'• » - 'ir r THURSDAY. MARCH IS, 1930 o jo n THK 8PRIN0FIEIJ) NEWS TOWN AND VICINITY M o r r ir / S rvrw fj Prom Vida F. A. Weed. of Vida, »«« a Saturday visitor In the cRy, , Recovering Mra M R Huntly la recovarlag from a recent Illness. Prom Marcola Charlo« Hager, ol Mnri-ola. wua a vlallnr In Springfield ini Munday. Prom Jasper Mr. J. H. Pontina, of Jasper. waa a vlallnr In Springfield nn Wednesday afternoon tow all People Hara Mr unit Mr» llui ry VuMli li itml daughter of Lowell a|n nl Friday shopping 1» Springfield Pdtber III- The father of Rollo ; Morris la reported to be quite 111 at | hla home. Prom W altervllle Mr». Walter Motor to Canyonville Mr. and Mra. l.«»ton. of W altervllle, «hopped In John Parker motored to Canyonville Hl rln«fit Id mi Saturday afternoon on Munday to visit Mr, Parker'a mother, who la III. Prom Marcola — Tom Hughes, of Hae Operation — Allan Moore, of Marcola. «pent Friday vlaltlng hla Creswell, aulxnltted to a major opera friend» In Springfield. tlon at the Pacific Christian hospital Leaburg Raaidant Her« Mra. Bud In Eugene thia morning. Klnalry, of Ixtuburg, waa a Friday Register at E lite - F W. Force vlallnr In (hla city. Franrea It««more and It. Buchanan, Transacts Business It Headman, all of Portland, were reglatered at of W altervllle. transacted bualnnaa In the Elite hotel the paat week end fhla city »11 Friday of laat weak. Banker Raturne— Mr and Mra C. Creewel Man Hara—J R Scott, of i E. Kenyon returned Io Springfield Creswell, apent Saturday calling on i Iasi night from a two weeks' vacation hla friends In (hla city. trip spent In Southern California. PAGE FIVE BIRTHDAY DINNER HELD AT POHL HOME THURSDAY taln States Power company office here attended a meeting of the women employee# of the organisation« which Mr and Mra M A. Pohl entertained are members of the National Electric at dinner at their home laat Thuraday Eight aaeoetatlon at Corvallis on evening in honor of Mra R. P. Mor­ Tneeday evening. The organizations tensen, who obaerved her birthday meet monthly and the next meeting on that day. Covers were laid for will be held a« A lb an / on April 8th. the members of the two families. Vetri At Corvallis Meeting Ml«» Lulu McPherson and Miss Maxine Snodgraaa, both of the Moun- Prom Leaburg—Jamds Kennerly. of Ixaburg, waa among the many who transacted business In this city on Monday. Finest» Cuts of MEAT W illia m M itchell of Ekxabelh, N J , sod his wife, who rrteb ratrd the 70th a a a rv e n a ry of (hew m arnage oa M r. MhcbeB*a »2nd birthday. For quality and economy you FORMER RESIDENT WANTS METHODIST CAMP CROUP TO HEAR FROM FRIENDS MEETS HERE ON MONDAY can’t do better than to buy your meat at this store— here the The Springfield News la the reci­ The Camp Commission of the very finest cuts of meat, always pient of a letter from Frank White- Methodist church for thia district man, at Harleaton, England, In which held a meeting In Springfield Monday tender, are available at lowest he aaka that some of hla friends in evening to discuss plana concerning prices. Springfield write to him WhPeman the handling ot property belonging to states that he waa a former resident, the church at Cottage Grove. went to Portland on a business trip H e r. from Portland--Ruth Wilson. leaving here ten years ago. Good service and prompt de­ The Methodist church has property Sunday. ! of Portland, arrived In Mpr ngfleld on The letter follows: there which haa been used for camp livery at all times. Springfield Woman III— Mrs. Roy Saturday to spend a few days visit­ Deer airs:— 1 have lived In Spring- purposes, and a series of meetings Pugh Is reported to be quite III el ing with friends. field about eight years and in Ore­ have been held recently In an effort I her home on Second street. Spends Weekend at Portland— Dr gon about 15 years, and am very U> determine Ihe beat possible means Donna Man H are--F rank Root. nl and Mra Eugene Kesler and Mrs hungry for some newa about ivprlng of developing the tract or