T innW IlA Y . MARCH 6, 11)30 I PAGE FIVE THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TOW N AND V IC IN ITY TOWN BASKETBALL TEAM Chicken Dinner at Methodist Church STUDENTS TO FEATURE The annual chicken dinner of the DEFEATS DeMOLAY FIVE MUSIC AND HUMOROUS — ' loidlea Aid of the Methodist church SKITS IN PROGRAM The Springfield town basketball wm ,)e held Wednesday evening. Bell Theatre team defeated the DeMolay team Mttrch 11. serving will »tart at « 00 The first of the two laughtereaque FRIDAY and SATURDAY Dealer- Mra. N. H. Russull, from Kugene by a »core of 4:t to 34 o’clock and the church women urge programs to be presented at the of llnxter, was u Monday visitor In In a game played at the high school everyone to attend, promising a good high school thia aprlng will be staged Dprlniflrld. gymnualutn Monday evening. France» dinner. tomorrow evening, starting at 8 00 Cugrne Paople Hara Mr and Mra. Deed». William Pollard, LeRoy Nice, | ■■ F J Hnvilar, of Rugen«, apeat Mon­ Ooahan M>n Har« -do»» lb- Vos«. ' o'clock. The senior and freahmen I Coy leath ers, Thayer McMurray and classes are uniting their effort* to day nti bin:in-«« in ih's illy. of Goshen, Iransartrd hualnraa In (he Donald Betti* played for the local make thia the beat program ot the i lly on Saturday. team. Lowell Man Har« Il L M 'Miner, year. The Junior and sophomore of luiwi-ll. »I -I- a linaliii-a« (rip Io The Springfield team Journeyed to From Fall Creak. Mr», Jack Pet classes will put on their program Hptlngflalil Munday m o n iin * tit, of Fall Creek, »pent Friday in next month and will try to outdo the Wendling Tuesday evening and de­ Comedy— feated their basketball team by a Springfield «hopping. first program. W a lte r v llle Man H « r« -4) Il Hardy Featuring Jhe program will be a »core of .32 to 27. The Springfield of Waltervilla, was railing on III» V aughn R esident H a r e — < Plaire Me William Fox moving picture, "The boy» held the lead all during the frb-i’ib In Kt ring,told Monday. Henry, of Vuughn, was a vlallor In The Curse of the Aching Tooth Power of the Preaa" In which Doug­ game and made a splurge Just before Hprlngfb-ld on Saturday, Purehaara Feed F II Goyeau, of las Fairbank«, Jr., takes the leading the close which gave them a decided Audion Review Short Subject load. Jasper, purrham d some feed while In From Wendling Mra. F. E. Hubert« role. Springfield Monday of Wendling, »pent Huturday calling An original play. "A Vltaphon«- on friend» In thl» city. j Act," by Bessie Stewart. Ruth Betti» MRS. RILEY SNODGRASS COMING SUNDAY ~ Cedar Flat* Woman H*re Mr» and Clifford Darr, will constat of a ENTERTAINS FOR VISITOR Itlchard llart, of Cedar Flat», «hop Vlalta Frl«nd» Mr«. I.loyd Meyers, boy* and girls chorus of twelve voices M e rry - pi-d In Hpruxflrld on Monday. of Waltervllle, »pent Friday In constating of the following student» Mrs. Riley Snodgrass entertained Springfield visiting wlih her friend» THiscnwous-s From W altervllle It Potter, ot Ruth Bettis, Vernlce Hauk, LaudeUe with two tables of bridge at her W a lte rvlll« , «pent Monday ratlin* on From Monroe Mrs. W W. Hqulrea William». Be»sle Stewart, Nellie San- home Monday afternoon In honor ot M arvelous-' of Monroe, visited relative» In Spring key, Bernice Cline, Freeman Bqulrea, j Mrs. Trubert Henderson, of Salem, bla friend* In thl« city. MARION Ralph Hughe», Milton Doane, Alan who Is a house guest at the home ot field on Monday morning. M«b«l Resident Hare T II Mehl. Schantol. Henry Trlnka, and Clifford Mr. and Mrs. Jack Larson. Mrs of Mabel, rani« Io Springfield Mon­ F in g e r Improves—Mr». B. B. Corl Darr. Larson won the high prlxe and Mrs. day to purrhaae seeds for hl» garden wrlght, who has been suffering with There will also be a prologue to Howard Freeland, of Eugene, wu« her first TALKING a seriously Infected finger. 