T JJIIJKHIMY. MARCH 20. IT Q 1930 — sM UNqraBLP nvws PApET«R»r T R A IN S C H E D U L I •p rln g fle ltf Otapa NORTH Visitor: Top ara growing Into a nice little fellow and w ill grow Jnat ¡ like your father. i No 1« at 3:84 A. M Stop to detrain B or: Yea’ passenger* from K lam ath r a ils and motb,‘r *■ ,fr> ld ° * beyond. No. i a t l : U p. M. B ur connections at ,h a t »• ' —’ 1 Bugane GOOD SCHOOL PROGRAM wb»‘ 1 ,l' n o t ic e o r s h e r if f ’ s » a l e in f o r ' 8 X *C U T IO N IN F O R E C L O S U R E train« leaving 1.-88 P. M. and 7 P, M CHAMBER OFFICERS HAVE w A. T a y lo r and L M Petem oa, president and secretary of the cham ber of commerce, w ill both a«- (end several of the seeslons of 'h e Annual Short Course for cham ber o f Notice la hereby given 'h a t by v i-. commerce secretaries to be held a* an, a l,ecn“ OB *n d order of «aie the U n iversity nest week during the SOUTH s u t ^ o T n / ,h * SJrc" “ Coort No. 7 a t 11:47 P. M 5 ÎT .* of Oregon for Lane County. •P ring vacation period. T h e school J; Is being conducted each year by th e No. I t at 10:09 P M. Flag atop for Fhbi ruary yMb. 1»JO. upon and ant by . . L . -> d a c decree í S T r dui» ? " ” r ’ " “ Bd = «•««»ter * t K ilt« — jA aihony Ubar- passengers to K lam ath Falla School of Business A d m in istration , ’X t ” m Æ n, M( ° MB* r O paratlan A lU n M o o r., I ^ „ 7 . .ñ o -¿ . r 1 r 'b ro a ry 24th. 1»30, ma«. Georke O livar. « U p le to n , R M and speakers from several o f th e P a r tile ‘S " 4. " * the” ,,n '» which the K a n ila R iver proparty m exchange * ( ’ ’ »“ bm lttad to a m ajor op | Purnua», Portland; C h a rla . Todd M cg rr chambers of commerce organ»- . . ----- — - •« •» a n « » , , t(|> P. O. Boa I t I. Springfield Bua ronneetiooe at Bugene fot O r a r « ’ C ity ; .n d C. Jono. o, W euJ' aattona have been secured fo r the pltal In Eugene, and la doing nicely traina leaving U :4 f A. M •'»«. were all rertstared at Ih« K ilt , ria 81» Fortune T e lle r: l)<> you want to x . • p rw m — ..... — l klyou line. •« te l during 'h e U e e k end. know about your future husband? N O T IC E O F F IN A L H E A R IN O 1---------------------------------- T h e operation o f the federai fam a Notice la hereby given thnt the un­ V la llo r No. I 'w a n t to know board and the question of foret gw N O T IC E r»g»rfw h ereinafter « . _. described s. - dersigned, Josephine R. Campbell. n o t ic b t q c r e d it o r s W H F R F ar i k Pert y h to aa'fsfv something about the paat o f my Executrix, has Hied her final report . . . i i . ” . 8; " rh a p te r 127. gen re rta ln liens and charges in . . n t a Z trade are tw o o f the problems which iu ì i w ‘h " . Ï T by 11 ,h" ' c < ,r a 8 present i |i uabnod ‘ w ill be taken up for discussion. In the eatate of John R. Campbell, f s s a x for future uee. « r u ni,L n i . ? ng, ,’ì n i* ,,? h- appointed 8 ' * t- * < bv * • ih £ ' . deceased, and the County Court of On the list o f speakers are such ” D"*’ 1* 7 ' ■' A d m in istratrix of urday, the 12th day of A p ril, l»30 at 2 PÄ _ ^ " ' “ 8 - b «r.« g ch’ arge , Fusene. Lg„e Ä E X E C U T IO N IN FO R EC LO S U R E . 