THURSDAY, MARCH >», <»3° THIS KPKINftFUQeD NEW» PAOB n u n JOINT MEETING IS HELD NEW GUARD UNIFORMS WEI' OR DRY—DIVIDED WE FALL FOR 500 CLUB MEMBERS ARRIVE: INSPECTION ' Within the last twelve months the Federal ¡ New Cbitj jtu/ict TO BE HELD THURSDAY Published Every Thursday at government has strained every energy to enforce Mr and Mr». C liffo rd W llaon and Springfield, Lane County. Oregon. by * prohibition, yet drinking continues on the same The new rolled collar uniform« tor Mr. and Mra. W. It. Adrian Jointly national scale and the supplies of bootleg liquor T H E W IL L A M E T T E P R E S « the local national gu»rd»meti h a w ‘ entertained the member« of Ihe 500 are not less abundant," writes the editor of Col­ H . E, M A X E Y . E d ito r__________________ arrived , according Io Lieutenant C club at the home ot M r. and Mra lier’s magazine. "The evils of excessive drinking A. Swart«, and w ill ba l»au«d w r y Adrian on Friday evening. Entered as second class m atter. February 34. IM S . at the are everywhere apparent. More women drink and High ecoree lor member» were «hortly. They w ill not be uaod. how postoffles, Springfield. Oregon. get drunk than in any previous time In American ever, during the (edural Inspection to won by Mr». Frank lie l'u e and Mr«. history. Drunkenness is no longer shameful. It Mra. N. I ’. Kugel be made bore nezt week by Colonel W. R. Dawaon. M A IL SUBSCRIPTION RATE is merely amusing.-” he continues. I I A. Allen, of the regular arm y and Dr Pkaltaplaoa won high acoree year In Advance..___ |X .? ( T hree Months -------- TSc These statements are In direct contradiction of Mra Maude Bryan >100 Single Copy -----------------------------------Sc Thl» InapocttOB la to be made In tor the guests. Months the Anti-saloon league, which have been telling shirt sleeves and hats, according to and M r. Kugel won the consolation T H U R S D A Y . M A R C H 4, 193» | prise«. us that there is less drinking than ever before, Inatruotlona received here even in the face of lax law enforcement, and tke Those preeent for the evening were The public la welcome to attend OIL EAST SID E WILLAMETTE ROAD supply of bootleg liquor Is becoming less and less any of the d rill« of the local unIL Mr. and M ra W . It Iiew»ou. M r. and the price higher and higher. Mr». I 0 l-Arltner. M r and M r» F and they are urged to turn out tor Th« east side Willamette highway should be and Prohibition continues to be a live subject after DePua, M r and Mrs. N. I* Kugel. O r. Inapectlon, aayg Swarte. aa the In- included In the 1930 titling program, as this road all others are exhausted, no mater how much we and Mr» W. C Hebhan. M i m Cryatal •peeling officers are- always favor­ Is used extensively both by the farmers in the choose to Ignore It. One thing Is certain, how-1 ably Impressed when they come to a Bryan. Mrs. Maude Bryan. Dr. and Natron. Jasper. Fall Creek and Lowell sections ever, if this Issue could be solved to the satisfac­ town where the local people turn out M ra llte tte p la re , Mra. W , It. Curry. and by city people who ohen drive the loop up tion of all we might occupy our mind with more and show an Interval lu the work o f j of Eugene. M r. and M rs Wltooa sod the east side and back by the west side of the wholesome and less personal problems. Our the g u .rd .m e n Mr » "« » " • W »' Artrl" " river. This road once, with many bad grade« and national solidarity is constantly Jepordised by Ho« Chart«» Evans Hughey Ilelvtn Doane, G ilbert Fish. and railroad crossings, has been improved in the last fanatical drys and rabid wets injecting this issue wanted Oitof J” «*™ .?**** »h'd«» Visiting Irom Silverton Mr« Flora Joe Gerber have all been transferred few years until it Is one of the best in the county into all our political and economic problems. « j X d as I wwm leaviag Mt See Luther, of Silverton, la vlelUng at to the National Guard Reserves at as well as one of the most scenic close in drives. • • • York offies Jest aftar the PrreKtoos the home nm Mrs. M ary A M c l’her- their own request. To have it oiled would make it even more popu­ kad telephoned him a»kin< him to a * Orders were received here last ■on on N orth M ill street. cepi ihe poM of head o( the court of lar as well as greatly improving it for travel of which he wae owe« an A u o c ta M J w ig * week to reduce the number of p ri­ up river residents. The value of oiling has been vates by three men. and the volun Married W oman Fear» Caa demonstrated fn the Mohawk valley and the — Eats Only Baby Food people of the upper Willamette section should PROPERTY OWNERS MUST tary action of these meu lias made