disposing Donna, visited hla friends In thia cRy I lark Wheaton apent the week-end field and the district. I left Oregon of It. If It la decided so to do. about ten years ago. Some of my In Portland. The meeting laat Monday night waa Saturday afternoon friends must he atlll living In Spring- attended by delegates from Eugene 4th and Main Sts. Phone 63 Prom Pall Croak. — Mrs. John field and If they will write to me I W altervllle Resident Hare — J. J. and Cottage Grove, also Dr. Marcev, a C. STUART PRATT HOLVKR8ON i Schultz and her daughter. Roma. t abe, of W altervllle, transacted busi shall be vey pleased to answer It. 1 the district superintendent. I were In Springfield from their Fall never forget my ftienda, although I nasa In Springfield on Saturday. Dr. W. H. Pollard, and Dr. P. J. ! Creek home on Saturday. hove been slack In writing to them. Bartle. of Eugene, members of the C*mp Creek Man Hara — [.eater Prom Carter Station— Frank Sny­ Could you find room for thia In your commission, attended a meeting held K irk, of Camp Creek, visited friends der rame to Springfield from hla paper and pleaae »end me one. then at Cottage Grove laat week. In Springfield Saturday. home at Carter Sladon on Saturday to after reading It and hearing from aome of my old friends I will write Prom W altervllle- -Mr. and Mrs E. purchase supplies. POWER COMPANY 3UILDS you again. E l*oller, of W altervllle, were visit- Yours, faithfully. Frank Whiteman I Donna Man Her*— Matt Sporea. of NEW EXTENSIONS HERE ’ ora In Springfield lost Saturday. Donna. came to Springfield on Satur­ The note blank on which the letter j Here from Spokane— Harriet Aus day lo purchase feed uuppllee for hla Several more families will soon be was written Indicates that Mr. While- 77 EAST BROADWAY man. of Spokane, la spending the stock. EUGENE man Is now a meal dealer In England served aith electric power from Ihe week with friends In Springfield Mountain States plant here when Visits Mother. - D r and Mra. C. G Ills title la family butcher and pur- . the two new extensions now under Vernali Resident Haro — Mr«. O. Van Valaah, of Portland, spent the veyer, construction are completed. Davie, of Yurnell. apent Monday In week-end here with hla mother, Mra. The extensions trill he north on Springfield visiting with friends. JOHN BROOM GUILTY A. B Van Valaah. Fifth street, extending out across the HIGH COURT VERDICT Marcóla road, and a shorter one on Prom W altarvlll*— Mra. 8 M. Mc­ Returns from Hospital— M A. Pohl M ill street, which will bring electrl- Nutt. of W altervllle, waa a shopper returned to Springlfeld Tuesday even John Broom. McKenzie rancher,; city to six more houses of Mill street In Springfield on Monday. Ing from Portland, where he bad been will have to serve two years In the at th» base of Emerald Heights’ given an examination at the veterans i Here from W altervllle- -Mrs Fred state penitentiary at Salem for set­ hospital A crew of workmen from the A Bleylock, of W altervllle. visited ting up and operating a still. He was Albany office of the Mountain States M eeds In this city oa Monday. Health Improves— Friends of Mrs found guilty In the Iotne county clr- Power company arrived In Spring- Mary E. (Grandma) Buchanan will ' « a t court, but appealed to the Su field Monday to make the above Im­ Vlelte Snowline— Fred Pohl spent be pleased lo learn that she haa re preme court at Salem The higher provements. Sunday among the anowbeda In the covered sufficiently from her latest ( *>urt sustained the opinion of the upper McKenzie country. Illness so that she Is now able to be t lower court In a decision handed I down Tneeday. Broom la now being SPRINGFIELD CO-ED HAS Motor to Ashland- Mr and Mrs. T. aeon on the streets again. confronted whh another charge ol ROLE IN JUNIOR VODVIL J. McKInnls left for Ashland yester­ Admitted to Hospital Marcella getting up and operating a etili and day for a few days vlalt with friends — — - - - * - , I Koons, the three year old daughter