TH U R 8D A Y . MARCH 13. IMO T H ! S P R IN G F IR IJI NNWS PA«E RIGHT AMERICA IS WORLD’S WEALTHIEST NATION YOUTH ON TRIAL TODAY FOR AUTO THEFT HERE “Bailing Out" Real Science Now Clinton Hall Smith, charged with aleallng an automobile. will bo given his hearing thia afternoon al Ih» l-ane county court house. Smith, together with William Ned Ovlatt. were bolli arraated here Monday and charged with aleallng the automobile belong­ ing io S Mcl'heraon. Smith aaaumed all blame for ihe affair and both the hoya were released, Smlih promising to appear at the court this afternoon, John Maralt, luvenlle officer for county, declared yesterday that be would ask lhal the boy be paroled to some buslnesa man In Ibis city, rather than have him anni to the reform ing to only »1.284 per person. This is because Alabama's natural re­ sources are comparatively undevelop ed and ita industrial development, j while large, has not caught up with the growth of Ils population. By CALEB JuitNSUiN. New York, richest of all the states We are the ncheel »«sople in the in total wealth. In only aboul average in the per capita figures. The ten world. Almost everybody kuows that, but million Inhabitants of the Empire tew realise just Dow rjcu we are aud State are worth an average of »3,613 what our wealth consists of. each. The National Industrial Conference The figures of the National Indus­ Board has just figured it uot. The trial Conference Board are for the achoql. national wealth ot the United States year 1928 The nation ts probably is *360,it> Three hundred richer now, but it takes a good year DR. MEZ TO BE SPEAKER and sixty bnliou, one hunuied uiilliou. and more to compile figures, which AT BROTHERHOOD MON. ‘m e figure is Just too large for us will always be that far behind. The to grasp. Nobody ever saw mat tnucn last estimate made by the United > The regular monthly «upper and money. There never was any such States Bureau of ihe Census was in meeting of ihe Men's Brotherhood of amount as that in money anywnere in 1922. when the national wealth was ihe Methodist church will In- held on estimated at »320.S00.000.000. In 1912 the world at any lime. Monday evening in Ihe church par­ It would take a whole year for a the government figures were only lors. The luillea will se/ve a supper thousand regiments or a tnousauu »1S6.300.000.000 In sixteen years, at 6 30 aud Dr. John II Mei. aaaocl- men, every man collecting a thousand therefore, the wealth of America ate professor of political science at dollars a day, to gather so much nearly doubled. And even allowing the University, will lie Ihe principal money together, even it it ex.sted. for the fact that a dollar today repre­ speaker. He will talk on some world But the figure of the Conference sents a smaller amount of wealth problems. The public Is Invited to Board leaves out money entirely. than it did in 1912. nevertheless we attend this meeting and henr Dr Money ts merely a syinool of wealth. have made pretty good progress. Very Mez. He hus a reputation of being Counting all of the Treasury notes. carefully worked out calculations one of the most Interesting members Federal Reserve notes. National tt,u» made by the Un’ted States Depart­ of the entire fncully al Ihe t'nlversliy. This Oakland Motor Car party is being shown how army aviators use the modern parachute. notes, gold certificates, sliver cerutl* ment of Labor continuously kept up The “chutes” are so reliable that none has failed in recent years if properly operated. The cates, aud gold, silver aim copper to date, show that the purchasing En tertain Friends car is an Oakland V-8 sedan. The rip cord device is shown in the smaller photo. coins, we nave about only five billion power of the 1930 dollar Is about 67 Dr end Mrs. Carl I'hetleplare were dollars of money In circulation in cents as compared with the dollar of hosts at their home here Tuesday during the flood period. The fl’ h was So our actual Increase In America. That is all we need for the 1912. FISH LIVES IN MUD HOME: ATTENDANCE IMPROVES very much alive and la now swimming evening for a dinner served to Mr purpose of exchanging one form of wealth in sixteen years, as a nation, IS VERY ALIVE IN WATER In the pool on the summer home pro­ and Mrs. Clarence Chaee and Mr and AT CITY SCHOOLS FOR wealth for another. The rest ot our is about 37 percent. Mrs W H. Adrian Following the And that is doing pretty well, thank business is carried out by means ot LAST GRADE PERIOD Reconstruction work on the dam at perty. He will soon have company, dinner the group attended a theatre bank checks and credits. But what you! the summer home of Dr Eugene Kes­ according to the doctor, who will re- Attendance at the schools of ter will be completed during the next atock the pond when the dam la party. makes our money worth its face vaiue Springfield was more normal during week or ten days, according to the completed. la the wealth behind it, nearly *72 of the last six weeks which ended Iasi doctor, who now make« frequent assets back of every dollar in circu- Friday than during the previous six trips to the place to Inspect the work tion. V eterin arian Named weeks. The cold weather in the being done. r j original dam was There are no exact figure« of And a Real Orchestra latter part of the previous period the wealth of other nations. The einter during the high destroyed f MOUNTAIN VIEW PAVILION was the cause for much absence water per.