The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, March 20, 1930, Page 2, Image 2

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    F u m OF Afluís
Wood Exhibition
the past week end with bar sister,
♦ UPPER WILLAMETTE ♦ Mrs Richard Hart
bicycle club members
lowing by lbs county clerk; Carl
ATTEND THEATRE HERE Cassidy and Muriel Mshsu. both of
Jay Grant, who has been attending
Ernest Sehrsnek. Jr. who has been
Cot lag*
O. 8. C at Corvallis, has finished bis
very seriously 111 with pneumonia
Members of (he Dlnty Moore bl Vaughn and Viols Richardson, Halsm;
course and returned boms Tuesday
the past five weeks, has been brought
Lum Mays, of Signal, was In Thurs­ cycle club of Eugene will attend the Alexander ls>ng. Cresrenl, and Jullt
Large»» Products Exhibit of back from the hospital to his home
showing of pictures at the Bell How. Oakland; John lan e and Mollie
Speaker TeJIa Andience That
ton Tuesday
Northwest to be Seen at
theatre once each moath, according Martin, both of Eugene; Milton IIH
Armad Strength it Thing
Armory Next Week.
very bad way.
to an announcement made here by derheck and Velma Fisher, both of
of the Past
Eastern Star Meeting
Bert Feglla It v»ry 111 with pneu
Plans for ths’ flret Wood Products
The regular meeting of the East­ Herbert Weiss, manager of the Bell Wend ling; W hiter Ute wart and la s s
The after futility ot war rnd the
Each boy who Joins the bi­ Holliday, both of Roosevelt Besrh
ern Star was held Tuesday evening theatre
show over to ho held In Lane county,
The Christian Endeavor entertain
t ) U l necessity of our government *
cycle club Is entitled to a certain
and what la expected to be the largest
malnlalnllng trade end btialn'eee re­ and best show ever held in Oregon or ment and supper which were Io have Only routine business was transacted. number of shows as a part of his
Wlnberey Man Hare— Charles Nsec,
been given Friday of thia w w t has
lations with other countrlee was
Hans were mad« for another supper membership dues, and by coming to of Wlnberry. was a business caller
the Pacific Northwest are almost
been postponed on account of the
forcibly brought to the minds of the
to be held at the rtrst meeting m Springfield they are able to take In Springfield on Monday afternoon
completed, according to George Pear
Illness of the president. Bert Fuglls
men and women who gathered at the
rides on their bicycles Io sod from
son. general chairman of the Em
Professor E E. Kilpatrick, who has
Thurston Man Here— William Ran
Methodist church last Monday night
the show In large groups.
ployees Wood Promotion committees
been principal of the Pleasant HUI
nls. or Thurston, was a visitor la the
to hear Dr. John R. Mes. professor
of Oregon, Washington sad Idaho, high school the past four years, has
Com i from Creswell— M r. and Mrs
city on Monday.
of political science nt the University.
Marriage Lloenses Issued
who la la charge of the exposition
Louis Wallace. of route 1. ('res well,
M his talk on the subject. "Nations which will be held In the Eugene signed up to teach another year
From W altervllle—8 J. Goddard, of
and Arms."
A special school meeting haa been were transacting business In Spring-
Ourlug the past week marriage
field on Monday.
Armory next Thursday. Friday and
W altervllle, Halted friends In this
called by the high school board for
bcense» have been Issued to the fol
The speaker briefly outlined the Saturday, afternoons and evenings,
city on Monday.
March 19 to vote on the questions of
work which tho naval experts at
Everything Is going to be free,
London are now trying to do, told •ays Ur. Pearson, nod there will be
The noon hour at the high school
Why the group was meeting, and ex some very unique souvenirs given
Is now devoted to baseball practice.
pressed his opinion as to what re-1 away daring the show.
Floyd Manney has been elected the
•Ults of these discussions would be
Anyone May Exhibit
of the boys’ team.
Failure Blamed on British
Many entrants bare been
The ladles of Pleasant HUI had an
“The failure of the Geneva confer for display and there Is still room for
all day meeting at the home ot Mrs
•nee, called by President Coolidge, several others.
Any Individual or
was doe to the propaganda work of organisation which would like to ex i Ralph Land last Wednesday.
