THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TW KN TY-M W VEN TII YEAR M o v ed to O ur N ew S to re . . . SPRINGFIELD. IANK (-OUNTY. OREGON THURSDAY, MARCH tl, I«30 W e a r t now In ou r fin« naw bulldlno. ona door aaat of our fo rm ar location. W a In v ita all our frlan da and patrona to v la lt our naw p lic a w hich wa ballava «0 ba ona of tha baat drug •to raa In Lana county, No. « JC PENNEY CO. 942 Willamette St . Bug ene, Oregon. W a ara prep ared to serve you b attar th an avar bafora In our new Kom«. Wool "Crushers KETELS' drug store P H O N t >1 WH M a in S tre e t Expert Crank-Case Service EXPERT AUTO REPAIR No m atter what min your automobile, w .'li locate the trouble In a jiffy Reasonable rates, M ajor General Herbert B t ’mahy. CJUef »I ( avalry. I ' S Army. nanird by Pieaident Hoover at Commueioner of thr Diatnct of Columbia, hupet to clean up the Capital City PHONE 95 -4 Wm. Roden bough Ga ratze MOHmoweM * ( fioodrlch i o * . Tiret» I The Ideal H a t for W ork or Knock- A bout W e a r H as the hard-wearing ‘A’ St. Garage 98c s e r v ic e wear it because they like i l l ja etyle. Made o f s t a t io n OREGON The World d o b ? Prt^. Co., St. Louie, M.-i. I I WK l ? LOOK, WOT B O X O ' i B tft M G IM 'lM ! good quality felt with genuine leather tweaL ANE h TM I S< Low chargea fo r expert w ork. T ry us and be con­ vinced o f our superior, courteous, sw ift and cap­ able service. ano / (MaVtJ the work hat, but a great many a e a S P R IN O F IE L O ? // (Pat. Applied fo r - S e r f d