w o » yoga Is the market for this Canadian lumber and It comes In free of d u ty-m ore of It th a i ¿ S o n BASS SEASON CLOSED produces when her mills are operating full time BY STATE CAME BOARD Released from H ospital— L. 0. Paris At Hospital — IJoyd Shipley, ol of Mabel, was released from the Pact Wendling, was admitted in tha flc Christian hospital on Sunday. Ho Pacific (‘hrlatlan hospital on Friday. FOR SPAWNING SEASON ■naraets. a duty must be paid. baa boon receiving medical treatment He waa «uttering troni pleura pleu­ while there. A closed aeaaon on baa» fishing, be­ monia. H o i haTe * 7 " a 8tronK booster for MeNary hut Bnter*4 aa second cl mm matter. February 14. 1M1. at the , " C|*n ** ahown ,hat he htt» not done hta/plaln tween April 15. di» opening of the _____ _______ poetofflce, Springfield. Oregon. im in e tnU,>POri.i°f “7 lun,ber ^ e n we are U .hlns season In Ihl» state. and July i> r "* l° 8W ’ 1 1 1 chan*ed for some other man I. ha» bean ordered by (hr mem bnn MAIL SUBSCRIPTION RATE In fairness to McNary and the state, this of' of the »late game commission. ac­ One year In Advance..... _..»1.76 Three Month» ..T6c iegarions. ’hOUW conchl8,ve‘ and not mere al- cording to an announcement Issued BU Month»— --- --------------n o p ata<,e c<)py .5c thia week. The »pawning of the ha«» at thia season 1» given aa the reason THURSDAY. MARCH 20. I»10 942 Willamette St.. Eugene. Oregoa. Hariv letting of the contract for the construe for cloalng the aea»on. BACK THE AIRPORT According to Matt Rychninn. sup McKe°nf ,thehlWaltervi,l^ l ioyle hill section of the Springfield is starting its second year with the McKensie highway is desirable. The state and erlntendcnt of hatcherlea for I ha made an agreement on this section six game commission. unless the aeaaon operation of a municipal airport. The Spring- ct)unty ™ X 5 aKw . £ L ,h; c,ontract h- £ «■I closed during the »pawning tea- field and Medford ports were the two outstanding h Z a X s t 7 a r Up a ro a d * “ « « th e son btM would be eliminated from airports in Oregon last year, with the exception, neavlest traffic is running over it Is not giving Oregon watera In a very few year» "Baaa do not spawn like trout, but of course, the developments at Portland’s Swan P >per consideration to the motoring public. lay their egg» along the shore, Island. Medford’s development was great be­ among grass, fungus and plant cause of the large amount of money expended rrowtha." sa y , Mr Ryckroan "These while ours was successful because of the large ’’age are exposed and It becomes the duty of the male flah to »tand guard. patronage it received from local people. Thou­ Thia he does with a vengeance, keep­ sands of people flew or watched others fly here ing hl» eye« constantly on the alert last season. The grand event was the dedication for anything that might disturb the when over 10.000 people were present eggs. If anglers were allowed to flah baaa the male becomes an vaay prey W e can’t resist an extra M ock The Springfield port is starting its second year • * grids in our new Spring suite during the spawning aeaaon. If a with new management and with a greater diver- • for they realty represent the ist- ■pinner or hook 1« dropped In the THE "JUST A LITTLE LATE CLUB” Ichn^i • c? Tlty than ,ast year Besides a flying ' ------- Btoet in clothing vataae. The vicinity of the egg» over which he fabrics are sturdy . . . S r o ^ n e nr » ^ t enSerKServlce a n,a‘ hine shop and ! , 7 ? en 1 ?'as a commutor ’ sometimes went to Watches, he Immediately fights It and Mup b of the best . . . the stjde Ls a l £ T s t £ S K addWl ’"’Pavem ent 8,a,io" *"»y to watch the other commuters run- 1» consequently hooked. Tims It la b the kind you would expect to is also .starting on the runwavs, so that the large n nf? for *be trams. 