T Try tha Hom* Print Shop Fir at < ▼ THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS “Tha Respis*. Paper” A L IV I NEW SPAPER IN A L I V I T O W N TWENTY-SEVENTH YEAR. BASEBALL SEASON 10 OPEN APRIL II MAKING PREPARATIONS FOR CONCERTS SOON Oswald Thiel Is A w arded Medal — EugeneAirport in Bad Place, Rebhan FIBSI GLIDE« CLUB IS FORMED IN CUT A Joint concert by the combined «lee club» and orcbeatra at the high Prominent People Gather t o ' Say* That City Might Batter Honor Youth Who Saved e - . . . -r- school 1» being planned for the se- Cooperata in Springfield I Eigbt Games for Local T » « n irooa week in April by Kraut Me- Hie Father's Life Airport Development. Inman Flying School to Pur- Listed on Schedule Drawn at Kinney, director of mu»ic at the A large group of people from vari­ Eugene; Another Cup Offer- h»«»> school. The program win be chaae Glidar for Club and will Eugene might better cooperate with Build Other»; Runway* Grad­ ed to Champions: Girls to i1**"“ ,n ,b" hl,b acbo°l auditorium ous ports of the state and about 6D Springfield In developing a Class A Have Kittenball Team. I*"4/ • m‘ H cbar«« will be Bpy Scouts from Lane county gather­ ed and Smoothed; Claae A-3 airport than to expend large sums - made to raise funds to defray ex- ed at the high school on Monday even­ Rating Sought. money developing a poor location at The Pleasant Hill high school base P*n,M »ending entrants to the ing to honor a 1« year old youth and fellow scoot member who last State Music Tournament at Forest her own municipal port, la expressed ball team baa been selected as the | The first active glider club Io the spring, when only 18. found hla father Grove the latter part of April. in a statement by Dr. W. C. Rebhan. opponents for the local team In the state of Oregon Is now In the proceed chairman of the local airport com­ The local high school has won after he had been rendered uncon­ opening game of the season to be several honors In the past music scious by an electric shock, and by of organisation In 8prlngfleld. It 1» mittee. today. Hla statement was played at Pleasant lllll on Friday. contests and aspects to garner more the knowledge he had gained as a Clarence M Young, of 3«» concerning ara article published in formed here In conjunction with the Moines, la., former director o( the this mornings Register. It follows: April 11. this spring. Lest spring the girls' member of the Coburg troop of Boy Lee Inman school of flying and will Bureau ol Aeronautics of the De­ Scout», had been able to resuscitate “We note that the Register is try- be supervised by them. quartet won second place In the state Th» complete schedule for the Lane partment ol Commerce, has suc- him. cesded W illiam P. MacCrackcn, Jr., , in« to arouse the same “old fight" County Baseball league was drawn tournament at Forest Grove and the One new gilder will be purchased Oswald Thiel was fittingly honored i ai Ah” A**" S*tre,,rj’ o< Commerce between the two cities In trying to year before that the boys' quartet up last BaUrday at a meeting In Eu­ within the near future so that the °* * U ■ induce Bugene to spend a lot of gene which waa attended by Cotter won a loving cup at the Eugene and presented with a bronse medal club can get started flying at once - ________ I money on her municipal airport. So Music Feat. I awarded by the president of the ------------------------------------ Gould. the new Springfield coach, and i far as Springfield la concerned, she - and Inter gliders will be built at the National Safety Council for hla quick RODENBOUGH GARAGE the coaches from earh of the other __________________ thinking and actions. did not start and is not now develop- aviation school. ■ schools In the county having a base- B U S S CAFE TAKEN OVER IS MOVING TO NEW j ing an airport with the thought of . u hall learn (his spring Eight games Prom inent Man on Program BY ELITE HOTEL PEOPLE LOCATION ON FIFTH entering Into competition with Ba ! Tbe J " . , "• u are Hated for the local (earn, and ef I Among the people on the program -------- Bene ,f seated to toe i e m ^ forts are now being made Io secure The Huss cafe, recently reopened " h'«h »«a presided over by Mayor r-aul uerboden. mechanic at the to - what we all think It will there will - ------ L ”l ule Lion» a . . ___ . . . k . - u . . .. ... sented to the members of the that many more during the season by Mr. end Mrs. William Colllna. has W P- Tyaon. was Z. E. Merrill, as Rodenbough garage ha. purchased an be r a o . for several airport. In this ", ? m‘* tlnB to“ orr° » with other schools which are not been taken over by Mr. and Mrs. A. general manager of the interest In the business, according part of Oregon organlxetlon work will b« ■ _» as... Vait a> » a I n D ial.