FAQ« FOUR T H E S P R IN G F IE L D T H U R S D A Y , M A R C H IS . 1930 CREAMERY MAY CHOOSE APRIL 1 FOR OPENING; DECISION NOT FINAL Jasper People Here Mr and Mri Waltervllle Résidant Here — Mrs. Irma Meyers, of Waltervllle. was a M. L Sebring, of Jasper, transacted business In Mprlugfleld Monday. 1 visitor In Springfield on Saturday. The Springfield Creamery will pro bablv be opened for business on April 1, according to Pyle and Griffin. BiaoiCeU. It Is possible, however that the work can be completed be for that time. They do not want to rush the opening and take chances of leaving something improperly d<*e. so they are hesitant about setting an exact date at this time. It was originally believed that the work would be completed long before this, but the entire remodeling of the build lag has taken much longer than they expected. A new concrete floor was poured over the old one this week. The in­ terior is now being painted and the coolinig rooms will be cemented over the thick cork walls this week. Most of the new equipment arrived last Saturday and will be installed Tory soon. Among this new equip­ ment was a large springless scale, an ice chopper, and ice cream mixer, a pasteurizing machine and other technical equipment. It is expected that work on the out­ S side of the building will be started next week. Returns from Portland Mrs Kit- Visita Parents Mies Grace Mate, Portland, spent the weekend here gene Kester will rteurn today from I visiting with her parents, Mr. and Portland, where she haa been spend Ing the past two weeks visiting Mrs M M Male. ! C.PENNEY CO. 942 W illamette St., Eugene, Oregon. B o y s ’ P la y Suits "True-Blue" M alie of Durable Fabrics 79c When President Hoover discovered that there was no school for the mountain children living near hi* fishing camp at Madison, Va, he promised to supply one. h ha* just been hmihed and Mita Chritline Vest, herself a mountain girl from Kentucky, a graduate of Berea College and Columbia University, haa ---------- been engaged a* teacher. TO BAN 36.000 UNFIT CARS FROM PACIFIC COST ROADS THIS YEAR GARBO TALKS IN PICTURE Carl Platt had hla tonsils removed NOW AT FOX MCDONALD “ • ho8P|tal ln Eugene last Friday. Thlrtvsix thousand unfit auto­ I NEWS THURSTON Very L a test By MARY MARSHALL. Many things fhat we have thought _____ last Friday. impossible have come to pass In the Greta Garbo makes her talking pic- Mr. and Mrs. James Calvert from mobiles will be removed from the realm of fashion. We have submitted, ture debut in “Anna Christie,“ her Junction City, visited their daughter, Pacific ConM highways during the comllng year in an effort which la at least for a time. Io the return ot hew Metro-Goldwyn-Maver starring Mrs. John Edmiston, Friday. long skirts. We may not like them— Perry Price, who is employed at part of a national Highway Safety vehicle, now playing at the Fox-Mc- Seattle, spent the week-end with his plan pl“n Wh,ch *" b*‘ln* ““d’ «aketi by and probably don't—-but we are begin­ Donald theatre. parents here. • various companies in the automobile ning to feel that the skirt that gives In thia picture Garbo scores the John Price has bought __ ___ I Industry, as announced by the Nation a glimpse of the knee Is decidedly triumph of her career, her voice re­ Chevrolet sedan i “ Autom<>blle Chamber of Commerce demode We have returned to the porting splendidly, adding power to ho Mr and Mrs Charles Needham The praRram wtl* Involve an expend!- normal waistline and women her dramatic instinct and bringing ture of approximately 11.262.000 on have lost the slenderness of youth are and family, from Crescent City, Cali­ fascination ln multiple quantities to Nationally, the hastening to the corset makers or fornia, visited oyer the weekend with ! the Pacific Coast. ber personality. motor companies plan to scrap 400.- corset counters to see what aid they their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Tayloc, As the heroine of Eugene O’NIel's They” drove t? Gre^nteaf 000 ° W au,om,’h"*« In 1930. Involving can get In that quarter Play of regeneration. Garbo contri­ Needham an expenditure of approximately ' We have accepted clothes that are butes a performance of great poign­ io see Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Needham . . . _____ decidedly more elaborate and often Mr. and Mrs. Lester Peterson, of ' ' ' ancy and effectiveness. Never has she before reached such heights of emo- Salem- motored up Saturday evening he numbt'r <>f cars which It is less comfortable than those to which tlonallsm. and spent Sunday with Mrs. Peter estimated will be scrapped In each we have become accustomed, hut so of the states on the coast Is as fol­ far we have held out against a re- • • • son's mother. Mrs. Harbit. Clive Brook, who was Ruth Chat