0 ^ 0 ^ ? " « > *" •» " the Sacram ento Cham ber o f Com­ I . Ä bar#b’' “ »•’ by viri 10 o'clock a. rn a t the County Court i« b*’" r,n « «•••* room In the Court House In Eugene. merce and preetdent o f the national - i * . rr **■ M 0 AI1 P»'r»i>n. lis tin i h e w « , . „ . n b w i K ' 7 «"d í, order of ?b» , , i e Oregon for final hearing therein, and . . . ----- , ~ h a rf, pl**r or leaued uu . .» the C ircu association o f cham ber o f commerce should be made or dock which la Infested w ith ground vlded by law. a ll of the rig h t, title and » « .tlllÜ l r - «ra hereby State Of Oregon for luin., (« lin t» sny objections -------------------- --- --- - s q u irre l, -and other noxious ’ rodents Interest o f the defendants . > said secretaries; Leonard Reed, assistant filed on or before said tim e !’ r.U ,7 ’ »’ « «P»» «nd pursi» Bated and firs t published M arch 13. ',’5 Pr *M' * ,f,ry animals, o r as soon as suit and o f all parties claim ing by m anager o f the W estern Division o t 1830, the presence of the same shall come through or under them or any of them the United States Cham ber o f Com- * Bryson. at >y aaM r , ’“ r ‘ February î« th . 19.10 In JORBPHINE R. C A M I’ B B I.L . * hl" ,h " ,r or Ba knowledge, at once since the 24th day of February. 1930 M o W illam ette Street. . Fugane. Ore- a * “ R l * Bd'ng therein In which t h í Kxecutrlx I ° . , ? r7 ' e* d ■nrt 10 continue In good In o r to the follow ing desecrlbed real m erce; Charles E W a lk e r, d is tric t «<>». on or before the » expiration of . £ Íf,r. H» » ln«" * Ixian Association, governor o f Kt wants; L. W . H em aa. M 13-20-27 A 3-10 « te r m in a te and destroy property, to-w it: • lx months from the th Saturday, 28th ,h * publjcailon of this sum i •>» lake steps to exterm inate said S h eriff of Lane County. Oregon .. . .. «»* of an exw m ? on “a n 7 o i ! “ ' *7 ’ ‘f n 7 ,M * r<‘b ” ’ 0 hour *ba County Court house in 1» Y,,u * re hereby notified that If you from the date of the first publication th r—— February l&tb tax« 1^«« County, Oregon, offer fpr •*’ ,n »PP"«c »nd answ er the said of thia notice. If such steps are not N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F 'S S A L E IN E X E C U T IO N IN F O R E C L O S U R E T he bullhouse is the schoolwork • » I to 1 d w r « "Z0 " ? " 11 p,Jn,u »»‘c ««d aeli at public auction for rash complaint w ith in the said period ol taken, a person or persons appointed bT said Court If .? - '’ ? . B’, d '' " Bd’‘r ’ h* " or • " ’ " f ’ hem since the Y °" r default w ill be entered, and by (he county court of said Lane Notice Is hereby given th a t by v ir­ o f civ— ” » -u lt p o n d in g ^ h lr e l? I . a ’ J®1 ’i ’ " ° f iP* bc u .r ,. 1930. In or to ’ b* P>»>»‘ < " * " l make appllrntlnn to County w ill enter upon aatd land and tue o f an execution and order of sale A sm ile could be felt. Pfcclflc R a v i n s , a i l’ . , l l l ' h th" ,h» follow ing described real property ,h * court for the re lie f prayed within proceed to exterm inate aatd gray leaned out of the C ircu it Court of the . W . h ln . . * L ° B." AM<*la tlo n . to w it: P | the s lid com plaint, which la as fol- "T h e workhouse Is the huBschool digger ground squirrels (Cltellus State of Oregon for Lane County « f t «»d John a r Mco!n°nn ¿ d “ o ^ e r s I •« • •»"«•« »15 f t W .a , ' T h a ‘ ” ” Court * » « « « “ » « • douglaall) and the coat o f said e x te r­ February 2 « h . 