c, T i n ’RHDAY. MARC» 20, IM P THE BPRINOPTELD NgWB Ooaa Fishing — C. F. B fflm ann O F F IC E R S G ilA D r v f i a a in •pent Tueeday afternoon ftoblng Just S' GUARDS. AND TOWN AND VICINITY N. O. W. DRILL TEAM TO north of Junetioo city. From Camp Creek—Ernest Conley. PRACTICE ON FRIDAY Ja»ger Man Hara— Lam Drury, of Major Operation— W. A. Lembwrt of Camp Creak, waa a Monday caller The guardian awlgbbor of the l * * 9 * r< a visitor In this ally on und.rw *nt a major operation at the In Bprlnffleld. Neighbors of Woodcraft has requeat- Saturday aftarnnjn. Bufane hospital laat Thursday. From Thompson's Rsesrt— Mrs. M •d that all tba officers and members Ooatar Man Hara...H O. Smith, of In Sprint of tha drill team mart at the lodge Vlalta Friday— Mrs Lew ranr* Mllll Thompson waa a visitor ------- — !'• «U r, wa. a visitor In thia city on •an. of W altarvllla, vaa a Friday n" ld rrtday from home at Vida hall tomorrow evening at 7: id to Saturday. rlaltor In Sprlngflald. j ’ here «he and har husband run a pra , ■ * ThU" ,on •«-»« H -'-rd ay wl h Hawk ha. on the eoa.ï • » o n , the Saturday visitor. h l. friend. In this city “ " ¡w ith tha exception of . . X X “ ! among visitors here. hers. M r. From Fall ••. - I roprUt* ! °A d y a Porter, Mra. Poll.rd, and tn* hOSt^NE, HITS FALL CREEK SCHOOL The school at F kll’ crawk baa been closed by tbe school board due to the appearance of several cases of scar­ let fever among tbe pupils, according to Ross Mathews, principal, who waa In Springfield this week There are not many pupil* who are sick, he de­ clared. but their parent* are keeping I them out of echool to prevent spread Ing of the disease. Only about half 11 of the student* were In echool when the board of director* decided to close the school Here’s 4-Leaf Clover Luck ! For a limited time only you will have an opportunity to save on Rayon Lingerie 25% Springfield Baptist Church Ralph Mulholland, paator. We are all lookilng for a great day Bunday. Bible acbool meets at 10:0« . a.m. Thia Is the third Sunday of our : attendance contest. The service at 11:00 will be In charge of Dr. Hagen, director of religious education for the tion while In Bprlnffleld Friday. w .it.u u in u 10 10 Ore«'"> 0X» comllng sum S <* i 5 W ,lt L a r ,lll,. ' ± p u r.h L u « ! ‘ . T »1III o T ' , |I oh I™ " . u n r w ^ l u » " . « . m . . u . . T . . pur . . Baptist churches of Oregon, and his ° * “ , r * ■ " H w * - W . C, M a t h , ,, . address will be followed by a baptis­ « D m «, . u . » - -u ru . b n , lw ,„ . ¿ r j z ,.7 mal service. Saturday. physician's office Saturday. Meeting of the young people at _ h*»« answered the State Cham • :J0 p. m. From W altervllle — Mrs. W alter Washington People Here— M r. Lot ’ *u” r*’rt,,,D «' “ k,n< tor '»forma At 7:20 a pre-sermon question: Reach, of W altervllle. spent Saturday i B o w m a n spent the week end her« *** P»•' fam llle. Shadow." Special choir music at M ark.. Mabel .p .„ , Saturday ca.l- • “ M° nr“ ' ' ° r both services. tog on ber friend. In th l. c’ty. * « * k* before coming here. Would you like to save 25 per cent on every purchase of new Rayon Lingerie at Breier’s? We thought you would’ Here’s the answer— this special. 