j ^fr. and Mrs. John Edmiston re- Iowa: California 26.450; Washington tirn of high collars. All fashions, tenon's leading man In Charming celTed word from their son Loren. o5<° Or*r° n 35-0 they say. come back In the course of The program is characterized as events snd possibly it is only s matter Binners," Is he and heard in fhat he will graduate from the Ton- s « _ _ _ u _ o, a s to lu u c seen b w u a iiu ilr < ir U ID _ _ _ _ s_ _ s a — ■ * support of the Paramount star for J|hn Broa musical studio in Oakland. in ilu t r i . i ' ¿ V *2' of waiting to see a return of day the second time when 'The Laughing Laughing California, April 4, having completed ’ ,ir>' ’ Alvan Macauley, president of the Lady” comes to the Foz McDonald a >ear'3 wdrk in siz months. He ez- j pects to return home for a visit after Automobile Chamber, and former Theatre Sunday. chairman of its Street Traffic Com In thia comedy-drama of society that date. miMee. Anda Calvert and family, from life which deals with wealthy New "Thia widespread experiment will Yorkers. their foibles and didoes. Junction City, drove up to Thurston strike right at the heart of the un­ last Sunday, looking after his bees. Mies Oatterton is the wife ot a safe vehicle problem by eliminating weaKhy banker who thinks more o f ' Lltt,e Mar*arw ‘ «mpbell. of Salem a huge block of those cars which bis Wall street than he doe. of bis ” ’ “ er h‘‘r If™“1“ »«»«“'. Mrs. Mar , are In the poorest conodltlon.” says home sweet home. She becomes the Campbe"' last Sunday. Macauley. Innocent victim of a scandal at Tbe bl*b ,tbo01 *'tuden,a are ukiD« j One of the hazards of the highway Bouthampton. fashionable seaside re- tbe‘r ’ “ “ '“ ’I1”“ ‘hla week, situation has been the rattletrap car tort, and when her husband learns '^r Mrs. Mike Mitchell and which keeps re-appearing on the road | Of It through the press, he divorces aona- D“"”1« a"d B«hble. visited Mr. after |t~ ha7 p ^ m a b iy ’ b^en’ sent to ! and Mrs. Taylor Needham Friday her without further ceremony. the discard. The aim of this pro­ Clive Brook Is the friend of the The boys stayed the week-end with gram is to guarantee the actual sr-ap- husband and the lawyer who effects thelr „ *TandParenta ......... P*ng of the vehicle. The pian wit! Lc Ray is building , a chicken worked u s oul « by k the victory for him against his wife _' . Mitchell __ each . company parti- house for Stanley RJcUardson, who clpating, in line with its general sales 1 IP the divorce trial, expects to raise several hundred policies and the volume of Its f ro- I f " ' . - - U. u I I chicks this summer. duct lot). 1 LOW FARES TO PORTLAND R. H. Grant is chairman of the ccm OFFERED BY S. P. LINES, mlttee which worked out the detail« i ♦ UPPER WILLAMETTE ♦ of the program Other members li. j A special round trip ticket to Port { s s e e e e e e e e e e e e e s elude C. H. Bliss. J. E Fields. Paul land from Springfield will be sold atr After defeating the Brio baaketball O. Hoffman, H. W. Peters. Courtney the local depot on March 14 only, and team by a Kore of 3g to 4 laat Johnson and Edward S. Jordan. will be good on any Southern Pacific ,.-rldMy the »111 bas- traln or bus It will carry a return ketba,| team down to defeal be- 11 The fare from tor ‘he Newport team, losing by a HAROLD LLOYD RETURNS TO SCREEN IN TALKIES h* ,3 2 ° «core of lp t0 13 Had ‘he Pleasant The Portland Auto show and many „ill boys won they would play Eu- After an absence of nearly a year j Bt. Patrick's day event, in Portland gene hlg h-ehool. This end. the bar- and a half. Harold Lloyd Is return­ Is given as the reason for the reduced ketba„ Beaaon for the high gchoo, ing to the screen, making the occa­ * re' thia year. sion an auspicious one by present­ _______ 1 Practice for baseball began at the ing his first ail-talking picture, “Wel­ SCHOOL STUDENTS HEAR Pleasant Hill high school this week come Danger” at the Bell Theatre, TAFT FUNERAL SERVICE F loyd Manney was elected captain of next Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs­ - the boys team and Josephine Mat- day. Many students and faculty members hew. captain of the girls' team. The comedian spent many months c'0‘he’ ,bat f,t up tn" ch,n' s " kt the Springfield high school listened The Misses Nlni McPeek and Ida mastering the new screen technique, Ieda ,,n’e* of la,e y**»r» dressmakers In Tuesday morning on the funeral Shelley went to Corvallis last week and in "Welcome Danger " 1« said to hare trled launcb hl’ h collara We service for William Howard Taft, late to witness the basketball games. have developed what will prove the Were aasured tbat tbe *"°-P'a‘’« chief justice of the supreme court. Mr. and Mrs. Fred „Ills, E. B. Tin­ fastest production shown .Ince the WOuld ° Ot Of the <”,e,,tlon ,f The service was broadcast over all of ker and son, Lyman. Fred Smith and advent of talking pictures. He has j women did not accept blouses with the networks of the National Broad Henry Dickman, went to (lorvallia to not deviated from the old method of high collars. Most women, however, casting company and was received at witness the basketball game between I producing his comedies, maintaining | find that whatever clothes may gain the high school with several radio Newport and the Pleasant Hill boys. I all the speed and action of his past by the high neck line they certainly sets located In various parts of the Mr and Mrs. Jesse A. Phelps and j successes, but adding sound and dla- ! lose In becomingness.'