Try the Ho mg Print Shop F trat THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TWENTY-8BVENTH YEAH. NEW WELLS 10 MD C III WATER SUPPLY Development Program at Powar House Calls for Sinking of Several More Wells Along the Raceway During Summer; I New Well is Completed. SPHINGKIKLi), I.ANE COUNT Y. OliBGON- THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 1930 PROCLAMATION I. W I’. Tyson Mayor of Spring field. do hereby proclaim March 27th, 28th and ZSlh aa Forest l*ro- dm-ts Week and do urge our clllaans (a attend the first annual l a n i County Wood Products show at the armory In Eugene These days are being observed generally throughout the county and It Is Incumbent upon our citizens to give encouragement Io this, our most Important Industry. Dated this March 26th. ISSO W. P. T T8O N , Mayor County Chamber April Meet Here “Ths Psopls’s Paper“ A L I V I NEW SPAPER IN A L IVE TOW N No. 12 DIRECTORS TOTE TO « f * 0 ? ™ * MORE LAND ADDED RETAIN TEACHERS TO Biff.AIRPORT Dairy Program Will ba Featur­ Rose Expert Discusses Flower ed; Naw Creamery to Hold Planting; Rose Show to be Open Houee. Members Express Satisfaction Held; Petunia Club Flower Strip of Land Leased Between With Staff: Coach is Not Present Field and McKenzie The next meeting of the l,ene Women attending the meeting of Selected; Rumblings Heard Highway; New Buildings to County Chamber of Commerce, which the Civic C’ub Tuesday evening at Over Married Teachers; More the home of Mrs. A. B. Van Valxah Is to be held In Hprlngfleld on Thurs­ be Erected on Property; Run­ day, April 17, has been designated as May be Added. became so Interested In a discourse ways Lengthened. a dairy meeting by the local cham­ of flowers given by Lionel Lawrence Every teacher la Hprlngfleld was that ihey did not have time for th e , ber. which has charge of all tbs ar­ A boot ten acres of land Is beta* re-elected for the nert school year balance of the program. rangements for the meeting. added to the Springfield airport by The development of the dairy In­ last night at a special meeting of the : . M r . Lawrence, who Is the rose ape- ' The principals were all elallsl zt , hc ( -hage Oardens had the lease from Welby Stevens by the dustry In this county will be the • cho,,1 reelected laat week. Nothing was' be; u re tire d to apeak at the m-eting city of the strip In Railroad addition principal topic for discussion at th One of the flnesi exhibitions of meeting. which will open with a hen <,on‘‘ “ h00* ,h* «’»•ch problem at the In t lace of Clayton Kirkland, who between the Industrial tract and the wood produrla and manufacturing quel at 8:36. N C. Jamison, dairy hi«h “ hool. was In Portland attending the North- McKenzie highway. The lease la for A recent ruling passed by the high west States Horticulture chow. . five years for the amount of the processes ever to be shown In this specialist from the Oregon Slate Ag­ It was decld~d at the meeting to wltb an optlon purcha„ th. county will be opened to the public ricultural college, will be the prin­ school athletic association requires Many other promln- that all coaches be regular teachers sponsor a Rose show sometime In , 125n of the state of Oregon this afternoon cipal speaker. ® an a c re T he new atrip at 1:00 o’clock, when the doors of enl dairy men have also been extend- 0,1 « preaent aud atructora as have been used here for of the various committees have not a'*ows , to * * lengthened 400 feet, making a the first bane County Wood Products make addresses. Invitations will be the past two seasons. The recent been deckled upon as yet. sent out by the committee In charge 1“«»« of absence granted to W’illlam The petunia was selected as the, total length of 1800 feet. Show. Proclamations have been Issued by **’ Interested persons asking their Baker, to permit him to accept a club flower for this year, and every­ The large new hangar and machine house. th« mayors of the leading cities ol Presence. coaching position at the University body lx Hprlngfleld »re urged to shop to be erected by the Inman First W ells Last Year the county proclaiming thia as Wood The meeting will be held In the ha* left the local position In a some- plant several beds of these flowers, School of Flying will be on this leased Rig of the wells were sunk laat products week and urging all the n" » ly acquired chamber headquarters what upset condition. Cotter Oould They were selected because of their property, haring a frontage on the year and they marked the first a t­ people of the county to attend the ■” ** community hall, which will be Is acting as coach for the high school I hardiness, their long blooming life McKenzie highway. The new land tempt to take water for the city of exhibition, which George Pearson, completed and In use before the and Is developing what looks like a sod for their variety of colors, sc- not only makes the field more easily ttpringfleld from underground. Pre d I rector of the show, end also sec re meeting. good baseball team, but he has been cording to Mrs. C. E. Wheaton, the square but also provides a better en­ vtous to the drilling of the wells, all tsry of the Employees Wood Promo ** ,,#o planned to hold open here only a few weeks and the board president of the club. trance to the airport for patrons. The of the water used In Hprlngfleld had lion committee of the Pacific North houg* • * th* »’ » Hprlngfleld cream