FAO B HtX OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST Principal Events of the Week Assembled for Information of Our Readers. A B anker of the flock owner» 1 b the W allow * community are entering Into the lambing eeaaon. The taking oi the manufacturer* and illatributlon ceneue tor the govern ment In Lane county la expected to be completed soon. i Bretteabusb Spring*, tor the eecond time thia winter, wa* abut off from the outalde world because of a tilde on the main highway. T H « SPRINGFIELD NRW« Jackson county has a school popu latioa of $898. census figures Just com piled at the county superintendent's office revealed. Of the total 4930 are boy* and 4788 are girls. The Medford district ha* a census of 3598, with 1807 boy* and 1789 girls. THURSDAY. MARCH 13. 1830 —r Flying School Monoplane at Airport COLLABONE BROKEN IN ACCIDENT LAST SUNDAY Elmo Ixing I* suffering from a broken collar bone a * u result of an accident last Hundav while riding hl* I motorcycle. According to wltnaeaes, i Ixing was riding on a road north ol Ï Springfield when be »truck a rough , spot, causing him to be thrown off h l* machin*. II» did not realise that ' he had been lujured until ha dis­ covered that be could not raise him { arm. lie was brought to Springfield by ' companions on the outing and waa ' treated at the office of a local Mr. and Mr*. W illiam A. Rohart. res ldents of Trent, celebrated their 80th wedding anniversary Thursday with a fam ily party at their home. M r and M r*. Rohart have lived In Oregou and Washington for 54 year*. They came to this coast from Missouri in 1878. School district No. 15, comprising the city of Forest Grove, voted to unite with the country district sur­ rounding the city In one large union d is tric t The vote was 239 for to 17 physician. against. The matter w ill now be sub­ mitted to a vote of the country dis tricta. GUARD UNIT REDUCED TO MEET RECENT ORDER The second largest increcse In Eu The total strength of the local unit J. K. Cullieon of Portland was ap­ j gene postal receipts In the seven year* Ï that D. E. Yoran has been postmaster | of the national guard was reduced to pointed by Governor Norblad a mem two officers and 17 enlisted men last ber of the state gam * commission to there, was reported In February. The The cabin monoplane, “City mg passengers, I h is p la n e is a s tu d e n ts t r a in in g s h ip at th e week, thus complying with the In- total receipts for the month were 316,- succeed C. E M iller, also of Portland of Eugene, is now stationed at also available for ta x i s e rv ic e fly in g fie ld . I l o l It p la n t's h a ve »traction* received In a recent order Jackson county's 1929 population 487.85. about one-third more than the the Springfield airport, and is to other cities for people who I been 6usy during the good wen- here. Haney Tomaeth wa« transfer was 31.078. an increase of over one total for February, 1929, the post­ doing duty at the Lee Inman wish to travel in a hurry. An.ther. Some of the students are red to the guard unit at Eugene and master said. third since 1920. according to figures Flying school as well as carry- open monoplane Is also used sb I already making solo flights A. K. K rm a n . Corvallis druggist, Bert Tomaeth took hl« dl«< harge III» compiled for the state board of health. was badly burned when the bottom term of service had expired and ha I n Pooler of Coquille elected to go population, unemployment, egrlcul cannnl re e n liat u n iII there la a LARGE DELEGATION GOES NEW NEON SIGN GRACES to Jail Instead of paying a 3! fine for fell out of a bottle of sulphuric acid tore. Irrigation and drainage, inanu which he was placing on a shelf. M r*. vacancy In the unit. allowing his dog to run at large. He TO JUNCTION CITY MEET DRUG STORE ENTRANCE facturlng. mines and distribution, Ella Agee, an employe in Herman's was taken to the city Jail to serve 24 which la s new subject Included in the store, was also badly burned when A large number of Springfield mem hour*. One of the largest Neon signs In CARD CLUB TO MEET AT census this year and relates to a trade she slipped und fell in the acid after bers of Pine Circle number 45. Neigh Springfield was | laced over the en­ census. Residents of Cove Orchards have at STEVENS HOME FRIDAY it spilled on the floor. i bors of W oodcraft, accepted an In­ trance to the K etel’s drug «tore new last secured electricity. The Yam hill There is an automobile In Oregon From September 1. 