* building. two children. Robert and Evelyn, , |ogUe as good measure entertain­ Here and there, among the new — — — -----------— motored to Corvallis to attend “■* fashions, one sees something that the ' ment. father. who Return from Portland—Mr. Portland—Mr and j funeral of Mr. Phelps father, Many of the scenes in “Welcome suggests a higher neck line for day Mrs. Larson Wright and family re- ■ Passed at his home In Florence, March Danger" are laid In San Francisco’s ' time dresses, and to the very excep­ turned to Springfield from Portland ld- underground Chinatown, and com­ tional woman this sort of thing Is on Monday evening, after spending The ladies of Pleasant Hill held an bine action, romance, and mystery becoming. But for the most of us the week-end there and at Milwaukee 1 a11 daY meeting at the home of Mrs. with a whirlwind series of laugh there Is still everything to be said in as guests at the home of Mr. and Ra|Ph Laird Wednesday, March 12. favor of the collar line that leaves episodes. Mrs. Jim Elder. The high school music pupils ol A new leading lady is presented the throat exposed at the front. Miss Mary Harden will hold a pri­ by Lloyd, Barbara Kent, who Is a The tweed dress at the top has a Estate of Sarah A. Byers, deceased vate recital at the home of Miss Har­ white linen turn-over collar and the sure fire screen partner for the be­ N O T IC E TO C R E D ITO R S den Saturday night, March 15. This spectacled comedian. She has an ex­ beige crepe dress below has scarf Notice Is hereby given that John R Byers hag been by the County Court la required ln order to give the pupils cellent voice and her performance In collar that may be worn high or low. of the State of Oregon, ln and for thelr credit in high school. “Welcome Danger" Is said to stamp Lane Clunty, appointed administrator The Pleasant Hill athletic club de MANY HAVE CHICKEN of the estate of Sarah Byers, deceased. feated the DeMolay team of Eugene her for picture progress. AT DINNER LAST NIGHT All persons having claims against at a basket ball game played at •aid estate are hereby notified to pre­ SERVICE STATION GETS sent the same, duly stated and veri­ Pleasant Hill by a score of 46 to 40. The chicken supper at the Metho­ NEW COATING OF PAINT fied, at the residence of said admin This Is the last game of the season. dist church last night was a large lstrator, 975 22nd Avenue East In Baseball practice will begin next Painters for the Shyfl Dll company success, according to members of the Eugene, Oregon, or at the residence week. are now busy repainting the buildings ladles aid who served the supper. of A. E. Wheeler, 710 Lawrence 8t., Eugene, Oregon, within six months at the Casey service station on East More than 90 people were fed between from this 13th day of March, 1930. Sen Bern—Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Main street. The station proper is the hours of 6:00 and 7:30. This Is JOHN R. BYERS, Cox. of Wendling, are the parents of Administrator of the estate of a baby ton born to them at the Paci­ being painted yellow, red and green, an annual event for the ladles of the while the other buildings are being Methodist church and Is always Sarah A. Byera, deceased. fic Christian hospital In Eugene on painted a light cream and trimmed looked forward to by the people of A. E. Wheeler, Attorney Monday, March 1«. M 13-20-27 A 3-10 in a pale green. Springfield. "True-Blue" play luits are cut large enough to (lip right on over Sonny’s regular clothei and the deevei are cut nice and long. "True- Blue" auits are very inexpensive and are made in drop seat style. Most practical suits for youngsters 2 to 8 years old. TODAY. FRIDAY and SATURDAY ma to wA»nn and marmd - •H svr ANI>— ruAvrrv- PEAR fUTO TAIK as COMING SUNDAY Anna Christie Preview at 9:10 THURSDAY Ruth Chatterton •REVIVAL NIG HT’ -*THI LAUGHING LADY’ Next Monday O Quamount QlOure Don't forget the F or D e p e n d a b le Garden Implements a t th e R ig h t P rice A price you'll always find just a little Below Elsewhere— trade at Garden Implemente Headquarters W r ig h t & Sons o