- _ company, to an announcement made this week **• gxzl akn.41.. _ ai - entered In the league, „ ih pedfected shortly after that - date. Brewer, proprietors of the Blit. M Mountain States Power hotel The cafe will aerve as a dtnlnb , »ho made the address of th . even- by Archie Davis and WHHam" ferie»- a l r ^ r t ^ b u / X ^ p X l Z t f ctlon In the air in a powered an effort to again capture th . county , Woodcraft guard at a St. Patrick', Io the audience as another person who and suspended over the intersection burg vicinity, or abandon her present al,1P- A low tuition fee Is charged at Main streets. championship. _ „ her hom# on Monday #T#O had received this medal, which la of Fifth and _______________ port and cooperate with Springfield !the tlme th« card *» given out and awarded only to persons who actually i in developing the one on the Bugene :due" ot -®0 P*r month are all tha Harsey Tnmaeth. Lloyd Mattlao'n, Ing. Tha guests were dressed In s GUTTER, ICE, owned land here. Talk nor money ’ -coata connected with membership ha Freeman Squires. John Lynch, Halph costume and the rooms were decorat- save people', lives by means of r* -1 AND ICE CREAM WILL BE I Will not remove the hills surround- the club. Col. and Donald Bettis are the alx «d appropriately for the occasion. A suacitatloa. veterans turning out All but one of , dainty lunch waa served by the host- i A large number of people from the The glider will be shot Into the air MANUFACTURED HERE *“* Eu*en es “ nniplcal port, and tbe -------- fact will always remain that the with a long rubber rope and It will ba tbsm won letters last year when they 1 eas at a late hour at tables decorated Albany office of the power company, ( Milk, butter and Ice cream will be | »tralght air line Ilea considerably up to the pilot to keep It in the air, were members of Leonard Mayfield's wllh green. as well as many others from various wlnnlnlg teem. The guests were Mary Ernest. peris of Lane county, were present. be the principal products manufactur- ' oaat of Eugene, and Is so recognised says Inman. Each member will have Girts to Mevw Tsam Mrs. W. K. Barnell sang a solo and ed at the Springfield creamery when | by tbe federal government in erect to sign up in advance to be eligible Josephine Chase, Nellie Helterbrand. The high school girls are also to Barbara Adama. Stella Eaton, and was accompanied by her daughter. It opens for business In the near Ing the beacon light at Springfield. to take the glider out on the field “Eugene pioneered municipal air­ for flying. atari their kittenball practice thia Hasel Burnett. Barbara. The high school orchestra. future, according to Griffin and Pyle, week. The team is being coached Mlsa Mellons Is the captain of the under (he direction of Ernest Mc- managers. Loyal peaple have indi­ ports In that part of Oregon, and like Fees Used fo r Club Equipment by W. K. Buell, principal, and he has N. O. W. team. j Kinney, played two numbers and the cated that (hey will give full coop­ pioneers In other lines Is paying the All funds received other than that almost twenty girls turning out each audience sang America at tbe open- eration to the new enterprise, which penalty, because of the lack of suftl ■paid into the school for Instruction evening. Buell has coached several CHILD BORN ON MONDAY dairy exp-rta have pronounced to be cient knowledge In the early stages. In the powered ship will be used to Ing of the meeting. i championship teams, and saya that one of ihe best equipped plants In She should now canvass the situa­ keep the school supplied with gliders SETS W E I0 H T RECORD tion well before spending a lot ot and other necessary equipment. the material he now has la as good this part of the state. LANE PIONEER PASSES or better than one usually finds la a A full city milk delivery will he In­ money on her present location. We Plana have been drawn tor tha Mr. and Mrs. John Downing, of AT WEST SPRINGFIELD augurated with the opening of the have heard a good many pilots ex- first unit of the new buildings to ba high school group. The girls are good Marcola. are the parents of the larg­ hatters and need only a little practice James M Puckett, Lane county plant, and only the best quality of press themselves about the hill, and erected at the flying school and est child to be born at the Pacific bad air currents surrounding the tual construction work Is expected In catching and studying of the ruli pioneer, died at hls home at West milk, both raw and pasteurised, will Chrlatlan hospital In Bugene. The Eugene airport.” He Is attempting to arrange for be sold. An ice machine, with a to be started very soon. The first newcomer la a boy and weighed Springfield yesterday morning at the games with the girl teams at Vida, capacity of 8.000 pounds of Ice per building will be 80 by 80 feet, and age of 72 years. He came to Oregon thirteen and nine-tenths pounds when day will be a part of the equipment, PRINCIPALS RE-ELECTED Marróla, Coburg and Pleasant Hill. will have an all-metal roof. horn early Monday morning, March from Illinois In 1881 and settled at The Hr-t game will probably be play­ and all local people will be given an FOR NEXT SCHOOL YEAR It waa also announced at the air­ 17, 1M0 The father, who Is of Irish Portland, from where he moved to ed at Pleasant HUI on the tame day opportunity