1929. to Febru vitation extended them by the mem location the first part of the week. Blectric company is continuing its Member« of the F lv r Hundred club for every four residents of the state, ary 15 of this year. 770 horses have tiers a t Junction City and motored It is a large upright sign bearing and their gueata w ill be entertained line east of Wapato into the Lake according to statistics compiled by been shipped from Um atilla county to to that city Monday evening to be only the word d ru g *’ on both side» at the home ttf M r and M rs .'W e lb y View neighborhood. the secretary of state's office at Sa the horse market at Portland. A large T here are- only three other Neon Stevens on F riday evening of thia The West Linn city council filed lem. This estimate la based on a to­ th eir guests at a program and en number of these were surplus farm tertatnment. signs In Springfield On« la at Jack week Assisting hostesses for tne w ith the public service commission s tal registration of 248.614 passenger stock, while the rest were range pon­ The d rill team of the Springfield Larson's service station, another at card club w ill be M r* Maude Bryan protest against the elimination of . cars in 1929 and a population estimat­ ies. In the spring several hundred lodge went to Junction C ity In a the Rodenbough garage, and the and her daughter. Crystal. street cars there by the W illam ette ed at from 1.010.000 to 1.075.000. Reg more horsee in the county are des F a ll* Railway company. iatratlon of motor cara during the year body and put un an exhibition d rill third Is at Flattery's drug »tore. fined for the market. ahow a gain of approximately 7 per and conducted the initiation work for Oregon wood desk equipment will Attend* Legion Meeting — F rank Registration of tourist automobiles V is it* F riend * — M rs Rennie Cou­ their hosts. cent, while registration fees for the ba used in the new state office build Em erlrh. of W a lte rv llle . waa In this in Oregon in 1929 reached a new high rie r. of W alterv llle . visited her many year, aggregating 36.229,090.39. ahow tag now nearing completion in Salem, Refreshments and an old fashioned city on Friday evening to attend tha level, with 103.008 non resident driver* friends In thia city on Monday. a gain of approximately 10 per cent according to announcement made by square dance followed the Initiation meeting of tha Am erican l^ g to n and applying for permits. The 1928 total ; compared to 35,743.225.37 collected In exercises and the form al program. the state board of control. the Legion Auxiliary. was 90.248. showing an increase of 14 1928. From Camp Creek —J T. Koastnan. McLaughlin union high school scor The followllng local people attend per cent In 1929. Every state in the of Camp Creek, spent Monday tra n ­ W ork on the new 8150.000 filtration ed a doable victory over Pendleton union was represented in the regls ed. Mesdames M arion Adams. Edith From C *d » r Fiata— W a lte r Kaaton. sacting business In this city. plant to be constructed by the Oregon high school in debate* held at Milton- tratlons, with California supplying 58 of Cedar Fiata, waa a visitor la I-axton. Bert Doane, C. F. Egglmann, Washington water service corporation Freewater _ud at Pendleton, by win­ per cent of those registering. A rth u r Taylor. Doris G irard, Melba From W a ltarv llie — Mr». E. M Hie Springfield on Monday. got under way recently at Salem. It ning decisions In both contests. Mellon, Ed. T ro tte r. G ilbert Ernest. mis, of W altervllle. wea a Oregon’s export ahipmenta of dried Monday is proposed to have the plant com Filbert trees in the Yam hill section fruits daring the calendar year 1929 W a lte r Llpes. Noah H llterbrand. vialtor In thia city. From Jaaper A. E. Jone*, of Jas­ pleted and ready for operation by of the county have been In full bloom totaled 14.112 short tons, valued at Graysdon Ix'wls. Kenneth Chase. Ray per, purchased feed supplire while In July 15. for two weeks. Growers of prunes 33.211.148. The largest Item was 38.- Stevens, O. F. Kiser, K atie Brumette. Injured Finger Im p ro v e * T he fin ­ Springfield on Monday. Establishment of a pear and apple and filberts say the cold weather was 101.876 pounds of dried prunes, which Osla Webb, Sadie Baldwin, Elsie loading station at Edenbower capable ger which John Lynch mangled In the very favorable to the growth of the were destined to 24 foreign countries. Lam bert, Robert C arr. Barbara of handling from three to five car Transacts Bugine»*— H C. I*age. o band saw at the high school recently trees. Dried apples, dried peaches and other Adams. Harvey Eaton, Hezel Bur­ Is healing nicely and no ill effects W a lle rv llle . spent part of Monday In loads of fru it daily and furnishing era Condon voters passed an 38000 wa- dried fruits were also shipped abroad ployment to 40 or more people dur- nett and .Messrs. Kenneth Chase and are expected as a result of the this city looking a fte r business In­ te r reservoir bond issue and turned to the extent of 133..894 pounds. Ed. T ro tter. mg harvest season Is announced at accident. terest*. down a 35000 measure for a city hall. A unified sales plan which would Roseburg. T he water bonds won by a m ajority of unite co-operative growers of some 500 The huge snow plow being operated 22 and the city hall was defeated by cars of turkeys in the northwest and In Crater Lake park has opened the five votes. Rocky mountain states w ill be pre­ road ae far as Anna Springs, but the