í:«nirf o jo n T H F Ç P R IMP.FIFI n THURSDAY, MARCII is . 1930 NFUZQ TU « FFRJNOFIEU T R A IN « C H E O U L K •p r ln g tl.id Stop« Register at Springfield Hotel— W CANNERY PRUNE DRYER A. W heeler, M ik e H ynch uk, H . H NORTH H all, R C. Penn, and K Sima, all CAPACITY 18 ENLARGED State« Power No. 16 a t 1*64 A. M »top to detrain from the Mountain company at Albany, were re g l.le re d E ™ * '” 7 ' “ * " " '1 a t ,ha paesengar« from K lam ath F alls and at H o rln .ri.-M hotel the flra t of Fruit Growers association at the the Springfield beyond w ill h a re an Increased d rying capa­ this week. No. 8 at 4:11 p. M city of about 26 per cent as soon aa Bua connection« at Eugene for • H C B IP P ’ » S A L E IN the addition now being buitt to the train« leaving 1:10 P. M. and 7 P. M E X E C U T IO N IN F O R E C L O S U R E d ryer 1« completed, according to J. o . Notice la hereby given that by v lr I mana<* r T b * <*«~:»ty of tha SOUTH •Be of an execution and order of sale deh’’d ra,f" ’ • ’• " be Increased about No. 7 at 12:47 P. M. h V.'IT1 of th " C lrc" *‘ f ’o o c o f the “ *“ * •*»■ t>er day w ith the No 16 at 10:09 P. M. Flag atop for State addi Oregon tor Lane County, tloo. POR S A L B OR T i t \ H K ~ Springfield passengers to K lam ath Falls and Feb m n ry 25th prom Lowell — H a rry V eatrh and . _ . # - 1M0, upon and p urga-1 Bom F rid a y —M r. and Mrs. L. M Iola. W ill consider Eugene or Me h r s lM , f d errel dUly n ¡ta i In Eugene on F rid a y He u Prom L ea b u rg — M m Charle« Car­ ■ o r e -Dr. and Mrs. W N. Dow are pltal In Eugene. klyou line. e rr corporation was plain- ter, of Laaborg, was a Saturday «hop the parents of s baby son born to ! wer „ ,Th':m*" 0 «*>“• * » «Bd « h e r . suffering fro m pneum onia par In thia city ’ ? ---- ,ch *» > » ana aDd them last Thursday a t the Pacific N O T IC E I nrriei- _■ -- ' « * « C TJ“ •« iiun N O T IC E O F F IN A L H E A R IN G N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S i-hepter gen c o m m a n d e d » ^ 0 * ° . « " * t S l ^ Christian hoapltal In Eugene. Notice la hereby g|y»0 that the un I T lo • * " ,b ® re* l Pro In the County Court o f the State of N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S derslgnwd, Josephine R. Campbell. io I . . — - e - . « . . , « oveeni m Percy Hereinafter deaeri bed tn Oregon fo r Lane County ■I N; * l,e hereby g lr« n that Cora S N ? T ' 5 e O F S H E R IF F ’S SALE IN Executrix, has filed her final report ' 1 « r”d tO b® th ® dutT ° f c e rU ln Hens and chargea In s^fd Rarklow has been appointed by the In the estate of John It. Campbell. n ^ L :_ i’.rI 7 : . COP* rtn‘rr - h!f’ company , cree apeclfled. I w ill on S a t u r a r the c j " ‘i f um a! te r ° f th« Eatate of Ln- E X E C U T IO N IN FO R EC LO S U R E L . y " î î * ° r ,b " Oregon and County Court of I and corporation owning, leasing* oc­ 2»’ b «fsr . of M arch. 1030. at the hour cin© Richardson. Deoeae^d N flttn m la I 1 deceased, W UU t the llB V U U U IJ V OUTl O a » ir<|tlCL bl h* reby * )veD ,b a ‘ ••*« _ . r" b r * Tan lb at bT vlr- ** •“ " Oo“ Bty. Oregon, has fixed Sat­ cupying. possessing or having charge • a ‘ " “ " ‘ T- A d m in istratrix of of One o clock p m at the d re8ent a*Id claims duly the presence of the same «hall come filed on or before said time. Botin«*! to peasant the same, duly nterest « the defendants In said y nd ' h" r- ln w b«-b ,be verified to the undersigned, at the Dated and first published M arch 13. to hla. th e ir or Its knowledge, at once «nit and o f all parties claim ing by. verified to said a d m in is tra trix at the I i v f k,8 t l * Ix,an *B»oclatlon. 1930. law office o f C. A W ln te rm e le r In to proceed and to continue In good through or under them or any of them o ' Brooke A Bryson at «40 W illam ette Htr.mt. E u «en?'"(Ire' U ff and * a * P‘“ ,r’ faith to exterm inate and destroy since the 24th day of February. 