to buy their Ice made port this week that the Standard Oil Weet Springfield a few years later. descent, waa very happy with hls St. with the boys' game, although thia Patrick's day present. The three principals of the Spring- company has offered to paint all of He has lived there continuously with In Springfield. field schools were re-elected last the buildings at the field in red. whit» has not been finally derided upon. ’the exception of a few months spent Thia was their first child. night at a meeting of the school and blue colors aa fast as they ar» Springfield »«»vsdula W. C. W RIGHT HOME In Washington. board. They are W. E. Buell, high completed. Their products are being The following games have been He waa born In Illinois on July 18, SCENE OF LARGE PARTY ‘school; O. B. Wood. Brattaln school; used at the school. ■ scheduled for the local team: April CLOTH IS ALL GONE SO 1867, and la survived by his wife; ON MONDAY EVENING and Laurence Moffitt, Lincoln school. 11. Pleasant HUI, there; April M. WOMAN SEWS HER FINGER three sons, William A., of Oregon Wet Weather Runway Started The teachers In the various schools Vnlverylty high school, here; April Smoothing and gravel surfacing of City; Ray, of Boston; and Wayne, of One of the largest parties of the for next year will be selected at an- Mrs. 8. E. Bettis did not have IS. Bugene high, here; May I, Cottage a wet weather runway was started The Dalles; one daughter, Mrs. Dena spring season^ was held Monday at j other meeting of the school board on *hla week at the Springfield airport Grove, there; May », University high, quite enough cloth to flnlah the ar­ Archambeau. of Eugene; three sis­ the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. | Monday evening, according to Wll- The new runway Is a diagonal and there; May 11, Eugene high, there; ticle she waa making on her sewing ters, Mrs John Hall, of Oakland. Cali­ Wrlght. The house was decorated ! liam G. Hughes, clerk, May 18, Cottage Grove, there; May machine last Thurad iy so she used extends In the direction ot the pre­ fornia; Mrs. Etta Benson. Ponca City, with the St. Patrick colors and the i __________________ pert of her finger At least that was 13. Pleasant Hill, here. vailing wind over the field. While It Oklahoma; and one other sister In bridge tables were all named after ROBERT KIZER FUNERAL Spring football practice a( the high the explanation g'ven by her when will not be needed this summer th» the same state; one brother, Charles. I cities In Ireland. The partners for school was concluded last week. In­ she appeared at a local physician's at Glenwood. California. HELD HERE YESTERDAY airport committee la now going bridge were selected by means of an dications are that the team next fall office with a part of a sewing mach­ ahead with plana to develop a year The funeral will be held Friday af­ Irish guessing game. will he equally as good ae the one ine needle embedded In her finger.1 Funeral services for Robert Kiser, I round airport. ternoon from the Brandstetter chapel The high prise for ladles was won last fall. Many new men were out It was necessary Io cut the finger In i The level and sandy character of In Eugene. Rev. Earl S. Childers by Mrs. C. H. Phetteplace, while Guy who took hls life In Los Angeles last seeking positions and several good order to remove the needle, which week end, were held yesterday from the ground on the Springfield port will officiate and the Interment will Wright took the honors for the men. 1 ones are coming up from the grade had broken off Just above the eye. be made In the new I. O. O. F. ceme­ Stewart Hurd won the consolation the Walker-Poole chapel. Rev. C. J. makes it possible to land or take off schools, according to Buell. PJke officiated and Interment was In any direction In dry weather. For tery. prise. SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS made In the Alford cemetery near this reason the Springfield port will The guests Included: Mr. and Mrs. FORMER RESIDENT DIES Harrisburg. never need the attention that many HAS PARTY ON TUESDAY MEMBERS OF CARD CLUB I-evl Neet. Mr. and Mrs. 8ldney Ward. Surviving Mr. Klxer are his parents -airports have given their runways. It AT NEWPORT YESTERDAY ENTERTAINED ON FRIDAY Dr. and Mrs. W. N. Dow. Dr. and Mrs. 1 Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Klxer. one daugh­ Is necessary to have two graveled The Friends class of the Spring- W. C. Rebhan. Dr. and Mrs. C. H. field Christian church was entertain­ ter, Margaret, a son. three sisters, runways to take care of the heavier Mrs. A. D. Ruddlmann died at her Phetteplace, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd | Members of the Five Hundred clun Mrs. Grace King, Salem: Mrs. Ada ships In winter time when It Is mud­ home at Newport early Wednesday ed at a party at the church eoclal Flanery, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Henderer, j morning. She Is survived by her rooms Tuesday evening by Miss Bes­ were gueats at a party held at the Mrs. J. C. McMurray, Mr. and