wlth poM eM |an. He was recently ' p«'«Gr Sweeney of this city was Bern F rid a y -M r. and Mre. O. W’ of Mr. and Mra. L. W. Koons, of Mar notified by the federal tax collector thia week In the first tryouts (ht> j at the University for one of (he parts Weight are the parents of a baby cola, was admitted to the Eugene thB, he owwl B lar<(, Bum Exceptionally wonderful values daughter born to (hem at their home hospital on Tueaday with a aetioua KOTrrnment ror u<.enM, fees for »*« Junior Vodvtl. the musical throughout the entire store. till la Springfield oa Friday. March 7. entertainment put on annually at the making alcohol. college by the Junior class every i I Be sure to visit us on these Returns from Walla Walla—Mr Drive to Gardner- Mr and Mrs. L. spring term. 48 girls were selected two days. E Scott motored to Oardner oa Sun­ and Mre. E E Fraedrlck returned to COUNTY AGENT INSPECTS 1 from out of 200 who tried for parts. ' Raturday night from CLOVER SEED GROUND j This number will later be reduced day to vlalt Mr. and Mrs Tom Springfield ( WUIla Walla, whore they had gone to , Richmond. to 24. attend the funeral of Mr. Fraedrtrk's O. 8. Fletcher, Lane county agricul­ Vlalts Mother— Mr. and Mrs Ken­ father, who died In that cRy. tural agent, inspected two plots of 1 neth Wilson, of Salem, were week­ ground this week for farmer« before 1 BETTER HOMES” WEEK end gueels here at Ihe home of hla CHARIMEN MEET FRIDAY they planted hardy Ohio red clover j mother. Mre. C. O. Wllaon. seed. Tueaday he Inspected a plot j The chelrmen of each of Ihe better of ground for Jone« Schuster at Cres­ Tonsila Takan Out— Mra. T. homes groups In I-ane county will M well and on Wedneseday he went to Cunningham, of motor route (, meet together at the Chamber of i ranch near Junction CRy. He ex­ gene, had her tonsils removed at Ihe Commerce rooms In Eugene on Friday amines the ground to make sure office of a local physician yesterday. afternoon at 1:30 to discuss with Miss (here la no volunteer red clover there Gertrude Skow, Lane county demon­ House Quest* Mr. and Mrs. N. R. which would mix with the new strain Kugel were week-end guests of Mr. Chnmber of Commerce Take« and causing an Inferior quality of stration agent, plana of the annual Better Homes week, to be observed and Mrs. Clifford Wllaon at their seed. Over Entire Top Floor of this week. Mrs. Bernice Van Valsah summer homo on Horse Creek In the Building: Will Sub-Let. la Ihe chairman of the Springfield ALL-TALKING McKenxIe region. EARLY COSTUMES WORN organisation. The board of directors of the Spring Admission 35c and 10c Tonsils Ramovad— Tommy Benson, BY HIGH SCHOOL PUPILS five year old son of Mr. and Mra. D. field Chamber of Commerce voted nt TONIGHT— Last Time BOOTH-KELLY SAWMILL Members of (he Junior class at the . C. Benson, haa hla tonsils removed at their npeclal meeting last Tuesday RESUMES WORK MONDAY a local physician's office on Wednea­ evening to sign a contract with T. J Springfield high school dressed them 1 McKInnls whereby they lease the top selves In clothes yesterday which re­ day morning. The Booth-Kelly Lumber m ill re­ floor of the McKInnls building for presented the late 18th century. The sumed operations here again Mondoy Mova Residence— M r and Mr«. W, |35 per month, snd (he chamber may girls dressed themselves In long morning after a abut down of two FRIDAY and SATURDAY R. Dawson have moved from their sub-lease to other organisations In flowing skirts and tight fitting former residence on Fourth street to the city which hold regular meet bodices, nnd the boys look advantage weeks, caused by the decline In the lumber buying market. Much of the the Welby Stevens property on F Ings. of the event by wearing many old surplus stock has now been disposed street. The Lions club and the American clothes. Comedy— “High Powered Salesman." off, and If present buying continues! Legion groups have already signified t> lllllngnee. to help pay the cos, , J ' ^ . ^ X i p h o m o r e fUn