1 only in mu. h higher priced necessary l0 rrotect the male haaa It to S T Z lf* ” ,a k ' « " I c m . kn„w „ „ 8 lg , „ they are to be kept In our lakes and Houghs." Extra Ponti «t $4.91 Airports have been pretty much thought v i J t o ^ 7" ® l?di*s, and o,d n,en- ini«* ... . his m oneys worth |n exchange for the time they took. "It is not necessary for me to live,” said Pom- pey, But it is necessary that I be at a certain point at a certain time." m ^d / re,8?n 8aid: “I owe a!l my success in life to having been a quarter of an hour b e­ fore my time.” I hold up the record of these famous men in the faint hope that it may do some good. And yet. the hope is very faint. unpromptness is very tenacious. The habit of And we say. It’s much easier to get thin on candy than to get fat on It. Candy is good for you and It s a mistake to do without i t All your favorite kinds are here. F G G IM A N N ’S Where the Service la Different** Spring Clearance SALE deavor to give their students a com­ bined training In military life, cltl- aenahlp. and athletic development. Many application« have already been received, and aa each county la limited to a certain quota, the com­ manding officer strongly ergea that those who are sure they want to at- ten«r the camp get In touch with their local Amerl-a Post <-*"cer« or 1 write to the C. M T. C. Headquarters nt Vancouver Barracks. Wa.hlnlgton , USED CARS W ITH AN O. K. TH A T COUNTS MORRIS CHEVROLET Co. »2« O il,. St.. E u ^ n * O r.» .» T .I.p h o n . 627 NOMINATIONS WANTED If I am fortunate enough to be inside when the FOR RODENT CONTROL shall v / 8'”' f ,O'’Pd ° n the Judgment day. I shall know what to expect. Five minutes later there will be a terrific bat- butnigsh°anil 5 o tgbe€' 8 t PCter may be 8Urpr‘8ed When the gates swing open again, there they w ill be—some of the most lovable and exasperat­ ing people who ever lived—panting, apologetic explanatory to the last. poiogeitc. pinky d nky By Terry Gilkison Several nomination« for rodent control supervisor« hav. been sent In to O. 8. Fletcher, county agrlcul- I utral agent, by members of organ! zatlona Interested In thia work. Mr. Fletcher ha« pointed out that all such I nominations should be made to him before Marach 20. and he will then, make the recommendations for ap­ pointment to the county court. 2 Glasses Water, Not Too Cold, Help Constipation L E G IO N N A IR E S! The Letter Reproduced Below is Worth Your Attention EUGENE POST N o. 3 AMERICAN LEGION dbpartmbnt of orboon EUGENE, OREGON T o a ll Member, „ , E u iene One glass of ^ T e V 1« not enough— : '•»ke 2 glaasea a half hour before breakfaHt. You get quicker and bet­ ter results l>y adding a little simple i ie r t7 ri ; ne- e t c ' (known a <«- lerlka) to one gift«». I nllkp other re mod fen, Adierika I acts on BOTH upper and lower bowel ! and removes old poison« you never ' thought were In your «y«teni Adler ka «top» OAS and »our stomach In 10 minute»- Relieve» constipation In 2. hours.— Flanerv's Drug Store. N(J , A o - ^ a ^ X ^ d t ix e iX o x r x x S Amerlc>n ^ ^ r c h 7. 1860 t i r h a ^ tbe R- tH " en aside American Legion P lot X A^" ” AMOC,#t'°“ designated a» the • n A .e V o ’ m X ^ p ^ h ^ . ^ ^ ^ r e m . ^ « ' . m i T .....? Wh° *” who are eligible to membership therein a n d 7 in ° f ln d lT l,lu a l« who are members or eligible to membership therein a n ^ ono year from the date of this letter. ’ ' »ectlopa for We therefore suggest that every person ellrlh l. , Memorial Park «hall purchase the same as his ne i ’ m ." 11" ’ , lh " •h l. project has our full and complete HancUon e / . r° q approval. action, endorsement and BEN F. DORRIS. Executive Committeeman. BARTLETT 8. GRAY, Executive Committeeman. HOWARD B. FREELAND, Executive Committeeman HOWARD A. HALL, Executive Committeeman. OEOROE F. HERBERT. Commander. 8AM WH.DEIIMAN, Vice-Commander. A. T. MO8B8, Adjutant. W. H. BANKS, Treasurer. R est-H aven MEMORIAL PARK t , 536-7-8 Miner Building a.