1-4 off all ladies Rayon Lingerie Bloomers, Vesta Com­ binations, Slips, Gowns, Panties, etc. D E P T . STO R ES $1.35 New Style Rayon Hose Silk Dre 98c W T W W M r 9 .9 0 LOCAL WOMEN ATTEND From Maroela—Charles Hager, of w Alb* ny Here— M r and Mrs EUGENE PARTY MONDAY Mareola, waa a bualneaa visitor In llllam Barling and their daughter, Bprlngfl.Id last Saturday morning j of Albany, spent the weekend wuw.enu H*1 8prlngfleld women attended tbe here at the home of hla slater. Mrs P»rty given at the Chamber of Com ArthtlP P aal aee,.n 1 __ . _ Monroa Paopia Hare— Mr. and Mrs Arthur Paterson. raerce room, in Eugene laat Monday Charles Hughes, of Monroe, were night by the American Legion Auxil­ Former Resident H e r. — Mark Monday visitors In 8prlngfl«id. Eugene ,or for all all Auxiliary Auxiliary or or- Peerv of P n n i.„ H _ . 7 • iary 7 of r.ugene CHewell Men H«rw ~V. T. School- Held In Monday HeXpecu t X X ’ hw is the Time Bay Pirstaid pplies! This convenient, p o rtab le I ? Jk FULL auto v a t ic IR O N E R EA5T Spring Dresses Coats and Millinery Specially Priced for Sat. 1 group Silk Dresses CC Qfi All sizes 1 group Coats .... S 1 4 .9 8 All sixes Hata from $1.96 up to $6.50 •m an Boy Reoovsre—George Vm- Phrey. the «mall son of Mr and Mra. P K. Umphrey. who ha. been a «2 Sth Ava. West, Eugene, Ora. From Daxttr — W illiam M a th .w . patient at tha Pacific Christian hos Don't forget wa give • . A H. Green waa In Springfield from h i. hom« In Plt».i for several months. Is getting Stampa Dexter. to recelva medicai treatment •long nicely, according to hla attend­ ing physician. on Satnrday. 8th Ave. Hat & Dress Shop j Bell Theatre ALL-TALKING Admission 35c and 10c' TONIGHT LAST T I M E / w you can do the family ironing seated at ease, without having to lift a hot iron every few minutes —without backache—and in one-third of the usual time! Tins new EA SY Ironer is safe—fingertir control of every operation. V ery simple to u s e - little practice necessary even for your most diffl. cult pieces. ---------------------------- Lloyd in Welcome Danger ’ FRIDAY and SATURDAY William Boyd ih “Officer O'Brien’ Comedy ..u j o Und#n*orld Melodrama Hard Boiled Hampton" Ship Ahoy Revue SUNDAY and MONDAY “H A LLE LU JA H ” Safety means preventing accidents and alao pre­ venting serloliH conse­ quences when accident« do happen. Flrstald Ab­ sorbent Cotton In pure and highly absorbent. Flrstald Gauze Is sterile Bnd non-ravelling. First- nld Adhesive Plaster holds tight. Stock up now for safety Sold only at Rexall Stores. Flanery’s DRUG STORE Phene IB An historically rhythmical atudy of nagro lit. graph,call, da. Dieted by an all negro cast. Also a GEORGIA PRICE NOVELTY The lowest priced full automatic portable ironer! Think of it— only $89.50 for this great time and labor saver' Light in weight— shoe quickly detachable for ease of handling— requires less storage space than a vacuum cleaner! Put it in your home where it will pay for itself as you use, it! You have only to try it to realize how simple it is to operate. TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY A t Last "The Dance of Life” Heartbreaking stage romance with Nancy Carroll n and Hal Skelly 1 —— 8Pec'a* »kit to entertain you MATINEE EVERY SATURDAY and SUNDAY AFTERNOON at 1 30 Bargain Pricee------- 10c and 25c & tR O N E R S M ountain S ta te s COMING TO THIS THEATRE W omNanWT r a p R- #v u e The Virginian The 13th Chair _ Mra. W. H. Pollard Hobley. Evelyn «uell. Basil, Paul Robley Robley. 7 » -u .u,« ,. A.eiyn a ^ ' 8“ " rdar V * lda Bartbotonew, M y r « B .rth o , ’TOUR PARTNERS Power Compasy IN PROGRESS'*