It possible to comply with the com bow be given the same service on their road. The "FVir 3 year» I ate only baby food, POISON ALL DtCCERS mnnd without discharging any of the everything else formed gas. Now, Chamber of Commerce road committee might thanks to Adlerlka. I eat anything members. well back this project strongly before the county An Intensive campaign against Mrs. M, Gunn T he entire second floor above the and enjoy life court. • gray digger ground squirrel« 1» to Just O N E spoonful A dlerlka re THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Kgglmann candy kitchen has now been leased for the guard work. On« H a n - is an important distinction that many county »gam this year by the county of the front rooms w ill be made Into people overlook. . •««“» ln « W “»“ "Uh tor or an office and the other one w ill be God made the world: but He does not make ganliailonv, com munity committee«, used as a locker room and dressing and other Interested group». This la quarters for the men. T he entire your world. . He provides the raw materials, and out ot a continuation ot the campaign start- quarters are being reftnlshed. them every man selects what he wants and builds ed m 1925 and carried on each year since < then, according to County agent an individual world for himself. •«»«• *•*>- ^ r d u . to HAVE YOU SEEN A MIRACLE? be carried on In a ll parte of Lane A professor at the University of Oregon has proven that the wood in the old Coburg bridge built for 50 years was as strong as when it was built. Now the school of forestry at the state college has demonstrated that red cedar shingles are more fireproof than standard composition shingles. Both have exploded a fallacy that has The fool looks over the wealth of material pro- ¡O. s Fletcher worked a hardship on the northwest lumber in­ vided. and selects a few plates of ham and eggs. T b - t ( a u rodcDt control law , whieh dustry. If we want this country to be prosperous a few’ pairs of trousers, a few dollar bills—and is re of poisoned _ ____ barley have giving orders to soldiers even more personal than . Who unle88 hi8 Mnae of awe had grown blunt ( d £ ,h- roiinly ( how to vote. through constant familiarity, would believe it? for 8ale #t eo#t Tb(. po„ OB bar)ey , • • • I The sun, the center of our universe, goes down up ,n (Jve pound ba I>aJl.r„ ln Many have urged the editor of this newspaper and presto! I have called It back—the room l s |pilrt, of ,he (.„unty wl„ handle ,„» ] to become a candidate for the legislature. So far flooded anew with light. poison The thunder that men once called the voice of ' he has not made up his mind whether he would be more useful at home than in the legislature, God rolls out its mighty waves of sound, and the Following I. . .1. of Pi.< e in , * ” ere poison even if he could be elected. However, if he should sound carries only a few score miles. But I— ¡,h " p,r‘ of ,be P ^ rh a s e d : Bprlrntf eld. run and needed a riogan to fill in the place on the puny speck upon the face of the e a r th -I lift a ballot where slogans are supposed to go, h e little instrument; and, behold, my whisper i s i 0 ™ '• F«e<1 “nd heard a thousand miles away. SrivwUr . .tor.; VW»- ‘ »>'«• • knows of none which would express his senti- 4ieard »« u t . «tor»: ments more than “I am for law and order—less , Do we want heat? We press a button: and lo. ..Il „ o r v i v . . In tr . Fall Creek, B rew ers store; I owe», law and more order.” heat, invisible, silent, all pervasive, flows Into Blair's store; Dexter. W illia m s I our homes over a copper wire. Do we need power? We have but to press a store; T re n t, Wood's store; M-*r -la. | M erw in's store and Price'» store; i While we are thinking about game commis­ switch, and giants come to us over the same Eugene. Oregon Seed and Feed com- I sioners and the appointment of one from I^ane slender roadway. Clothed in invisible garments, pany, F arm ers' Union Warehouse I county, let us also think of the highway commis­ they cleanse our homes, wash our clothes, crank sion, as Mr. Gates' term expires in a few’ months. our automobile*—do everything that once taxed company. Gray a ( a»h and t a rry. the strength of men and hurried women into u n -!,eed departm ent. H t Hrokdon, and W th more than a quarter of the state roads in lovely old age. the coun,y agent'» office. western Oregon fc be built in Lane county w e Don't let your life become a prosaic a f f a i r --------- --------------- can think of no better place than from here for don’t let familiarity with the marvels about you MANY LOCAL PEOPLE AT the next highway commissioner to come from. breed