W illiam B. Shearer and the refusal hiblt some product made In Oregon of Skow was present and taught them
of the then conservative British Oregon w.xxls should commuimte nt lamp shade making Dinner was en
government to discuss limitation of once with Mr. Pearson. He can ba Joyed at the noon hour
The freshman class gave the upper
armaments. The result was that reached by calling Eugene J« 10. the
Coolidge signed the Cruuer bill, au­ telephone number of H. J. Cox. secre­ classmen a reception and party on
thorising the construction of eleven tary of the W illamette Valley Lum­ Friday night, March 1«. A program
was riven followed by refreshments
aew cruisers."
bermens’ association. where he la
Games were played In the gym ns
“This," declared Dr. Mes. resulted '«naktlng bis headquarters.
slum. The program was as follows
in an overthrow of the British gov
Mr. Pearson desires to call the at- nsno so
Plano solo: Mildred Swift; speech of
Wlth ,h® el#ctlon 01 tenUon ° f ,h* Public to the fact that welsome
President Ruby Hyland;
Ramsey Macdonald to represent the Herb Owen, boxing promoter, voiun
Better Quality Groceries for less money in our policy
labor party,
despatched to to tartly offered to give up hts night for response by (.aura H u tt; songs by
-- he
— was
Washington to discuss with Herbert fights so that the show would be a Freshmen girls; duel by Evelyn
Phelpe and Bonnie Tinker; reading
Hoover the possibility of limiting certain success.
by Ruby Hyland.
•rmament. and a conference was
Story Of Lumber to be Shown
The high school music students of
called for London."
"Lumber from the virgin forest to
We have fresh Aaparagua, new Carrola. Cabbage and Lettuce.
The men now gathered nt London the manufactured novelty" will be the Miss Msary Harden gave a recital
Give U b a Trial
are trying to reach an agreement theme of the show. Every step of the
whereby there will be no new battle process which lumber goes through March 15 Those who took part were
•hips and cruisers constructed dur­ from the time It Is cut In the forest Lores Laird. Florence Jordan. Lucille
BAR S O A P ...... .........
Jordan and Bonnie Jeanne Tinker.
ing the nert few yearn. They
. are
— ontn *t 1« »old In the form of the
10 for
Many of the high school students
trying to eliminate the sub-1 finest finished product will be shown
irlne from the list of defense « the armory. Most of the uses to
Illness returned to school Monday.
! whlch our native lumber Is now put
Plums and several of the peaches
“The submarine Is a cowardly wen- »»1 be shown by exhibits, which will
pon. stated Dr. Mes. "It strikes from Include exhibits of the manual train are about ready to bloom. Many of
the dark and behind the back. I* Ing shops In Springfield and several the farmers are planting garden this
warm dry weather
w ill not be tolerated by the leading
exhibits "of 'ih'"' eount>’ woo<,r™ f'
* oitr. uvputy
isx collector.
collector, was
Mr. Petty,
deputy tax
powers, and that means that the
an<1 ° lrl 900Ut workln« ln ‘ he Pleasant HUI district
ones will
h .
« . „ not
, . „ have
. X - . M
Assured Success
Trade at the
O r Three Combination Special
to hare the government represent* bills In this county, as well as elabor
The Pleasant H i l l h i h
h i-« «
U ^ s l g n a treaty outlawing the sul. ate ones* from C o rv .in , and Washing- [ glee Cub are practicing £
“Make it unlawful to have submar
A moving picture "The Transform r e T V a
- -
59 C
EUre“ e *n Apr‘‘
‘ lx
1“ when
; ' t she “ uses
a .“ “ a • x breaker
them, h «hown twice dally. It will show the and His Lass
■he will think twice before she vio­ possibilities of modernising the old
Lucllle Jordan and Loree Laird will
lates an International law which will home.
enter the musical contest In Eugene
be backed by most of the countries
W ill Show Usee of By-products
for piano pieces.
in the world."
The economical utilisation of short
Followllng Is the schedule for the
Visual Results are Doubtful
lumber and by-products of the small
Pleasant H ill
baseball team this
Dr. M et Is not sure that the present mills will be shown in several exhi­
spring; April 4. Pleasant H ill at
conference will accomplish as much bits from the United States Depart­
Mohawk; April 18. Pleasant H ill at
•s Is expected, but he assured his ment of Commerce. These exhibits
Elmira; April 25. 8t. Maarys at Plea
audience that there will be other con­ will be under the direction of James
sant H ill; May 2. Pleasant H ill at
ferences every five years, and oftener O. Bretherton. of Portland.
Creswell; May 9, Mohawk at
' i-
If attempts are made to vote large
»ant H ill; May 1«. Creswell at Plea
gums of money for naval defense.
sant HUI.
"The English are still too evenly
WITH “WELCOME DANGER” Pleasant H ill, although they will
divided between the Conservatives,
have a good team, are apt to find 8t.
who want a strong naval defease, and
Harold Lloyd’s latest picture, and
Marys and Mohawk strong opponents.
the Labor party, who do not want a bis first all-talking picture. Is being
Mrong defense." Dr. Mes thinks that acclaimed by Springfield people who
if the conference vote# to sink or des­ have seen It as being one of the best
troy some of the now existing ships he has ever made and much better ♦ .