1930, Eugene Oregon, w ith in six month« J O S E P H IN E R C A M P B E L L , FOB. on or before , h . e x p i? .,,« . o’ f m " b ^ Me W.feM ? h nen| * M " V " ” “ E xecu trix such rodents by poisoning, trapping In o r to the follow ing deseertbed real from the 6th day of M arch. 1936 H E L E N B. A R M 1TA G E . six months from the dale of first sod i ' E lb a * **• l-«raon M 13-20-27 A 3-10 or o ,h*T appropriate and effective property, to-w it: PUhltcatlon of this notice ' M . r ? i ? ,d L a r**» - her husband. A d m in istratrix. N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S “ T e r r a s gray digger ground Beginning at a point 40 feet west c a ™ C. A W ln te rm e le r, A ttorney J M U of first pubRcaMon h— I ™ ! / ™ “ ■» Berger. or the southwest com er of Lot One hereof, her huahand and The Federal Land - - __________ _______ __ Notice Is hereby given th a t the un- squirrels (Cltellus dougla.ll> are M 61L20-26 A 3 March IS. 1930 Bank of Spokane, a corporation, ware deralgned h at been duly appointed Ad- , noxious noxloua rodents rodents In Lane County, ; 1? J n BIoek Tw o (2> ,n Che rry Grove CORA of 8 estate’ BARK LOW. Addition to Eugene, Lane County A d m in istratrix « ' W illia m o f f« b .’ - - ' * h *Ch * ’ - T udo“ »"d order "'In ls tra to r o f the estate o f Ed Log« !Oregon; N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S was to me directed and com I'*“ ’ ’ deceased, and any and all persons Now. therefore, all such persons Oregon, and running thence W est 3C R Dawson, deceased feet, thence N orth 40 feet, thence Notice Is hereby given that the manded me to sell the real property «»svlng claim» a g a ln it the ««Id eetate firm s, copartnership«, corporations Brooke A Bryson. Attorneys. hereinafter deaerrlbed to satisfy car- a r’ b««'*,»>F required to present said and companies owning or having East 30 feet and thence South 40 feet undersigned has been appointed ad­ M 13 20 27 A 3 10 lain liens and charges In said decree j rl*lm a . duly verified as by law re- dominion over land In said Lane to the place of beginning, a ll In Fu m in is tra to r of the eatate of Elizabeth E. M cCornack, deceased, by the specified I w ill on Saturday, the 29th , 2,ulred- 8th Avenue County, Oregon, are hereby required gene. Lane County, Oregon. N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F ’S SA LE IN day of March. 1930. at the hour of ' ,n Eugene, Isuie County, Oregon. I -o take steps to exterm inate said Dated this 27th day of F ebruary 1030 County Court of Lane County, Oregon. H . L l B O W N . A ll persons having claims again«! said E X E C U T IO N IN FO R EC LO S U R E One o’clock p m at the Southwest » H b ln six months from the date ol grav digger ground oqulrrels (C ltel- S h eriff of Lane County, Oregon eetate a re required to present them .......... ••>" County Court-house In Eu- '*>Is notice. IUB dnugtasll) w ithin th irty days Notice I« hereby , given that by Tlr. vlr door w ith the proper vouchers to the un­ F 27 M 4-13-20-27 Be of an execution and order of sale ’ f " * ' r ° u n ,’r- Oregon, o ffer for D«’ «d and first published F ebruary 13 from the date of the first publication dersigned at the law office« o f P otter lastird out o f the Circuit Court of the * and aa” at Public auction for cash ' * • * • . ¡of this notice. I f such steps are not State of Oregon for la n e County “ nd**r ' be'" "ny of them since the ' * ' * ’ I « ’ publication M arch 13. taken, a person or persons appointed N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F ’ S SA L E IN A King, 634 M in er Building. Eugene. *-ar.e County, Oregon, within six E X E C U T IO N IN F O R E C L O S U R E February 35th, 1030. upon and purnu s*'h day of February. 1930, In or to | _______ t ( bv an- nv the tne county county court court o o f f said said I I-an J. B B E L L . knt to a decree duly given and made ,b * ' ° n ° w ln« described real property Notice Is hereby given th a t by vlr month« from the date of this notice. , County w ill enter upon said land end Dated at Fugen Oregon, this 13th A d m in istrator of the Estate irroceed to exterm inate said by aald Court February 24th. 1930. In ,0 -w ,,: gray tue of an execution and order of sale day of M arch. 1930. of Ed Ixigslet, deceased. a suit pending therein In which the 'd ig g e r ground squirrels (Cltellus Issued out o f the C irc u it Court of the Beginning at a point 216 feet Weet K E N N E T H M cC O R N A C K . A E. W H E E L O C K , ¡dnuglasll) and the cost o f said exter­ S u te of Oregon for Lane County ••aH flc Savings A Ixisn Assoclallun. of a point 624 3 feet South of a point A d m in istrator o f the estate of EHxn- Address «22 Corbett Bldg., a W ashington corporation was plain­ made by the Intersection of the 8outh m ination w ill be levied against said February 25th. 1930. upon and pursu beth E. McCornack, deceased. Portland, Oregon. 