thoughtlessness and contempt. VETS DINNER ON MONDAY • • • ¡ I f you had stood with Moses on the shore of, ----- the Red Sea, and had seen it divide to let the M any Springfield members of the Baby . ft on hank steps came near making children of Israel pass over, you would have no General Lawton camp and A uxiliary 8 streamer head in this newspaper this week, difficulty in recognizing that as a miracle. of the Spanish-American veterans at t loser investigation r e . ealed that it was only a But every night when the sun goes down a Eugene attended a join t dinner held baby doll. However, it Is a mystery just the nian stands In the power house in your city and by the tw o organizations at the Ar- same, we are told. j throws a switch, and Instantly the city and ' mory In Eugene on Monday evening. e e e the country for miles around are flooded with Among those present were Mr. and sunshine. Mrs. John Parker, M r. and Mrs Just about the time the ground gets right for And you say to yourself casually: "Oh, I see ¡Noah H ilterbrand and fam ily. M r and Mrs. Bam Richmond and daugh­ our spring gardening, it up and rains again. the lights are on." TT3? t e r , Helene, M r». C. F. Eggtmann, and PINKY DINKY By Ter«y Gilkison A. A. Andenton and daughter, B etty. The honor guests at the banquet, which was served to 208 people, were 1 ten state depnrtm ental officers from Portland. Large delegations were also present from Albany and Cottage Grove, where a new auxiliary has Just been started. In Tow n F riday— T. H . Hughes, of M arcóla, was a business visitor in Springfield on Friday of last week. S^AP’ EST ' A 'W J I N G L E S 7" h im vgw ««-e us ou» « vnv APPLB9 IN TNB rUNMeH - - PeACHf* IN THt P A L L . cl ASTT «ovi, TALK ASOtrr ftMKV D im ti BW n OCTAGON TREM At-L Spring come« with the beginning of March and along with It often Come« '.'spring fever.'' Bret thing to pep you up when jrou have "that tired feeling" 1« candy. Take one bite ot Eggitnaiui'a delietoua «uady and yau'tl notlco the difference. Reason—Candy Is a highly concentrated and Btlmulating food that reacta quickly on the system. We make and »ell lots of candy. F G G IM A N N ’ S V e i W here the Bervlae to D U ferret" 7= Why Not TRADE IN YOUR OLD CAR ON A DR E C MEADE O P T O M E t r i 'j ni- w î / r ß 1 H / ve , J USED CAR. W ITH AN O. K. TH A T COUNTS We have a complete stock of excellent reconditioned used cars. MORRIS CHEVROLET Co. 924 Olive St., Eugene, Oregon Telephone 627 Rest-Haven—now and 100 years from now Right NOW . ItH H T IIA V E N M E M O R IA L PAR K Is like a canvas upon which the artist has sketched In hold rough strokes the outlines of the picture that he is about to paint. . . To the uninitiated observer these sweeping D U R IN G the past two weeks, two Interm ent» the flra t— were held at R ett-H aven. The flrat area — Sunrlae — has been com pletely told out, and sale» are ac­ tive ly going forward In Evergradn— the ve- cond ares. And the campaign for the re­ sale of sites In Sun­ rise, for eotual use, has been launched. AH of these Im portant developments are but evidence of the v ita l­ ity and auocesafulnest of the Reet-Haven project. H T he new, handsome styles enhance one's good looks— and a re- exam ination a vlsuul Im provement. 1 Spring Fever . . . ; it eaoH dnace ¡ . - o v ­ i l e - I g t * * , ^B tr M.U», twee t in » W? lleves all GAR so you ran aal and sleep tietter Acts on B O TH upper and lower bowel rem oving poisons , yon never knew were there, and which roused your stomach trouble. No m atter what you have tried for stomacb and bowels. A dlerlka will surprise you! -Ftonery's IH ug Store line« mean little or nothing . . . But in the Imagination of the artist, the picture already lives and glows with the vlvldne»« of life Itself. As rapidly ns human energy will perm it, the undertaking that haa for It« object the rreatlo n of Rest-Haven Mem orial Is being carried on . . . Landscaping, well-digging, stump pull­ ing, the plantation of thousands of trees and shrub« these ure homely tasks that must be performed In order that the rinal beauty that w ill clothe the M em orial Park may become possible. Not In a month or a year can Rest- Haven be completed . , . For the a rt­ ist under whose magic creative power the Park w ill come to final perfection Is not man, hut nature . . . Not a year from now, or ten yenrs, hut In the future of our children and our child ­ ren's children, w ill Rest-Haven M em ­ orial Park grow Into the ultlma,to beauty that Is Its heritage. Don't you think that you, too, ought to Inform yourself about Rest-Haven? Rest-H aven MEMORIAL PARK 636-7-8 Minar Building Telephone 830