The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, March 06, 1930, Page 6, Image 6

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    THE aPR IN G FlB Jl NÍW 8
■ 1
'If elected I should feel the chief
executive has a «pacific mandat« from
Chari«« Hall. of Marthfleld, «tala
Restricted load limit« on three
senator from Coos and Curry coun­ energy, greater vlsluu and eulianced Oregon highways were raised from
ties. formally announced hl« candi­ courage on the part of all dtlxens " | 300 to 400 pounds per Inch of tire
Io Hi. - . l a t e h i g h
dacy throughout Oregon today for the looking toward Oregon's progress 1 w lillh o n ............
republican nomination for governor ask that Oregon discard It« 'Inferior way i-nntmlaalon Thia now places
1 at the primaries, May 1«. Mr Hall Ity complex,' and tell the entire the load limit on the Willamette. Mr
•aid he would file with Secretary of world ,h* ,ru,h *lbou‘ “ »•
ln Kenale and Sluslaw highways at Just
State Hoss within the next few day« such a program the governor can twothlrds of the regular summer
At the same time Mr. Hall announc- take an effective part with entire load limit. Nothing was said In the
'hat he would support very »leftn propriety."
Instructions received here In this
Starting without resources at 11, county as to how long the limit would
Ite statewide politic«. Including high­
way program completion, reorganlxa when he came here from western remain at 400 pounda. hut It Is ex
tlon of state government, economy Pennsylvania. Mr. Hall In 28 years peeled that nn further changes will
In stale government and a readjust- *'“ » successfully engaged In the drug, be made until the rainy weather la
ment of tax assessments. The senator orchard, telephone and banking busi over, either In the latter part of May
pledged himself to support conserva Besses. In the latter fields he has or In June
tlon of fish and game resources. He operated
The sections of the highways ef
said that If elected he would favor which he only recently aold his con­
fected by the order Includes the
statewide enforcement of the pro­ trol.
Thurston Millican corners section of
hibition laws, which he charucieilxed
For three terms he has been state
the MrKensle. the LowrIIGoahsn
In community and state­
section of the Willamette, and the
wide chamber of commerce work he '
Ixiw Paas Hummlt Cheshire division
has been very active. As chairman
of the
of the roads and highways committee
In the senate when major construc­
tion was begun, he has hud a vital MAN 80 YEARS OF AGE
1 part in road development.
L L U S T H f< T E D
B Y [> C N ^ L D
him. why should he not he have his
vanity If he wanted?— but dishonest—
Opposite the rutus of the Palm
Beach hotel, the Minerva waa moored never.
She placed her hands swiftly against
A t the concrete dock of the Royal
his face and held her mouth from his.
Daaelll waited a motor boat
"W e was to take the lady aboard.
ma'am." said Modane. "But 1 don't
sit around to ex-
think we need to
plain to her.”
"Nor do 1.” said Lucy dryly
She stepped into the motor boat and
five minutes later she was aboard .the
She heard a step upon the deck be-1
hind her. It was a feeble, somewhat
uncertain step, but there was domi­
nance in it Just the same. As though
gome old Romen emperor, enfeebled,
stalked hia palace, stronger in his age
than his subjects in their youth.
An exclamation sounded In the
scented air:
•'What the devil are you doing here?
You got my message .
She turned and looked at h.m
Lanterns on the deck illumined her
"Lucy!” he said
H e sank heavily into a chair; she
felt a swift pity as she saw his weak­
ness He would not be strong, really
strong, tor months.
"Tim." she said quietly.
He put hia hand upon his heart
"You always were stimulating.
Lucy but now you've become excit­
ing. May I ask what you are doing
"Tim. you did not steal?"
-O f course not, silly. But do you
think 1 would have told you so? Darn
It. Lucy, you have pride enough to
be able to understand pride.
Leeson's client was certain that he'd
been swindle»! And I was so darned
angry with him for doubting me that
—Well. It was my first business ven
ture. Not really a business venture at
that. He and I had bought a patent
and I'd told him that I would guaran-
tee it. I meant that I would guaran-
tee the validity of the patent and he
1 w ■
Three Cltlsenshtp leagues
organised st the Lincoln school on
Friday by Mrs. Ella Lombard, civic
Instructor at the school. The object
of these clubs Is to assist and co
operate with the faculty in all school
affairs and to promote a more hon­
est relalonshlp between all members
of the school, also to study and use
parliamentary law at all meetings.
The president of each group will
conduct the current event study
each Friday
A playground super­
visor from each league will work on
the school ground problems and re
port to I ’rofessor Moffitt.