'lands. t iff and John O. McGinn and others line of T w en ty third Street as the ant to a decree duly given and made A ttorney for A dm inistrator. M 1^20-27 A 3-10 were defnndants. which execution and «am« 1« platted and recorded In Gross’ The county agricultural agent by said Court F ebruary 24th. 1930, In F 13 20-27 M 6-13 ¡hereby designates M onday, March a suit pending therein In which the order of sale was to me directed and Addition I t Eugene, la n e County. '31st, as a day to be known as ’’squlr- Pacific Savings A Loan Association SUMMONS commanded me to sell the rest pro­ Oregon, w ith the W est line of Uni perty h ereinafter described to satisfy re rs 'ty Avenue If extended South as re l poisoning day’’ throughout the W sshlngto ncnrporatlon. was plain In the C lrc itlt O u r t o f the State o f N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S Oregon fo r County o f Lane. certain liens and charge« In sahl de­ the same Is platted and recorded in N O T IC E 1» H E R E B Y G IV E N : T hat aald Io n e County, and It Is hereby t if f and C. O Ixing and others were S U IT FO R D IV O R C E cree apeclfled, 1 w ill on Saturday, the «»Id Gross' Addition to Eugene. Lane K a tie M Janettlng has been appoint- recommended that poisoned barley defendanU, which execution and ordei 29th day of M arch. 1930. at the hour (o u n ty , Oregon, and running thence ! e weeks and Interest of the defendant« In said _ _________ r U M 0-18 30-37 of February. >930. to the said admln- hla office In Eugene, Lane County the County Court-house In Eugene •rom th e date of the flra t nebl'catloa suit and all parties claim ing by, la tra trix at the law office of L. L. Oregon, at approxim ately the cost ol Lane County, Oregon, o ffe r for sale o t ’ his *ummon« In tbe Springfield N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S through or under them or any ol and sell at public suction fo r cash New«, which firs t publication la made Ray. In the M iner Building. Eugene. preparation. N otice 1» hereby given, that the Oregon. them since the 24lh day of Fehruary. Dnte of firs t publication o f this subject to redemption as provided bv on M arch 13. 1930: and K A T IE M. J A N E T T IN O . undersigned has bean, by the County You are hereby notified that If you 1900, In o r to the follow ing described law . all of the right, title and Interes’ A d m in istratrix o f the Es­ notice M arch 6th. 1930. Court of the State of Oregon for the re e l property, to-w it: (8lg n » d l O. S F L E T C H E R In said suit and of all parties claim ing fail to appear and answ er the sold tate of John W . Beasley, County of la n e , duly appointed ad­ com plalfit w ith in the said period of County A g ricu ltu ral Agent. by, through or under them or any of Beginning at a point 316 feet weet L. L. R A T , deceased. them since the 24ih day of February tim e, your defaul’ w ill be entered of a point 674.3 feet South of a point m inistrator of the estate of Ethel H. A ttorney for Estate. F 13 2527M 6 13 M 6-13-20 made hy the Intersection of the Honth M endenhall, deceased, and all per­ 1930, in o r to the follow ing described and the p la in tiff w ill m ake application to ’ he court for re lie f prayed w ith in real property, to-w lt: line o f T w en ty-third street aa the sons having claims against aald es­ N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R « same 1« platted and recorded In Gross tate are hereby notified to present Beg nnlng at a point In the East said com plaint, which Is as follows, Notice la hereby given that the un ,a. bereb’r ,' ,,ren ,tha‘ °» * line of Grand street. If produced, to-w lt: Addition to Eugene, la