Approximately 6800 head of cattle sented soon for consideration of O r» road It closed to traffic from Union have been tested for contagious sbor gon turkey producers, reports Frank Creek At the lake the snow is five tion in Cooe county. Only about 3 per L. Ballard, state county-agent leader, feet deep on the level and has drifted cent were found to have the disease, who has just returned from a turkey to the second story window of the according to the report of State Veter­ m arketing conference in Salt Lake lodge inarian Lytle. City. Dr W. H. Flanagan, ex-mayor of During the month of February a W h ile there is a surplus of common Grants Pass and pnet right eminent total of 590.934 was turned over to the labor in Medford, there soon w ill be grand commander of the Grand Com- state treasurer by George G. Rrown. some call for orchard help, such as mandery of Oregon, died at Grants clerk of the state land board. This prunerz and sprayers, Chris Gottlieb Pass H e was 75 years old and waa a represented the transactions of the of the local branch of the United 33d degree Mason. He had been active board during the month. States free employment bureau said. In civic affaire of Josephine county Ralaing of the load lim it on oiled There are many applications for work since 1884. sections of the W illamette. McKenzie received from unskilled labor every The Coos Cedar company has cel» day and more than 90 per cent cannot I and Sluelaw atate highways In Lane brated at Bandon the biggest week county to 400 pounds per inch of tire be handled. To aid Oregon dairymen to m arket ' in Its history with a chicken dinner. width was announced by Raymond their products at a lower cost and to ! In ilx days the crew lo‘!Ked and kut Walsh, resident engineer. Into the river 805,773 feet of logs, help them in co-operative matters, a Residents of Linn county conti which were hauled 1H miles over a People will hesitate about buying any­ gous to the old Corvallis & Eastern special train w ill be operated the first 5 per cent grade, scaled and dumped two week* of next June over the Spo­ ra ilrta d bridge over the South San thing until their DESIRE for its Into the boom. tiam have petitioned the county court kane, Portland & Seattle railroad and M aterial reduction of the hop acre­ affiliated lines in Oregon. The train ion has been aroused. A well planned to convert the bridge and railroad age all up and down the Pacific coast grade into a county highway. will be out two weeks, and w ill be advertising campaign will create that I* the only solution of the present un­ conducted through a co-operative ar­ Construction of a new creamery favorable market conditions, accord­ rangement between the railroad and plant at Clatskanie for the Lower Co desire which produces sales. ing to Mayor T. A. Llvesley of Salem, lumbia Co-operative Dairy association Oregon State college. who ha* returned from a three-weeks’ w ill start within a short time, accord Enumeration of the 15th census of tour of the east. "There Is no chance Ing to announcement of C. W. Laugh the United States will start April 2. of cleaning up the 1929 crop In Oregon lin, manager of the association. according to R. J. Hendricks. Salem until late this year," aald Llvesley. newspaper publisher, who will direct Contracts amounting to 352,122 wen "and I am convinced that the 1930 the census in the second Oregon dis­ let by the Corvallis city council lot carryover will exceed 30,000 bales." the construction of an addition to the trict. The present ceni,u:i ..ill < ve city jail. Addtiinnal fees for the con struction of the building will swell , the total tost to approximately 362, j DISPLAY YOUR GOODS possess­ 000. T H E M A R K ETS Portland W heat— Big Bond bluestem, 31.19; soft white, western white, $1.08; hard w inter, northern spring, western red. 51-06. H a y — Alfalfa, 321.50022 per ton; valley timothy, 320.50021; eastern Oregon timothy, 323.50024; clover. 318; oat hay, 517; oats and vetch, 318 50019. Butterfat— 32 0 3 6 c. Eggs—Ranch, 21024c. Cattle— Steers, good, 511.50012. Hogs—Good to choice, 310.25011.50 Lambs—Good to choice, 39.76010.50 Seattle W heat — Soft w hite and western white, 5109; hard w inter and north era spring, 3108; western red, 3107; blnestem, 51.19. Eggs- Ranch, 23 0 28c. Butterfat— 38c. Cattle— Choice steers, 310.35011.25 Hogs— Prime light, 311 90012. L a m b s C h o lc e . 311011-50. Daytime Frocks PRINTING IS THE INSEPARABLE COM­ PANION OF ACHIEVEMENT IN BUSI­ GUARANTEED FAST COLORS NESS AS WELL AS LEARNING AND EDUCATION. This is an ideal time to buy your new Wash Frock, and insist on being fast colors. A beautiful line from which to choose. Special $1.49 The Springfield News EDITED FOR ANI) AROU T SPRINGFIELD PEOPLE, IS YOUR BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM BY, Spokane Cattle— Steers, good, 510-26011. Hogs—Good to choice, 311-85 0 13. Lambs— Medium to good, 310.260 M.65. E BROADWAY, ENOENE, ORE. Plenty Parking Space back o f Store ï .5