-ai and the fish liberated total assets of the entire British Em­ Dr. J. A. Fluntilgan. of Eugene, waa among the smaller children. The at­ Into the McKenxie riv e r On Row River Road pire, including Great Britain, Ire­ recently named Inspector for ihe In- tendance at the Branain school has land, Canada, Australia, South Af­ feittlnua abortion control area In Ihe "But," says the doctor, "they didn't Wlllakonzle district by the board of averaged approximately 96 per cent rica, India and the rest of the British and in one room averaged 99. ac­ all get away.” directors of the organization. He possessions, was estimated a few i DON'T MISS THIS ONE! cording to Glenn Wood .principal. years ago at about one-half of the One of the workmen dug up a trout started his work on Tueaday morning Prize» Given for Beat Coatumea We herewith publish the scholar­ present American figures, and no about 10 Inches long while moving a There are 134 owner» In Ihe district ship and honor roll of the students at Al Whitman, I*rop. other nation begins to compare with pile of mud which had accumulated and they own 621 cows. the Lincoln school for the past six ours. weeks period. Reports from the The biggest single item in the list other two schools were not available of things which make up our nation­ yesterday. al wealth is real estate. Land and im­ FIRST GRADE provements in the United States are Attendance—Billy Dawson. Fern valuer at *198,100,000,000, more than l.aiTt D or la Lois Pelham -Clinton- Sldwell, Juanita Burnham. Betty half ot the total wealth. That does H o p e , daughter ol the D u k t ol Marie Ford, Peggy Fritts. Iva Gillette, , Manchester( worked lo r several not include real estate owned by the i months behind Inc counter in a New Ida Howes, Genevieve I’almer, Lor­ railroads and public utilities. ' York »tore without disclosing het raine Peddlcord. Betty Virginia Those institutions, together with Identity. Sherman, Peggy Wright, Wilma shipping and canal facilities, account Keeler. for another *4,900.000,000 of land Scholarship—Flora Bertsch, Clover value, with improvements worth The Items listed represent just a few of the many bargains that you will flml Jean Cox, Peggy Wright. Gladys Ped­ *22,100,000.000 and equipment which ersen, Olive Johansen, Nancy Davis. in this store. And of course you can "2e your credit— a small amount down has an additional value of *12,500. Juanita Burnham, Reatha Young. and the balance In small payments. 000,000. SECOND GRADE Farms and factories, including all Attendance—Bonnie Finley. Willard propeity and equipment, constitute Principal Events of the Week House. Frank Stuart. Dave Smith. *20.200,000.000 of our nat’onal wealth, Assembled for Information Shirley Hack, Alberta Keeler, Shir­ according to the latest survey. ley Neep, Beryl Robertson, Emma Manufactured and natural products of Our Readers. Lou Stratton, Jeanette Sweeney. total $40,000.000,000 This includes Saholarshlp—Frank Stuart, Bobby everything from carpet tacks to gold J. C. Aeby. aged trapper was killed pollard, Dorothy Mulligan, Dorothy in the mine blocked out but not yet in his retiden e near Alfalfa, 13 milea Jean Stewart. Beryl Robertson. Shir­ mined. south of Bend, when the rifle he was ley Neep. Alberta Keeler. Personal property constitutes about carrying was accidentally discharged. 4A GRADE one-nintb of the total wealth. Furni­ GREATER Saholarshlp—Edgar Trotter, Doris The dates of the 1930 Columbia ture. clotlvng, jewelry and items of HOME COMFORT tha sort owned by the people of the county fair will be September 10. 11, Collins, Leonard Purcell, Muriel Ty­ United States are worth *44.700,000.- 12 and 13. it was decided at a meeting son. Attendance— Edgar Trotter. Robert 00. And that doesn't include auto­ of the fair board held at St. Helens. A roomy luxurious Davenport will make all the difference in the world mobiles. which are a comparatively A timber sale amounting to *62.- Keenan, Doris Collins, Donald House. We have an unusually fine 100 per cent MOHAIR Davenport - R » s v e e r s i b k Irma Wetzell. Leonard Purcell, Bobby small part of the whole. Less than 437.95 was conducted by the United ' ten billion dollars covers the present States land office at Roseburg recent­ Foster. Muriel Tyson, Helen Putman. Cushions. Priced at ......... ............................................................... value of the nation's automobiles. ly. 19 tracts of Oregon and California Barbara Nealon, Isyl Keeler. 