n e County. the same to the adm inistrator at the T h a ’ the m arriage contract now Oregon, w ith the Weet line of Unlver- office o f ‘ F rank A. Del*ue. attorney de. signed has been appointed admin u» d*’7 l«p®d b«» been appointed ad said point being 76.10 feet South of of Robert (he Northw est corner of Ix it 77. In existing between you and the n la ln tiff alty Avenue If extended South. »« the for the estate at his office In Spring- irtre to , with the w l'l annexed of the I “ " " ' • ‘ • * • 7 *»*<*»««l- b> •«>« Count! , Fos*er’s Addition, thence Easterly on be forever dissolved at the suit of the »«me Is platted and recorded In Gross field, Oregon, properly verified within e s u te of Lyndbrook Sharpe.eometlmes ? A1* a curve to the left having a radius of p la in tiff, and the p la in tiff be decreed Addition to Eugene, la n e County, six months from the date of this known aa I * Sharpe, deceased, by the Court of Lane County, Oregon County Court of lu n e Caunty. Ore persons having claims against ■ » » '601.93 feet. 101 20 feet to a point 89 30 to have the sole care, custody ao-1 Oregon, and running thence South notice. South’ and 67.60 fee“! W M t o f «be control of the m inor child. John Lay- Dated February 17th. 1930. gon. A ll peraons having claims against ! " t“ “ L are _red at the law offices of Potter ter's Addition, thence Southeasterly T hat on M arch 12. 1936. th» above F ifty (60) feet and thence East One undersigned, at his office a t 22 8th I A King, 634 M in e r Building. Eugene. on a curve to the rig h t having a entitled court made, dated and enter­ Hundred tw en ty (120) feet to the F rank A DePue, A ttorney for the Estate Avenue East, Eugene. Oregon, within Oregon, w ithin six months from the radius of 94.6 feet to a point on the ed an order directing ’ hat this sum­ point o f beginning. In Eugene, la n e F 20 27 ¡4 0-13-30 six months from the date of thia Not- date o f th's pa'lce. County, Oregon. WesX lin e of Van Buren Street 138.85 mons be published in the Springfield Dated at Eugene. Oregon, thia 13th feet South of the Northeast corner ot News, once each week for a period Ice. Dated thia 27th day of February, 1030. day o f M arch. 1930 Dated at Eugene. Oregon, this 13th H U BOW N, said Lot 77, thence South along the of four (4) weeks; and ’b at you ap­ N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R « H E R M A N F. H A R T W IG . day of February, 1930 S h eriff o f la n e County, Oregon. W est m argin of Van Buren Street, If pear and answer the snid cqfnnlalnt Notice la hereby given that the un­ A dm in istrator of the estate ol J. B B E L L . F 37 M 0-12 20-27 produced, lo the center of Railroad w ith in four (4) weeks o f tbe date ot dersigned ha« been appointed adm in­ A dm inistrator with the W ill Am Robert P. H a rtw ig , deceased. Boulevard as platted, thence N o rth ­ the flra t publication of this summons. istrator w ith the w ill annexed of the M 13-20 27 A 3-10 H E. S L A T T E R Y , nexed of the Estate of Lyndbrook westerly along the center of Railroad N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S Eatate of H a rrie tt Sophia Sharpe, de­ A tto rn ey fo r the p la in tiff Sharps, sometimes known aa L Boulevard to the East line of Grand Notice Is hereby given that the un ceased by the County Court of I^ane Sberpe, deceased. N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S Street, If produced, thence N orth to M y residence and post office address deralgned has been appointed Admin County, Oregon. A ll persona having J B B E L L . Jr. la Eugene. O rc e in , place of beginning, a ll In Eugene, la tra to r of the estate of John W aring, claims against said Estate are requir- Notice Is hereby given th a t Doris Lane County. Oregon, being a ll tn a i M 19-26-27 A 3-10 ed to to present them w ith the nrnn„r ■ 01 k ’ " Building. Portland. Oregon. ed present them, w ith the proper deceased, hy the County Court of la n e H . Colter has heen appointed execu­ part of L ot 78 Foster’s Addition lying Attorney for the Adm inistrator County. Oregon. A ll persons having ■vouchers, to the undersigned, at his trix of the last w ill and