Hall Held Well Qualified
The first section of the eighth
»'ability of the invention—a new motor
H aifa supporters Indicated that his
valve He had letters that supported grade selected Lama Bruttaln as
W It Meyers, retired, of Eugene,
extensive business experience well
president; El vert Chetwixxl. vice 1
his contention, although I had letters
was the speaker at the evening ser­
qualified hint for the many exscutlve
president; and Evelyn Bacus. secret
which proved my side But 1 gambled,
vices at the Methodist church last
dullea of the governor.
ary and treasurer. The second sec­
and lost. So. to pay him. I mortgaged
Bunday evening Rev. I'lke was call­
tion of the same class chose Vivian
Mr. and Mrs Hall, who make their ed lo ( ‘»burg tor the evening and Mr.
everything I owned and then you be­
Runte. president; Rena Boyd, vice
home at Marshfield, have two girls Mrysrs. who Is 80 years old. con
lieved Leeson— who damn well ought
president; and Edna Hapner. secret
and two boys, all of whom are now sented to come and address the torsi
to be careful what he says— and I—
ary and treasurer The eight B group
in public school or university.
well, I loved you. Lucy. I'd almost
killed myself because of what your elected Pearl Wills, president: Ches
ter Gerber, vice-president; and .Mary
thought of me had led to. and I took
Smltson. secretary and treasurer.
your check and let you think the
worst. An then I swore I'd pay you
back not with my own money that I'd SPRINGFIELD MAN GETS
raised by selling stocks and mort- I
gages, but with money that I had
M artin Wlederholt, of route 2.
"Silly boy! But I like your pride. Springfield, was paid a 120 00 bounty as “executive problem requiring eter­
And you had the money all the time, at the office of the county clerk thia nal vigilance.”
week for one bobcat pelt. This Is the
you child r
Oregon's Development Strsosad
r ,t bounty to be paid to • Spring-
•Of course I had- I
Mr. Hall's platform calls for a
Held man In March.
check for Leeson when you came with
uniting of all forces ln the State
The cougar record set In January looking toward Oregon's develop-
your bundle of money and your bundle
bundle of nerves and your bundle of was not endangered during the month
emotions, and I swore I did not care of February, according to a report
whether you thought me a crook or from the state game commlaslon. i
not. I'd make you love the thief, and Only 28 cougars were killed during
then, if you loved the thief, what 1 February and more than double that 1
might you ro t think of the honest number met their deaths during the
month of January. The heavy killing
In January was attributed to the cold
She shook her head.
Beautiful hats to match any spring costume you may
weather and snow which made It 1 lot New Spring Dresses
"No more than I thought of the
choose, and what’s more, so very reasonable in price.
possible to track them In ’ he woods.
thief. Tim. I could not love you any
more than I did ten minutes ago. when
lot New Spring Coats
I didn't know that you were as silly— CORVALLIS TEAM WINS
“As Devil May Care sometimes is?"
and up
he suggested, smiling.
Corvallis high school defeated the 36 New Spring Hats
“As she was." she corrected. "For
high school basketball
she isn't—not any more."
"I'm a married woman." she re­ team at Corvallis last Friday in the
42 8th Ave. West. Eugene. Ore.
minded him. "and no married woman final game of the season for the home
. team by a score of 29 to 25. Don't forget we give 8. A H. Green
has a right to be silly."
; Springfield finished the season In
"No? And why not?”
"Because men are always silly, and fourth place, giving second position to
some one has to be the balance wheel Corvallis.
The lineup for the Friday game
to keep the machine on its course, to
waa Prochnow and W right, forwards;
keep it from tippling over."
“Etovil May Care in a new role, the Ernating. center; and Squirea and
Morrison, guards. According to W.
sober matron." he Jeered.
“1 can be that. Tim . The night that E. Buell. Morrison played a atetlar
you—the night of Mrs. Clary's party game for his team, scoring most of
the points made by hia team.
I was talking to someone— was It Mr.
Leeson?—and I said that I was really
an old-fashioned girl. Well, old man. FOREICN MISSION WORK
I am exactly that.”
“ You can hardly make me believe
that. Lucy.' he mocked.
| The service at the
C O P Y B IÛ K T © V B O G A R W A LLA C «
"Oh. yes. I am and I can prove It. church next Sunday mommg will be
I'm so old fashioned that, having mv devoted entirely to the work of the
husband’s arms around me. I want to Women's Foreign Missionary society
htm , dont want
, gy gno, her of the congregation. It has become
word , want to
New an annual custom at the church to
fMhloned g in , want to talk, but I aet aside on day for observance of the
want to
work being done on the foreign mis­
Our New Serial is by EDGAR
“W ell, that's one little thing
can sion fields. Rev. C. J. Pike will
speak on the topic "Somewhere Elae"
WALLACE. Master Writer ot
do for you. Lucy."
Hia lipa crushed against hers. Ah. at the service and the choir, under
Detective Stories.
who wanted freedom, when she conld the direction of Arab Hoyt, will sing
have thia? Blessed old fate! Dear , a »Pcclal number,
It ia a thrilling yarn in Wal­
old Fate, who had guided Lucy Hark-
Regular service« will be held in the
ness Stevens straight t -vV-i- «he cyenlng.
lace’s beet manner.
belonged— to her husband's anna.