1930. upon and pursu of— ” Were defendants, which execution a n d l ° f a F J * RM ’ South of a point m arriage existing between the parties mination w ill he levied agalnat said ant to a decree duly given and made H e was evidently twisted. order of sale was Io me directed and ,n f* r ’ *ctlnn of the South hereto, or If that la denied, th a t the lands. by said Court F ebruary 24th. 1930, In The county ag rlc u ltn ra l agent a salt pending therein in which t h e , T h e school bull is the housew ork* commanded ma to sell the real a m I B* T w *« lT 'th lrd Street ns the Court enter a decree dissolving the Monday. M arch Pacific Savings A Loan Association, porty h ereinafter described to satisfy r* r *!r<,* d |B OroM ' m arriage contract now existing be­ hereby designates An audible snigger. ■certain Hens and charges in sakl d . l Ad<,l*,0B to Eugene. Lana County. tween the parties hereto, giving unto Slat, aa a day to be known aa "squir­ a Washingto ncorporatlon, was plalni "T h e bull school— “ cm w specified. I w ill on Saturday the I * Y >B‘ W ,b ,h * W ’’"* ,,ne nt ’ ’ nl the p la in tiff an absolute divorce from rel poisoning day" throughout the t iff and C. O. Ixm g and others were H e was getting wild. So w ere hla An order o f the above said lAine County, and It la hereby defendants, which execution and order 28th day of March. 1930. at the hour I .’ Z '* * * 7 Avbbb* K « fe n d e d South as the defendant of Ona o'clock p m at the southw est) b* *" P it t e d and recorded In Court dated M arrh 1«. 19.70 directed recommended that poisoned barley, of sale was to me directed and com hearers. He mopped the pres pi ra- door of the County Court house In ,*,*'d , ° r° ” Addition to Eugene. I» p « lh a l this summons be published once aa prepared by the undersigned and mnnded me to sell the real property tlon. g ritted his teeth and made a Eugene la n e County Oregon offer L ° Un,y; <’ r'< nn- * " d running thence each week for four consecutive weeks j representatives of the Bureau ot hereinafter described to satisfy c e r-, fresh start for n a l. .m l sell M publl? ®Ba,h Rb W * ' •»’ »««- In the S p rin gfield)N ew s; and that you I Biological S u rrey of the United tain Hens and charges In said decree « • " « ’»house, m y friends— " cash, subject to redemption as pro ,N. ° r ' i 60 Bn<* th’ n" E « * appear and answ er said complaint States Departm ent of Agriculture, be specified. I w ill on Saturday, the 29th i ™ w ithin four weeks from the date of used for the purpose of such e x te r­ day of M arch. 1930, at the hour of One ■ A •»«»* re lie f w ent up. Ham - Tided by law. all of the right title IIZ ® ,o ,b * p ,, c« " f beginning and Interest of the defendants In said DBt' d ,b l* ?.7lb, d,J of F»bruary. 1930. the first publication o f this summons. m ination. Snrh poisoned barley may o'clock p. m. at the southwest door ol let was him self again. he secured from the undersigned at H. E S L A T T K R T . the Cx>unty Court-house In E u g en e.1 H e raxed j _ • n u ll and all part'es claim ing by I ~ ’’ SO W N. r®nelF »round. T h a A ttorney for P lain tiff. hla office In Eugene. Iauie County. Lane County, Oregon, o ffe r for sale ,,_ h. nf S h eriff of Lane County, Oregon through or under them or any ol I and sell at public auction for cash. l,Kbt of ,r »u">P»>ant self-confidenc« M y address and postoffice address la Oregon, at approxim ately the coat of F 37 M « 13 20-27 them since the 3«th day of February. preparation. Eugene. Oregon. subject to redemption ns provided bv wa* enthroned on hla brow, 1930. In or to the