testament of F 13-20-27 M 6-13 N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F ’S SALE IN south of Ra lrond Boulevard. claims a g a ln it said estate are requir- office at 22 8th Avenue Beat, Eugene, H en ry Clay Hubbell, deceased, by the Dated this 27th day of February, 1930. FORECLOSURE ed to present them w ith the proper Oregon, within six months from the County C ourt of Lane County, Ore­ Notice is hereby given th a t by H . T.. B O W N , 8UM M O N8 vouchers to the undersigned at the date o f this Notice. gon A ll persons having claims S h eriff of Lane County, Oregon. virtue of an execution and order of Dated at Eugene. Oregon, this 13th In tha C ircuit Court of tha State of law offices of P otter A King, 621 agalnat said estate are r.'T -'re d to 1 Oregon for the County of Lana sale Issued out o f the C irc u it Court F 27 M 6-13-20-27 M in e r Building, Eugene, Lane County, day of February, 1930 present them , w ith the proper vou ch-' Benefit Savings A Ixvsn Association, of the State of Oregon fo r Lane Oregon, w ithin six months from the J. B. B E L L , ers. w ithin six months from the 13th a corporation, P laintiff, Vs. Rlehnrd N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F ’ S SA L E IN County. M arch 11, 1930, upon and pur­ dale of this notice. A dm inistrator w ith the W ill An­ F. F nrm er and M y rtle M Farm er, day of M arch, 1930. to the said exe­ suant to a decree given and made by E X E C U T IO N IN FO R E C L O S U R E nexed o l the Estate of H a rle tt Dated at Eugene. Oregon, thia 20th cutrix at the law office of L. L. Ray husband and w ife. I j > w 1« T. Illtte - said Court on the 10th day of M arch, Sophia Sharpe, deceased. day of February. 1930. Notice Is hereby given th a t by v ir­ 1,630. In n su’ t therein pending In In the M iner Building, Eugene, O re­ more and Althea D lttem ore, hus­ J. B. B E L L , Jr., R. O. P O T T E R . tue of an execution and order of sale In which E a rl H . H ill and V ia M H ill gon. band and w ife, Defendants, A d m in istrator of the estate of John 901 Lewis Building, Portland, Oregon, Issued out of the C ircu it Court of the were p lain tiffs and N e llie M. Johnson, D ^ R IS H. C O U L T E R , T o Richard F. F arm e r and M vrtle Attorney for the A d m inistrator W aring, deceased. Executrix of the Inst w ill and test­ State of Oregon fo r Ijt n e County. M Farm er, husband and w ife; Ij>wls F 30 27 M 0-13-20 F 13-20 27 M 6-13 T. D lttem ore and Althea Dlttem ore. ament o f H e n ry Clay Hubbell, de­ February 25th, 1930, upon and pursu­ Jay J. Johnson, as adm inistrator of the estate o f M aurice D. Johnson, ■ ant to a decree duly given and m ad“ deceased, I>aura A. Coryell, Richard ceased. b ishitnd and w ife: by said Court F ebruary 24th, 1930, in Coryell, In the name of the State of Oregon L L . Ray. attorney for the estate. Hazen D. Johnson. M rs, M 13-20-27 A 3-10 a suit nendfng therein in which the Hazen D. Johnson. Jay J. Johnson, ' you are hereby required to appear Pac'flc Savings A Ixian Association, 'and answer therein p laint filed aglnat Lom a Johnson, Agnus M ay Lewis, you In the above entitled suit on or N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F ’S SA LE IN a W ashington corporation, was plain­ j John Doe Lew is, Flossie HSnkson, t iff and Noval E. T hurm an and others before four weeks from the date ot I C lair Hlnkson. Bery! Fraaieur, Storm E X E C U T IO N IN F O R E C L O S U R E w ere defendants, which execution and I Frasteur. Eunice Frasieur, Cy F ra ­ the first publication of this summons, Notice Is hereby given that hy v lr Phone 110 Plano Moving order of sale was to me directed and to-wlt, four weeks from Fehruary 13. DR. W. N. DOW aieur, Doe Faye Phillips, E rn e s t , 1930. and If you fa ll to so appear and tue of an execution and order of sale commanded me to sell the real pro­ Phillips, J“ ss Dnrllng, and Addle D art­ SPRINGFIELD TRANSFER D e n tis t iRsued out of the Circuit Court of the perty h ereinafter described to satisfy ; answor aald com plaint, for wnnt ing were defendants, wh'ch exception, W I L L I » B E R TE C H , Prop, First National Bank Building thereof the p lain tiff w ill applv to the State of Oregon for Lane County, certain liens and charges In said de­ and order of sale was to me d irected Phone 48 Springfield, Orogon • « l e a : R O D E N B O U O H GARAO B court for the re lie f demanded In it« February 26’ h. 1930. upon and pursu­ cree specified, I w ill on Saturday, the and commanded me to sell the re a l ant to a decree duly given and made 29th day of M arch. 1930, at the hour 631 M ain Street Office hours. 