• ♦ • ♦ • ♦ • ♦ • ♦ ♦ • ♦ ♦ ♦ a
that there are enough people in the than some of the latter ones which
Taylor Needham bad a stroke of
Labor party who will join the Con­ have been produced by him
PBmlysle last Saturday evening and
servatives and vote McDonald out of
'Welcome Danger" is the story of Is seriously 111. Mrs. Harvey Hadley
Office I t Is also certain, he thinks, the son of a rlp-snortln’ western po­
came over and Is helping her mother
that If the conference does not sne- lice officer,
who prefers picking
Mrs. Needham, In caring for him
oeed In limiting armament that Mc­ flowers to hunting criminals. But the
Mrs. A. B. Mathews gave a party to
Donald will be ousted.
day comes when he must match his
about twenty young folks last Wed
Armaments are Futile
------ the most wily in China-
wits with
nesday evening In honor of her
Strong armaments are futile, he town- wlth the reeult of combined
daughter. Miss Lois Mathews and
he said. Germany had a strong mill- faring and comical situations.
Miss Hazel Russell’s 18th birthdays
U r y system.
It was defeated and
Of course there Is the usual Lloyd
The P. T. A. are sponsoring an en
Oermany is still existing.
lore theme in the picture It Is well
tertalnmsnt to be given at the hall
“The next war will got be fought worth ««e,nk and a large crowd Is
Thursday evening, March 20. to raise
between Oermany and France." be ««Peeled at the Bell theatre thia
funds for a payment on the grade
evening for the last of the three day
school piano. There will be a small
He saw probabilities of another war ruD of the film.
- ■ .
. .
sum sold
w o tld " T k L T *
tW” co,I" t r , M ' M“Ch ln,pr0TemeDt and adjustment i be
home for
candy" e o ff^ Tnd
would not be the leading figures. He * * * has been done on the sound pie
••Id that Baron DuVall. who recently ®<l“Iwnent at the theatre here J*at T b . n „ns . . .
" ,
baaar. a
' S
S ’t S
Business Goes
Where it is invited
And stays where it it appreciated
There it no eubetitute for Newspaper
Advertising when H comes to Inviting
people into your store.
Through the
newspaper's columns it also a good
way to show your appreciation
for the patronage you are re­
were present for the supper which ,ecta- They have been adjusted so Mr
Melnls w a s n i . . . .
preceded the meeting, and at least that theT »re always in harmony with prised Monday evenlnr whf Y
L d r « ? 16 he‘ rd
“ Bke h” loudPlenUreh0 n ,the
** Jug’ ber
h,s ■ •'« ’“ >«"' «•«"« In to Za” l
Before the address the Brotherhood
hw h ib a , : bort
‘ dUtortU»‘
hear<1 * ‘th<>Ut I
th“ ,re o « * " » « «
’‘ " '¡J ? T
f Z
ich time the committee seeking who hav® dropped In to see the Grove, rfstted his sister Mr« Vpod-
^wiC° n8tniCt,On ° f a feDce around . W lp m e n t and hear it working have ham last week He recentlr hn/i hi
court, but were told that It was a
° f th’ Eu* ene
m atter for the state highway com­
. .
mission, and the petition was for-
who lTd H h h " ? i ° r ,he Pe° Pd‘‘
warded to that body.
m ih
W° r',H
Principals to Talk
in be
ne the
spoken ---------
from the screen w
The next meeting was decided upon I in«tallatlon of earphones for each
for April 21. No outside speaker will 8eat In the back row of the theatre,
come for that meeting, but each of j 8aJn’ Herbert Weiss, manager.
the three principals a t the local
schools will be asked to make short
Thlrty-slx dancing girls were re­
addresses. Following the addresses hearsed for two weeks, from nine
a political discussion w ill be held.
each morning until five each after­
The following new members were noon, for the difficult chorus routine
voted Into membership in the Bro­ In the "Follies" scenes In the "Dance
therhood: Joha F. Kstels. Ernest of Life,” the all-talking production of
McKinney, O. B. Wood. W. B. Buell. the stage play, "Burlesque." which
Ira Bldwell, and Charles Paddock.
w ill be shown at the Bell theatre
starting Tuesday.
dental i,B «I'arge of his gun.
MrH Rf,y
!TeXa" Clnb wb,ch me' w" h hpr "'"»’ r
M” M J M cK ,,n-
»Prlngfleld last
| Tuesday.
The Laldes Aid soslety of Thurs­
ton motored to Springfield last Fri- j
day afternoon and held a silver tea
at the home of Mrs. Ernest Bertsch.
Several Springfield ladles were visi­
Charles Grant Is the latest victim
of the flu.
Mr. and Mrs. John Price motored to
Notl last Sunday and spent the day
with their son, Curtis Price, and his
Mrs. Nelson
of Harrisburg, spent
The Springfield News
‘The only Newspaper In the World that in Dedicated to the
Interest« of Springfield People.”