following described N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S Date o f first publication of thia law. a ll of the right, title and Interest “ la the woolbark— " M 20 27 A 3-10-17 re a l property, to-w it: notice March «th. 1930. In said suit and of all parties claim ing And that ls when we Beginning at a point 31» feet weet I Notice la hereby given, that the lost con- (Signed) O. S. F L E T C H E R by. through or under them or any of 8Ci0u. np, . SUM M ONS «»I a point «74 2 feet South of a point “ «<,er »>gned has been, by the County them since the 24th day of February. ug" « » - County A g ricultural Agent. made by the Intersection of the South I ” >urt of ,h * 8 ,« t* of Oregon for the In the C irc u it Court e f the State of M « 13 20. 1930, In or to the follow ing described — Oregon for County e f Lane. line of Tw en ty-third street as the CouB,y of *•<«*. duly appointed ad real property, to-w lt: S U IT FO R D IV O R C E same la platted and recorded In Oroas m ln latrato r of the estate of Ethel II . _ , , 8 t0 " Springfield H otel— K. Sima, N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S Addition to Bugane. la n e County Mendenhall, deceased, and all per H a te) L. Baas, P la in tiff, va John E. i, Ber,BB,B< a‘ * Point In the East J. R. Jones. H. H. H a ll W A W h e e l, Bass, defend ant - n - n a n . w . a . w h e e l- I'regon, with the W eal line of UnIVer ,OB" h« * n g claims agalnat said ea Notice la hereby given that y ,* line of Grand street. I f -------— -■ undersigned has been appointed ad Bald po,n‘ h«1" « »«->• » •*! South o f ! * , , ’ , ® k d M ik e H jm c h u k . To John F. Baas, Defendant: alty Avenue If extended South, as the I ,B,B , r * hereby notified to present You are hereby required to appei anme la platted and recorded In Oroaa I ,b * • 0 llgw rencr St . News, once each week for a period present them , w ith th a proper vouch­ of the State of Oregon fo r Lane dale o f thia notice. Bugene. Oregon, w ith in «lx months o f four (4) weeks; and that you ap­ ers. w ithin six months from the 13th N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F 'S S A L E IN County M arch 11. 1930. upon and pur« Dated at Eugene. 6t-egon, thia 20th day of M arch. 1930. to the said exe­ from this 13th dav of M^fTh 1930 E X E C U T IO N IN F O R E C L O S U R E pear and answer the said rom plalnt cutrix at the law office of L. L. Ray day of February, 1930. a g|yen a„d made by J O H N R BYEMR. ............... .. C?Urt on ,he 10th ‘»«-v of M a r c li w ithin four (4) weeks o f the date of In the M in er Building. Eugene. O re­ E. O. P O T T E R , Notice Is hereby given th a t by v ir­ R * dJ" ,B," ’2 B’ or “ f ‘ he eatate of j th e 'flro t' pnbHc’n tk>7 of , : 30' . , iB a "u ,t ‘ »tereln pending in A dm inistrator of the estate of John gon. tue of an execution and order of sale « * r»h A _ By ere. deceased. H E SLATTERY, In which E a rl H. H ill and Via. M H ill w a rin g , deceased. Issued out of the Circuit Court o f the D O R IS H. C O U L T E R , A. E W heeler, Attorney. j Attorney for the p la in tiff r 20 27 M «-13-20 Executrix of the last w ill and test­ State of Oregon for Lane County, were plaintiffs and N ellie M Johnson, M 18-20-27 A 3-10 My residence and post office address do-1 February 25:h, 1930, upon and pursu Jav V . Johnson, aa adm lnlatrator o f ament of H e n ry Clay Hubbell the estate