Mrs. I Hulbutt, and Mrs. Florence Dunbar, dy, however. home of Mr. and Mrs. Welby Stevens Clam A-3 Rating Sought both of Globe; and one brother, Roy, husband; a daughter, Marjorie; and sie Ritter, teacher of the class, who la Mrs. Mnude Fred Walker, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. who was In California at the time of Work that Is being done now is sx- one aon, Orval J. Howard, of Eugene. a student at the Eugene Bible uni­ last Friday evening. Swarts, Mr. and Mrs. Larson Wright, The funeral services will be held versity. The St. Patrick's Idea was Bryan and Miss Chystal Bryan were Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Perkins, Mr. and hls death and who brought the body t>ected to give the Springfield port a class “A-3" rating. Conditions sur­ here early Wednesday morning. at Newport Friday afternoon, and the carried ont both In the refreehmente tho assistant hostesses. The following were present; Mr. Mrs. Clarence Chaae, Mr. and Mrs. rounding the port are ideal for class body shipped to Springfield for In­ and In the game« and entertainment. Stewart Hurd, and Harry Wright, all A and with 2800 foot runways in six Takes Over Service Station terment In the Ixiuret Grove ceme A short program of music and read­ and Mrs. W. R. Dawson, Dr. and Mrs. of Springfield, and Mr. and Mrs. Guy Frank Shannon took over the directions and a 1800 foot rollway la tery on Saturday. The membere of ings was presented and then a eoclal W. C. Rebhan. Dr. and Mrs. Carl Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ander­ the Springfield lodge of the Neigh­ time was enjoyed under the direc­ Phetteplace, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. son. and Mr. and Mr». E. J. Bartho- Springfield Service station at the two other directions the field com­ corner of Fifth and Main streets on plies with the ground specification» bors of Woodcraft will have charge tion of Miss Del,Bilan Olson, a mem- Adrian. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Wilson. lomy, of Eugene. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. DePue, Mr. and ber of th© class. Monday from E. E. Fraedrlck, who tor such a government rating. of the services at the cemetery. Mrs. I. D. I-arlmer, Mrs. Bert Vincent The airport committee met Monday has operated the plant for several Mrs. Ruddlmann Is a former Spring- and the hostesses. AGED RESIDENT HAS years. The Fraedrlck family will con­ evening and made plans for the de­ field resident. She was operating a HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS 92nd BIRTHDAY TODAY tinue to reside In Springfield for velopment work to go ahead. novelty store at Newport at the time Rebekah» Have Party Monday GET TWO DAYS VACATION som» time. of her death, Ephrlam B. Kester I» observing hls The members of the Rebekah lodge SERMON TOPIC LISTED Students at the 8prlngfleld high Needlecraft Club to Meat Bridge Removal Awalte Low Water ■chool are enjoying a aprlng vacation hel dthelr monthly social gathering !>2nd birthday today by calling on FOR CHRISTIAN CHURCH The regular social meeting of the Work of dismantling the old Spring- today and tomorrow. The two days Monday evening following their re­ his friends about town. Advanced field bridge will not be started until vacation Is being taken at this time gular business session. The party age has not been cruel to Mr. Kester. Needlecraft Club will he held this ah "Christian Salesmanship” will h» the water level In the Willamette to make the final day of school fall was a St. Patrick's affair and appro­ He was out digging around and plant­ ternoon at the home of Mrs. W. H. the sermon topic at the Christian ing seed In hls garden the first part Pollard. Assisting her as hostess Is church. There will be special marie. river has reached Ite low stage, ac­ on a week-end Instead of In the mid­ priate decoration» were displayed. of the we«k. Mrs. Harry M. Btewart. cording to O. N. Pierce .who has dle of the week. The aunual com­ Charles Rlvett will provide special Mr. Kester was born In Indiana been awarded the contract for the mencement exerclaea will he held at Leaving for San Francisco music tor the 8unday school hour at and lived In Washington tor some Son Bom—Mr. and Mrs. Merle 8:86. The Christian Endeavor wfll work. The steel will refabricated and the high school on Friday. June 8, ac­ Mr». Welby Stevens and Mrs. Bea time before coming to Springfield, Chase, rural route 2, are parents of a later used In another bridge over the cording to W B. Buell, principal. held at their regular meeting I» tka Gay will leave Springfield today for where he was at one time a watch son born to them at the Pacific Willamette om mile weet of Cree- evening at 8:30. The choir wfll gw - The grade schools are not taking a ten day vacation trip to Ban Fran­ repairer. Hls three children »11 live Christian hospital In Bugene o s Wed- vide special mnsle for the evenla< well. tha tw® days’ vacation at thlg time. cisco and nearby point». In Springfield. netriay, Mareh IS. ISIS. ■ervtoa at 7 :M _____ ___- a i