .. " ■« ee m nnm s n a ro n e v engeance w as o lu v e ri H om e. rthe smiled fain tly at this. Ilivre i . . w„ .. u . * ' »ome labor and Is appealing’ I hope he body put a pen Into h e r h a n d a n d a na a man ready lo to betray betrav hls hla s oda .... . . . „ , .. . . , " 1 n r an<1 * wss goda. g e t. off. IWd he send you to me? squat forefinger showed her the place He had ruinad Rex; he liad alwaya r e m . m h . r e d h .i r ' al«»»’lX H e had the where she must sign her name. For hated hlm 8he nr h u i,..t .M . of ■ n,nn " h" >y'"« . » tim e she held the pen. and fnrgottea phrases of hle. h is . Ilttle l i t t l e Irrt i r r i - Rnd „ p e r te d to he found out at any when she wrote It wavered in her 1 < tated commenta upon Rex’s careles» 'nom*'n‘ fingers and the scrawled signature 1 Besa In fin a n ria l mattera. "Yes A few quid would do him a looked like nothing she had ever seen. ; He put her at arm 'a iength aa he hit of good He wants a mouthpiece le a v in g fo r Paris that n ig ht— the scrutinized her sadly. The pallor The Hparrer says he’ll get o f f - . n d M eurlce, or was II the Bristol? There nnd the soft shadows beneath her the Hparrer knows.’’ yeas gave her an unearthly lovell wa« wimp confusion In her mind as "W ho la the Sparrow?" Bess. to the details; anyw ay, they did no, A alow smile dawned on M r. Ix>w m a tter If she kept her courage. The ’’N a tu ra lly I've been worried sick. log’s face. two o'clock wedding had been an In- W h a t a fool I waa on the phone to "He’s a busy— a detective. Bird by ! splratlnn. She w ent back to her talk of Insurance— It waa Indecent. name— ’’ house— Luke wss coming to dinner; 1 didn't Just know what to say— " Luke nodded He remembered M i. they were "to leave H Im i i m a fter ’ Luke, are you a w fu lly rich?" --------w i H ediately c u in ir ij B lin She was alwaya ataggering him Hparrow, whose activities were a p -( to catch the night boat from South- parently not wholly confined to In- ampton. w ith queatlona like that. quests. , . . "W h y — yea. I suppose I am. The ft I-sUK* ■ vole»1 wan tremnloua. They I waa In a ld e meaelf— for b reakin’ were alone In her pretty little draw- bank lan’t doing terrib ly w e ll— on the trailing aide W e are m errhanla aa and en te rin ’, but they couldn't prove Ing room, and he was sitting by her But me snd side. h t. arm .ro u n d her. She was well, you know— but I h are oyer half nothing so I got out. He was In , very still and unyielding, hut he a m illion private fortune. I thought Uunner waa like brothers the next cell to me at Brlxton and he , thought that he understood this you k n e w " told me to pop up and have a talk Lnke WB. OTer w , (h „ She amllcd fain tly. would help "I have never asked yon. I'm wor­ with you— a few quid cltem ent— he was like a boy who had ried about— poverty. W e hare been him received a new and wonderful present Luke waa puxsled. Hix acquaint­ poor— deaperalely. My fath er left ua ” 1 say. did you nee that queer-look­ nothing, poor dear. It muat he won ance w ith the gunman who called ing man standing on the pavement aa derful to be an rich — to have com him self Haynes was a alight one. but we came out— a fellow named Lew lng ^iand of money— never to be at alt It had struck him. during th eir brief — a th ie f of some kind. I wonder If he bothered about bllla, never to feel Interview at the C arlton., th a t the came to pick pockets? I ’ll bet he did; f • r the fra n tic urge to go out and do Gunner had the manner and rertaln - touched hla hat to me as I came out.” / the speech of a gentlem an, and that aom ethlng.” She was not listening, and. a fte r he "But I never knew, my dear, how thia mean sneak thief who was look- had gone, could rem em ber nothing aw fu l! I thought you had an in 1 come?” She ahook her head. T hia time ahe J waa not acting. " If money w ill give you a aenae of security, and of course It w ill— I'll why, I ’d give you control of every cent I have in the w orld— " He naw her fnrredulnun amlle and was angry w ith him self, aa though In that geeture of unbelief he detect­ ed aome renervntlun, gome gesture of Insincerity In hla offer. * ‘W b y not? Thousands of men put This new E A S Y Iro n e r has many features to be found in no all I le lr properly In th e ir wives’ other ironer! T h ree times faster— feeds 100 inches a minute* nnmea. I t ’s a sane thing tn do— It The new method of rendering yonr yet is simplicity itself to operate! T h e shoe provides 100 lbs. keeps a man steady and It w ill mnke pressure— m ore than double that of many ironers— which gives ua re a lly partners. W a lt." telephone bills is now in effect. Some v He waa a, the phone— na eager, aa your w ork a beautifully smooth, glossy finish. T h e open end, changes in the dates of billing have enthusiastic na a hoy beginning a w here most of the w o rk is done, gets 7 U % m ore heat! C an new and delightful game. resulted. operated w ith foot control to leave both hands free, if desired. "l.u ke, Is that ynur law yer you're Instant safety release. Q uick acting roll stop device stops roH calling?" a t any point — handy fo r pressing. Sdf«afigning — irons all Conscience overwhelmed her with Pim m b t »ur» to rood tho thicknesses of cloth at one time. a sudden feRr; ahe realized for the notiro accompanying your firs t tim e Rn> enorm ity of her treach­ tolophono bill. ery and waa terrified. Y o u have only to try the E A S Y Iro n er yourself to see how "Yea, H ilto n — It la Lnke Maddlaon simple it is—-how quickly you w ill become expert in its use. apeakltrg— you have the d ra ft of the N o practice is necessary on most of your w ork. Let us give W e shall be glad to have you take up antenuptial contract? W e ll, Include you a demonstration— visit our nearest branch today for full with our Business Office any point oa everything Yon hnve the Hat of my particulars. securities?— Yea all. And the cash In which you desire further information. bnnk— everything. My Interest In Mnddlaon’s— no, I ’m not m a d !" "You a r e !” She waa standing by him now, her face w hite na death. T he words cama aito Ç omtamt tremoualy. NOW This Full Automatic Roll-About EASY IRONER Telephone Customers In Springfield be A *hg FAÇinc TjtLgrHON« "You're mad. Luka— I didn’t mean 11." She stood there, her hands gripped. breath coming quickly and more quickly, snd heard him override the h *r EAat T n ^ iu r a I ‘ FULL A U T O M A T IC IRONERS M Mountain States Company!