1» very the picture and aeveral specially act» winner of the consolation gift.’ A From Walt*rvlll«—Harry Jackson, p ictu re , much Improved. the exact nature of which will not be luncheon was served after the play I of Waltervllle. wua a Hatunluy visitor We carry only the Beat Qual­ In Mprlngfield Go«» to Shedd Ml»» Esther Me revealed before the evening of the Ing. ity—Tested Seeds that teem l*heraon 1« »pending a few day» at performance. The following were present for the Haa Minor Operation—Cary Thom- Also M. G. M. Act The admlHslon charges are 35 cents afternoon: Mrs. W. M Curtis, Mrs. i with abundant, virile life. Shedd, where »he 1» a guest at the aon underwent a minor operation at and 15 cents. Tickets may be had William home of Mr and Mr» Bob Davis. Stearmer. Mrs. George to A remarkable variety the office ot a local physician last from any member of either the senior Prochnow, Mrs. Ray Wright. Mrs. I TUESDAY. WED. and THUR. choose from. Friday. Vlalta Father June Dunk» »pent or freshman classes. Howard Freeland, Mrs. Henderson. the week end here with her father. Mrs. Wllllum Baker ls In charge of Mrs. Larson and the hostess. Get the BeBt here- Vlalta at Portland-Clayton Kirk I,. K. Dank» Miss Thinks Is a student thè program préparation. Clifford land motored to Portland Munday to al Mt. Angel. L IL L Y 'S S U R E T Y S E E D S Darr ls the manager of the event. SAWDUST BINS AT MILL visit friend«. in School Principal H«re— Virgil M< Get Your Seed Album Free ARE BEING RE-BUILT From Thurston Mrs 1rs Gray, of Pherson. aaslslant principal al Tin- . "CHASING RAINBOWS” IS Thurston, was a visitor In Spring Dalles. Oregon, Junior high sch ool.! The sawdust bins anil boiler room NOW AT FOX-McDONALD field on Tuesday Comedy— Hints to the Bride »pent the week end here with his at the Warren mill In north Spring- One of the most spectacular tech­ field. which was deestroyed b> fire From Deatee 1.. L Hpnngenberg, parents, Mr and Mrs. Bud Mc­ DON'T FORGET nicolor scenes ever filmed was staged last fall, are now being rebuilt. The of Dexter, was a Tuesday visitor In Pherson. Matinees on Saturday and for Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer’» "Chasing new building Is being constructed of this city. Spends W««k End Here Maude Ra'nbow»," now playing at the Fox 2x6» laid on their sides, making a Sunday at 1:30. Gorrle spent the week end Iv re at Brownsville Resident Her« Mrs Mi Donald Theatre. A dancing and wall six Inches In thickness. There the home of her mother. Mrs. I Admission - - 35c and 10c John (Jreyhoiise. of Brown»vllle. was singing ensemble of two hundred < will be one boiler room and two saw a visitor In Springfield on .Monday Gorrle, Sr. She Is employed In Port- persons participated in this splashing dust bins as well as a tool room in I land In a medical office Accompany afternoon. finale number. |th e new unit | Ing her were Miss Lillian England The scene was built about the song j ---------------—— ------ and Elery Ray, also of Portland. From McKsntle Bridge Mr and hit. Happy Days sre Here Again, ’ NEEDLECRAFT CLUB TO Mrs A C. Wacksmlth. of Mi-Kenxle written for the musical comedy pro MEET THIS AFTERNOON Injured Men Improving— E War- Bridge, were In this city Monday durtlon by Jack Yellen and Milton In e r and W M Taylor, both of Fall afternoon. Ager. The regular meeting of the Needle- | j Creek, who were badly Injured laat craft club will be held this afternoon Charles King and Bessie Love, the Teacher III—Bluest McKinney, In­ week when the tramway at the War­ principals, sing and dance the number ' at the home of Mrs. C. H. Wilson. structor In Spanish, music and phy­ ner lumber mill collapsed with a with member» of the supporting cast, I Mra. Wilson and Mrs. Floyd Thomp­ truckload of lumber, were In Spring- sics at the high school, was III on Marie Dressier, Polly Moran. Jack son will be the hostesses. Each Tuesday and unable to meet hla field Monday to have their Injuries Benny, George K. Arthur. Eddie Phil member of the club are requested to , treated and dressed. classes. SCHAEFER'S BUILDING lips, and Youcca Troubetskoy. taking come dressed either as a small boy or girl. bows before the final curtain. Willamette and 10th Streets Former Resident Here--Henry Cat WILLAKENZIE FARMERS The scene Is presented with vivid ! ten. of Marshfield, a former Spring- PLAN CONTROL DISTRICT colors, the motif being Parisian TWO SPRINGFIELD PEOPLE field reeldenl, was tranaacllng bust Is now open. You are cordially invited to visit our new Monmarte with girls dressed In color­ IN CONCERT AT EUGENE Petitions for the second abortion ful and voluminous skirts that swirl neas In this city las( Saturday. , shop. We are featuring exclusive lines and moderate prices control district In this vicinity are and the boys clad in military uni­ Mrs. W. K. Barnell and Fred Buell Mias Msxlne j now being signed by the farmers forms. Visits at Shedd were among a large group of vocal Snodgrass spent Saturday ev en in g 1 and cattle owners living north of e e e Associated with us students of Arah Ho.vt Rae who were and part of Sunday at Shedd with Springfield, between the Willamette That 8. 8. Van Dtne’s best seller. j presented In the first of a series of her uncle and aunt, Mr and Mrs A and McKenxIe rivers. A meeting ol "The Bishop Murder Case," Is fully repertoire programs at the McMorran LEONE JENKINS. Millinery M Snodgrass. Lae returned to | the signers will be held Thursday as exciting on the screen as It Is and Washburne auditorium on Tues­ INA GARRETT. Beau Monde Beauty Shop Springfield with them on Sunday to evening at the Wlllakenxle grange In book form, will be Indicated at the day afternoon. The programs will be present at the dinner held In . hall, at which time officers to re- Fox-McDonald Theatre Sunday, where be given at the Eugene store every EFFIE LEE HARVARD Corsetiere honor of the wedding anniversary of ; present this district will be elected the new Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer all- Tuesday afternoon from 4:00 to 5:0« her parent«. I Hn<' other business pertaining to the talking thriller opens to an enthusias- o'clock. - ! forming of the area will be discussed. , tie reception. DELICATESSEN STORE HAS ! Th* petition for another control Marriage Licences district were signed and sent to Port­ ; _ „ , ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR land last week by farmers and dairy­ CHRYSANTHEMUM CLUB During the past week marriage HAS POTLUCK SUPPER I licensee have been Issued by the men In the Coburg district. An electric refrigerator was In­ county clerk to the following: Elmer stalled yesterday at the Moon's deli­ Mr. and Mrs M M. Peery, of Port­ Iatrned and Cleo Porter, both of Med­ COUNTY AGENT PREDICTS catessen The old hand packed Ice land. were the honor guests at a ford; Floyd Winters and Mamie LANE POULTRY INCREASE potluck supper given by the members Salisbury, both of Eugene; Edwin tubs were taken out and all Ice­ cream and milk will be kept In Ihe of the Chrysanthemum club at the Free and Ruth Winkleman. both of There-will be an Increase of 30 per home of Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Rebhan new cold unit. Walton; Theodore Bender and Haxei cent In the number of commercial on Tuesday evening. Following the Powell, both of Eugene; Raymond chicken flocks In Lane county dur­ supper the guests enjoyed an evening