« s PAGE MIX THX SPR1NQFULJ3 NNW8 THURSDAY, MARCH 20. 1930 MRS. A. B. VAN VAL2AH appointed to direct better homes work m arried ,l‘“fwr’' to L ak e <'«‘« *g -d to he MadJUun, la with nim whea he encounters Gunner L « k . Maddison— Luke M add Mon. L . tek„ tor gp^ h Looks almost aa though you'd been "Yes— but It Isn't worth at scribblin' absent mladodly " The de H e « . heav.lv .I tectire's shrewd eyes were on the .n t Z Z w ‘“ " “ ''ed. you know young banker. ' But at the asms w»MdJd " " ‘ P° " Cy " MUCH INTEREST GIVEN IN ALLEN ORGAN CONCERT 'lu a ic lo v n r . are vary much Inter- M rs Bernice Van Valwth has been esled In ths forthcom ing sppearencs appointed to head the B elter Homes «. W a r n nD. Allen, distinguished or com m ittee work In Springfield bv James Ford, executive director of the ganlst. Is a concert a t the Music audi­ national organisation known aa torium ln R urene on the evening of A pril I. His concert Is being spon B e lte r Homes ln America. ahrnad studying piano composition under Rudolph duns and Von F allita H e has been a faculty member of the College of the IM rlflo for several years and Is now on ths faculty at Stanford university. Gueats Invited far Dinner Mr. and Mrs W P. Tyson, and A county meeting of all chairmen sored by the members of I ’hl lleia, daughters. M uriel and W ln irrld . and was held ln Bugene last week and national professional women's fra t­ M r and Mrs. Charlee H lvett, of L in ­ coln. Nebraska, house gueats at (he others w ill be held In the near ern ity of music and drama. ¿ 2 ,h z r * br~ th • - < h- Tyson home, wera dinner guesle ot future to outline plans for the carry- M r. . Allan recognised aa ns one of , — ........... .. * «i» j — - .- a , . Is . iT-vu«ni«HG P*"^- stricken. I« .h T a '" “ ‘" ’ ’ • “ • 'H «‘•m p a lg ii «he leading organists In the United Mrs M ary A. McPherson and lailu McPherson at the home of the fo r­ In this and In o ther cities of Lane Stalen. II« has spent two seasons m er laet Sunday. County. advice. M orell tells Maddison la te r r * a‘ erd>7 »fternoon. but they were fairs He “ " reticent—a n 1 « , erred me t o Z n . ’’^ ’*** « *****“* The purpose o f the organisation le no- z ^ j d ^ ior th m ,- to point out to the Am erican public the many ways In which their homes Now go on w ith the story. may be Improved, both Inside and M a check the other day fo r eighteen t ÏZ X "My name was forged to It. I did out for very U tile money, and to .h o w thousand. how these improvements do actually not give a check to Rex for that sum. TO BE C O N TIN U ED ' «* 1 t»»e him my check for that __________ 1 have been making inquiries. I find help the living conditions of many th a t he was heavily involved In a | fam ilies without additional expense SERVICE STATiON TEAM derelict West African gold m ining President H erb ert Hoover was for- WINS BOWLING FROM “Did you now? Maybe you'd like I syndicate, lost on the shares of which GROTTt> Pr* ,l d *'ni of the organisation. to show me the counterfoil o f that WENDLING you bought for a song less thkn a year but resigned upon becoming elected I check*" ago. H e has beea buying these shares T he Casey's Service Station bowl- ‘ ® ° ff1ce * nd *’ n,,w ,h * honorary Ror a second Luke was taken on m argin and they have been drop­ g club club became Ing became victors victors In In a three ‘'h* ,rm * n o f ,h *> hoard of d ire c to r. aback. ping ln value. On the day he paid game bowling series Tueeday evening It 1« the purposv - _ Of . the leaders In “I f there were any reason fo r doing yon eighteen thousand five hundred when they plied up a lead of IS« pins this movement to appoint a chairman •o . I could, but I see no reason." pounds there came another demand over th e ir opponents, the W endltng In each district and let her appoint Mr. Bird was not abashed: for a larg er amount. he j team on the W ednllng alleys. a group of assistants who w ill en- leaned his huge arms on the table, lawn mown« l° kn ' i ” e<1 f° r ' h' f>rm Just arrived. Our New Spring Dresses and Coats. In the Season’s Newest Modes and brightest and moat delicate fabrics. The dresses are remarkable In quality for they are of fine Silk Canton or Flat Crepe Prints, and their workmanship Is superb. In fact, you never dreamed of finding such beautifully smart frocks at such modest prices and «»»«»“ «•«'on Meyer, assistant supervisor. Is c r a Z n r T ^ " * ‘ PP° * ntn,ent’ *num - coZX , Jo" e«>hl0’ *«>d Jackson «»untie«. The m anufacturers and distribution census Is now being completed In all P,a,rt’ e°» LaD'’ C° U,Hy' exc*>btln« «he -m A • P ^ ‘<1 enum erator | * 75 to "ent 10 ta k * lhe censu» «here. Injures Hand W ith Axe M r. E. O. Stratton, employee o f the Booth K e lly m ill here. Injured his from distance. never find me bargin’ In on socletv. Invariab ly Incoherent, for the same hand last Saturday when he struck I'v e had one dre«a «alt In seventeen the back of It w ith an axe. T h e In- reason that others are Incoherent in Jry was dressed a t a local doctor's years and w ear It twice a year— once the clrcum «tancea-*tlie thought too office. for the Police Dinner and once to give the moths a cold." "Do you know anything about h im ’ T he Sparrow's wide »mile grew wider. "Aa onPe’ rk°nZ " T ' ’ ', from . Z! ? ' T ” e '« " ^ ^ « e d n e s , Dresses Coats , he „uestion he L ° rd M a?or— th re » h m o ff his balance, and when I'm humble. You Luke Maddison was Hurried he was H is name and address—an' that's We are also announcing our First Showing of New Spring Millinery H a r r y L. C o rb ett A splendid line of New Spring Hats In all the season’s most wanted colors. Very graceful models In new designs and materials. Very reasonably priced. as much aa any policeman w a n t, to know about anybody. Bad business this young Leferre case, M r. Maddi­ son. You don’t want to appear ln It suppose?’’ L uke looked at him, startled. M r. Bird coughed. "W e ll, you do and you dont.,’ I happened to search the body and the I republican CANDIDATE F or $2.98 to $4.98 room. I found three loose checks on the N o rth te rn &. Southern Bank— th a t’s w here you keep your private •e c o u n t, a in ’t it? And this— ." Very leis u rely he took out a fa t and worn le a th e r case fro m his pocket, laid It fla t on the desk and rummaged In the inside. A fte r a w hile he found what he was looking for— tw o folded sheets o f paper, e v id e n tly torn from a school exercise book. H e smoothed these fla t and L a k e saw a succession of of signature«, one under the other, \ Suggestion» for Spring P rim a rlo « Maty I « Full Line of KISER AND HUMMING BIRD HOSIERY—ln latest shades KISER and McCREADY SILK RAYON UNDERWEAR Fulop’s Department Store ^d»„ Csrtm /sr Csewraer Com., f ío y j J. Cook, Fi,td Mg, 334 Main Street J. Fulop, Prop. 8pringflold, Oregon