o f M aurice D. Johnson. la Eugene, Oregon. ceased. ant to a decree duly given and made M 19-20 27 A 3-10 L. L. Ray, attorney for the esta'e. by said Court Feb ru ary 24th. 1930. in C o r « H ’ J '* '" '" ~ C° ry<‘11' R,,' h,lr<, ( oryell, Hazen D. Johnson, Mrs. M 13 20-27 A 3-1(1 a suit pending therein In which the Haxen D Johnson, Jay J Johnson, N O T IC E T O C R E O IT O R S Pacific Savings # Lean '.s'-oclatlon, , P1* Johnson. Agnus M ay Lewis, Notice la hereby given that the N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F ’ S SA L E IN a W ashington corporation, was p lain ­ p?..2 LeW? ' F,ofl’” e Hlnkson, t iff and Noval E. Thurm ..:i and others E X E C U T IO N IN FO R E C L O S U R E undersigned has been appointed ad- Hlnkson, Beryl Frasleur. Storm were defendants, which execution and I I m in latrato r of the estate of Elizabeth • , . N ° V ed Ban. Phona 1(0 Plane M oving bprebY Riven that by vlr- order of sale was to me directed and prasfeur, Eunice Erasieur, Cy Pra- DR. w. N. DOW j E. McCornack. deceased, by the Faye Phillip». E rnest tue e fia n execution and order of sale commanded me to sell t h t real pro- S u »PRINOFIELD TRANSFER 1 County Court of Lane County, Oregon laaued .out of the Circuit Court of the D e n tis t Phillips. Jess D arling, and Addie Darl- perty h ereinafter described to satisfy 9 W IL L IS B B R TSC H . Prop. I A ll persona having claims against said First National Bank Building State qf Oregon for I,ane County, certain liens and charges In said 'de- I T 2 * defendants, which execptlon Office : R O D B N B O U O H O A RAG E estate are required to present them Febrnarv Phone 48 Springfield, Oregon 1930, • upon and purnu , , i - 25th, - ...........— puinu-j cree specified. I »111 on Saturday, the ,' , ,P r ’ ®,e 'ra8 10 me directed w ith the proper vouchers to the un­ S <33 M ain Street — ‘ l«< Dletance Hauling a Specialty described to Evenings by Appointment A King. 534 M in e r Building, Eugene. i i u i . \ ^ ' o n n k ,’^,P,r<’ln ,n whlch J R door of the Connty Court-house In “ . « " i ? " d c b ar* e" ,B I4»np County. Oregon, w ithin six HIH and Ellen H ill, husband and w ife ¿?„gene. I,ane County. Oregon, o ffer d* d , f ®d ' . 1 T 1’ 1 on S a,u ^ months from the date ef thia notice. were p lain tiffs and F rank J. Berger F o r sale and sell at public auction for da>' ^ J ’7 Dated at Eugen. Oregon, thia 13th and others were defendants, which the hour of one o’clock p. m. at the DJI. N. W. EMERY cash, subject to redemption as pro­ day of M arch. 1930. execution and order o f sale was to mo, vided by law. all of the rig ht, title Southwest front door of the County K e n n e t h M c C o r n a c k . Court House In Eugene, t-ane County, D E N T IS T directed and commanded me to s e l f A dm inistrator of the estate nf Eliza­ the real property hereinafter des-1 hnd Interest o f the defendants In said Oregop, o ffer fo r »ale and sell at Sutton Bldg. Phene M -J suit and all of the parties claiming beth E. M cCornack, decensed. erlhed to satisfy certain Hens and them or any public auction for cash, subject to Reeldence Phene 1BS-M M 13 20-27 A 3-10 charges In said decree specified. 1 hy, through or ic under m n day nav of or Fehru- ra n n i- ¡T p <' h prt’v,dpd »’ V law. all of o f them since the 24th w ill on Saturday, the 29th day of ary. 1930. in o r to the follow ing des- fon dan t^’ in ’ ’. « m " 0 i " tere .’ t of , he d ®_ Springfield, Oregon M arch, *1930, at the hour of One erlhed real property, .tq -w lt. N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S ■ rendants In said action In or to th a follow ing described real property, o’clock \i- m. at the Southwest door Begit/ning at a point In the South 228 Main St. In the County Court of the State of of the County Court-house In Eugene, Rosldenoe 128 C St. situated ln Lane County, Oregon, line of Second Avenue W est. 53 feet to-wlt : Oregon fo r T^ne Connty. « I J Lane Onunty. Oregon, o ffer for sale «3M General LaW Practice In the m atter of the Estate of Lu and selj at public auction for cash, South 8 9 H degrees East of a point T he southeast quarter of the north­ 327 feet North 27 minutes East of a cine Richardson, Deceased, quarter, the and east h , h alf of tha subject do redemption as provided by point 2«« feet South 89 degrees 18 ! , west o tlthwesi n nerter I. M. PETERSON Notice Is hereby given that the un law, a lllo f the rig ht, title and InteresF minutes East from the Southeast - .." ’J?'"'«‘ q uarter and the eouthweot Full Auto Equipment Attorney-at-Law derslgned has been appointed hy the o f the defendants In said suit and ojf q uarter o f the southwest q uarter o f I .ad y Assistant aforesaid county court, as the ad all parges claim ing hy, through or corner of L ot Nineteen (19) In Bldck section twenty-eeven (27) in T ow n ­ Oily Hall Building m ln ls tra trlx of the estate nf I.uelne under them or any of them since the Flva(B ) of the B la ir Street Addition ship Nineteen (19) South, Range Richardson, deceased. A ll persons 14th dav nf February, 1930, ln or to to the C ity Of Eugene, Lane Connty. T w e lv e (12) W est o f the W tllam e tta Springfield, Ora. having claims against said estate are the follgw ilng described real property Oregon, and running theneeV Sonth M eridian, together w ith the tene­ required to present said claims duly to-w lt: » Ix it Four (4) and the N orth 8914 degrees East 40 feet, K|b *n c e ments, hereditam ents and appurten­ FRANK A. DE PUE verified to said ad m in is tra trix at the Six andr tw o-thlrds («2-3) feet of Lot' Sonth 27 minutes W e s t 14.9\.feet. ances thereunto belonging or fas nay- A T TO R N E Y A T LAW law office o f C. A. W lntergneler In Five (5 | .In Block Two (2) In John thence North 8 9 H degrees W est 40 wise appertaining. Eugene, Oregon, w ithin six months Christian's Addition to Eugene, in feet and thence N o rth 27 m inutes East Dated M arch 11, 1930. N O T A R Y P U B L IC 143 feet to the place of lyiWnnlng, ln from the «th day nf M arch. 1930. , jrcWKLHR H . L. B O W N . t ‘ Ixtne r Cgunty, Oregon. Eugene, Lane Connty, Oregon H E I.E N B A R M 1TAO E, ihl 27th day o S h e riff o f TAne County, Oregoa. Dated Inis y f February, 1930, Dated this 17th day of Fehrukry, 1930. Fel Sutton Springfield »•p airin g 's Specialty A d m inistratrix. Brooke ft Bryson. Attorney« fop H . L. B O W N . BellM og H. L. BOW N. > Oregon C. A. W ln te rm e le r, Attorney. A j i r l f f of Lana County, Oregon. p lain tiffs, 8«0 W illa m e tte street. Springfield, Oregon S h e riff of Lane Connty, © reg o n . M «13-20-2« A 3 Ettgene, Oregon F 27 M « 12 20-27 F 37 M 8-1340-27 - ä — Ì T Ò Z I B U S IN E S S D IR E C T 0 R Y | ' «f __ _ __ Walker-Poole Chapel Funeral Directors D . W ; R oof I I I 18-20-37 ft M B