Adams and Orel Fox, both of Westfir. ing Ihe year 1930 over the past year, I of bridge at which Ihr. and Mrs. C. according to an estimate by O. 8. u Phetteplare won the high honors Fletcher, Lane county agricultural I and the consolation prlxe was award- agent. who has recently Interviewed P(1 Mr and Mrs w H Adrian. many of the poultry raisers In the The following persons were present county. for the evening: Mr. and Mrs. J. A. The forecast for the entire United | Seavey, Dr. and Mrf. PlteMeplace, States sets 17 per cent Increase as | Mr. and Mra. Frank DePue. Mr. and Ihe advance Io be made In commer­ Mrs. William Dawson, Mr. and Mrs. For cial hatchings. W. H. Adrian, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scott, Mrs. Maude Bryan and her Dependable daughter, Crystal, and Ihe honor GIRL’S LEG BROKEN IN guests. III W Hh Cold I hi lay Pugh la ion- finad In her tinnii- with I i Inni rnld From Sailors Holiday A t T h e D e n t k t ’s Come to Headquarters for your SEED S! Jpn - ‘-DAVIES in George Bancroft THE MIGHTY GRAY’S Feed and Seed Store The N ew . . . Gilmore’s Woman’s Shop /J 0 7 mouncino ////0 A CHANGE OF DATE FOD YOUB TELEPHONE BILLING Rid Your Throat and Nose of Germs Garden Implements at the Right Price— A price you'll always find juet a little Below Elsewhere trade at Garden Implement* Headquarter* Wright & Sons ROLLER SKATING MISHAP Viola, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. SAFETY ENGINEER SPEAKS Roy Robertson, of Springfield, suf- I AT MEETING ON MONDAY fered a broken leg Saturday when she fell whllb on a pair of roller skates at the home of relatives at Goshen She was brought to Springfield Ini mediately, where first aid was given by a local phyalclan, who Inter took her to the Pacific Christian hoapltnl In Eugene to set the fracture. An X-rn.v picture revenled that the hone Jiad been broken In two places. She Is now nt her homo here. FRIENDS INVITED FOR ANNIVERSARY DINNER Mr. and Mra. Riley Snodgraan of this city entertained a group ot family relatives and friends at a dinner at their home here on Sun­ day In honor of their twenty-flrat wedding anniversary. Present for the afternoon were Mr. and Mra. A. M. Snodgraaa, of Shedd, and their two sons, Merle and Boh; 'Kenneth Debassiis, of Cottage Grove, and Uriel Corbin, of Corvallis. Ferris White, Safety Engineer for the Mountain States Power company was the principal speaker at the 1 meeting of the Safety committee at the local power plant on Monday evening. He gave a talk on first aid, reaualtutlon, and the use of bandages. Refreshments were served at the d o se of the meeting ( — ........... CAFE EXPLOSION STORY GETS WIDE CIRCULATION Springfield has come In for a lot of advertising In all parla of Ihe United States as a result of the ex­ plosion aome time ago at a local cafe. Sunday mooting Rey. Pike read a clipping from a Montreal. Canada, paper. In which a ylvld account of the alcoholic exploalnn was glvien. He bemoaned the fact that Spring- field should be getting this type of advertising. During March a new plan of issu­ ing telephone bills will be intro­ duced. with Antiseptis 69 Benefits from the new arrange­ ment will appeal to you. A full ex­ planation will be enclosed with your March 1st telephone bill. Please read it carefully. cents pint alxe Harmful germ» In the throat and nose breed colds and othei1 trouble». Keep these passages clean. Have a sw eet breath. Rlnae the mouth and gargle with soothing prophylactic Antiaeptla. Alan use In a Kantleek Atomlxer to clear out nasal passages. Obtain­ able only at Rexall Stores THE SPRINGFIELD BILLING DATE AFTER MARCH 1 WILL BE THE 21 *t OF THE MONTH Flanery’s IhaPAtano DRUG STORK Rhone 1ft u n rem »* >>3.11 < ('itigli , A h » Tnjto*Á.ra C ompany