5B ORADE .Gold and silver bullion—that is. grant lands being gold. Attendance—Clyde Smith, Harold gold and silver that has not been One hundred fifty Knights of Py­ Jacquand or Cut Velour Davenport coined or made into Jewelry, table­ thias of Union and Wallowa counties Gillette, June Berg. Louisa Cowden, Bennie Cox, Lucille Gerber, Ethel ware or other commodities—held In gathered at La Grande recently for ♦ Gott, Valeria Koch. Shirley Seavey, ♦ the United States is worth around their annual convener- The 11*32 ♦ Maxine Valller, Jennntne Withers. *9.000.000,000 More than half of meeting will be fc-'d at ♦ o. ♦ Scholarship—June Berg. Sadie Gott that is gold held by the United Slates • MANY SHAPES AND ♦ JUST THE THING TO L. O. Herrold. with four power FINEST WORKMANSHIP ♦ Ethel Gott, Loutna Cowden. Treasury, the Federal Reserve bank I SIZES ♦ PUT IN THAT CORNER dredges and a small army of men. Is THROUGHOUT J U N IO R H IG H SC H O O L ♦ and other banks as a reserve against | ♦ busy clearing up land in Lake Lablsh Honor Roll—Evelyn Bacus, Lela currency. This gold reserve alone , ♦ This Lablsh lake land will be drained, Peterson. Vivian Runte. Eileen Baket ♦ constitutes the largest amount of the ♦ cleared of roots and placed under cul Beatrice Carson, Mary Smitson. precious metal ever gathered under tivatlon. Pearl Wills, Faye Stratton, Clair one flag In the history of the world. Six of the 48 tracts offered at de­ Hadley, Velma Peddlcord, Edna ■ Out of the entire volume of national 9x12 SEAMLESS AXMINSTER RUGS wealth, about one-sixteenth, of *23,- j linquent tax sale by the Linn county Severson, Harlan Duncan, Luclle Made by one of the oldest ami best makers in 000.000,000 worth, is exempt from tax­ court have been sold to new owners Davis. Hugh Mathany, Charles Cole, America. ation. ThiR Includes all property i st auction. Several tract« were re­ Evelyn Gormley. Attendance — E l'- - B a k e r , Bea­ used for public purposes by the Fed­ deemed by their owners at the last trice Carson, Robert McLagan, Her­ eral, state and local governments, and minute. the property of religious, charitable • Kimball School of Theology, Meth­ bert Mills, Morris Stewart, Donovan and educational institutions exempt i odist institution at Salem, will sus­ Montgomery. Keith Currie, Norman Morgan Chandler, Alys pend activity for one year, beginning Gerber, by law from taxation. Only stock on hand at present time to be sold at Thatcher, Helen Swarts, Dorothy September, 1930, Dr. Edward Laird The total wealth of the country, i divided by the number of Inhabitants, Mill«, president of the board of trus­ Nice, Elsie Beals, Harold Garret, Eu­ this price. Lots of patterns to choose from. All gene MaLosh, Mary Smitson, Ellen gives us the average per capita tees, has announced. perfect goods but patterns discontinued. The date of the annual Linn-Benton Moskop, Evelyn Johnson. Irvin Had­ wealth. And this is also far In excess of that of any other nation, amount­ Jersey Cattle club show will not be ley, Clair Hadley. Dale Thomas, John Other prices in proportion ing to around *3,000 for every man, changed, it wag decided at a meeting Dale Adams. Charles Maxwell, Allen of the club at Albany, at which It w m Sneed, Kenneth Cox, Edward Wyatt, woman and child. The wealth is unequally distributed proposed that the show date be Marion Thompson, Lena Stafford, Were $17.00 Velma Peddlcord, Olga Hrynchuk, among the states, however. Nevada changed to coincide with that of the Easel Adams, Ruth Pollard, Ray Linn county fair. has the largest wealth per person, Other Oregon communities report Smith, Charles Cole, Dick Wright, not because It has the smallest popu­ This double-deck, helical tied Bed Springs Is the first trllllums and lamb’s tongues, Winifred Franz, Margaret Jarret, Mil­ built for service and comfort ................................ lation. for there are seventeen states dred Morgan, Wilma Lipes, Margaret having fewer Inhabitants, but because but It remained tor the mid-Columbia Hack, Doris Worley. country to claim the first bouqnet of of the immense wealth In Nevada’s cherry blossoms. They stood on s mines of gold, silver, copper and Goes to Coaat — George Turpin, other metals. Nevada's average desk In the office of Sheriff Secton, j Springfield tailor, «pent the week-end orchsrdlst, of The Dsllee. wealth Is »7,23« «** person. at Bandon and other point« on the Alabama his the lowest per capita coaat. He returned (o Springfield on Average Wealth of Each Man, Woman and Child in United States is $3,000 in Actual Property. A REA L DANCE March 17, 1930 pOWËRS Outstanding Furniture Values OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAUNTERES1 »00 $55.00 C o g s w e ll C h a i r Occasional Chair Occasional Table $21.75 $9.95 $12.25 $39.75 RUGS Special on Congoleum Rugs 9x12 for $7.95 Bed Springs rate of wealth distribution, amount- Haa Tonali Itiä—Mrs. Bari Donna la •uttering vrtth an attack of toasUlUa. Sunday evening. Now - $9. 11th and Willamette Eugene, Oregon