9 A. M. io 6 P. M com plaint, to-w lt: property h ere in a fte r described t o For Judgment against von » Reeidenoa Phon« 153-M ney's fees, and for Its cost and dis charges In said decree specified. 1 of them since the 24th day of Febru redem p'ion as provided by law, all of the right, title and interest of the de­ w ill on Saturday, the 29th day of hursements herein; and that Its m ort­ ary. 1930. In or to the follow ing des­ fendants In said action in or to the •p rln g fla ld , Oregon gage covorlng L o t Three (3). Block M arch, 1930, at the hour of One cribed re a l property, to -w lt: follow ing described reaJ pronorty, Six (6 ), Shelton’s Addition to Eugene, o'clock p. m. at the Southwest door Beginning at a point In the South 228 M ain St. Resldanoe 120 C SL In the County of Lane, State of Ore­ of the County Court-house In Eugene. lin e of Second Avenue W est, 63 feet situated in Lane County, Oregon, 63J gon, bo foreclosed, and for aueh other Lane County, Oregon, o ffer for sale South 8 9 H degrees East of a point to-w lt: 62 M General Law P ractice T he southeast q uarter of the n orth­ and fu rth e r ra lle f aa shall seem equit­ and sell at public auction for cash, 327 feet N o rth 27 minutes East of a able. subject to redemption as provided by point 266 feet South 89 degrees 18 west quarter, the east h a lf o f the I. M. PETERSON southwest quarter and the southwest T his summons Is served upon you taw. all of the rig h t, title and Interest minutes East from the Southeast Full Auto Equipment A ttom ay-at-Law q uarter of the southwest q uarter of by publication for four auccesslve of the defendants tn said suit and of corner of Ix )t N ineteen (191 In Block I July Aaalatant section twenty-seven (27) In Tow n­ weeks In the Springfield News, by all parties claim ing by, through or C ity H a ll Building Five(61 o f the B la ir Street Addition ship Nineteen (19) South. Range order of the Honorable O. F. Skip- under them or any o f them since the to the City of Eugene. T.ane County w orth. Judge o f the above entitled 14th day of February, 1930, In or to Tw elve (12) W est of the W illa m e tte Bprtngfleld, Ora. Oregon, and running thence South Court, made and entered on the 11th the follow llng described re a l property M eridian, together w ith the tene­ 89 >4 degree« East 40 feet, thence day of February, 1930. to-w lt: Ix )t Fou r (4) and the North Snnth 27 minutes W e s t 148 feet, ments, hereditam ents and appurten­ FRANK A. DE PUE JE S S E O. W A R R IN G T O N , » lx and tw o-thlrd» (6 2-8) feet of Lot thence N orth 8# H degrees W pst 40 ances thereunto belonging or la any­ ATTORNEY AT LAW and A. E W H E E L O C K , Five (6) In Block T w o (2) In John feet and thence N o rth 27 mtnntee East wise appertaining. Dated M arch 11, 1938. ... „ . Attorney« for P laintiff. Christian's Addition to Eugene, In 143 feet to the place of beginning. In NUTARY PUBLIC 622 Corbett Building, H . L. B O W N , Lane County, Oregon. JEWELER Eugene. Lane County, Cregon. Portland, Oregon. S h e riff o f Lane County, Orogon. Dated this 27th day of February, 1930. Dated this 27th day of F eb ru ary, 1930 Sutton •p rln g fleld Rapai ring a Specialty Date of first publication February 1.1 Brooke A Bryson, Attorneys fo r H. L BOWN. H . L. B O W N . ■ ■ ll« n f Oregon 1980 plaintiff», 860 W illa m e tte street. S h eriff of Lane County. Oregon. Bprtngfleld, Oregon S h eriff o f Lane County, Oregon D ate of last publication March 18. 1930 Eugene, Oregon. F 27 M 6-13-20-27 F 27 M 8-13 20-27 Classified Âds (ßUYINGO?, SELLING' ¡B U S IN E S S D IR E C T 0 R Y err results ; I Walker-Poole Chapel Funeral Directors D. W . Roof M it-M-n A «4«