.......................- 1 *
American crooks in London
"Must a wife explain her preaence
upon her husband's property? she re­
“A wife needn't." he said.
"W ell." she hinted.
"Lucy’" There was someting al­
most savage In the way he uttered her
He rose and moved awkwardly until
he towered over her.
" I don't ever intend to let you play
with me again." he threatened.
"Suppose 1 weren't playing." she
He turned sway from her. and sank
Into another chair, but closer to her.
“Lucy. 1 can not believe— "
"W hy did you tell me that Modane
saved my life, when it was you who
did so r she asked
might win your gratitude" he evaded,
might win your pratitude?" he evaded.
"Isn't my gratitude worth taking?”
she demanded
“Who would take gratitude when he
wan'ed love?"
“Oo you expect me to woo you. to
make love to you. Tim?"
“Is it love that brought you here.
“W hat else could have done It?.
Tim . yon re making me wonder . . .
Tim , do you want me?
There was a path tic bewilderment
in her voice, the bun of a child who
cannot comprehend why pain is dealt
out to IL
"Want you? Is that a question?
" If it is not. what laT’
"Do you want me? That's it," he
"Must I say so? Is this a punish
ment. a h.imdletlon for wbat I have
done to you?
- lo u r mind seemed to change be
fore. Lucy. I want you to be aure.
And before ypn answer- could you
love a thief. Lucy?”
“I do." she made reply
And with the words she felt a surg­
ing pride in her surrender. A thief,
and she loved him. Ah. bnt her love
should redeem him. should cleanse
hfm. should ennoble him. And then,
as he leaned above her. as his great
arms swept her from her chair until
she lay against his breast, she felt
Several local people took advantage
Who was she melodramatically to »
of the warm dry weather Sunday and
think of cleansing, of ennobling Tim?
Earl Cady, of Eugene, won the 80- enjoyed a no-ho«t dinner prepared
She put suck thoughts away from her
mlle bicycle race from Eugene to over the open Ore at Hendricks
They were not merely
Corvallis and return which was spon­ bridge. Those In the party were Dr
prfdeful. they were unworthy.
sored by the Amateur Bicycle Asso- and Mr« W. C. Rehhan. Mr. and Mrs.
where she loved, she must love with­
elation of America, under the dlrec J. A. Seavey. Mr. and Mr«. Frank
out reservation. It didn't matter what
tlon of J E. Moore. State represent- J DePue, and Mr. and Mrs
T im had beep. She knew what he
ative In Eugene, last Saturday. Cady Cochran.
was now. And she loved him now.
won a pair of bicycle tire« and a gold
And then as, her eyes met bis, she wrist watch as first prlxea. It took
knew something. Tim wasn't a thief. • hlm Ju„ four hour„,
m1nutM an(J
any more than he was a brute. She 23 seconds to make the round trip.
knew now why she bad thought him a
Edward Cobb, of Eugene, won the
The Ladlea Aid of the Methodist
brute: because she. who wanted to be second place ln five hours and 13
church met at the church parlors
all sufficient to berself, had snbeon-
mlnntes. Third place went to Dale yesterday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock.!
aciously realised that this man was Harvey. who fook f|Te hourg gnd lg
Thia waa the regular monthly bual-
her mate and her master, without minute« to make the trip. A Cor-
— , neaa session for the group and varl-
whom she must remain uncomp e- valll» boy, Robert McLaughlin, came ous matters pertaining to the organl-
mented all her day. Malden resent- In fourth
t|me waa flT„ h o u r ila t lo n were dlgctl„ Pd
ment, thp defiance of tne soul that is ig minutes.
unwilling to blend Its Identity with
More of these distance race» are
Demonstrate Vacuum Cleaner
another, had made her shrink from expected to be held at various times
M r and Mrs. Glenn Rusher, of A l­
him. even as every fiber In her body , during the summer, according to Mr. bany. are spending the week In
called to him.
Springfield demonstrating the Pre­
He waa not a brute. Equally he was |
m ier Duplex vacuum cleaner for the
no thief, for a thief didn't have eye« Albany M«n Here— Fred Pohl, of the Mountain States Power company
like his. could not have eyea like hl«. Albany office of the Mountain States They are visiting all the towns served
Candor, decency, waa In them for all Power company. Is spending a few by the power company and demon­
the world to tee. He might be over­ daya In Springfield assisting at the strating the cleaner In the homes of
bearing. he might be vain.—God bless local office.
the company's customers.
Annual Arrival of
N ew
$2.95 to $5.95
S 1 2 .9 8
S2 9 8
8th Ave. Hat & Dress Shop
run up against the detectives ot
famous SCOTLAND YARD, and
the etory carries you through
a maze of mystery and intrigue.
There is excitement in every
to read
instalment every week, begin­
ning with our next issue.